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Deliverance Lost summary


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One thing.


A black-armoured captain led the breakout, fighting his way towards a miraculously undamaged Thunderhawk as his warriors bore the grieously wounded body of their primarch towards escape.


That's from the end of Fulgrim, about the RG escape from Istvaan V. Now, what color was the Effrit Stealth squad's armour?

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One thing.


A black-armoured captain led the breakout, fighting his way towards a miraculously undamaged Thunderhawk as his warriors bore the grieously wounded body of their primarch towards escape.


That's from the end of Fulgrim, about the RG escape from Istvaan V. Now, what color was the Effrit Stealth squad's armour?


If that quote ends up being correct, that's a hell of a lot of planning and coordination on the authors' parts.


Or Gav picking up on something tiny. ;)

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Hidden in plain sight. Perfick.


I wasn't sure about the premise until I read that quote put up by Alkana. Now I really hope that turns out to be AL and they do it justice, because that will be amazingly good and show a great deal of forward planning by BL meaning that the they are all singing from the same hymn sheet.


You worry (a bit) that as more and more authors come on board that the series could degenerate, but a ten book leap from one idea to another shows great forward planning.


Unless, as said, Gav just found it and thought 'hmm, sneaky'. But I don't think so.

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Earlier today, I saw this on the Black Library`s website:


Corax and the few remaining Raven Guard escaped the massacre at Isstvan V but must now tend their wounds and replenish their numbers before they can return to the fray. Listless and distraught, the primarch returns to Terra to seek the Emperor’s counsel and is guided to the ancient genetech used to create the first Space Marines. While he seeks to rebuild his Legion and seek vengeance upon the Emperor’s Children for their betrayal, Corax is unaware that the shadowy agents of the Alpha Legion move among the Raven Guard, and that his own survival has merely been part of a far greater plan.


It would seem from this and The Face of Treachery that

the only reason the Raven Guard exist is because the Alpha Legion allowed them to survive...



Am I the only one who has a problem with this?


Oh jeezum jumped up on a pogo stick, this garbage again?

No. A thousand times no. To the pit with Legion all this nonsense it is spawning.

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Personally, can't see how any RG fluff can be trashed since, compared to the poster boys (Smurfs, BA, DA, SW), precious little exists.


And to be honest most people I've met who like the Raven Guard (myself included) find them interesting because after the drop site massacre, they were, as a fighting astartes legion, on their knees. It's not what put them there thats interesting, it's how they dug their way back up from the bottom. Anything that adds to that is a bonus

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Edit - Removal of a momentary brain fart...


Except now, they didnt dig their way back up from the bottom. The Alpha Legion put them on an elevator ;)

Except that nothing we have any actual information on even suggests that to be the Alpha Legions role/goal (even the questionable blurb doesn't hint at that). But lets not get too bogged down in facts now, its not like they've played a major role in this discussion thus far... :P or :wallbash: take your pick

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The winky face indicates sarcasm, dude...

As does the eyerolling smiley. I chose it as it also seemed to adequately show my opinion of all the jumping to conclusions on nil facts that this thread is rife with. Would this -> :P have been a better choice?

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One thing.
A black-armoured captain led the breakout, fighting his way towards a miraculously undamaged Thunderhawk as his warriors bore the grieously wounded body of their primarch towards escape.

That's from the end of Fulgrim, about the RG escape from Istvaan V. Now, what color was the Effrit Stealth squad's armour?

Which happens to directly contradict Corax walking up the ramp of the last drop ship offworld unaided and uninjured at the end of Raven's Flight...



No, because those are two different events. The first, from Fulgrim, is when they run from the Dropsite Massacre proper and eventually crash somewhere else on the planet. The second is when they are finally extracted from Isstvan V after many, many weeks of playing tag with the traitors, by which time Corax was recovered again. Primarchs are tough. ^^

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No, because those are two different events. The first, from Fulgrim, is when they run from the Dropsite Massacre proper and eventually crash somewhere else on the planet. The second is when they are finally extracted from Isstvan V after many, many weeks of playing tag with the traitors, by which time Corax was recovered again. Primarchs are tough. ^^

Ah, mea culpa, I did forget exactly when that extract was set (been a while since I last re-read Fulgrim). Still, all that really tells me is that he's suggesting Agapitto is an Alpha Legionnaire... I doubt that the Alpha Legion in the RG midst will be that highly placed since I suspect a Primarch like Corax would see through someone he were that close to (though knowing Gav's history with controversy anything is possible).

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Everyone is assuming that the Alpha Legion help by getting them off Istivan.

What idf thier help is to stop Corax from making his own Marine Mostrosities

Maybe the one thing Corax thinks will help his Legion would infact destroy them so the AL go after the RG clone lab.

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No, because those are two different events. The first, from Fulgrim, is when they run from the Dropsite Massacre proper and eventually crash somewhere else on the planet. The second is when they are finally extracted from Isstvan V after many, many weeks of playing tag with the traitors, by which time Corax was recovered again. Primarchs are tough. ^^

Ah, mea culpa, I did forget exactly when that extract was set (been a while since I last re-read Fulgrim). Still, all that really tells me is that he's suggesting Agapitto is an Alpha Legionnaire... I doubt that the Alpha Legion in the RG midst will be that highly placed since I suspect a Primarch like Corax would see through someone he were that close to (though knowing Gav's history with controversy anything is possible).


I am a bit more interested in how the AL have gotten into the RG. I am leaning more towards them infiltrating through a serf. I dont think it is really going to be so simple as painting power armor a different color. Now a serf who has been planted in the RG's legion,who has been slowly working his way up the ranks and now able to move more freely would be more of an AL way of doing things

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I am a bit more interested in how the AL have gotten into the RG. I am leaning more towards them infiltrating through a serf. I dont think it is really going to be so simple as painting power armor a different color. Now a serf who has been planted in the RG's legion,who has been slowly working his way up the ranks and now able to move more freely would be more of an AL way of doing things


As much as I agree with this in terms of how the AL operate in current 40k, I don't feel there's been enough time for them to implant a serf to raise up through the ranks at the time of Isstvan V. Unless they've been planting these spies in every single legion since long before the heresy began. I wouldn't put it past them to do this but it seems somewhat implausible compared to just painting themselves a different color and forging some identification codes.

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Unless they've been planting these spies in every single legion since long before the heresy began.

I suspect, based on their portrayal thus far, that this may well be exactly the case.


Although since we don't have even so much as an extract to go on, the best we can manage is largely groundless supposition and wild guesses.

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Don't forget it might be easier to repaint their armour than one might otherwise think. Provided you killed the ones you replaced and made sure they were from waaaaay out in the backwoods, a detachment in another Expeditionary fleet that other portions of the Legion hadn't seen in some time... it's certainly not outside the realm of literary ridiculousness.


Don't forget, a lot of the "The Alpha Legion did it!" is people who are not GW exaggerating for humour. We haven't seen OODLES of it yet at all in official publications. Before the GW Internet turned it into a meme, people lauded Legion for its awesomeness.

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I, for one, am intrigued as to how this will all go down. What do the AL have in store for the RG? Where does it fit in with the bigger picture? Plus we shouldn't already be panning a book that isn't released til next year.
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