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Fire and Forge


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Hello, wargamers. I just thought I'd post a little part of a Salamanders novel I'm working on, called Fire and Forge. Yes, I know the name is cheesy, but it sounded ok to me and I couldn't come up with anything else. So, this is the unfinished prologue and first chapter. I've been switching off. Enjoy!



A dry wind blew across the sands. The horizon was peaked with the setting sun, and the sight was magnificent to see. The warrior removed his helmet to breathe in the dry air, and inhaled deeply. Off in the distance, a volcano roared, spewing molten lava and smoke. So much like home, he thought. Replacing his helmet, he heard his brothers calling for him. It was time. Fingering the bolt pistol holstered at his hip, and the combat blade sheathed at his thigh, he smiled darkly. It was a good night for betrayal.



I. Brothers Forever

A dull clack sounded throughout the training chamber. In the sand-filled combat pit, two Salamanders attacked each other with wooden swords. Both were bare-chested, and wore green training breeches, their bodies drenched with sweat. The layer of perspiration coated the training warriors’ onyx black skin with an oily shine. One of them, muscular and slim, fought with the grace of a majestic cat, twisting out of harm’s way before lashing out with skillful ripostes and counter-strikes. The other, large and packed with all the muscles even an Astartes could get, attacked like a bear, using brute strength and stamina to overpower his opponent. After a couple of intense minutes, the lean warrior decided to finish the fight. Nimbly dodging his opponent’s clumsy overhead strike, he thrusted the point of his wooden stick into the large warrior’s ribs. With a groan of pain, he fell to his knees. “Yield.....You win this time, Aiko.” The huge Astartes heaved himself to his feet.

“This time, Kuma? I’ve beaten you the last three times.”

“Yes, but four times ago I gave you a whooping you can’t have forgotten by now.”

A smooth, deadly voice sounded from the unfurnished seats built around the pit. “Quiet, both of you. Neither one of you has beaten me.” Both warriors, surprised that they had an audience, whirled to see Brother Tsu’me descending the steps into the training pit. Kuma laughed heartily and clapped his brother on the shoulder. Aiko joined in, and even Tsu’me eventually cracked a smile. The three Salamanders were more than battle-brothers. They shared a close bond that had formed during their early years when they served in the same Scout squad. The warriors had saved each others’ lives countless times, and their friendship was unbreakable, stronger than the hardest steel and deadlier than the sharpest sword. It was a bond that no Salamander failed to notice, even Chapter Master Tu’Shan or Chief Librarian Vel’cona. As the three Astartes laughed and clasped wrists, telling stories of their personal victories while they had been apart, hours passed. It was definitely good to be home.

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