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Thanks guys! Don't worry about lighting skills, they can come! Just lots of thin layers, and a bit of a naturally shaky hand. :) 

Haven't had much time to sit down and paint, but I did make a fun Praetor in my spare time this week. 
Use another Palatine Blade sword for his blade, because I think it looks more vicious. Shaving off the Raptor helmet to fit in that gorget was a pain though. 
  • 5 months later...

One down, nine to go... 




Since I've used most of the white rune only decals, I've come up with something a bit more extravagant for the assault squad. Not sure if I'll transfer this method to the Raptors. 




I'm pleased with the red on the gauntlets.

Edited by Inquisitor Engel
  • 2 months later...

Thanks Fire Golem!


I've had a fairly heavy few work weeks, but I can share some progress. 
I just like the two-handed sword look! 


Currently editing all the other images together and fixing blurs, but it's a long process. Perhaps a proper macro lens is in order.
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Terimus! 


Given up trying to balance the focus on a panorama. It might be time for a macro lens. 
I'm pleased overall. Now it's back to the Fists.
  • 5 months later...

Thanks Luke!


The Long War [on unpainted miniatures] continues! Bouncing between my Imperial Fists, my Eldar, and my Night Lords is wonderful. 
A [WIP] Legion Seeker Squad appears!
You can tell I don't model for gaming purposes... One combi-weapon of each type in this 5-man squad. The arm on the squad leader is from the 50th Anniversary Imperial Fist.
Edited by Inquisitor Engel

Looking good! Everything looks right on the mark, especially the lightning on the leader's leg. That bit just looks perfect.


Cheers! Lightning has been something I'm always satisfied with the colours for, but never the variance in patterns. Ah well. 


Seeker Squad ready for action! 
They were a unit of opportunity and a good chance to try out the new airbrush setup, which worked marvelously. 
They're in the dual-coffin rune squad, as I'm running out of white decals. I've started work on a Terror Squad next, who will likely not have shoulder pad runs anyway, which is handy. 
In disappointing news, my LGS is having trouble stocking Vallejo. :( In good news, apparently the Warhammer Cafe is opening in Dallas! On the downside, Citadel paints still don't come in dropper bottles... 
  • 4 weeks later...
The Terror Squad is complete! Unlike the Seeker Squad, whose recon-like nature befits the black weapons. I ended up choosing Volkite Cavaliers for this squad and leaving off the squad markings (except on the sergeant) so that they can slot into a 10-man 40k CSM squad as a counts-as special weapon since Volkites have no 40k equivalent. Of course, because I'm WYSIWYG they'd all count as the same special weapon. 




I also chose to make the bone parts here actually bone instead of white like on the other squad sergeants, as if any squad is KEEPING bone on their armour fresh, versus bleaching, it's a Terror Squad. 




I'm a big fan of the lightning on this one.




More gold accents to showcase the "veteran" nature of the squad, but not enough to make them look 40k. 




So yeah, I'm really pleased, and making MUCH faster progress with this army than I expected. Next up will probably be the Destroyer Squad, but it's the Eldar's turn now. :) 
  • 2 months later...
When you're marked for death already, put your red gauntlets on and you're like "I guess I'll play with rad weapons then."




WIP Night Lords Destroyers on the way! I'm pretty pleased with the masking job as I sprayed black THEN went "D'oh, I need to zenithal highlight the shoulder pads!" This will be my first battle damaged squad, as I tend to prefer a cleaner "just dropping in" look. Haven't started on that step yet. 


I also bought a Leviathan on my trip to the UK last week (and a Daredeo, but that had to be shipped)


I got excited. 




He walks again. 
  • 4 weeks later...
I did it!




I actually finished this squad last week, but had an extremely busy travel week last week with E3 and just a ton of meetings at work, I was unable to post them. That said, I'm super stoked with how they turned out. So stoked I took down the TV in my study, sold the entertainment center and my TV, just to make room for 3 full glass display cabinets. 








Blood for the Blood God is a marvelous, marvelous technical paint. 




The rest I'm just super pleased with. The airbrushing on the pads. The smooth matte black with the silver and grey chipping worked perfectly. The highlights were easy to touch up. The decals worked perfectly. The Destroyer emblem is from the FW Imperial Fists decal sheet, with the rest of the decals coming from the FW Night Lords ones. As with all my other VIII Legion squads, the Night Raptors helm is used to signify the squad leader. 
  • 2 months later...

Thanks guys! Work is slow. Lots of work travel (I've been home 2 of the past 6 weeks) so I've been trying to tackle my Recon squad one at a time.


Sometimes fear is not knowing where the next shot will come from...




I did some additional chipping along the fronts of the legs and undersides of the arms, where he'd have the most contact with the ground while being prone to take a shot. I covered the blue armour with an additional Nuln Oil wash to darken him compared to the other Night Lords squads. 

Edited by Inquisitor Engel
  • 1 month later...

Those Destroyers look cracking, as does the new sniper.


I fear I may never reach their lofty heights again... I seriously think they might be my best marine models ever.


Anyway, Pretty pleased with these guys. Adding some light chipping to the armor and giving it an extra shade of Nuln Oil to make them darker than the rest really helps give them a slightly stealthier vibe than the others. 



Cloaks are just Skavenblight Dinge and lots of washes of Nuln Oil, with Mechanics Standard Grey and then Administratum Grey highlights. The guy reaching for his next ammo pouch is my favourite. Even gave him a dropped mag at his base and trimmed the extra from the gun. 
Here they are rotating! https://imgur.com/BUJLxVb (Resolution sucks despite my phone theoretically recording at 4K?)
Edited by Inquisitor Engel
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh wow. Those destroyer marines are perfect! Shame their rules are so lacklustre.


If you don't mind me asking, how did you do the black armour like you did? 


Glad you like it! Spray black. Hit with a spray of Vallejo Model Air Black, because black primer is meh. Edge highlights with Administratum Grey. Teeny tiny chips with Adminustratum Grey and then those same spots get a tiny chip of Leadbelcher too. Then they all get hit with a Nuln Oil wash. Matte Varnish. 


In other news, the Prince of Crows is coming together.

His knife broke at some point in the years I've had the model, so I replaced it with a cool looking Dark Elf knife from WFB which still looks pretty savage. Really pleased with the flayed flesh loincloth. 

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