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Hey all! Right, this is my first posted fiction on the site, and, in all honesty, it's far from my best. There's something about it that I can't quite pin down that leaves me with mixed feelings about this post, but I thought I best put it out there for others to enjoy!


Just to put it all in context, this is the prologue of my DIY chapter's history. I plan to branch off with dual narrative from this point, with two distinct storyline that are deeply linked. But that;s all to come, since I am now in the process of scrapping together all the models I have at present and trying to turn them around so I can get them on the field. So, without further due, I bring to you, a new piece of fiction for you to chew, your way through! Enjoy!


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Dark were the nights upon Krothon. The atmosphere blotted out the light from all distant stars, and rare were the times when the light from either of the binary stars central to the system graced the crimson deserts that covered the planet’s surface, such was the density of matter caught in a chaotic orbit around the rare star formation. It was uncommon for a Terran month to pass without at least one thunderhawk sized rock plummet through a fiery trail of destruction, throwing thick clouds of debris into the atmosphere, enough to wipe out the entire ecosystem on a luxury world elsewhere in the galaxy. But, despite this, life clung to the barren world with a staunch grit and stubbornness that would make any of Dorn’s warriors proud. Humanity counted amongst the small list of species that had survived thus far.


But this night was not dark. For on this night, Krothon was burning.


Two power armoured figures stood upon a rocky outcrop, looking out across the plain. Only a couple of klicks separated them from the thick hide tents that denoted the outskirts of largest city upon the small planet, nearly ninety five percent of the world’s population had come together for the biannual meeting of nomad tribes. Clearly visible were the distinct camps, each of a singular tribe, and, closer to the centre, where the temporary tents ended, the towers of rockcrete that denoted the permanent Imperial constructions. A mine had been set up, to exploit the rich mineral deposits that had accumulated from the countless asteroids that ended their days landlocked within the sands, centred upon the planet’s northern magnetic pole. But, for the past two Terran months, the mining had ceased.


The figure on the right turned his armoured head slightly, the thick purple ceramite plates sliding silently across one another, his gaze focusing solely upon gleaming skull of his companion. Despite being an Astartes, he still had to crane his neck to focus upon the Master of Sanctity’s leering helm, for he was a giant amongst his brothers even before he donned his jet black terminator armour.


‘They have chosen you.’ came the words that broke the silence. The skull nodded slightly in response.


‘It was as expected.’ The two figures lapsed once more into silence as they watched the great city before them burn in chaotic rebellion.


‘Are the preparations complete?’


‘As you ordered. All that can be salvaged from the fortress-monastery, has been. All fallen geneseed has been harvested. All forces are already in orbit.’


‘And the virus?’ The chaplain turned, as he spoke, to face his companion, the two glowing eye slits boring into the marine’s soul.


‘Upon your command.’


'Come.' The pair turned, walking down from the outcrop to the awaiting thunderhawk. As they reached the ramp, the captain stopped. His companion took one further step, before halting to a complete stillness, his gaze still focused up into the depths of their transport. The captain turned, casting his gaze once more upon the burning city, a great rift of warp energies tearing into reality as he watched. This city he had once called home. But this was their home no longer. ‘If it is not the Emperor’s, it is to be the possession of none. Give the command.’ retorted the Master of Sanctity, before continuing up the ramp. As the ramp was raised, the last surviving captain stood motionless as the world disappeared from his gaze. He knew he would be the last to see it. As the ramped locked into its upward position, he similarly turned about, and, with that, spoke a single word through his comms.



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C+C welcome, but I do plan to go over it when my literary mindset takes hold once more, and hopefully with iron out the creases then.




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Right, sorry for the delay, I happened to come up with ideas much further down the line, so have pieces that would otherwise make no sense at present, already written up. Right, here goes with part two!


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The thunderhawk strafed hard to the lift as yet another burst of flak bombarded the heavens from the fallen PDF’s anti air cannons.


‘Green light in T minus one minute.’ came the voice of the pilot, the calm clarity of his tone a stark contrast to the chaos of war that engulfed the world around him.


Thirty brothers stood, two abreast, facing the rear access ramp, their deep purple armour bathed in red light. A deep, yet ominous, chant filled the hold as the warriors of the Emperor prepared to begin their purge of an entire world. All across the planet, similar chants were to be heard, as the entirety of the chapter had been mobilised to administer the Emperor’s justice to the fallen. ‘Green light in T minus thirty seconds.’


The hold switched to a deep amber, with which the chanting increased both in pace and volume. The front pair turned to one another, a knowing look passing between the two brothers.


‘And so it begins.’ Both declared, simultaneously, before returning to their incantations.


With fifteen seconds remaining, thirty Angels of Death fixed their purple helms, before completing their individual, last second checks. Ten seconds to spare, the Astartes all stood, unerringly straight and silent, facing the lowering ramp as the thunderhawk levelled off.


‘Green-’ The hold light changed. Thirty marines jolted into life. ‘-light.’ The first pair threw themselves into the void. The ramp locked into position. The second pair followed their brothers. ‘Jump,-’


Brother Rathan plummeted, head first, towards the hive city below. ‘ju-’, the pilot’s voice faded into static as he switched from the Thunderhawk’s comms channel onto that of his squad.


The sprawling rockcrete structures rushed up to greet Ratahan in a gory, bone shattering welcome. He could do nought but bare his teeth in a vicious grin: this was what it was to be an Astartes! The targeting lens within his helm began to trace across the blasted hive city below, before halting suddenly upon a rectangular structure, seemingly unharmed by what little orbital bombardment the chapter’s fleet had been able to bring to bear. As the lens zoomed in, Rathan noticed the erratic movement around what would appear to be a bunker. The targeting lens flashed red as Brother Sergeant Buriel’s voice came across the comms: ‘Confirmed’. The sergeant approved of Rathan’s target choice. Guardsmen, a bunker full of shaken and unsuspecting guardsmen. He spun slightly as he continued to plunge to the surface, watchin as his comrades adjusted their trajectories accordingly, Brother Rathan, however, did nothing of the sort.

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Chapter 3


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The Astartes knelt in reverence to the form before him, its massive armoured bulk illuminated by three candles positioned deep within the alcove in which it resided, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows through the cloud of incense that mugged the chapel. In response, the shadowy form waved an armoured gauntlet, the movement completed in complete silence, only adding to imposing presence it held within this, the chapter’s most hallowed chapel.


‘Master,’ came the voice of Brother Artorius, gaining a somewhat metallic tone as his voice was projected through his helm’s comms unit; ‘we have come across a faltering distress beacon from a planet in the Strathas system.’ Silence prevailed as the echo of the harsh sounds receded. The candle light flickered, causing the bleached bone helm of the form before him to gleam, a stark contrast to the otherwise all consuming shadow.


‘Of what origin?’ inquired the Master of Sanctity, his voice, although but a whisper, caused the marine before him to tremble slightly.


‘Blood Angels, Master, but…’ Artorius, one of the last of those recruited from Krothos, trailed off.


‘Your doubt brings anger to the Emperor’s loyal servants. Speak your fill, what must be known, shall become so.’ retorted the acting Chapter Master, the silence of the chapel shattered completely.


‘But Master, it comes from a vessel of no Space Marine chapter, but the Ninth Legion.’


The chaplain rose slowly from the solitary pew upon which he had resided for just shy of three Terran months. In one smooth movement, he turned about and dropped to his right knee, running the armoured fingers of his left gauntlet along the features of his skull helm. In such position he remained for but a minute, before striding out of the dim chapel into the bright, artificial light of the ship’s corridor, two words echoed in his wake.


‘The implications…’


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Right, there you go for now. The dual narrative has begun, and I shall endeavour, where possible, to post a chapter for each narrative at the same time. C+C welcome. More to come, I promise within the week!

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