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IA: Swords of Vengeance - Project reboot on page 2, post #45


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I like your ideas, they're very solid. However, I see one issue. You would almost have to create a second chapter to be your chapter's 'parent' chapter. Or did you have something in mind for that?
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I like your ideas, they're very solid. However, I see one issue. You would almost have to create a second chapter to be your chapter's 'parent' chapter. Or did you have something in mind for that?

Cheers Khiros :P As for the parent Chapter, I thought of just having the outline of the Chapter known, and then I may develop it further in a seperate, future IA :)




Edit: This is the colour scheme I had in mind. Any good?



Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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I like the ideas here, much better than mine damn you! :P


Remember that geneseed doesn't always play a role in Chapter behaviour, however, I appreciate what you're trying to do with the lineage of character to make it feel right.


Maybe it's worth having a look at a second founding chapter that was destroyed - similar to the Black Consuls? I know they're UM successors, but it doesn't mean you have to change your tactics. The Codex embraces (almost) every style.


Looks good so far, keep at it!



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Sounds good. ;)


As for the scheme, I like it. Any particular reason for the color choices? Just curious.

Cheers! Yeah, the beige is to represent the Desert World of Mellann, where they had their old Fortress-Monastery.


I like the ideas here, much better than mine damn you! :D

Cheers Mazer :mellow: I'll have a look at your IA to verify that!


Remember that geneseed doesn't always play a role in Chapter behaviour, however, I appreciate what you're trying to do with the lineage of character to make it feel right.

Don't worry, I know, but yeah, it feels "better" when gene-seed fits the character (though it's also easier :D)!


Maybe it's worth having a look at a second founding chapter that was destroyed - similar to the Black Consuls? I know they're UM successors, but it doesn't mean you have to change your tactics. The Codex embraces (almost) every style.

Hum... Not sure, as there seems to be a lot of Black Consul descendants in the Liber so I actually prefer to invent my own parent Chapter, as it could also be a future IA ;)


Looks good so far, keep at it!

Cheers mate :D

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It's a nice idea BBL, and I'm honoured to have inspired you to get building something for the table top, it's definately a cool feeling to have some (ok-ish in my case) painted models and be able to point out some back story to them as well.


First off, the scheme is very nice. As to the Gene seed, I'd be inclined to avoid the DA, it just seems a bit too obvious with the 'running off to fulfil their own agenda' thing. If anything, I'd say it works better with the Dornian stubborness, a relentless determination to get back at their hated enemy kind of thing?


A DIY parent Chapter does mean more work in some ways, but when the parent forms an integral part of the story of your Chapter, I think it's better to make your own. After all, GW might easily change some point about a previously unfleshed-out official Chapter, forcing you to do a whole rewrite.

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It's a nice idea BBL, and I'm honoured to have inspired you to get building something for the table top, it's definately a cool feeling to have some (ok-ish in my case) painted models and be able to point out some back story to them as well.

Cheers SCL :)


First off, the scheme is very nice.

Well, it took me a while to get it right, but at least now, it's done.


As to the Gene seed, I'd be inclined to avoid the DA, it just seems a bit too obvious with the 'running off to fulfil their own agenda' thing. If anything, I'd say it works better with the Dornian stubborness, a relentless determination to get back at their hated enemy kind of thing?

You're right about DA, it is a bit too obvious. So, for the moment, it's Dorn's gene-lineage.


A DIY parent Chapter does mean more work in some ways, but when the parent forms an integral part of the story of your Chapter, I think it's better to make your own. After all, GW might easily change some point about a previously unfleshed-out official Chapter, forcing you to do a whole rewrite.

I don't really mind a tad more work if it means I can create the parent Chapter that goes best for my Chapter.


Again, cheers for posting :D





it's definately a cool feeling to have some (ok-ish in my case) painted models

Ok-ish? I'd say they aren't the best painted models I've seen, but they damn well look great and feel "real"! You should be proud of them :D

Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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Looks great!


Alpha Legion would be the obvious choice for the destroyers of the parent chapter, but I think Thousand Sons might be a good choice too. They could have destroyed the parent chapter for Ahriman or another Lord in search of something guarded by the parent chapter (a spell book or artefact or somesuch item).


Thats my two cents!

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Looks great!

Thanks Castiel :P


Alpha Legion would be the obvious choice for the destroyers of the parent chapter, but I think Thousand Sons might be a good choice too. They could have destroyed the parent chapter for Ahriman or another Lord in search of something guarded by the parent chapter (a spell book or artefact or somesuch item).

Thanks for the ideas, but I've already got my own which I'm writing up now. However, if mine doesn't work I could use yours ;)



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Basic idea:


The ___________ were a pretty normal Space Marine Chapter right until their parent Chapter got utterly destroyed by a quite sizeable Chaos force, led by Lord _________ of the __________ warband/legion/ kindergarten sect.


Chaos Kindergarten Squads.

Lending a whole new meaning to the word 'infantry'.



When they hear the news of the Chapter’s destruction, the Chapter Master, with the unanimous approval of Chapter, vows to hunt down and exterminate the ones responsible for “Dad’s” death. The Fortress-Monastery is sealed and abandoned; the whole fleet is retro-fitted with new stuff so that the Chapter can function without a planet-based Fortress and the Chapter is split into roughly 5 groups, each led by a Captain (now called Strike Captains). Each group travels the galaxy alone, replying to calls of aid, cleansing Chaos/Xenos/Mutant filth, recruiting humans to replace their losses, etc… Every two decades or so, the whole Chapter meets up (battles and Warp-permitting) to discuss things and usually celebrate the fall of another enemy of Mankind.


So the theme is a quest for vengeance? Interesting enough. :D


Now for a few questions to help you fill it out a bit. :P


Are they impetuous, hot-headed marines? Are they cold, calculating and ruthless?

Or are they something else entirely?


Are the five groups made up of one battle company and one reserve, or is there further alteration of codex doctrines?

Their gene-seed. Now this is the tricky one. I imagined their honour and that of the Astartes as a whole as being important (they are avenging another Astartes Chapter) to them and they would do pretty much anything to uphold it. This pretty much points to Dorn or Khan gene-seed. But their obsession about avenging their destroyed parent Chapter by any means possible (for example, they receive word that their nemesis is in the neighbouring system and even though they’re in a campaign, there’s a very big chance that they will immediately leave to hunt the scum down, even if it means the loss of an vital objective, etc… for the Imperial side) points more towards Dark Angel-type behaviour.


They are quite a mobile force to as their mission requires it, and so often deploy Bikes, Land Speeders and other such transports to swiftly “come to terms” with the enemy.


I'd lean away from the DA myself. I think adding in some fallen-hunting might detract from their more direct hatred of the ones who killed their parent Chapter.

If I had to pick, I'd say Dorn or Guilliman's lineage. Or maybe even Ferrus Manus.


Oh, and I don’t have a name for them (though it isn’t that important right now). I was thinking of Avenging Sons or Avengers (the change their Chapter name too to suit their new self-appointed mission) but I don’t think either of them is very original… Anyway, it will be discussed soon enough


How about the Swords of Honour?

Or even Swords of Vengeance?


Nice colourscheme, by the by. Very cool. ;)

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Chaos Kindergarten Squads.

Lending a whole new meaning to the word 'infantry'.



That is most definitely sig'd :P


So the theme is a quest for vengeance? Interesting enough. ^_^


Now for a few questions to help you fill it out a bit. :P


Are they impetuous, hot-headed marines? Are they cold, calculating and ruthless?

Or are they something else entirely?


Are the five groups made up of one battle company and one reserve, or is there further alteration of codex doctrines?

Cold, calculating, ruthless. And the five groups will be filled out soon, but they should be autonomous groups, so they have everything they need (so that includes recruits, normally).


I'd lean away from the DA myself. I think adding in some fallen-hunting might detract from their more direct hatred of the ones who killed their parent Chapter.

If I had to pick, I'd say Dorn or Guilliman's lineage. Or maybe even Ferrus Manus.

Will keep that in mind :)


How about the Swords of Honour?

Or even Swords of Vengeance?


Nice colourscheme, by the by. Very cool. ^_^

Cheers Ace :)


Well, sorry to say this, but I'm not too keen on those two names. A bit too "common", I'd say. But I'll keep them in mind anyhow, just in case I fail to find anything better or equal to them.


Big thanks for your reply and advice, Ace :)




Edit: There'll be a proper update on Monday, btw. Nothing much until then!

Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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Cold, calculating, ruthless. And the five groups will be filled out soon, but they should be autonomous groups, so they have everything they need (so that includes recruits, normally).


OK. I was just wondering how they'd work. :lol:


How about the Swords of Honour?

Or even Swords of Vengeance?


Nice colourscheme, by the by. Very cool. ^_^

Cheers Ace :)


Well, sorry to say this, but I'm not too keen on those two names. A bit too "common", I'd say. But I'll keep them in mind anyhow, just in case I fail to find anything better or equal to them.


Big thanks for your reply and advice, Ace :)




Excellent. My suggestions for names might win by default! :)

Now all I have to do is hope Chapter Master Ignis Domus doesn't pop up and suggest 'Purifiers'. ;)

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Excellent. My suggestions for names might win by default! :devil:

Now all I have to do is hope Chapter Master Ignis Domus doesn't pop up and suggest 'Purifiers'. :ermm:




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Are they impetuous, hot-headed marines? Are they cold, calculating and ruthless?

Or are they something else entirely?


Are the five groups made up of one battle company and one reserve, or is there further alteration of codex doctrines?

Cold, calculating, ruthless. And the five groups will be filled out soon, but they should be autonomous groups, so they have everything they need (so that includes recruits, normally).

Cold, calculating and ruthless, eh?


What about objectives? Does vengeance come first or the Imperium? Will the sacrifice X number of civilians to kill their enemy, or will the sacrifice that chance for the hive world's sake? When they go into battle, do they stop after their specific orders have been completed, or are they expected to pursue the Chaos Marines first?


Basicly, what are their priorities?

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Cold, calculating and ruthless, eh?


What about objectives? Does vengeance come first or the Imperium? Will the sacrifice X number of civilians to kill their enemy, or will the sacrifice that chance for the hive world's sake? When they go into battle, do they stop after their specific orders have been completed, or are they expected to pursue the Chaos Marines first?


Basicly, what are their priorities?

Ah, Thirst, I wondered if I would be seeing you here :)


Objectives? Well, that's a tricky one. I'm guessing, being (most probably), sons o' Dorn, that they will protect Humanity first, then kill the baddies who killed "Papa". But then, it may change with time. But anyway, that's the only "solid" response I can come up with, so I hope that it'll suffice :)



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Cold, calculating and ruthless, eh?


What about objectives? Does vengeance come first or the Imperium? Will the sacrifice X number of civilians to kill their enemy, or will the sacrifice that chance for the hive world's sake? When they go into battle, do they stop after their specific orders have been completed, or are they expected to pursue the Chaos Marines first?


Basicly, what are their priorities?

Ah, Thirst, I wondered if I would be seeing you here ;)


Objectives? Well, that's a tricky one. I'm guessing, being (most probably), sons o' Dorn, that they will protect Humanity first, then kill the baddies who killed "Papa". But then, it may change with time. But anyway, that's the only "solid" response I can come up with, so I hope that it'll suffice :P




I quoted the above and I forget why, so if the following appears to have no connection you know why.



What if vengeance is the objective? Wiping out a force that has already destroyed a valuable and powerful force within the Imperium - a Chapter of the Astartes - would seem like a perfect objective. After all, the best defence is a good offence or so the cliche goes.


The Sons of Dorn all have a streak of stubborness and refusal to back down, though I think it is most typically considered as a "true" Imperial Fist trait. This is in part why the Crimson Fists did not, metaphorically, lay down and die on Rynn's World and why the Black Templars carry on the Crusade.


So, in both their fury and stubbornness they dedicate themselves to a Crusade of their own; to destroy a dangerous force, that in the same istant will give them the vengeance they desire.


You can always explore a different rout too; they achieve their aim, destroy the foe, what then? To dedicate your existence to one end with such focus must alter your mindset at its conclusion - if they survive.

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Cold, calculating and ruthless, eh?


What about objectives? Does vengeance come first or the Imperium? Will the sacrifice X number of civilians to kill their enemy, or will the sacrifice that chance for the hive world's sake? When they go into battle, do they stop after their specific orders have been completed, or are they expected to pursue the Chaos Marines first?


Basicly, what are their priorities?

Ah, Thirst, I wondered if I would be seeing you here ;)


Objectives? Well, that's a tricky one. I'm guessing, being (most probably), sons o' Dorn, that they will protect Humanity first, then kill the baddies who killed "Papa". But then, it may change with time. But anyway, that's the only "solid" response I can come up with, so I hope that it'll suffice ;)




I'd put forward the suggestion that priorities could vary from Captain to Captain.

As in, they're meant to put their duty to the Imperium first, but sometimes they just see red and take off after the heretics, leaving the wider battlefield to it's own devices.

Better still, you could make this reckless behaviour slowly becoming more and more of a trend as the Chapter goes on. :P



Typos. Grrrrr.

Edited by Ace Debonair
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I quoted the above and I forget why, so if the following appears to have no connection you know why.


What if vengeance is the objective? Wiping out a force that has already destroyed a valuable and powerful force within the Imperium - a Chapter of the Astartes - would seem like a perfect objective. After all, the best defence is a good offence or so the cliche goes.


The Sons of Dorn all have a streak of stubborness and refusal to back down, though I think it is most typically considered as a "true" Imperial Fist trait. This is in part why the Crimson Fists did not, metaphorically, lay down and die on Rynn's World and why the Black Templars carry on the Crusade.


So, in both their fury and stubbornness they dedicate themselves to a Crusade of their own; to destroy a dangerous force, that in the same istant will give them the vengeance they desire.


You can always explore a different rout too; they achieve their aim, destroy the foe, what then? To dedicate your existence to one end with such focus must alter your mindset at its conclusion - if they survive.

Don't worry about the quote :D


Hmmm... well, the only thing I'm uncomfortable about with that is the fact that they're getting more and more close to the Angels of Redemption who abandon their current fight at any sign of the Fallen nearby... :D


I'd put forward the suggestion that priorities could vary from Captain to Captain.

As in, they're meant to put their duty to the Imperium first, but sometimes they just see red and take off after the heretics, leaving the wider battlefield to it's own devices.

Better still, you could make this reckless behaviour slowly becoming more and more of a trend as the Chapter goes on. :D

That is a great idea :D Thanks Ace! Will include that in the next update (should be today/tomorrow mornin')



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So, here I am again to re-arrange things a bit and to make things a bit more understandable and readable!




Name: N/A


Founding: N/A


Gene-seed: Dorn (through which Chapter?)


Descripiton: Normal Chapter until a large Chaos force completely destroys their parent Chapter. Chapter as a whole vows to avenge the fallen and destroy their now hated enemy. Whole Chapter split into 5 Strike Companies, each under the direct command of a Strike Captain. Each Company is self-sufficient and travels alone across the galaxy, hunting down their enemy and replying to distress calls whenever they not too busy. Each Strike Captain has full command over his own Company and so points of view and battle methods differ between Companies. They will do pretty much anything (within reason) to get their hands and kill their eternal enemy. They are even ready, in some cases to abandon a battle to pursue the Chaos warband if they hear that they are near... They are extremely stubborn (as befits the inheritors of Dorn's gene-lineage) and will rarely give up their positions once they are taken.


Battle Cry: N/A


Beliefs: Believe that it is their right to pursue that particular Chaos warband above all else as it is a force capable of wiping out an entire Chapter of the Emperor's finest warriors, and so is a very dangerous threat.




Well, that's all for the mo, I guess. I'll add more during the next few days, whenever I have the time to. If I've forgotten to add anything from the previous discussions, please tell me! :)





Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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So, here I am again to re-arrange things a bit and to make things a bit more understandable and readable!




Name: N/A


Founding: N/A


Gene-seed: Dorn (through which Chapter?)


Descripiton: Normal Chapter until a large Chaos force completely destroys their parent Chapter. Chapter as a whole vows to avenge the fallen and destroy their now hated enemy. Whole Chapter split into 5 Strike Companies, each under the direct command of a Strike Captain. Each Company is self-sufficient and travels alone across the galaxy, hunting down their enemy and replying to distress calls whenever they not too busy. Each Strike Captain has full command over his own Company and so points of view and battle methods differ between Companies. They will do pretty much anything (within reason) to get their hands and kill their eternal enemy. They are even ready, in some cases to abandon a battle to pursue the Chaos warband if they hear that they are near... They are extremely stubborn (as befits the inheritors of Dorn's gene-lineage) and will rarely give up their positions once they are taken.


Battle Cry: N/A


Beliefs: Believe that it is their right to pursue that particular Chaos warband above all else as it is a force capable of wiping out an entire Chapter of the Emperor's finest warriors, and so is a very dangerous threat.




Well, that's all for the mo, I guess. I'll add more during the next few days, whenever I have the time to. If I've forgotten to add anything from the previous discussions, please tell me! ;)






nice start to an IA love the idea of a chapter on a crusade of vengeance. ;)

just wondering if the strike companies meet up at all to exchange info and has this chaos warband stayed together or have they fragmented. :P plus do they have any allies in this crusade of vengeance ( ;) inquisition etc) or has their behaviour made governors etc reluctant to ask the chapter for aid

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Sounds cool! ;) I look forward to seeing how this develops.

I do have one question. I understand that they are divided up so they have a better chance of finding these guys, but how does the Captain contact the other Strike Companies when he is about to make a move on the Chaos Warband? Because if they are strong enough to wipe out a Chapter, wouldn't 1/5 of a Chapter be something of a cakewalk? Well, a cakewalk with land mines maybe, but you get the idea. So logically, they would have to be able to fairly quickly regroup with one another to launch an attack on the Warband, which means they should probably stay within a few lightyears of one another so that they can meet up and coordinate the attack together before the baddies get away.



Sorry, that turned out a lot more long winded than I meant it to.

Edited by Brother Augustine
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Cheers for the replies. I'll reply in my own time tomorrow, as well as collect all the info into something readable :mellow: Been delayed by RL but it will be done!


Anything else to ask/add/change before tomorrow?





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Supposedly created in mid M.36, just after the terrible and bloody Age of Apostasy, the Sword of Vengeance are the proud inheritors of Primarch Dorn's gene-seed, upholding their honour whatever the situation and never backing down. However, one devastating event would mar that honour forever: the destruction of their parent Chapter by the forces of Chaos. Upon receiving the news of the massacre, the Chapter as a whole vowed to avenge the fallen and set off on a crusade to bring those responsible to justice. It would only end in the total annihilation of one of the two enemies. Ever since that fateful day, the Swords have travelled the width and breadth of the galaxy, forever on the lookout, forever hunting down those whose hands were sullied with the blood of their brothers.

Home World

Due to the nomadic nature of their mission, the Swords have no home world per se. Instead, along the course of their travels, whenever they are in the proximity of a world with promising aspirants, the Swords make planetfall, round up the male youths of surrounding settlements, select those fit and healthy enough to undergo the strenuous tests which lead to becoming an Astartes and leave. While those few who know of this method have criticised the Chapter, the Swords pay no heed to those who do not comprehend their need to recruit and train new warriors.

But it was not always so. Once, long ago, the Swords of Vengeance had a world that they called home: the desert world of Mellann. Situated in the Kirlian Isles, in the southern hemisphere of the planet, their Fortress-Monastery was deeply embedded in the hard sandstone of the Isles. The Swords once recruited from the desert tribes that wandered the sand plains, forever in search of food and, most importantly, water. These tribes were forever fighting over the possession of the few oasis' that flecked the bleak sand dunes and always battling for survival against the many desert predators that inhabited those sun-scorched lands. But the planet was abandoned, after much debate, once the Chapter had pronounced its vow to hunt down the murders of their brothers. The Fortress was sealed forever and all of its contents were dispersed across the Swords' fleet.

Combat Doctrine

Hard-hitting and decisive hits are the Chapter's trademark way of fighting. A quick series of attacks to paralyse the enemy, leaving them confused and reeling under the precise assaults, then closing in to utter destroy the rest. It is a ruthless way to destroy the enemy, but the Swords see it as necessary and will not take any chances with their prey.

This aggressive nature has also molded the way they use the different vehicles and other equipment that the Chapter has within the hallowed halls of its Forge. The large amounts of Land Speeders, Jump Packs and Bikes that the Chapter has amassed, while not being common to the other Sons of Dorn, have proved to be of vital importance to the Chapter, enabling them to carry out their precise strikes without much difficulty and losses.


The Chapter has a rather non-Codex way of organising itself. Rather than having the usual Codex layout of ten Companies, the Swords of Vengeance have chosen a different approach. The Chapter is divided into five roughly equivalent groups, called Strike Companies, each led by a Strike Captain and containing around two hundred battle-ready Astartes. Each Company has its own set of ships and are completely self-sufficient in the ways of recruits, equipment and vehicles. These Companies each roam the galaxy at their own accord, hunting down Mankind's foes, forever keeping their eyes and ears open to any mention of their hated nemesis.

The only occasions for which the whole Chapter reunites are the Feast of Blades and the Feast of Destruction. The latter is a great feast held in honour of their fallen Primarch and brothers, but is also an occasion for the Strike Companies to discuss different matters and pool all their knowledge about the Nemesis together. It is not known how often the Feast is held, but Imperial Scholars have speculated that it is held on the same date as the destruction of their parent Chapter.


The ever growing obsession of bringing the Nemesis to justice has molded into the belief that it is their holy mission, as order by the Emperor himself, to hunt down their enemy and utterly destroy them.

The Swords also believe, like the great majority of Mankind, that the Emperor is indeed a god and that they fight by his divine will. While this has brought them face-to-face with other, "non-believer" Chapters, such as the Imperial Fists themselves, the Swords have never abandoned their faith and are seen as zealous and uncompromising warriors.

As all sons of Dorn, the Chapter equally has an obsession with conquering pain by force of will and discipline. The Chapter's obsession with will power and discipline is sometimes characterised as further involving a deep-seated drive towards self-sacrifice and penance. This trait is often simplified as merely involving a particularly stubborn disposition.


As inheritors of Dorn's genetic code, the Swords have all of the traits that can be found among their brother Chapters, as well as missing both the Betcher's Gland, which allows the Marine to produce acidic spittle, and the Sus-an Membrane, which allows the Marine to enter a state of suspended animation.

Other than this, the Chapter's gene-seed is deemed pure and is rigorously tested and checked for any signs of weakness or taint.

Battle Cry

"Vengeance will be ours!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Phew. Well, at least that's over and done with, for now.

So, as always, comment away, rip it to shreds and help me make it better!




nice start to an IA love the idea of a chapter on a crusade of vengeance. :D
just wondering if the strike companies meet up at all to exchange info and has this chaos warband stayed together or have they fragmented. :) plus do they have any allies in this crusade of vengeance ( :devil: inquisition etc) or has their behaviour made governors etc reluctant to ask the chapter for aid

Cheers :)

Well, I won't add it now (I'm going to have a little breather) but I think that while they are obsessed with their goal and are merciless, ruthless killers, they do do their job properly and so Planetary Governors and the like aren't that reluctant to get them to do the dirty work!

Sounds cool! :tu: I look forward to seeing how this develops.
I do have one question. I understand that they are divided up so they have a better chance of finding these guys, but how does the Captain contact the other Strike Companies when he is about to make a move on the Chaos Warband? Because if they are strong enough to wipe out a Chapter, wouldn't 1/5 of a Chapter be something of a cakewalk? Well, a cakewalk with land mines maybe, but you get the idea. So logically, they would have to be able to fairly quickly regroup with one another to launch an attack on the Warband, which means they should probably stay within a few lightyears of one another so that they can meet up and coordinate the attack together before the baddies get away.

Sorry, that turned out a lot more long winded than I meant it to.

Cheers mate :)

I don't think that he does contact the other Companies (too much distance between them), but as Sons of Dorn, they will fight their Nemesis, even if it's a 999:1 ratio in favour of Chaos. They're as stubborn as hell, so they wouldn't let those kind of odds hinder them! Of course, they are careful, but they would still go ahead and try to kill 'em all! Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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Phew. Well, at least that's over and done with, for now.


So, as always, comment away, rip it to shreds and help me make it better!

Excellent. :)


I mean, er...

I'll give it a look through later and see if I can make any useful suggestions. :tu:


You have been warned I mean, uh, it looks alright at first glance, so there probably won't be any massive demolitions involved. :devil:

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