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Daemons and Chaos marines


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I've played an APOC team match with a guy running an all Khorne list and she was running daemons. They worked well as you want them, he ran and got up close for bloody goodness, she deep struck everything as reinforcements or just close enough before causing bloodshed.


I was on the recieving end with my Ultramarines, 1000pts of tyranids from a buddy, and 1000pts of necrons from another. They also ran forgeworld models, but besides the destruction those caused, the two lists created havok by themselfs if they got close enough. I think the Khorne player had 4 autocannons in their havok squads, running 2 squads.


These were house rules of course, I would assume you'd need to get clarification for tournament purposes.

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What about for normal games or 'ard boys?


For Ard Boyz, allies aren't allowed, as they aren't in the rulebook anymore. For normal games, it's a matter of asking your opponent. I often end up playing 1 vs. 2 against two people who only have a 1,000 points each since they're new to the game.

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I love to play allied games. Probably more than regular games. Only problem is with Daemons most often if the Daemon player's ally isn't aggressive enough to support the DS than usually it won't go so well. As far as the OP goes, it just depends if they're playing allies or not. I was allied once with a Tau player as Daemons! ARD' BOYZ generally isn't played with allies though.
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Hmm I don't know if this helps but there is a summoned deamons area in the csm codex but they don't have seperate stats ( e.g bloodletters and horrors)... But hey most of the csm codex is in the dumps anyways...


People only tend to take them for fluff. But you could ask your opponent if you can use the ones in the deamon codex instead :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tournaments no longer allow such, but many players in my experience don't really have a problem with larger games with allies as long as it makes some sense to them and is not obviously over powering. Apoc. games are just made for allies. I know in our local group I have a traitor guard (servants of slaughter from Imperial Armor 6), world eaters, and khorne daemons which I can put together to make one large 7000 point skull harvesting madhouse. We do games of that scale sometimes when we have a few days to burn and can leave the play area set up. It let you gets into some very interesting tactical insanity.


The last time I played a big collection of my skull harvesting army, it was fun even if I lost big. I got so busy slaughtering the Imperial Guard contingent that I was out of position when 1000 points of Grey Knight terminators and 1500 points of Space Wolves in drop pods hit my army out of reserve. The final coup de grace was 1400 points of Blood Angels hitting the table with descent of angels to pin me in a cross fire. Overall I played poorly but the combination of force types still opened up some very interesting tactical opportunities.

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