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  1. So, as the title states, this will be my third return to the hobby. Original time was back in the early 2000's, I had a Space Wolves army that I had painted a pale green, don't ask 12-year old me why. I quickly moved on to a Black Legion Army that included some Rhino Rush Berserkers, the then-new Defiler, and a metal Daemon Prince (you know the one). This must have been 3e-4.5. This phase culminated with a trip to the Atlanta Games Day where I submitted my old metal Typhus model. At this time, I was pretty into the Space Wolf books and also Storm of Iron. As for models, I was pretty into Codex: Eye of Terror, and especially the Grey Slayer models, but this was when I think high school started to really pick up for me. None of the models from this era survived. Fast forward to about 10 years ago, got back into it and picked up some models again and got back to work, converting some vaguely renegade Marines using the Chaos Warrior gloved arms and axes. Not sure what my plan was, and I fell off the wagon again. I think I first got into the HH books here. Second return- Still got a few of those models, and went back through them when I moved. Got some more, this would have been right around the time of the plastic HH boxes coming out. I started working on some fluff and got a ton of bits and did some assembly, but I was mostly working background via the Iron Gauntlet challenge in the Liber forums. You can find some of that fluff here and here. But with Primaris coming out, I felt pretty overwhelmed and kind of worn out, and for whatever reason, I fell out of it again. Finally, this time, I’m ready to finish the Violent Gods, including an update to the fluff that fixes some typos and situates them firmly in the space of the Dark Imperium now that Guilliman is back. My plan is still to run them as Space Wolves, albeit without some of the Wolfier choices in the Codex. Anyway, here’s some models. Counts as GH. Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil, then Agrax. They all need a highlight, and I think the Marine on the right needs some Nuln Oil. The one in the middle was mostly finished as a test, but I’ve since redone his armor to match the one on his left, built when you could load out GH squads with bg, bp, AND chainswords. Oh well. More GH. Same armor layers applied. GH Plasma Specialists. Champion/WG/Lieutenant on the left (needs more bits!), GH on the right. WGPL, WGPL- possibly for Long Fangs, GHPL. Counts as Long Fangs, including a possible RG defector, perhaps you can guess which one (!). I think two more lascannons ought to fill this squad out. I’ve got some Blood Claws, a few characters, and some Rhino’s hopefully up next. Thoughts about the dirty metal armor? I think it needs a highlight, but not sure which color to use. I was hoping that jumping right to Runefang or Stormhost Silver won’t be too stark. Thanks for looking! Edit: thought my old thread was archived, but it is not, and it is in my signature.
  2. I, twopounder, of the Obsidian Angels take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete Challenge The First and submit it to the Liber before the deadline. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the Emperor curse me if I fail. Chapter Names: Order of Obsidian, Obsidian Angels Home world: Serran Founding: NA/Unofficial Legion: Dark Angels Colors: Obsidian, Gold, Granite From the Ashes After the destruction of their home world Caliban, the surviving marines of the first legion had multiple catastrophes to handle. Their planet and recruiting world was gone, their gene-father was missing, half their number were traitor, dead or missing and the flames of heresy still consumed the galaxy. While commanders were preparing the remains of the legion to secrecy about the events of Caliban and summoning resources to fight in The Scourging, a small few chapter masters and the forge lords gathered to discuss a matter of secrecy equal to Luther's betrayal. When the Dark Angels first departed Terra to pave the way for the Emperor's Great Crusade, they were secreted weapons forbidden to the rest of humanity. So dangerous were these devices that none of the Emperor's sons were ever trusted to know of their existence. This arsenal increased yet further when Jonson took command of the legion and their vaults stretched across the galaxy. The gravity of the censure from possessing these weapons would be severe and the consequences of the weapons being turned upon loyal forces, dire. While plans were being made to track down the traitors of the legion, Chapter Master Callan Gehl met with Forge Masters Lukha Verenz and Therrus Fell about this concern. This would come to be known as the Tripacta Sovereignty Council and set into place the framework for the future of collaboration between the First Legion and what would become its successor chapters. Though the Codex Astartes had not yet been declared by Guilliman, nine-hundred and fifty seven warriors with knowledge of the Dark Angel's forbidden weapons were assembled into a self-sufficient force tasked with three protocols to adhere for chapter operations: 1) Retrieve all weapons and wargear owned, branded or claimed by the First Legion prior to the betrayal at Caliban. 2) Destroy any incriminating evidence that cannot be secured 3) Pursue anyone that possesses this forbidden technology The legion officially declared this chapter XVII, The Order of Obsidian and provided them with most of the forbidden technology that remained in the Tower of Angels. There was concern already of an investigation into the debris field of Caliban, and the Dark Angels were not willing to risk additional incrimination for their artefacts. Master Ortoro Sebastian was promoted to the rank of Grand Master and commissioned as the first to lead the chapter into its crusade for the lost relics. While the bulk of the legion prepared for the long war against the forces of the dead warmaster, the Order of Obsidian departed in a separate fleet to their first target. Aside from caches known to the legion masters, several additional sites listed in Jonson's personal logs. The planet Serran was visited by Jonson and was noted to have a technology vault suitable to sustain a significant force. Discovery of Serran Three months after their departure from Caliban the Order of Obsidian made orbit above Serran. Its surface was hidden by thick amber clouds and it had two moons in opposing orbits. Hails to the surface went unanswered, but scans detected a high output energy source on the surface. The marines landed an expeditionary force, keeping reserves ready in expectation of an ambush. However, what they discovered instead was a facility from the dark age of technology. Thousands upon thousands of stasis chambers lined the well fortified interior. Whatever treasures or horrors the stasis chambers held were long gone, but the facility itself was operational. The cogitators were arcane and would not easily yield answers. After some deliberation, Ortoro decided to make Serran their base of operations and tasked the forge masters with setting up listening posts on the moons and to expand the facility to quarter the legion and support its operations. This would eventually come to be known as the Obsidian Enclave and was reinforced during the millennia the followed the Horus Heresy. The Order of the Obsidian set to its duties in tracking down and recovering the legion's lost artefacts. Though many caches had been plundered or destroyed, some were yet forgotten. Those local inhabitants that had robbed the vaults in the chaos of the heresy were hunted down and mercilessly executed. That which was safe was transitioned to the Dark Angels chapter and anything too esoteric was locked within the stasis vaults. Their Mission Expands Though the order was initially created for the recovery of artefacts belonging to the First Legion, many searches ended in forgotten battlefields or desolate cruiser hulls of other legions. Once again, there was debate about what to do with these items. Many wanted to leave the battlefields as untouched as possible as a type of mausoleum. Others felt that it may be too dangerous to disturb old battlefields that could be mined or worse. However, it was chaplain Tyrius of the fourth company that suggested returning the relics and bodies of fallen warriors to their chapters. Though time, nature and the elements had savaged both machine and remains, there was usually enough left to determine the progenitor. It was then decided that an honor guard would be formed of the first company that would reunite the lost astartes and their possessions to the loyalist chapters they belonged and destroy the last of the traitors. Within a few hundred years, The Order of Obsidian had returned hundreds of chapter relics and thousands of astartes to their rightful legion home worlds. This ceremony became so frequent that the honor guard was rotated through the veterans of the first five companies to make certain that no marine would be without combat for too long. Each marine assigned to this duty had a shoulder pad cased in bronze. Mysterious Founding Because the Order of Obsidian was not a true founding authorized by the high lords of terra, they continued operating as pre-heresy Dark Angels chapter, retaining the original colors and chapter regalia. As the millennia passed, they decided to adopt another moniker to mask their true origin. The Obsidian Angels were borne with black armor, light gold trim and granite bolters. Its unknown exactly when the name and colors were changed, but by the 41st millenium, no knowledge or banners of the Order of Obsidian remained outside the reclusium of the first company. There, the original founding orders of the Tripacta Sovereignty Council is still emblazoned on the wall. They have no official chapter marking, but retain the ancient Dark Angel devices from ancient Caliban, along with robes of all the Unforgiven. Current Operations Cooperation between the Obsidian Angels and Dark Angels never ceased, though the discovery of ancient relics is extremely rare. The experience and tactics refined over a millennia of recovery operations has made them experts of extraction and esoteric technology. Though they are grim and taciturn as other chapters of the Unforgiven, their willingness to return treasured wargear to other chapters has provided them with diplomatic options that would be otherwise unavailable. Many of these relics have been recovered at a great cost to the Obsidian Angels and their names are inscribed into the granite containers hand cut for them. So great has their knowledge of pre-heresy equipment that much of the weapons and armor can be restored to at least partial functionality. Primaris exist in their ranks, but it is unknown how they received the gene technology and training to produce them. It may have been the Dark Angels that transmitted this information to them, but none outside the two chapters could know. Due to the need for extensive technical knowledge and constant maintenance, there are a large number of tech marines within the ranks of the Obsidian Angels and they retain a rank within their inner circle for Masters of the Forge. Serran The planet of Serran was highly developed during the Dark Age of Technology, though most of it now lies in ruins. What happened to the population is unknown to the Obsidian Angels, even after millenia of research. It is clear that they had knowledge that rivaled the very apex of human achievement. Many believe that they were victims of the Long Night, perhaps destroying themselves or falling victim to an alien attack. Whatever the cause, the planet is now heavily militarized and has only enough population to support an entrenched planetary defense force and their astartes governors. Recruiting is done at several nearby death worlds. However, the truth of Serran's demise is dark and foreboding. Deep within the rocks, below the depth that scanners and mining dredges can reach, lies a dormant Necron Tomb. Its technology stolen through a once-open channel during the Dark Age of Technology and used to create the energy plant and stasis chambers in what would become the Obsidian Enclave. Whether these xenos awoke and took revenge on the population is cloaked in thousands of years of erosion.
  3. THE ARGENT FORGE " We are all the sum of our actions, young one. Every act, every deed we perform in this wretched existence defines whom we are, how we are remembered, what legacy we leave behind. None of us escape this pitiful mortal coil alive, initiate. It is up to us to define who we are and when the time comes for us to pay our final dues and leave behind our mark it falls to us if our story will be a glorious chapter of Man-kinds history or an oft forgotten foot note that merely highlights the folly of Men," Brother Kristoff Argent - (Former) Master of Sanctity, Star Leopards Astartes Chapter now assigned to the Legio Bolter and Chainsword The Preamble So its that time again. Time for Brother Argent to start another hobby butterfly log. I've tried this a few times and always failed for various reasons. My most recent attempt, when I meant to tackle the Imperium, didn't necessarily fail as falter. Whilst I kept up with the models my intent to deliver fluff for each issue made my get bogged down on posting and I stopped updating entirely. That's not to say I am giving up on that log, I just feel with the amount I flutter around between armies I think perhaps a central spot to share everything would be warranted. And so here I go again, launching a log that, if I am honest, updates will be sporadic and the quality somewhat lacking but I will give it a red hot try. End of Year Goals So, with the end of the year fast approaching I intend on completing a Path of Penance as I have done in the past. With multiple painting challenges failed in the later half of the year, either due to poor time management, mental health or other commitments, I have quite the list of models I had hoped to complete by years end. Whilst this is a huge undertaking and likely impossible given past records the following is the list of what I hope to achieve and the challenge they relate too: 12 Months of Hobby: 1x Seraphim Superior 1x Sister Superior 1x Sister with Simalcrum Imperialis 2x Battle Sisters 2x Repentia 1x Arcoflagellant 1x Repentia Superior 1x Penitent Engine 1x Chaplain 5x Intercessors 1x Redemptor 1x Repulsor 1x Repulsor Executioner Call to Arms: 1x Screamer Killer 1x Psycophage 3x Neurotyrant and accompanying Neurolids 12x Neurogaunts 10x Termagaunts 1x Warpsmith 1x Maulerfiend. Imperium Subscription 2x Ruins 1x Triarch Stalker 3x Battle Sisters 1x Repentia 1x Arcoflagellant 2x Seraphim Thermic Plasma Conduits Other Non Challenge related stuff: 1x AoS Steelhelm minature of the month (also know as Dame Not Appearing in this Log) So, as you can all see, one hell of a lot and likely impossible, but I am going to give it a red hot go. I have colour coded them in terms of priority. Red being highest priority, then orange, yellow and finally green. With any luck I can get this stuff done. I also have some bits and pieces I want to rework from the Call to Arms. If that happens this year or not is to be decided... A Taste of What is to come... So, finally, a blog isn't a WIP blog without some images. So, whilst these models have been seen before, here is a few images to show the schemes that I am goijng towards a a few lines about each army: Adeptus Astartes: The Interdictors Forged from the geneseed of the Ultramarines the Interdictors mostly embraced the gift of the Rubicon Primaris. Known for their tenacity and brutal uncompromising nature they strike in hard and fast, launching assault from drop pod, Thunderhawk and armoured vehicle, cutting off enemy supply routes and digging in at surrounded strongholds. The Interdictors I paint for now are mostly around what is coming with the Imperium magazine as well as my Plodding Along Vow for the Twelve Months of Hobby and will be, for the most part, centered around the 3rd Company. Adepta Sororitas: The Order of the Martyr Redeemed Formally known as the Order of the Penitent Martyr the Order of the Martyr Redeemed has been known to attract the penitent and those seeking redemption. Seen as far more compassionate then many similar orders they are a shining beacon in the hopelessness of the 41st Millennium. It is perhaps because of this, or possible in spite of, the order has a large compliment of Repentia as well as often accompanied by many arcoflagellants. Again the Sisters will be mostly done from the contents of Imperium, at least until later when I shall attempt to get another sister squad completed and, if I win the lottery, more Repentia and arcoflagelants. Tyranids: Hive Fleet Koios A splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Titan cast adrift from the warp storms of the birth of the Cicatrix Maledictum Hive Fleet Koios are possessed of the same hyper intelligent nature of Titan with perhaps less of the propensity for close quarters fighting. Their shadow has only just started to spread, with first contact noted about the same time as the resurgence of Hive Fleet Leviathan. Just how much of a threat this new splinter will be has yet to be seen. Koios (The Titan of intelligence and known as one of the conspirators in the betrayal of Uranus) will be to begin with the rest of the contents of Leviathan and then, in the new year, will move onto a lot of my older models including an old pewter Hive Tyrant and hormagaunts still in plastic wrap from 2009. Necrontyr: The Almwat Dynasty A recently awakened Dynasty the Almwat have woken to find their Dynasty and its worlds shattered and scattered. The Sons of the Phaeron are moving to reunite their broken forces. Should they succeed they will have a force that, with eldritch energies and ancient malice, will no doubt challenge any and all whom face it. My Necrons are a rebuild of my early force back from when the army first started being an army and you had a whole about ten units across the whole codex. They will be mostly built from the Imperium contents with only the yet to arrive Triarch Stalker for this year. Next year there will be a fair bit more but for now they are mostly resting. Adeptus Mechanicus: Forge World Milivia Secondus Milivia Primus was a forgeworld cursed from the days of the Heresy, its ancient machinery infected with a dreaded techno-virus known as the Scrap-Code Malaise. Despite this they continued to survive with the aid of the Iron Heralds Space Marine Chapter. Following the birth of the Great Rift as well as the predations of Hive Fleet Titan upon the world the Mechanicus decided to purge the world, salvaging what machinery they could and relocating them to the next world in the system, Milivia Secondus. Secondus was, much to the Imperium and Mechanicus' chagrin, discovered to be a sleeping Tomb World of the Almwat Dynasty. The awakened Necrontyr quickly drove the Mechanicus forces back. Rather then fight to the last the forge worlds forces instead returned to their ships, where much of the surviving machinery from Primus remained. Knowing they would face censure for their failures the fleet left, becoming a mobile forge World in essence and set out to try to rebuild and find what arceotech they could so one day they could gain retribution on the Necrons as well as the Mechanicum they feel betrayed them by destroying their world. My Admech will be silent for now. I've painted the Imperium detachment and likely wont revisit them till late next year. But they will appear in here so figured they needed a brief. So it Begins... So without further adieu I should get into it. I have been working on my Sisters as well as starting to assemble the marines for my plodding along. With any luck I will get some new models up shortly. Those whom follow the 12MoH will see most of this stuff as well but hopefully I will get more details and my processes in this thread. And with any luck I shall get regular updates. Wish me luck... EDIT: Well just secured myself some more time. Just tested positive to the ol 'Rona... again...
  4. INDEX ASTARTES: The Interdictors “ Hope seemed lost. We were doomed. The damned Xenos were coming in from every side! We were saying our prayers to He on Terra when suddenly His Angels landed along side us! Clad in the brightest orange armour they were! And we knew then, we were saved,” Trooper Wenlin Vance - 452nd Jarakon Lancers The Interdictors fight as the Emperors sword, striking deep into the heart of enemy formations and assaults. Their fearless assaults are matched only by their tenacity and many an enemy has found his battle plans cast into disarray by the strike of these savage warriors casting themselves deep into the fray to split enemy assaults in two. ORIGINS Growing threats from both inside and outside the Imperium prompted the High Lords of Terra to announce a new founding during the middle of the 36th Millenium. This Founding, the Nineteenth such founding of the Adeptus Astartes, would see many of the new chapters formed into task groups to address varying threats the length and breadth of the Imperium. Once such group, of which the Chapter that would become known as the Interdictors, was sent to deal with the growing threat to stability caused by the burgeoning orkish empire on the fringes of the Segmentum Pacificus. This force consisted of four new Chapters of the Astartes, such was the dire nature of the threat perceived. The Interdictors and their fellow scions of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman, the Marines Invigilant, as well as The Black Sons, descendants of Rogal Dorn, and the Steel Scythes, born of the Iron Hands of Ferrus Manus formed a joint crusade to strike at the orkish invaders. At first the crusade forces forged victory after victory as they first met the orkish held territories. Even one chapter of the Astartes, even a newly founded ones, was a force to be reckoned with and the orks of the Lauretta Sector were faced with the might of four. It wasn’t long, however, when the crusades forces began to slow their progress. The orkish occupiers of the Lauretta Sector had been entrenched for a while and able to grow in numbers while the Imperium was slow to react. And the good fight provided by the Crusades arrival had drawn countless other warbands to the orkish forces. Thus bolstered they were able to slowly push back the Imperial forces and finally force a stale mate. It was at this time that a rift began to grow between the four chapters. The Black Sons, as true to their primarchs teachings, were more then happy to dig in and weather the orkish assault. They were stubborn and tenacious and counselled to try to crush the orks in gruelling seige warfare. The Steel Scythes disdained the other astartes forces as too weak in mind and body and moved to persecute their own war. The Marines Invigilant continued to engage the orks but they too were dragging to a stale mate. Only the Interdictors continued to have success. The young Chapter Master, someone rather, was an impatient man. Rather then the Black Sons drawn out sieges or the Marines Invigilant fluid battle plans he would launch assaults directly at the key targets of the orkish force. These targets were typically ammunition storage dumps, idols to the orks crude and savage gods or even key warbosses or meks. The Interdictors would strike like the spear of the Emperor himself, driving in hard and fast, devastating their foes in a fusillade of fire before diggign in till they could be extracted or relieves. It was a tactic that cost many lives but bit by bit his forces savage strikes began to weaken the orkish hold and the stale mate was shattered. The Interdictors pushed on with their assault as their fellow astartes struggled to keep up. It was then that some of the other marines within the newly formed Interdictors command began to question the young Chapter Masters relentless assault. Concerned their Chapters forces were being over exposed and lead too far out and over extended that, should the orks muster a reasonable counter they would be left unable to respond in suit. It was council Chapter Master Alecto ignored as he drove his brothers on. And when the inevitable counter attack came his forces were indeed caught unprepared. In the following chaos Chapter Master Alecto would be slain, along with a great number of his newly founded chapter. The Interdictors were only saved by the timely intervention of the Marines Vigilant and the Black Sons. Although the crusade into the Lauretta System would eventually prove successful and the orks eradicated the Interdictors would only have minimal commitment until the conflicts end, their numbers having been greatly depleted. Left without a strong commander or direction the remaining leaders of the Chapter decided instead to form a council and rule the Chapter together, at least until such a time as a new Chapter Master could be chosen. For now the Chapter needed to focus on regrowing its numbers. Following the crusades success the four Chapters went their own ways, each tasked to a different theatre of war although the Interdictors would never forget their honour due to the Marines Invigilant or the Black Sons. The Uranides For several centuries following the Lauretta Crusade the Interdictors would continue to travel the Imperium as a crusading fleet. Drawing recruits and supplies where they could they made war from one side of the Imperium to the other. Drawing lessons from their victories and defeats in Lauretta they soon grew a reputation as a formidable ally. Although aloof and often holding to their own council they were a fearsome foe to enemies of the Imperium. Following Insert names here’s tactics of furious strikes they were as the Emperor’s sword, striking at the heart or weak points in the enemies lines via drop pod and thunderhawk. But they also learned wisdom and patience from their defeat, choosing their targets with care and never over extending or opening themselves unnecessarily. And all the while they were guided by the Chapter Council. In late M.37 the Chapter would receive a distress call from an Imperial Freighter of the Rogue Trader Donoghue Dynasty. The had recently been passing close to the mostly uncharted worlds of the Aegean Stars when they had been attacked. Not by any xenos or traitor but rather their own escorts. This had been following investigations of an unknown derelict space craft of strange xenos origins. Whilst they had destroyed their attacker in question there had been reports on baord their own vessel of strange behaviour and people acting as if under some sort of voilition not their own. The Chapter Council debated a course of action as this seemed more the purview of the Inquisition, rather then a Chapter of the Astartes, but Chief Librarian Theseus requested leave of his chapter to investigate until the Inquisition or its agents arrived. It was a request he was granted and after a short investigation he soon stumble d upon the answer. Those that had been exhibiting the strange behaviour seemed to have a strange warp residual touch about them. It was of a nature totally foreign to the Chief Librarian and seemed stronger on those more recent to exhibit the behaviour. Whilst Theseus investigated he soon began to suspect that whatever was causing the behaviour was the influence of some Warp based entity. His theory would soon be proven at least partially correct when Theseus himself was assaulted by whatever was causing the behaviour. It is perhaps lucky that the assailant chose Theseus as its next target, likely sensing his own strong Warp presence, for when it tried to gain a foot hold in his mind he relied on his long years of Librarius training to not only push the presence back but to follow its signals back to where it his on the ship. Gathering a squad of the Chapter’s few Terminator armoured veterans he followed the signal back to its source. It was there, hidden in the cargo decks of the freighter, they had the first recorded contact with a xenos species that would come to be identified as the Uranides. A being of small physical stature and mostly human like the Uranides were a race that, similar to the Aeldari, shared a great connection the to the Immaterium. Through their Warp based powers they were able to reach across great distances in spare and influence or control the minds of others. Only those of great mental fortitude could resist the Uranides influence for long. Striking the xenos down Theseus felt in its last moments it sent a call out into space. A call to its homeworld. A warning of the giants armoured in orange. And a call, to make ready for war. Theseus was able to follow the signal to the Uranides worlds in the Aegean Stars to the world known only to the Imperium as Achaea. The Chapter Council met once more and debated what to do with this knew knowledge. Such a threat to humanity could not be ignored, of that their was no question. Whilst some in the council urged for the Chapter to hand the matter over to the Inquisition, most notably the agents of the Ordo Xenos, other, including Chief Librarian Theseus, instead declared the Interdictors themselves should take action. Even if it was only until further Imperial forces could arrive. A threat like the Uranides could now be left unchecked. Theseus also warned, though not quite so openly, of the dangers that a creature like the Uranides could do if imprisoned and controlled by the wrong person. The debate raged for some time but eventually a plan was agreed upon and the chapter made ready to strike for the Aegean Stars. The War for Achaea had begun. The War for Achaea. When the Interdictors arrived in the Aegean Stars they didn’t know what exactly they would face. The Uranides were a completely unknown threat to the Imperium and so the Chapter was making war with no idea of how their enemy would fight. When they arrived on the first world of the Aegean Stars, a world known only as Macidene, where Theseus could detect the taint of the Xenos they came upon great cities. Not of the alien Uranides but rather humanity. These cities provided the labour for vast farms that covered the landscapes. The cities had weapon emplacements and defences but made no move to attack the astartes forced. At the centre of the cities stood massive ornate crystaline structures that were soon identified as temples. Confused the Interdictors sent a delegation to the planet, led by two members of the Chapter, Chief Librarian Theseus and Captain Odysian of the Second Company. The delegation was to make contact with whomever was in charge and question them on the xenos presence. When Odysian and Theseus arrived, however, they were almost entirely ignored by the populace. The people reacted stiffly, almost woodenly, and when questioned would only motion towards the temple. Odysian and his delegation went to the temple only to find, at its heart, one of the Ulanides. The creatures had installed themselves as gods over the human populace. Using their crystaline temples as conduits for their already considerable physic power they had enslaved the entire world and used the people as puppets. Enraged at this Odysian struck the creature down. At its death the whole world seemed to come alive. Suddenly defence systems went live and whilst many of the planets populace seemed suddenly free of the xenos control others threw themselves in a blind rage at the astartes interlopers. Odysian quickly took control of the situation, hacking a path free for his delegation before relaying his findings to the rest of the Chapter. At Theseus’ advice and Odysian’s command the Chapter fleet launched a string of blistering attacks aimed at the collection of crystal temples. As each xenos fell or each temple was blasted from orbit more and more of the planets populace seemed to become free from control. Men and women whom had been only moments before firing at the astartes would suddenly turn and start firing on those whom were still under control. The battle for Macidene was relatively short compared to the campaign that was to come. Although casualties to the marines were light they were not entirely spared. But the losses suffered as well as seeing the human populace enslaved such galvanised the chapters course. The Ulanides would be destroyed. The following crusade for the Aegean Stars would be a long and bloody one for the Chapter. Whilst they enjoyed initial success with relative ease against the xenos it wasn’t long before the Ulanides began to adapt to their new enemy. Crystaline temples would become heavily fortified. And when the astartes merely turned heavier weapons on them the Ulanides attempted to shield them with human bodies. Whilst the Interdictors would try to avoid human casualties they had little mercy for those whom allowed themselves to be enslaved. Soon the Interdictors would encounter humans not under the UIanides control whom still fought for the xenos creatures. Humans whom had lived their whole lives believing in the divinity of the creatures. Worse came when the Ulanides began to figure how to work through the psycho indoctrination of the marines and even begin to influence their actions. Whilst not able to fully control the servants of the Imperium they were able to seed doubt or confusion and sometimes even, if only for a brief critical moment, cause a marine to pause in his actions or even fire at a friendly foe. Even so the Interdictors would eventually arrive on the centre of the Ulanides Empire, the world of Achaea. It was here, at the height of the worlds tallest mountain, sat the greatest temple of the Ulanides. Seeing this as the critical moment of the war the chapter’s leaders sent a force of its mightiest heroes, including Captain Odysian whom had gained much respect during the war against the xenos, on a direct strike at the temple. Although the exact details of what went on in the palace aren’t recorded the people of Achaea still tell of the arrival of the God Slayers. Odysian led his force into the heart of the temple and emerged, seven days later, bloodied and and battered but carrying the leader of the Ulanides. This creature he broke across his knee before the human populace below and announced that he had slain their gods and they were free to either follow him to the Imperium’s light, or follow their masters into oblivion. This actions and speech were sent via vid link across the planet. The people of Achaea were relative primatives, close to the levels of technology of ancient Terra’s Bronze Age. Seeing this image of the death of their gods as if it was happeneing in front of them and not a continent away caused most of them to throw down their arms in support of these new being from beyond the stars. Those that didn’t were mercilessly cut down by their kin. The War for Achaea was over. A New Dawn With the Ulanides’ Empire broken the Interdictors would spend the next century cleansing what remained of the xenos filth. By the time agents of the Ordo Xenos arrived the Chapter reported they had wiped the Ulanides out to a creature and after some investigation the Lord Inquisitor agreed. As a reward for the Chapter’s service they were granted the world of Achaea to serve as a homeworld. At first the Chapter Council argued, not wishing to remain on a world that had seen the death of many of their brothers but in the end Chief Librarian Theseus managed to influence them to not only stay, but to appoint a new Chapter Master for the first time since their founders death. He suggested Odysian and with unanimous support he was appointed the second Chapter Master of the Interdictors. The Chapter would build a fortress monastary on one of the planets moons, the moon of Selene. From here Chapter Master Odysian would lead his Chapter to a new age of glory and service to the Imperium, eventually spreading his Chapter’s influence to all the worlds of the Aegean Stars and beyond. The Intercine War The Interdictors would go on to serve the Imperium well from their new homeworld. Elements of the Chapter were engaged all across the Imperium in the Millennia that followed. Led by the wise words of the Chapter Council with the final say in most matters belonging to the Chapter Master a fine balance of power existed between the two ruling bodies of the Chapter. However when the previous Chapter Master Alexcto was slain by Aeldari in a failed defence of the Shrine World of St Justiana he had left as his final decree that he would be succeeded by the Captain he considered his proteege Captain Heracles of the First Company. Tradition of the Chapter, however, stated that the Chapter Council was to decide whom would succeed as Chapter Master and Heracles was not a popular man amoungst his fellow Captains. Regarded as too taciturn and stubborn Heracles did not have the respect of many of the Chapters marines and instead the Council named the young Plinus of the Fifth Company. Plinus was head strong and quick witted, though nowhere near the warrior Heracles, and highly charismatic. With neither Plinus or Heracles supporters willing to accept the other as Chapter Master the Interdictors fell to civil war. In a conflict known as in the Chapter as the Intercine War the Interdictors split. Whilst the two groups usually avoided each other and made war in seperate theatres it was not unknown for them to fire upon one another if forces to fight in the same conflict. Unable to reach a compromise between the two the Interdictors seemed likely to tear each other apart. The Great Rift and The Indomitus Crusade In late M41 Abaddon launched his Thirteenth Black Crusade at the gates of Cadia. The culmination of a ten millennia of spite and hatred broke against the Gate and, through shear malice, broke the planet. Elements of the Chapter, under the command of Chapter Master Plinus, had fought alongside the defenders of the Cadia system, though not on Cadia itself. As the planet broke apart and the Warp began to expand Plinus led what forces he had from the system, fleeing towards Holy Terra. As Chapter Master Heracles led how own forces in the defence of the Aegean Stars that had come under assault by the forces of Chaos as well, despite its location well from the Eye, Plinus marshalled his own forces to join other Imperials in the desperate defence of Imperial worlds caught in the path of the opening of the Great Rift. When hope was rekindled in the Imperium with the resurrection of the Primarch, Roboute Guilliman, and the subsequent Indomitus Crusade the Interdictors under the command of Plinus would join alongside their Primogenitors, the Ultramarines. Gifted with reinforcements of the new Primaris Marines the Interdictors fought alongside the Indomitus fleets until their arrival near the Aegean Stars. Arriving to relieve the besieged survivors of their Chapter alongside the Primarch himself Plinus’ forces would relieve the homeworld. When Guilliman and Plinus entered the sanctuary where Heracles had been leading his forces from, however, Plinus laid down his arms before his estranged brother. He spoke with the wisdom brought on from discussions with the Primarch and swore that the Chapter should never be divided again. He relinquished all commands and asked only to go into exile to redeem himself for what he in his pride had allowed happen to the Chapter. Chapter Master Heracles, awed by the Primarch’s presence as well as Plinus’ wise words knelt before the Primarch and did the same. Swearing to go into exile alongside his former rival to help heal what damage they had both done he asked Roboute to help guide his brothers into appointing the right successor. Thus the Intercine War ended with the wise council of the Primarch. Guilliman appointed Captain Theron Damocletes of the 2nd Company as the new Chapter Master and would return to the Indomitus Crusade with a unified force of the Interdictors at his back. Present Era With Chapter Master Theron at their head the Interdictors have reforged their strength. Indeed many claim Theron is possessed of the spirit of Odysian himself. Theron would elect to cross the Rubicon Primaris upon his return from service in the Indomitus Crusade, as would in turn most of the Chapter. Bolstered as well with the reinforcements the Indomitus Crusade brought of those from the Gene vaults on Mars the Chapter would return to full strength following the conflicts of the Intercine War. Under the counsel of the Primarch the Chapter Council’s powers were reduced and, although they still help some control, measures were put in place to ensure no such conflict happened again. And it was well they did as with the Imperium under greater threat then ever before the Interdictors have been hard pressed across the worlds of Mankind aiding where they can. And even now their own home of the Aegean Stars has come under threat from the rising menance of the xenos with the first tendrils of the yet unencountered Hive Fleet Koleos emerging from dark space on the fringes of the Aegean Stars as well as reports from Imperial Command of forces of the traitors lurking in nearby systems the Interdictors have no shortage of foes. Still they stand strong, as always, with grim determination and fury. They are the Imperium’s Sword. They know no fear.
  5. After a ton of Guardians as test models, I think I have the general color scheme I'm going with for Craftworld Aiam-Varr. The bone colored stuff is just Agrax over white and it is kind of splotchy in places but it looks better than anything else I tried, so I'm hoping I'll keep getting more consistent results as I do more models. I haven't decided how to do my Aspect Warriors yet, but I have some ideas. This is my second attempt at using bone as the primary color of an army but previously I was trying to just do as little work as possible so the whole project was purely contrast and didn't turn out great. Now I'm trying to push myself and take my time more. The test Guardian I settled on. Troops would probably all have about this level of highlighting but characters get more. Cloth is purple, armor is bone, head and shoulders are blue (inspired by Crimson Fists). I am pretty happy with it overall, I painted probably a dozen different schemes and this one I kept coming back to. The quality of highlights is bad but I was using a really old gw brush that I probably should just throw out, so I think I can do better. I've been afraid to break out my nice brushes I've accumulated over the years but I'm trying to convince myself to use them now. Once I settled on that I went through and primed a bunch of stuff I had and started working on it. I ended up using this Warlock as another test model since that Guardian scheme didn't really translate well to a model covered in robes so I just kind of decided on a whim what to paint each color and I think it turned out better than it ought to have. I'm not thrilled with how I did the highlight on the edge of the blue robes but since I wanted the inside of the robe a different color I wasn't sure how to highlight it Next time it will be a thinner highlight, but it's alright for now. I'm not a huge fan of the color balance on the base but the molded detail didn't give me much room to work with it. Most bases will be mostly pink but I have some blue grass tufts to go with it. The army has been cut off from the Craftworld so they're fighting on a crone world to try to find forgotten Webway portals in the hopes of getting home, so I figured a more alien base design would be fitting. I have some Dark Eldar that have mostly the same bases, just the rocks are different colors. This is Ganelien, the Fated Blade. Emboldened by how much I liked that Warlock, I started on a Wave Serpent. That was probably a mistake. I don't think I was ready for trying to paint so many big flat panels with Agrax or all the highlighting on it, but it turned out alright so far. I started out just putting blue on the panels with the worst results from the Agrax and then added a bunch more to get the color balance I wanted. I don't know yet what I'm doing with the cockpit. This was an ebay rescue so it didn't have a pilot, so I had to paint over the glass. I'm thinking either silver trim with purple glass (since there's no cloth to be purple on the model) or the same pink as the Warlock's spirit stone and gems. I might do the base before I decide on that since it will be pink, might help me decide if I want more of that or purple instead. This is very much a WIP still, I'm deciding as I go what is what. More to come
  6. January 2024: Thanks for visiting! 2024 updates start on page 20. What you'll find before you is my one and only thread collecting my works in progress in chronicling the travails and travels of my Adeptus Astartes Chapter, the Sentinels. Unfortunately some of my older photos have been lost to the ravages of time and Photobucket, so if you're a new visitor to my pile of shame... Welcome! Feel free to skip to the last page for my most recent stuff, and then backtrack as far as you care to from there! Trust me, it's easier...
  7. I've recently begun a narrative campaign with my brothers and some friends and wanted to aggregate everything together in one place where each of us could update it as the campaign develops and we paint new stuff. To follow will be an accounting of each of our armies, including lore, painting progress, battle reports as the campaign progresses, and an outline of the narrative. I wanted to compile all the data together to construct a long term campaign we could return to since my brothers and I live in different parts of the United States. So, let this be my accounting. We'll probably see at least one other related thread on the chaos side. +++++++++++++++++++++++++INCOMING TRANSMISSION++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CASE FILE: 338.67X.BA9.Zbv Please enter your authority code... ********************** Validating...... Thank you, Inquisitor. May the Emperor guide you. CASE STUDY OF ADEPTUS ASTARTES ASSETS IN THEATER ULTIMA SEGMENTUM LOCATION: MALEXIS SECTOR DATE: 152.M42 COMPILED BY LORD INQUISITOR AMELIA FIRENZE, ORDO HERETICUS INQUISITORIAL DATA FORTRESS, TROXUS PRIME, 138.M42 Founding Chapter: Blood Angels Founding: Unknown* Chapter Master: Malphas Home World: Iracundia Fortress Monastery: Arx Umbra Specialty: Assault, Close Quarters Combat Strength: Unknown Battle Cry: Lucem ac tenebras! THE MALEXIS SECTOR To trailing and rimward of Baal, the Malexis Sector lies roughly halfway between Sable and Quisto'rol, though closer to Angelis than not, just on the fringe of Segmentum Ultima. The sector itself is governed at Malchar Prime by the venerable Lord Governor, Quintus Proximi. Laying on the border of Ultima Segmentum, the sector is defined by its relationship to the fringes of the galaxy. The cold trade thrives here, and the exploits of Rogue Traders seeking buried secrets and riches beyond the blighted Ghoul Stars fill countless volumes in the Librarium Primus on the sector's capitol planet. Malexis has a proud history as a key supporting province and staging area for the Malcharian Crusade. Dozens of agri-worlds feed the hives across the sector, as well as the fortress worlds of Malchar IV, Oraxis, Thisellia, Rictus, and Sortia. The sector is home to six shrine worlds, four pleasure planets, and several dozen feudal and feral worlds. Notable Imperial assets include but are not limited to The Rictus Expeditionary Corps, The Malchar 25th, The Sortian 3rd (Shrieking Griffons), and the venerable knight house Alphyn, leige lords of the Justitian system. Finally, the Angels Apocryphal, in support of the Death Spectre chapter, bear the holy charge of defending the sector and maintaining the integrity of the Segmentum's borders from the greatest threats beyond the fringe. Drukhari raiding is common, as are the stranger, more sanity breaking threats that encroach from the dreaded Ghoul Stars. The Hive Fleet Jormungand, crushed by elements of the Death Spectres, bled several splinter fleets into the sector before it was defeated. Feral greenskins persist on a number of worlds within the sector, however a large scale incursion remains below the Imperial average. Heretic elements active in the sector include an unnamed Word Bearers detachment led by the Arch Abomination Orbus the Resplendent and most recently, unknown elements of the Thousand Sons led by the arcane heirophant Pho'tek Katar. IRACUNDIA Gravity locked with its parent star, the death world Iracundia is a subtly brutal place, lacking any forgiveness or mercy. Its atmosphere is surprisingly hospitable to human life. The two sides of the planet, however, represent its terrible extremes. The day side swelters at temperatures in excess of 60 degrees Celsi, depending on the season. Its inhabitants live underground, in vast compounds shielded from the star's unforgiving rays, and mine the precious metals deep below the planet's crust or harvest moisture in multilevel condensation farms and aquifers. No one goes to the night side, where the howls of ancient beasts stalk the shadows of cyclopean ice formations that have stood for millennia. Along the Meridian Primus lay the truly habitable zone. Travel long enough in any direction, and the sun begins to set. In such brutal heat, anyone would count the cooling temperatures a blessing. Eventually, the traveller will reach The Halo Sea. It is an ocean that circles the planet, crowned with an archipelago of fortress hives built atop lush, green forests that stand sentinel across the sea. Here, they guard the innocence of the day from the monstrousness of the night. At polar north stands the crown jewel, the Arx Umbra, a bastion of constant noble vigilance. Not much is known about the night side of the planet. The massive walls of Halo Bastion prevent any incursion beyond the ocean and into the tundra. From orbit, it appears as dark and lifeless as it's said to be on the surface. However, other stories also abound. Stories of what the locals call "Strigus," or the Ravenous, hint at ancient, cannibal hunters or some kind of vengeful spirit haunting the timeless canyons and ancient mountains of the planet. Local sources conflicted wildly, based seemingly on what they had grown up hearing. The case remains open at the Thisellian Enclave but no one seems overinterested in pursuing it because, as we all know, the Angels Apocryphal, while secretive, silent, and strange, are still a loyal chapter with every ounce the honour and nobility of their parent lineage. The people of Iracundia subsist at a largely stunted level of technology. Weaponry is exclusively solid projectile, with no knowledge of las or plasma tech. They rely also on fossil fuels to power their tunnel crawlers and lack the methods of refinement common throughout the Imperium. No means of mass production exist, leading to a staggering variety of mechanical and technological goods. However, all are invariably of low quality. The myriad tunnel clans fight among themselves for access to underground complexes, aquifers, oil wells, and mineral veins when not campaigning against the Rokushaki, a primeval breed of subterranean reptilian xeno also native to the planet. Other indigenous predators include the behemoths called dune dragons, the cyclopean gigapede, blood wyrms, scythe beetles, and shale spiders. Interestingly, scythe beetles can be domesticated and are frequently used as mounts by the more foolhardy clans on the surface. Recent surveys of life also note several strains of feral tyranid following the passing of Hive Fleet Jormungand, though no genestealer strains have been detected. The Halo Bastion, circling the whole of the planet in the green zone, effectively blocking passage from day side to night side, culminates at polar north in the massive fortress monastery of Arx Umbra. The first wall spans the coast of the Halo Sea. Behind it, generations of planetary defence forces have lived, mustered, and died keeping the general population safely ignorant of their place in the greater galaxy. The PDF are overseen by the 10th company's captain as something of a collateral duty. RITUALS AND PRACTICES The Angels Apocryphal have several rites that diverge from those of their brothers. First, and most notably, they have vowed never to speak to any lacking their gene seed. It was explained to me not as a matter of worthiness, but one of shame. Something compels the chapter to deny themselves communication with the Imperium at large. A notable exception to this is during wartime, but even then the commanders speak over encrypted vox channels through handpicked chapter serfs and intermediaries. Second, once selected for the reclusiam, potential chaplains must undergo a pilgrimage to the night side of Iracundia where they are expected to brave the killing cold and commune with the spirit of their Primarch. Whether or not they hear anything is unknown to all but those that make the journey. Out there, amid the terribly human howls of whatever beasts lurk the frozen landscape, the chaplains have sought out these arcane mysteries for millennia. Sanguinalia is something of a revelry to them, as it is with other chapters of Sanguinius' line. However, the somberness of the mass before the feast is something to note. The sermon is led by the chapter's Master of Sanctity, every verse punctuated by the slap and tear of bone studded leather against the backs of every marine in attendance. The blood that runs down their ragged backs collects in troughs in the floor and runs to the center of the floor in a pool at the base of the pulpit. At the end of the ceremony, the Master of Sanctity calls for the Vauldii, and every battle brother rises from his knees to drink from the pool. In this way, they reinforce their bonds of brotherhood to each other, the chapter, and the Imperium at large. Finally, the practice of tithing is something intrinsic to the Angels Apocryphal. Whenever the chapter saves an Imperial world from a given threat, they extract a tithe of people from the planet's surviving population, presumably to take as thralls back to Iracundia. No one actually knows what happens to these people, and the chapter's leadership certainly wasn't forthcoming with any information regarding them. I'm sure they don't end up as chapter serfs. These are the only rituals we've been able to document. There must be a great deal more, but they are an inclusive and secretive group. Much has been hidden from us, and the chapter's leadership are incredibly vigilant in keeping their secrets. KNOWN BATTLES The Devastation of Baal Two companies destroyed on Baal Primus, at the opening of The Rift. Golgatha IV The 4th Company, captained by Irad, invaded Golgatha IV after a cult known as the Illumine overthrew the local government. After partnering with a Black Templars crusade following the trail of heresy and death left in the wake of the daemon prince Orbus the Resplendent, Irad waged a five year war upon the cult and the detachment of Word Bearers that appeared during the war's prosecution. Finally, upon the spires of the governorial palace, Orbus was banished to the warp and a new threat was uncovered. Landrian Prime The 6th Company, captained by Vykus, confronted the forces of Uldrethi Skintaker, Archon of the Kabal of the Rent Veil. The foul creature had stripped several feudal and agri-worlds of their populations. In orbit over the skies of Landrian Prime, Vykus cast the alien from the observation deck of his own ship into the cold death in the void. Gathan Prime Most recently, while engaged with Tyranid splinter forces in system, Captain Forsus of 5th company discovered strange signals eminating from the planet's surface. Upon investigation, Forsus and his lieutenants discovered elements of the Thousand Sons led by the sorcerer Pho'tek Katar seeking something within the ruined city. Forsus and his battle brothers fought through wave after wave of Tyranid to reach the site of the incursion. However, upon arriving at the shrine the heretics occupied, Forsus fell to some unknown madness, charging headlong into the enemy line while his men sought to contain his rage. Forsus fell, and the surviving marines were forced from the battlefield. Attached are pict captures of the engagement. It is presumed by the Holy Ordos that the Angels Apocryphal will be mustering at this point to pursue this Pho'tek Katar, and discover his purpose here in the sector, as well as his connection to Orbus the Resplendent. Feel free to contact me for any further clarification. I hope and pray that this satisfies your inquiry, Lord Amarant. Be well. -as heck Forever Faithful +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++END TRANSMISSION+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next up, painting shots taken over the last year. Current project, finishing up those vanguard vets. Hope you guys enjoy this. Look out for Pho'tek's contributions as well.
  8. INDEX ASTARTES The Praetorian Sword Chapter "Fire and death to the daemon, the heretic, and the xeno. Liberation and hope to the beleaguered Servants of the Emperor. This is our calling and our oath, unto the last breath of the last warrior." - Chapter Master Mericus Bellerophon CHAPTER INDEX Primogenitor Legion: XIII Legion, UltramarinesPrimarch Primogenitor: Roboute Guilliman Founding: Classified (WARNING =][= REDACTED BY ORDER OF THE INQUISITION =][= WARNING) Chapter Master: Mericus Bellerophon Home world: Fleet-based Chapter Monastery: Battle Barge - Fury of Terra Strength: 1,000 Line Astartes (approximate number) Specialty: Rapid strike and purgation Heraldry: Skyward pointing gladius over a flaming agemo Chapter Colors: Sea Blue and Steel Battle Cry: Fury and Fire * PRIMOGENITOR space for text HISTORY In many ways, the Praetorian Sword is a Chapter out of its place in time. Descended directly from their beloved Primarch's XIII Legion, many of it's brothers remember the golden era of empire, and struggle to make peace with being thrust into an era of darkness, and hopelessness. But, they are Guilliman's finest and will take the fight to the Emperor's enemies no matter where or when they are. Origin At the end of the Horus Heresy and as part of the Scouring, Roboute Guilliman sends out several retribution fleets with broad mandates to seek and destroy surviving Chaos forces and enclaves, and to assist loyalist forces and civilians as necessary. One of these fleets, Retribution Fleet Praetor is under command of Chapter Master Mericus Bellerophon, former Invictarus Suzerain commander and part of Guilliman's inner circle. While escorting a civilian refugee fleet to safe Imperial space, they are ambushed by a combined Chaos fleet which immediately sets upon the civilian ships. Bellerophon, immediately understands that his choices are limited. If he turns and fights he can destroy the Chaos fleet, but at the cost of the refugee fleet. He can run, but the Chaos forces will simply follow, and like a pack of wolves pick off the weaker civilian ships one by one. The only viable option is to have a portion of his fleet turn and fight a holding action, allowing the bulk of the fleet time to escape. Fleet Master Marcus Voyen (Bellerophon's closest human friend) volunteers to lead the holding action. Bellerophon knows that Voyen is the best man for the job and that it is also a suicide mission. He will never see his friend or the ships of the holding squadrons again. Voyen launches his desperate little fleet into a savage attack against the Chaos forces, while the bulk of Fleet Praetor and the refugee fleet escape into the warp. In their death run, Voyen's forces smash the Chaos fleet and Bellerephon's rage and hatred of Chaos is fueled even brighter by the death of his friend and so many of his ship crews. It is a hatred that will burn hot until the day he dies. Upon entering the warp, the fleet encounters a storm of power and ferocity unlike any they had ever experienced. Many ships are lost and huge portions of the fleet are separated in the storm. As the surviving squadrons exit the warp they are scattered throughout the galactic rim. But that is not the worst of it. Navigators and ship cartographers inform the Chapter Master that the stars are wrong. His ships have not only been flung to the far reaches of the galaxy but the far reaches of time as well. It is estimated that they are almost ten thousand years in the future. After many battles and long searching over more than a century, Bellerophon is finally content that he has made contact with all surviving elements of his fleet. He has lost many ships along with over five thousand Astartes, and countless freemen and civilian refugees. Also, through an extensive intelligence network he and his Librarius have established, he has a clear view of what has become of the Imperium. They are truly in a dark age, in every sense of the word. At the end of what would later be known as the First Tyrannic War, and after furious battle with the Tyrannid invaders on the edges of Ultramar, Bellerophon makes contact with Macrage and meets with Marneus Calgar in secret. Once convinced of the truth behind Bellerophon's fantastic tale, the two Chapter Masters confer and make plans for the inevitable confrontation with the Inquisition. For Calgar and the Ultramarines, meeting Astartes from the XIII Legion is a miracle. To actually speak with brothers who stood with the Emperor and the Primarch, who witnessed the Emperor's dream made manifest and then sundered by Horus' treason is nothing short of a wonder for them. For the Inquisition, it is nothing short of the ultimate nightmare. To actually have eye witnesses to the Horus Heresy walking in the Imperium is intolerable. The Inquisition arrives in force with elements of Battlefleet Ultima, demanding the surrender of Bellerophon, his Astartes, and all freemen and civilians under his authority. The inquisitorial forces are faced by ships of the Ultramarines, the Ultramar Defense Force, and elements of Retribution Fleet Praetor. Inquisitor Aegottub'g tells Chapter Master Calgar that more forces are on their way. Calgar smiles and assures the Inquisitor that they most certainly are. Numerous warp portals appear at the Mandeville Point and swarms of Primogenitor war ships pour through and take up battle positions behind the Imperial naval forces, weapons locked. After long and tense deliberation, a compromise is arrived at. Under supervision of the Ultramarines Chapter, Bellerophon and his people will submit to inspection by the Inquisition and the Grey Knights. Once cleared, the forces of Retribution Fleet Praetor will be divided into five groups that will form the nucleus of five new chapters of Astartes. The new chapters will then take charge of all accompanying freemen and civilians who will be bonded in servitude to the chapters for life as will their children and children's children in perpetuity. Secret charters are issued, and all are sworn to silence. Thus is born the Praetorian Sword, one of five new Space Marine chapters to bring the Emperors Light to the darkness. The 41st Millennium and the Coming Storm space for text The 42nd Millennium and the Dark Imperium space for text Timeline space for text CHAPTER ORGANIZATION Descended directly from Roboute Guilliman's XIII Legion, the Praetorian Sword Chapter brings a unique perspective to Space Marine operations. At the time of the Dark Imperium there were still a few who remembered the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. They were there when their beloved Primarch was still writing his Codex and a time before the Chapters. Still, loyal to the ideals and logistical acumen of the Lord Commander of the Imperium, they are a Codex compliant chapter. But they remember his most important if not controversial directive, "Do whatever is necessary to win." Per directions from the Codex, the Praetorian Sword Chapter is divided into ten companies, each containing one hundred Battle Brothers. Each is lead by a Battle Captain and retinue chosen from or by the Chapter Command. These Command Squads are made up of the Chapter's wisest and most valiant warriors, heroes in every sense of the word. The Chapter Master leads this mighty force with leadership and support of his Chapter Command, Armourium, Apothecarion, Reclusium, Librarius. The Chapter sails into battle aboard the mighty void-worthy fighting ships of the Chapter Fleet. The powerful weapons of the fleet ensure that the Chapter's most potent weapons, its Astartes are supported and delivered on target by the fleet's many drop pods and transports. Further support is had from the tanks, artillery, interceptors, fighter craft, and gunships of the Armourium. Chapter Command space for text Armourium space for text Reclusium space for text Apothecarion space for text Librarius space for text Fleet Command space for text Servus Civis space for text Companies of the Chapter VETERANS In the 1st Company you will find the Chapter's most seasoned veterans. They possess martial skills, and tactical and strategic wisdom possessed by only a few outside of the company. These are skills hard won. These warriors have spent decades and In some cases, centuries fighting the Emperor's enemies. When fighting as a whole, the 1st Company is a mighty force to be reckoned with. However, the Veteran Company seldom fights as a company. Individuals and squads are more often found lending their martial skill and knowledge to individual strike forces, battle-line companies and reserve companies. Spread over multiple war zones, Veterans of the 1st Company are a considerable force multiplier. The 1st Company BATTLE COMPANIES The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Companies comprise the Chapter's Battle Companies, and are the mainstay of the Praetorian Sword's fighting force. Strike Forces are primarily drawn from the Battle Companies. While the Praetorian Sword is known and feared for it's massive chapter assaults, it is still rare to see more than one Battle Company in a war zone, as one is usually more than sufficient to crush an enemy. Except for the 1st Company, it is in these Battle Companies you will find the Praetorian Sword's most experienced battle-forged Astartes. The 2nd Company The 3rd Company The 4th Company The 5th Company RESERVE COMPANIES In war zones across the Imperium, as Battle Company casualties increase or more fire power is needed to dislodge an enemy, the Squads of the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Reserve Companies are called in. It is seldom that the Reserve Companies fight as cohesive units. Due to the vast distances from the Fleet Proper that Strike Forces and Battle Companies normally engage in battle, individual Reserve Company Squads are more often than not, embedded with these more experienced battle groups where they can be called on at a moment's notice. Battleline Reserve Companies The 6th and 7th Reserve Companies are each made up of one hundred Batttleline Astartes, divided into ten squads. It is in these Battleline Companies that young Astartes truly put into practice all they have learned since their early days as Neophytes. Here, they not only fight in fully functional battleline squads, but learn to fight from Bikes, Land Speeders, and the primary battle tanks of the Chapter, the Predator and Repulsor. Astartes are not simply super soldiers, fighting in squads and from formations of light fast attack vehicles and chapter tanks, but like the knights of old, individual warriors of legend. It is from the 6th and 7th Companies that each Space Marine executes his first individual special missions and quests. These missions range from ambassadorial missions, representing the Chapter at the inauguration of a new planetary governor to delivering a primitive Imperial world from the predations of insidious xeno or corrupted foes that they are ill equipped to defeat or even understand. From these two companies, individual Space Marines become true warriors and enter the ranks of the Battle Companies. The 6th Company The 7th Company Close Support Reserve Company The one hundred Battle-Brothers of the 8th Company constitute the close support reserve force of the Praetorian Sword Chapter. This company is made up entirely of war hardened Space Marines from battle-line squads of the Chapter's Battle Companies. They are specifically chosen for their aggression and close combat skill and forged further in the techniques of shock attack and close quarter killing. Many Chapter and Company Champions have come through the ranks of the 8th Company. The 8th Company Fire Support Reserve Compnay When Strike Forces and Battle Companies require additional heavy weapons' support, the Battle-Brothers of the 9th Fire Support Reserve Company are called on to rain fire and death upon the enemies of the Emperor. For the one hundred Battle-Brothers that constitute the 9th Company, this is their first experience as full fledged Astartes. When a Neophyte of the 10th Company receives his Black Carapace and Power Armor as a recognized Space Marine, he enters the ranks of the 9th Company. It is here he receives his initial training in heavy weapons use and deployment, as well as basic infantry tactics. It is in these ranks he also tastes front-line combat for the first time. The 9th Company THE NEOPHYTES AND THE VANGUARD It is in the ranks of the 10th Scout Company that young Neophytes are forged into and receive their initial training and indoctrination that will transform them into the Emperor's Angels of Death, the most feared warriors in the galaxy. Under the watchful eye of Brother Captain Paulus Romulus, Master of Recruits and Master of the Vanguard, the Scout Sergeants of the 10th Company train Neophytes in the arts of reconnaissance, stealth, sabotage, sniper operations, and other special operations. Whether through hypno-indoctrination or practical field operations, young Scouts learn all the skills necessary to act as the eyes, ears, and weapons of the Chapter behind enemy lines. The 10th is also the home of ten Vanguard Squads of the Praetorian Sword Chapter. The Vanguard are the Chapter's elite reconnaissance and special operations warriors, dealing death and terror to the enemy from the shadows. Whether elites of the Vanguard Squads or raw neophyte Scouts, all of the 10th Company are vital elements in the Chapter's war efforts. The 10th Company CHAPTER FLEET Being a fleet-based chapter, the Praetorian Sword boasts a sizable fleet with a large variety of vessels for both combat operations and support. It is a veritable warp capable Chapter World. From huge Battle Barges and Forge Tenders to small Scout Sloops and Supply Transports, whether a combat or support vessel, all ships of the fleet have one single mission, support Space Marine combat operations. Battle Fleet Once part of the vast ancient Retribution Fleet Praetor, the Battle Fleet of the Praetorian Sword is made up of for all practical purposes, the prototype ships-of-the-line of modern Space Marine battle fleets. These ships are a mix of rebuilt and repaired Crusade era ships to newly built (new for them) post Horus Heresy fighting vessels. Gone however, were the vast sculptured elegant ships of the Crusade. These fighting ships were a leaner, more practical and angry breed of starships, rechristened with names befitting a fleet designed specifically to deal out the Emperor's mercy and justice. Although from an earlier era, Astartes and Imperial Navy crews of the 41st and 42nd millennium recognize the lines of modern Battle Barges, Strike and Vanguard Cruisers, Gladius Frigates, Hunter Destroyers, and Nova Frigates. Lance Frigate Controversy When the five new Astartes Chapters were created, the still vast Praetor fleet was divided up between the chapters, each in accordance to it's mission and needs. Many ships of the former Retribution Fleet however, were now forbidden to Space Marine chapters. These mighty battleships, heavy cruisers and other ships-of-the-line were offered up to the Imperial Navy, which gladly accepted them. Conspicuously missing from the intended Imperial Navy manifest were the bulk of the large number of lance frigates that Fleet Praetor was known to have. When queried on this subject, Chapter Master Bellerophon shrugged and noted that each squadron of the new chapter fleets possessed one proto-Nova Frigate. He commented that being fleet based in nature and not relying on Imperial Naval support for many operations, the Astartes fleets would require a small number of ship killers for fleet defense. In actuality, Bellerophon deeply distrusted Imperial Navy High Command and their ties to the Inquistion. He considered both groups to be duplicitous and Machiavellian. The Nova Frigates were not only a vital part of fleet operations but a deterrent against any overt moves against the new chapters by the Inquisition or their Imperial Navy "lackeys". He never denied having more in reserve for "refit and repair purposes", but declined to state how many. When Imperial Navy representative repeatedly "requested" that the lance frigates be turned over to them, Bellerophon's response was always the same, "Molon labe." To date the Imperial Navy has declined his offer. Battle Fleet Operations space for text Lupos Operations space for text Task Force 34 space for text Fleet Order of Battle Battle Barges (3) Fury of Terra (Flagship) Gladius Resplendent Retribution's Hand Strike Cruisers (5) Warlight Don Cesare Avatar of Justice Indominable Patavius Reckoning Vanguard Cruisers (3) Herald of Vengeance Cor Ira Silent Sword Gladius Frigates (11) Hunter Destroyers (11) Nova Frigates (?) Rudense Class Rapid Insertion Craft (6) (Primaris) Faustus Scout/Interceptors (6) Notable Fleet Engagements space for text COMBAT DOCTRINE space for text BELIEFS space for text GENE-SEED space for text CHAPTER HERALDRY AND LIVERY Heraldry space for text Livery http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hr48R_h22PO.hhWEq_._____ia3h6@._@__@@@@_@@@@@@____@@@@@@@@@@.._@@___@@__.__@iakk7&grid=TRUEWhen Retribution Fleet Praetor set sail in pursuit of Horus' fleeing allies, it was made up of mostly hastily repaired and refitted ships.Gone were the colorful and beautifully ornate vessels of the Crusade. The newly refitted ships-of-war were a lean and angry breed, armored and armed to deal out justice and retribution. Hastily painted, the blue of Ultramar was seen only on the heavily armored shoulders where the coats of heraldry were fastened. All else was liveried in defense gray. By the end of it's journey, Praetor's ships were battered and scared. Much of the ships' colors were burned down to bare metal. Ultramars' proud colors were faded and tired. Chapter Master Bellerophon decreed that the colors of the Praetorian Sword Chapter would memorialize these scars. Thus, sea blue and steel were set down in the new charter. SUMMARY space for text *Special thanks to Brother Cambrius for the Space Marine image ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to start this thread off with a Unification War salute to Brother Kelborn and Chaplain Dosjetka, who inspired me to get off my duff with their most recent DIY threads http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356531-chapter-creations-initial-concept/ and http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356527-dos-latest-attempt-at-a-diy-chapter-initial-notesthoughts/ respectively. Let me start off with a little background story I've been a Ultramarine fan (fluff, army, all of it) since first discovering 40K millennia ago. I pretty much dived into the hobby, building and playing a small Ultramarine army and amassing and designing a larger force (about three companies strong at the time and growing) and having a good ol' time reading as much 40K fiction that I could lay my hands on...… but something changed I had been enjoying Graham McNeill's adventures of Uriel Ventris for some time and looking forward to what looked to be the conclusion of the final story arc. So, after finishing Marnius Calgar Kills the Ultramarines..... errr…… I mean Chapter's Due and hurling it across the room. I said to myself, "Self, things aren't looking too good for your Ultramarines" Then it hit me, "Old son, they aren't your Ultramarines. They're GW's Ultramarines, and they can do whatever they want with them..... as is their right." I then realized that if I was going to invest a lot of time and treasure in a Space Marine army, I wanted to have some agency over them and their story. "Better go create your own chapter, Self." I then proceeded to dump my Ultramarines into a tub of "Dip" and stripped off all of the paint and started anew. Then I placed my freshly purified Space Marines in stasis boxes and I contemplated their future. Now I still loved the Ultramarines (they are BLUE you know ) but I didn't want to create a carbon copy chapter. I wanted to challenge myself a bit. I wanted to incorporate some of the characteristics of the Ultramarines, only edgier and darker. I also wanted to incorporate the large amount of FW Heresy era armor and weapons I'd amassed into the chapter army and story. Over the years I came up within the tiny cracks of time between career and raising a family, background and structure for a chapter I call the Praetorian Sword. The following is a rough draft for my DIY chapter. My ultimate goal is to build a chapter size force with an accompanying codex. Concept Draft: Hidden Content Chapter Name: Praetorian Sword Founding Chapter: Ultramarines Founding: Classified by the Inquisition (Project 1619) Secret Founding: One of five chapters created from the survivors of Scouring era XIII Legion Retribution Fleet Praetor, originally presumed lost in the warp. Founded under official charter as an Astartes Chapter in 747M41, after the First Tyrannic War. Chapter Master: Mericus Bellerophon Homeworld: Fleet-based Fortress Monastery: Battle Barge Fury of Terra Colors: Sea Blue, Brushed Steel Strength: Unknown Specialty: Rapid strike and purgation Battle Cry: Fury and Fire Culture: Spartan with Ultramarine sensibilities. Astartes represent the Spartan warrior class, supported by a human bondsmen society, governed under the general principles of Hebraic codes of conduct towards bond servants and slaves. Order of Battle: While generally codex compliant, the chapter maintains an auxiliary support force of armor and flyers. Recently, an eleventh company was added, consisting entirely of Primaris Marines. Chapter Personality: Known for high aggression in battle, the Praetorian Swords are brutal and merciless warriors. It's Chapter Master has executed more than one world without hesitation or remorse. Signature Weapon and Marking: Upon elevation from neophyte each Astartes receives a Gladius and his left pauldron is engraved with "XIII". Inspiration: Greek and Roman histories Hebraic slave culture Imperial Roman Legion and Naval Forces structure and traditions The Iliad - Homer Masters of the Sea trilogy - John Stack Macro and Cato series - Simon Scarrow Legio XVII - Thomas Timmes Gates of Fire - Steven Pressfield Know Thyself and Sons of Wrath - Andy Smilie The odd XIII Legion and Ultramarines story - Dan Abnett, Graham McNeill, Nick Kyme, Robbie MacNiven, Guy Haley, and Ian St Martin Hidden Content IA: Praetorian Sword http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hr48R_h22PO.hhWEq_._____ia3h6@._@__@@@@_@@@@@@____@@@@@@@@@@.._@@___@@__.__@iakk7&grid=TRUE [summary Place Holder] BASIC DATA: Primogenitor Legion: XIII Legion, Ultramarines Primarch Primogenitor: Roboute Guilliman Founding: Classified (=][= Inquisitorial File 1619 =][=) Chapter Master: Mericus Bellerophon Homeworld: Fleet-based Chapter Monastery: Battle Barge - Fury of Terra Known Descendants: [Place Holder] Colors: Blue and Steel Symbol: Gladius (upturned) over an Agemo (stylized with a laurel on the inside curve) Specialty: Rapid strike and purgation Battle Cry: Fury and Fire That's it for now. I'll add more detail as time allows. Looking forward to comments and critique...… I think
  9. "The Day of Fate awaits, regardless." - Motto of the Warminds, translated into High Gothic Early History: "Whatever else happens next, we fight and die as we must. Our duty demands nothing less." - Captain Janten, Warminds 2nd Company, before the siege of Derestonia Secundus http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/sm.php?b62c=@hvgwP_i8y3o.hxCHu@@@@@@@hXbsb@hCmX3@@i3CYqi3CYq@_@@@@@@@@@_._.@@@@@@@@@@hCmX3.@@@@@@_@@@@@@.iakk7&grid=TRUE A typical Battle Brother of the Warminds Created in the Eighteenth Founding to protect the worlds on the north edge of the spatial anomaly the Imperium calls the Glastheim Rifts, the Warminds claim proud descent from the lineage of the great Primarch Corax of the Raven Guard. And since their inception, the Chapter has seen their own extinction ever drawing closer and closer. Life around the Glastheim Rifts is a constant war of survival. Between xenos invaders, heretic cults and seccessionist raiders, there are no shortage of foes for the Warminds to fight again. The Orks of Waaaagh [-REDACTED-] in particular have proven to be a constant nemesis, coming back to make merciless war again and again no matter how many times they are vanquished. The xenocide campaign against the Inferash Tribune and their Prismatic Battleships ended in an Imperial victory, but at a heavy cost in lives to the Warminds, who lost most of their Second and Sixth Companies in the process. And though the worlds of the systems around the Glastheim Rifts are filled with hardy populations of humans, the geneseed of the Raven Guard is notoriously unstable. Very few recruits drawn from these worlds were found to survive the transformative process of becoming a Space Marine. Radiation from the Glastheim Rifts - a constant, broiling Warp Storm of frightening intensity and unpredictability - no doubt played a significant factor in decreasing the stability of the Warminds' geneseed even further. The Warminds took the view that this was the judgement of Corax and the Emperor, a test of the Chapter's worth. Their demise was, perhaps, inevitable, but the Warminds would strive to make Primarch and Emperor proud of them, so that they would go to their forebears' side in death and be welcomed gladly. After a few bleak decades with barely any recruits coming into the battle-worn Chapter, the Warminds finally found the former agri-world of Geffen to produce recruits with a greater rate of survival. Concerned about their Chapter's future, the Warminds established a Fortress Monastery on this world to better protect it. Over time it became increasingly commonplace for brothers of the Warminds that had been recruited from Geffen to develop psychic powers. Though the population itself showed no real signs of psychic potential beyond the average, the varied mutations in the Warminds' geneseed seemed to bring about this particular benefit. And yet, this boon brought with it more problems. Not all Warminds who developed psychic powers were able to fully control them, and those that could not were faced with inevitable descents into madness, despair and death. The Apothecarion and Librarium struggled to find a solution for this problem, and eventually hit upon a complex surgical procedure that completely eliminated the psychic potential of an afflicted brother, at the cost of removing that Space Marine's capacity to feel or display any real depth of emotion. This procedure, which the Warminds called the Quelling, served to save brothers who would have otherwise become another casualty that the Chapter could ill-afford. The Quelled were found to have lowered initiative compared to their other brothers, adapting more slowly to sudden changes in battlefield circumstances and being less able to orchestrate plans. Thus, the Quelled were barred from high office of any kind in the Chapter, and their armour marked with white shoulders to denote their status as Quelled. The Warminds became more and more convinced of their own certain demise. Each death brought the Chapter closer to extinction - an event the Warminds referred to as the 'Day of Fate', the final judgement of the Chapter and their legacy by The Emperor himself. In the latter half of M37, the Warminds were one of the Chapters drafted into the accord known as the Silver Circle - an alliance of Space Marine Chapters around the Glastheim Rifts who were forever tasked with the vigil of keeping the Rifts in Imperial control. The Warminds were, notably, the only Chapter willing to work with their new brothers-in-arms from the very beginning. Though the Warminds were chronically under-strength, they made a point of sending forces to reinforce their brothers where the fighting was thickest, gradually drawing their fellow Chapters together under a bond of shared victories against the enemies of mankind. It was, perhaps, this gamble of soldifying the kinship between the Circle that allowed the Warminds to survive as long as they did. When Waaaagh [-REDACTED-] launched a series of attacks on the Geffenia system itself in M39, both the Brotherhood of Crows and the Champions of Athlum sent battle companies to assist the Warminds in breaking the system-wide siege. In M40 the Stonebound came to the aid of the Warminds as they battled the last desperate remnants of the Inferash Tribune, their swift actions preventing the activation of the Inferash's deadly Armageddon Bombs on the hive world of Balsamo. Nevertheless, at the close of the 41st Millennium, the Warminds are all but depleted. With little more than two hundred active Space Marines left alive in the Chapter, they still fight on defiantly, with stealth, steadfast discipline and psychic might, warding off the myriad threats that beset them. Though the Day of Fate looms large, and total extinction beckons, the Warminds do their duty as best they can, and fight in defence of humanity, determined to go to their end as warriors and earn their place beside The Emperor. Recent History: "If this is not a sign from The Emperor, then surely nothing is." - Chaplain Daoadus, Warminds 3rd Company The dawn of the Dark Millennium was a time of great upheaval and transformation across the entire galaxy. Few Chapters, however, found their situation so completely changed as the Warminds did. With the awakening of the Cicatrix Maledictum came a drastic upswing in the level of Chaos activity around the Glastheim Rifts. Heretical cults that had been painstakingly seeded on over a hundred worlds in the immediate area of the Rifts simultaneously sprang into cruel action, staging uprisings, assassinations, and open rebellions across far too many fronts for the Space Marines to counter-act. The return of Waaaagh [-REDACTED-], this time as a three-pronged attack against the systems surrounding Geffenia, further stymied the Warminds' ability to fight off the heretics. Fatalism gripped the Chapter more tightly than ever - surely the Day of Fate had finally come, for every battle, every campaign prosecuted by the Warminds resulted in painful losses to the already-dwindling Chapter's numbers. But everything changed when the Indomitus Crusade arrived. A large force of Adeptus Mechanicus envoys and their Skitarii bodyguards, reinforced by over two hundred Primaris Space Marines, seven full regiments of Imperial Guard and the mighty Knights of House Tanzia swept across the Geffenia system and it's neighbours. This intervention force paused in their advance only to leave the Warminds with the new technology needed to recruit Primaris marines of their own, complete with verifiable proof the technology was approved by no less a figure than Roboute Guilliman himself. In desperate need of recruits, the Warminds took a chance on the Primaris marines. The results were astounding - the acceptance rate of the geneseed was increased a hundredfold, to the point that more than half the initiates who underwent the implantation survived the process. Furthermore, the psychic potential of the Chapter still persisted, albeit slightly less potently than before. Some amongst their number still require Quelling, and a few amongst the Chapter worry that the number of Quelled amongst the Primaris marines is rising over time. In current times, the Warminds are still experiencing something of a resurgence. Numbering above six hundred marines for the first time in centuries, over half the Chapter's number are Primaris Space Marines. Squads of Intercessors, Incursors and Infiltrators make up much of the Warminds' core forces in battle, supported as always by the enduring pre-primaris Warminds. The Chapter's mentality is currently divided on whether or not they have survived the Day of Fate and been found worthy, or whether this is merely an interlude before judgement falls upon them once again. Homeworld: "When all your life is a desperate struggle against death, war eternal holds little to surprise you." - Brother Yuandor, Warminds 10th Company Geffen used to be a large and important agri-world that supplied several systems with produce, but the fate of the planet was altered forever when a group of xeno-pirates attacked it in M32, sowing terror and death with biological weaponry on a massive scale. Now the world is largely desolate, its' population huddled around the few surviving farm-clans and the healthy land they own, or forming raider gangs in the skeletal remains of the world's once-great cities. The farm clans war often over farmable land, and food is often scarce even for the most powerful clans. Alliances are formed and broken and formed again amongst the clans, and no power base lasts forever amongst the people of Geffen. Sudden attacks by the wily and ruthless raider gangs of the Dead Cities happen whenever the raiders' food runs low. The Cities are large, desolate and forbidding, filled with traps to snare unwary wildlife - or would be hunters - while the Raiders dwell in the dark and isolated ruins to keep out of the weather. Cannibal cults will break out infrequently in situations where the population of a clan far exceeds the amount of food they can produce. This is one sin that the Warminds simply do not tolerate, however. When a cannibal cult is discovered, the Chapter's psykers will invariably root out those involved in such morally corrupt activity, publicly execute them, and burn their corpse in a ritual pyre. The Warminds take recruits from both the farm-clans and the raiders, as youths from both factions are equally likely to display the mix of strength, ferocity and cunning that makes a great Space Marine. The term 'Day of Fate' comes from an old Geffenic fable about how those who die are judged by The Emperor, and the worthy are fated to serve at His side evermore. The Warminds' Fortress Monastery, known also as the Temple of Souls, is built in the centre of the largest wasteland, far from the population centres of Geffen. With artfully constructed rooms and barren but carefully tended stone gardens given over entirely for meditation and study, it is said to be a place of learning and philosophy as much as a fortress. Beliefs: "What we leave behind after death is the true measure of our life's worth. We must leave His Imperium stronger for our efforts." - Chaplain Sonamus, Warminds 6th Company Perhaps due to their entire existence essentially being a struggle to simply survive, the Warminds are a Chapter given over to much dwelling on death and the impermanence of all life. The Warminds are also certain that The Emperor judges his sons at the moment of their death, and so are determined to fight as relentlessy as Space Marines should, to not only prove their individual worth, but to demonstrate the worth of their Chapter to Him. As far as the Warminds are concerned, the protection of Humanity is the foremost duty of Space Marines. The Chapter will willingly enter into battles or campaigns that will take a heavy toll on their numbers if it means preserving the lives of Imperial citizens. Even when a battle inflicts heavy losses on the Warminds, they are unflinching in their resolve, and press onwards to the next battle to preserve the people of the Imperium. Whenever a Warmind is slain in battle, the Chapter does feel the loss keenly, in part due to their inability to easily replenish their losses, and in part due to the psychic connection much of the Chapter shares. However, the grief carries also a portion of pride; as another marine goes to The Emperor's side and displays the valour and convictions of his brothers. In accordance with an old Geffenic tradition, slain battle-brothers are interred into a tomb below the fortress monastery, clad entirely in white and wearing a white, snarling mask to frighten off any predatory evil spirits that dare approach. The Chapter is known to make much use of modified helmets made to resemble these death masks, albeit coloured gold rather than white. These helms are often passed down through generations of Warminds, and are strictly only worn into battle, for they are said to connect the wearer to the warrior souls of the Warminds who have gone before them. The white shoulders of the Quelled are symbolically tied to the death mask tradition; for most intents and purposes any brother who undergoes the Quelling is largely treated as already dead by his brothers. Though the Warminds do not look with favour on the Quelled, they preserve and continue to use the ritual surgery that creates them whenever a Battle Brother loses control of his power for two reasons. Firstly, the simple logistics of being unable to replace every battle brother who fails to master their gifts. Secondly, every enemy attack that targets one of the Quelled is an attack not spent against a 'honed' Warmind. The Chapter must survive and fight until the Day of Fate - even if it means relying on the Quelled to do so. Outside of battle, the Warminds appear to be somewhat distant and philosophical in demeanour. It is thought that to some extent this calm, contemplative persona exists as a means to disguise the altered nature of the Quelled. On the battlefield, however, the Warminds, though disciplined, channel the hatred and rage of true Space Marines in combat. They do not shy away from battle once it is joined, as such behaviour would mark them as unworthy to their Primarch and Emperor. The Chapter's steadfast devotion to the putting the defence of Humanity first, beyond all other concerns, has earned them much respect from other Imperial forces in the north of the Glastheim Rifts. Regiments and Battlefleets alike, not to mention the PDFs of over a hundred worlds, proudly carry banners or campaign markings dedicated to the battles fought alongside the Chapter's forces. Of the Chapters in the Silver Circle, the Warminds are by far the most effective at rooting out the insidious chaos cults planted on Imperial worlds by the heretics from within the Glastheim Rifts, thanks largely to their psychic gifts. This success rate has earned the Chapter, if not the favour, then the grudging respect of the Order of the Iron Tower - an order of Adepta Sororitas whose Mission Fleets patrol Imperial Space around the Rifts, and typically express a strong dislike of Space Marines. It is also this well-documented reputation for earnest and unwavering devotion to the Imperium that keeps most Inquisitors from taking much unneeded interest in the Warminds. There are innumerable other threats around the Rifts that require the investigative eyes of the Inquisition, and the Warminds, in spite of their oddities, are simply not considered a high priority. Battle Doctrines: "If you Aeldari were half as foresighted as you claim, you'd have seen that coming." - Codicier Dolmaan, Warminds 2nd Company, to the dying Farseer Trygerd Swiftmind The combat doctrines of the Warminds echo their primogenitors the Raven Guard, with a focus on stealth and ambushes, and use of rapid engagements, misdirection and feints. Where a protracted battle is unavoidable, the Warminds make use of armour to help minimize risks to their numbers - Land Raiders, Vindicators or Dreadnoughts are often employed to protect, support, or clear a path for infantry, their durable armour and high firepower forcing enemies to react to their presence rather than focus on the Space Marine themselves. The Warminds make use of Assault Marines, Stormhawks, and Scouts to support the flanks of larger offensives, each bringing the ability to pressure enemies in different ways, and open up new avenues of attack. Typically, the Warminds field very few Vanguard Veterans, preferring to destroy their enemies with firepower. Sternguard veterans, deployed by Stormraven where practical, are used to turn the tide of battle when the Warminds would otherwise falter. But perhaps the largest deviation from their ancestors is the significant psychic power that the Warminds channel in battle. Most Battle Brothers (save for the Quelled) are capable of low-level psychic powers, such as manipulating light or dust to throw off an enemy's aim, or increasing the perceived weight of their wargear, to throw them off-balance. These powers are further complemented by the close-combat doctrines of the Chapter. Some of the martial techniques used by the Warminds can come across as needlessly elaborate or showy in comparison to the more utilitarian techniques of other Chapters. But as befits sons of Corax, this is further misdirection - the flowing movements and flourishing strikes are designed to mislead an enemy and buy the Warmind using such arts vital moments to muster their focus or gauge their enemy's reactions. In extreme situations, sometimes even standard battle-brothers of the Warminds can demonstrate impressive psychic powers, and tales of Warminds in desperate situations turning aside the strikes or shots of powerful enemies with nothing but their mind are far from unheard of. Organisation: "Our numbers are few, but our spirit remains strong." - Brother Ralhaw, Warminds 1st Company Though each Company is chronically under-strength, the Warminds adhere to the organisational tenets of the Codex Astartes, their number divided into ten Companies as per regulation. The most notable difference in how the Chapter arranges itself is in its' Librarium. With so many burgeoning Psychics in the Chapter, the Librarium is divided into twelve ranks to better detail the psychic strength of their brothers. Only high-ranking Librarians are required to wear the Codex-approved blue to denote their status. In essence, only these high-ranking Librarians are permitted to carry out the traditional duties associated with the role in other Chapters, but the lower ranks are functionally more aware of these duties and what the role of Librarian requires. Leadership roles within the Chapter still fall to Captains and Lieutenants, rather than the Librarium, but it is not uncommon for Librarians to offer advice if they have any to share. The Quelled are spread throughout squads, in the company of their more psychically-capable brothers who offer direction, protection and guidance to their wayward kin. Not all squads bear members of the Quelled, and very few squads have multiple Quelled in their ranks. Devastator and Tactical squads make the best use of the Quelled, where their unnatural calm and limitless patience are stronger advantages. The coming of Primaris marines has seen the Warminds integrate the newcomers into the ranks of their existing companies, symbolically unifying the past and present of the Chapter. Much use is made of Vanguard marines and Phobos armour within the Chapter's ranks, as befitting scions of Corax. Geneseed: "Our Primarch and our Emperor will seek to test your worth exhaustively. From this point on, your fate is in their hands." - Apothecary Zusang, Warminds 10th Company, about to begin implantation of the geneseed on a new recruit As noted earlier, the geneseed of the Warminds is equal parts blessing and curse to the Chapter. The geneseed of the Raven Guard has long been known for it's numerous discrepancies compared to other, more stable lineages, and the further mutations caused by proximity to the Glastheim Rifts have exacerbated the inherent difficulty in finding viable recruits. The singular positive trait is that most recruits into the Chapter, even the very rare recruits from worlds other than Geffen, eventually develop a degree of psychic power. Though the Warminds have often requested fresh stocks of Raven Guard geneseed to be delivered to them, the closest Forgeworld capable of providing such deliveries lies a long way away, on the opposite side of the Glastheim Rifts. Fleets heading from this Forge World have a difficult and perilous road ahead of them to reach the Geffenia system, not least due to the predations of the heretics and renegades who dwell within the rifts themselves. As such, actual shipments of fresh geneseed arriving at Geffen are a very rare occurrence indeed. Worse, the radiation surrounding the Glastheim Rifts does not take long to effect the fresh shipments once they arrive, resulting in continued difficulties with recruitment for the Warminds. The coming of the Indomitus Crusade and the introduction of Primaris geneseed essentially resolved many of these issues for the Warminds, giving them a much higher success rate in inducting new recruits. However, experiments have shown success rates amongst recruits taken from worlds other than Geffen are still extremely low, being only marginally improved from before. Battlecry: "The Day of Fate Dawns!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EDIT: 21/11/2019 Another update! I can't let the White Hawks have all of the fun now, can I? All thoughts, opinions, C&C, scathing mockery etc welcome!
  10. THE KNIGHTS SOVEREIGN CHAPTER GENE-SEED: Dark Angels FOUNDING: 23rd “Sentinel” Founding [M.38] CHAPTER MASTER: Marshal Edmunt Raik, Castellan of the Crimson Rooks CHAPTER WORLDS: Eistvin, Ostlund & Vollstadt FORTRESS-MONASTERY: Durumtal, Eistvin SPECIALTY: Operational control, precision engagements and information dominance BATTLE-CRY: 'Imperator Vult!' is a common warcry, however 'Victus aut nihil' is the Chapter motto CURRENT STRENGTH: Endangered KNOWN DESCENDANTS: Bronze Knights, Savage Brotherhood [disputed] Origins Part of an ongoing struggle for the High Lords of Terra to utilize the pure gene-seed of the former First Legion without the participation and influence of the Dark Angels or their prominent successors, when the Knights Sovereign were created they were tutored instead by a detachment of the Imperial Fists, a worthy selection to guide a Chapter of the Sentinel Founding. The influence of the sons of Dorn can be readily seen in the Chapter for centuries to come, however their brother sons of the Lion were not to be denied. Shortly after the Knights had gained the trust of the Imperial Fists and earned their independence, overseeing a turbulent Sector that had long suffered for its severely lower average technological capabilities, a contingent of the Dark Angels and other successors arrived to acquaint themselves with this new Chapter. How these other sons of the Lion knew of the Knights Sovereign true heritage is not entirely known, expected given their typically reticent nature. Multiple concerted investigations over the past millennia have revealed numerous agents suspected of feeding information to the Dark Angels and their closest successors, and it is assumed they came to this information by similar means. These Chapters showed great honor to the Knights Sovereign, with many of their retinues consisting of their highest ranking officers, including Chapter Master Grasciel of Dark Angels. The inner circles of these Chapters communed together deep within Durumtal, while specialist officers of the First and Second Companies intermingled, enlightening the Knights Sovereign to their own particular brand of war-making. While this communion was short-lived, the bonds of brotherhood forged on this day had a lasting effect, with many of these Chapters regularly appearing within the Knights' territory and vice versa. It had also made an impression on the young Chapter's organization, especially the First and Second Companies. The Knights Sovereign still retained much of their identity as forged under the watchful eyes of the Imperial Fists, but they had grown more insular, more in keeping with the typical Dark Angels character. Indeed, their later character can be readily connected to the manner of the ancient knightly orders of the Dark Angels' long-dead home world. This marriage of traits and ideals, in many ways opposing but also complementary, has guided the Knights Sovereign for the thousands of years since. Chapter Worlds Early in their formation, the Knights Sovereign were given a choice of three feudal home worlds within the Lowermains Sector. Though ultimately settling upon Eistvin, located near the largest nexus of Sector traffic, the discarded worlds of Ostlund and Vollstadt did dominate strategically resourceful zones. Chapter keeps were planted on these worlds, a practice perhaps learned from the Imperial Fists Chapter. Officially, Eistvin alone is classified as an Adeptus Astartes world, however after centuries of keeping close ties and recruitment practices on Ostlund and Vollstadt, the local officials tithe the worlds as if they were. Nestled deep in the Eistvin mountains is the Durumtal, fortress-monastery to the Knights Sovereign. Building began as soon as Eistvin was selected as their home world, and had finished scant months before the Knights showed up themselves. This immense, rugged structure blends seamlessly with its surroundings. If an unaugmented human was to stand upon an outer peak, looking into the range, they would be unable to distinguish the crenelated towers from natural mountaintops. However, the Knights Sovereign took to giving it a different name than the Magos-Tektons provided: the Crimson Rook. With the Chapter keeps on Ostlund and Vollstadt being heavily inspired by, and in imitation of, the Durumtal, they are collectively known as the Crimson Rooks. Current Disposition The Knights Sovereign have been at war with the Orks of WAAAGH! Urlkin for decades, a massive incursion the Sector had never before seen, led by an Ork of such impressive size that Archmagos-Biologis from several Sectors around have insisted could not exist. This Ork, crafty for his kind, has grown large on the excesses of his armies, leading regular hunts into nearby regions with such regularity that the end of most hunts is merely the beginning of another. The Knights Sovereign have tried, unsuccessfully, to convince local Administratum officials to sanction a crusade into Ork territory and end the threat once and for all. However, with the Knights' own worlds declared the targets of a hunt that has virtually emptied the Ork territories for Sectors around, more recently they have become more concerned with defense. The ongoing conflicts have stretched the Knights Sovereign thin. By the close of the 41st millennium, their numbers are reported as being four companies' worth, including officers and auxiliaries. The Chapter has undergone necessary, but drastic changes to their organization, in light of the eradication of two of their battle-companies, as well as their specialized rapid-reaction forces in the 2nd Company, not to mention the depleted numbers of their surviving companies. Chapter Organization The Knights Sovereign would not consider themselves as deviant, however to them it is deviancy from their forebears rather than the Codex Astartes that is relevant. Though the Codex Astartes is, as it should be, held in high regard as the epitome of all things war, the Space Marine way, the Knights Sovereign do deviate in organization. This is not seen as a contradiction or hypocrisy, but merely derived from the simple fact that the Codex could not accommodate all possible circumstances. And indeed, the inheritors of the Lion are of a unique circumstance, and so fashion themselves accordingly. The First Company is organized into the Justiciary, and are of the ordained task of bringing the light of justice and nobility to the darkest places of the galaxy. It is said that all who gain a place among the Justiciars must first confront truth and sin in equal measure, and it is their ash-white armor that shows their absolvement. The Knights also field the 2nd Company as a rapid response force, the Errantry. The Knights-Errant exist outside the normal Chapter organization, and as such they paint their armor a deep black. Unlike the elevated Knights-Justiciar, it is only the master of the Errantry, the Earl-Errant, who sits above his brothers as a member of the Inner Circle. The auxiliary organizations within the Knights Sovereign are primarily Codex-adherent, with the only exception being within the Reclusiam. This deviation is in fact rather common among the Unforgiven, where an additional level in the hierarchy is added. Typically known as Interrogator-Chaplains, in the Knights Sovereign they are the Prelates, a classification of Chaplains second only to the Pontifex, Chapter reclusiarch. The other prominent branches, the ironsmiths and hospitallers, are of no noticeable difference from Codex standard, though their highest ranking officers are believed to be a part of the Chapter's Inner Circle. Fleet Assets The Crimson Galleon – So named for its mimicry of the Crimson Rooks, intended as a bastion equal to these immense fortresses that would ply the stars, delivering the wrath of the angels. This battle-barge is often assigned to the Justiciary. Its current deployment in geosynchronous orbit over the the Crimson Rook of Vollstadt has for several months prevented the Orks from dropping ordinance and savages on the Chapter keep directly. However, the Orks have made planetfall in multiple other regions across Vollstadt, and not the mortal warriors or the Galleon's guns have been able to keep the hordes from laying siege. Recruitment & Advancement The Crimson Rooks are not difficult to access by the mortal populations, unlike the fortress-monasteries of many other Chapters. Thousands of people regularly seek shelter or asylum within its walls, each and every one swearing binding oaths of lifelong servitude to their new transhuman masters. These people form the Chapter serfdom, ranging from mortal knights to spread the law of the Chapter across the world to learned, trained fleet armsmen. Swearing one's life to the God-Emperor's living representatives is no hardship when compared to a life of similar service to some fickle lord or king, and so the Chapter rarely finds itself without a surplus of mortal servants. The majority of these legions of serfs will never leave their world of birth, serving the Chapter well enough there. Rather than seeking recruits from among the general populace, the Knights look to the young of their serfs. Having such large populations spread across three worlds, the Knights have their choice of candidates. The offspring of the Chapter's serfs are a more viable recruitment stock than the general populace, as all their male children go through a more intensive and extensive training in preparation for potential recruitment. However, it is not unknown for the Chapter to look to the outer kingdoms and city-states of their worlds for occasional recruitment programs in an effort to encourage diversity in thought and character, or to recover from devastating casualty rates Upon recruitment and successful term in the Chapter's tenth company, the young scout must petition for advancement into the Reserve Companies, following a path through the Reserve Companies as delineated in the Codex Astartes. In the Reserve Companies, they hold the rank of Knight-Companion, an as yet not fully recognized Knight until advancement into the Battle Companies. A Knight-Companion must be wary of how or when he petitions to join a Battle Company, as their Masters will often refuse a Knight-Companion they deem unworthy to join their company. It is not unknown for Knights-Companion to aim too high in their petitioning, some seeking to skip advancement through the Reserves or will petition for a spot in a master's personal retinue, though it is considered disdainful and will injure the Marines' future if rejected often. No Knight or Knight-Companion can petition to join the Justiciary or Errantry. Those who join these orders are chosen by their lords, an honor none in the Chapter can refuse. To rise in rank to Sergeant within one's company is possible regardless of one's place in the hierarchy. Typically, a Sergeant will select from among his retinue a successor to take his place should he ever fall or advance beyond this station. Sergeants of the 10th Company are provided the customary title of Castellan, sharing in the responsibility of the Crimson Rooks, which collectively fall under the purview of the Master of the 10th Company. These Masters, known by the title of Earl, are one and all arisen from the ranks of the Justiciary, at the behest of the Chapter Master, the Marshal of the Knights Sovereign Chapter. It is the Justiciary, the Earls and Marshal who form the Chapter's Inner Circle. Also prominent in the Inner Circle are the Pontifex, and his Prelates, who are responsible for selecting one from among the Inner Circle the Marshal's successor should he ever fall. Combat Doctrine The strength of their sword arm and the accuracy of their aim are what the Knights most admire. While their battle formations have a strong reliance on infantry tactics, the Space Marine, the Knights are experts in cavalry warfare, utilizing fast vehicles to retain combat superiority and battlefield control. The Knights' approach warfare is thoroughly informed by their copy of the Codex Astartes, a five volume military discourse on: Space Marine recruitment and training; the composition and structure of the Chapter into Companies; practiced field tactics; the conduct of sieges, either offensively or defensively; and the role of the Chapter fleet. In battle, the Knights are the fiercest of foes, full of sound and fury. Early in the Chapter's history, a previously unknown xenoform appeared within Sovereign space. Classified as the Airbreeders for the explosive population increases the xenos experienced when in contact with oxygen, the alien race proved exceptionally difficult to purge in its entirety. The Knights sought to implement purgation protocols proven successful against the Ork, however disaster struck at nearly every turn. Quickly it was discovered that the xenos race had free access to the Knights' vox communications, seemingly unaffected by encryption. Forced to adapt, the Knights began disseminating orders on the battlefield through the use of audible, vocal blasts and visual signals utilizing specialized banners. With this, the Knights were able to reclaim the initiative, and eventually every last of one of the inexplicably duplicating, hulking beasts were burned from the lands of nearly half a dozen crater-ridden Imperial domains. However, this xenos threat would persist for centuries before final eradication, and the antiquated communications became a more permanent feature. Local Rituals & Beliefs Integral to the Chapter cult is the Oath of Office. Like many Chapters, the Knights Sovereign swear oaths before each battle, swearing themselves to the action and sometimes a specific task they set before themselves. The oaths are affixed to their armor, and they are expected to carry through with the oath throughout the action. Oaths of Office, however, are permanent. They are drawn up at their induction ceremony where the recruited mortals have arisen as one of the Knights-Companion, and will remain with them. Addendums are added throughout the Marine's life, marking their progress through the Chapter hierarchy. Each new rank or advancement requires a new Oath of Office, adding onto the old. So it is that the longest serving Marines, the highest ranking of the Chapter, have lengthy and complex Oaths of Office finely delineating their given tasks and expectations for themselves. Like Oaths of Moment, they are highly individualized reminders of their loyalties and responsibilities, as well as personal promises of feats or endeavors, or oaths bonding the Knight in fealty to a lord or in alliance with those outside the Chapter, for the entirety of that Knight's service to the Chapter and the Emperor. Within each Knight's chambers, they keep a locked rosewood box to contain their Oath of Office, centering their devotions upon its yellowed parchment and ink of blood. Normally, a Knight will write his own Oaths of Office, keeping its writings to himself. Advancement, especially to the Justiciary or Errantry, will be the traditional break from this custom. Where a Knight is unaware of the duties or responsibilities that await him, it is his immediate superior who will write these additions. It is not unknown for another Knight to assist in the inscribing, such as a mentor who tasks a promising pupil with surpassing his own achievements. Upon the death of a marine, if recovery is possible, his remains will be interred in a great stone crypt on the grounds of the keep or fortress he last served. The Oath will be placed upon his chest and set alight, his oaths thus fulfilled. Those interred into the mighty Dreadnoughts receive a similar ceremony. Though they serve still the Chapter and the Emperor, they have fulfilled the oaths of the living nonetheless, and exist now free from such burdens. Gene-seed The genetic legacy of the Lion runs strong in the Knights, as pure now as it was in the days of the First Legion, a legacy confirmed by extensive testing by brother sons of the Lion all those centuries ago. Though the foundation of the Knights Sovereign was an experimentation of sorts, it appears that the gene-forges of ancient Mars had learned the lessons of the 21st Founding well. There were no signs of genetic manipulation of the Knights Sovereign gene-seed outside of acceptable parameters. The purity of the Lion's gene-seed has aided the Knights greatly in the past, enabling quick recoveries from crippling losses and a less lethal implantation process. Champions of the Chapter Marshal Edmunt Raik – Chapter Master of the Knights Sovereign, going on the third year of his disappearance. Last seen aboard the Lion's Dagger, the Marshal was to take personal command of the battle for Vollstadt and turn the tide. However, the vessel did not return to realspace at its scheduled time. Investigation along its projected path provided no revelations on its disappearance. Warp-travel is far from precise, and such disappearances are not unknown, but it could not have come at a more difficult time. While the Earl-Justiciar Hadrian Normson has taken nominal command of the Chapter since then, the Inner Circle has yet to meet on choosing an official successor. Pontifex Theocritus VII – Born Prentis Brenmoor, the current Pontifex of the Knights Sovereign is a hard, embittered and unforgiving man, scarred not only from actions on the battlefield but from the resistance of captives stolen from hotly contested secessionist worlds. Like his namesakes, this is not a Pontifex who would prefer to remain closed away within the interrogation cells deep within the Crimson Rooks, but will often be seen at the forefront of battle among his brothers. Earl-Errant Sydorn Lyndswor – Captain of the 2nd Company, and the oldest living Knight outside the Dreadnought ancients. He has led the Knights-Errant longer than any other Earl before him, and none of the Marines under his command have known any other Earl-Errant. His list of achievements and victories are as long as his years, though much is hidden from those not initiated into the higher knowledge. In more recent years, he has been forced to give up the Ironsteed, his advanced years and the inevitable degradation of his transhuman form preventing him from fully connecting and integrating to its biomechanics. Instead, he has taken to commanding the Errantry from the gunner's seat of a Land Speeder. http://i.imgur.com/oei7krh.jpg Knight-Companion http://i.imgur.com/8p56I71.png Knight-Errant http://i.imgur.com/Nprn65r.png Knight-Justiciar Note that unlike other sons of the Lion, the Knights Sovereign have few suits of Terminator armor http://i.imgur.com/x09x5y8.png Pict-capture: Defense of Vollstadt, Knights Sovereign Sergeant in profile http://i.imgur.com/mL3TUUH.jpg Marshal's Banner - The Crimson Rook
  11. Summary: ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Disciples of Caliban ▪ FOUNDING: Sentinel Founding ▪ CHAPTER MASTER:Asimov ▪ CHAPTER WORLD: Menov ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: Anwar Peak ▪ MAIN COLOURS: ▪ SPECIALITY: Tailored Warfare ▪ BATTLE CRY: "Lions Roar" ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: Full Strength ▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None Known Obsidian Lions The Sentinel Founding saw a great number of Chapters being created to reinforce the Imperium’s strength that had taken a toll in the preceding millennia. The Obsidian Lions were founded to help patrol the fringes of Segmentum Tempestus which had assaulted repeatedly by Xeno. Although the Obsidian Lions are a Dark Angel Successor they were instead trained by the Howling Griffons. This seeded distrust on behalf of the Dark Angels towards the Lions that eventually led to the Obsidian Lions to break ties with the Dark Angels and the rest of the Unforgiven. In the many millennia since the schism the Obsidian Lions have moved past the shadow of the Unforgiven and forged their own image amongst the Astartes. The Lions are well known for being able to tailor their forces and bringing the right tool for the battle at hand. Origins: The Obsidian Lions have had an air of suspicion since their inception. No one has been able to clarify with any proof as to why they were created from the Disciples of Caliban so soon after their creation. Many say that the request to have the Disciples created doubts about why the Dark Angels wanted a new Successor. Rather than openly accuse one of the original Chapters of any wrongdoing they decided to put the gene-seed to the test. Following their creation and training with the Howling Griffons they adopted the world Menov as their homeworld. They fought many battles alongside the Howling Griffons honing their skills of war. Their tactical ingenuity was praised and long after their training had finished the Griffons still sought the Obsidian Lions assistance. Eventually they fought alongside the Dark Angels at the Battle of Zenith. After the battle the Dark Angels acknowledged that the Obsidian Lions were indeed of their lineage, while the meeting was amicable the Lions could sense an air of unease emanating from the Dark Angels. They vowed to prove to the Dark Angels that they had the strength of the Lion. As time passed the Lions began to mimic the organization and tactics of the Dark Angels, including Deathwing and Ravenwing. No matter what victories the Lions secured or how many Imperial forces gave laurels to them they always seemed on the outside of the Dark Angels’ circle of allies. There had been many times where the Obsidian Lions were not privy to objectives or tactical information when heading into battle when fighting alongside the Unforgiven. Many times they would be leading the vanguard only to realize that their allies have changed tactics and objectives or left the battlefield all together. Their oath to prove themselves to the Dark Angels started taking its toll on the Obsidian Lions. They had been fighting at half strength for a while and whenever the Unforgiven chased their own targets the Lions end up paying a steep price. It all came to a boiling point when the Angels of Absolution were supposed to flank the enemy at the Wavium Conflict. The Angels of Absolution changed tactics and attacked the leadership without notifying the Lions. This lead to the Lions quickly being surrounded and if not for timely reinforcements from their Battle Barge, the Lion’s Den, they would not have survived the battle. While the Angels were successful into throwing the enemy forces into disarray the Obsidian Lions sustained a large number of casualties. Amongst the casualties was their Chapter Master, Naziel, who was found battered surrounded by bodies including his broken obsidian swords. The Lions confronted the Angels about their treachery and the Angels replied that it was an mean to an end, casualties were an unfortunate side effect. The two forces began to fight as Chief Librarian Solomon scanned the minds of the Angels and saw that they saw them as tainted. In his fury he saw unleashed a psychic force that killed many Angels of Absolution before his ire was reeled in. The Angels decided to retreat seeing this as a battle they could not since they were outnumbered both on the ground and in orbit. Following this event the Obsidian Lions took time to rebuild and restructure as they saw the Dark Angel’s tactics and structure flawed. They also no longer responded to the Unforgiven’s calls for assistance. They would carve their own destiny apart from the Dark Angels and their progeny. Chapter Home World: Menov was established as the Obsidians Lions’ home planet shortly after their creation and has been extensively fortified over the millennia. They had made planet fall to answer a call for assistance against a Tau force that had attacked some of the kingdoms on the planet. The Tau was a small reconnaissance force and the Lions were able to make quick work of them. While they were battling the Tau they had come across black lions with silvery manes and they took this as a sign. It did not take long before their entire fleet was in orbit over the planet. Menov is a feudal world with many kings carving out their kingdoms within the forests. A few of the kingdoms have grown strong and technologically advanced enough to be able to expand their borders. The thick forests isolate the kingdoms so conflict between the kingdoms is rare, survival is more about battling the elements of the planet than other kingdoms. Two continents dominate the planet with small oceans separating them. Menov’s water seems to be concentrated in the rivers and lakes that cut through the forests that cover the large continents. The larger continent is Nemea, which has a mountain range that runs diagonally through its center. The Obsidian Lions made Anwar Peak their home, greatly expanding the already massive cave system within the mountain. The second continent, Damond, is smaller, but not by much, and is very similar to Nemea but their mountains ranges are much smaller. The vast Gedoc Desert in the center of the continent is its distinctive feature; it is the only sizable dry area on the planet. All rivers seem to flow around the Gedoc and no water flows into the desert. The most distinctive flora on the planet are the forests that canopy the continents and the fauna is varied although the lions top the food chain. The Nemean Lion is the creature that drew the Obsidian Lions to the world, is the largest carnivore on the planet and its razor sharp claws can gouge plasteel. The Nemean Lion is scared to the people of Nemea so it is never hunted unless it attacks an Astartes. The only lion to exist on both continents is the Crephym. The Crephym is a winged lion that is smaller and lighter than the Nemean Lion but is a dangerous predator that rules the skies and mountain peaks of the planet. Another member of the lion family is the Damond Lion, also called a Lightningback because of the golden streak of fur on its back, is the smallest of the lions on Menov. The Damond Lion hunts in packs and has an acidic spit that it uses to lure prey. While the spit itself will not cause take down most animals it on its own it can cause major damage if multiple doses are applied. The Damond Lion will use it to get prey’s attention and lead it into an ambush where the rest of the pride is waiting. Present Activities: Currently their forces are split in two, a Strikeforce was sent to the Masade System to assist with the increasing Necrons presence. The rest of the Chapter has been deployed to fight the Black Crusade. Battle Honors: Wavium Conflict - This battle lead to the schism between the Lions and the Dark Angels. The Lions answered the call to assist the Angels of Absolution in quelling a rebellion. The Lions deployed a sizable force and were to lead the frontal attack while the Angels' Ravenwing was supposed to attack the enemy's flanks. During battle the Angels were nowhere to be found and the Lions were soon engulfed by the opposing forces and the firepower they brought to bear was more than they anticipated. Reinforcements arrived their flagship to turn the tide but the Lions lost more than a full Company and among the casualties was their Chapter Master. What the Lions were not told is that the rebellion was incited by Traitor Marines and among them were suspected Fallen. The death of their Chapter Master lead to blows between the two Chapters and the Obsidian Lions have not answered an Unforgiven heed for assistance since. Redemption Crusades - Following the Wavium Conflict the Lions took time to rebuild their Chapter and restructure. After a few decades they began to lend aid to every call outside of the Unforgiven's that they could. They made sure to show themselves in force and never stretch themselves too thin. They wanted to make amends for turning their backs on their founding Chapter and to prove to themselves that their blade was still sharp. Cebitus Struggle - The Lions responded to reports that Orks had encroached the Cebitus system and suffered their first major defeat. The Lions applied a strike of one hundred Astartes and were pushing the savages back after each battle. The Orks proceeded to crash their ship into the surface killing the long range support iand the swarm of Orks that survived quickly overwhelmed the Lions. There were no survivors but were avenged by a combined effort of the Obsidian Lions and Howling Griffons. This changed how the Lions constructed their strikeforces to make sure they always had contingency support. Xibalba Wars - The Lions fought alongside the Void Angels against the Watchers of Prophecy. When arriving on Vespertilio the Obsidian Lions saw the population in deplorable state, the Watchers had turned the population of the the planet into were-beats. After the initial battles they ruled that the world was beyond reprise and deemed Exterminatus extremis necessary. Shortly after the Void Angels arrived looking for the Watchers of Prophecy. They finally cornered the traitors on the planet Calor and they followed the Watchers into their keep. Once inside they could not be found, some believe that the Tzeentch himself saved them while others say that they had found a webway entrance. Chapter Organization The Obsidian Lions deviate significantly from the Codex Astartes as they feel that their organization allows for more tactical flexibility that was instilled in them by the Howling Griffons. After they severed ties with the Unforgiven they expanded the Dark Angels structure they had adapted to. They saw merit in having specialized units but why just two companies, so they shifted to specialize all their companies. The first and second Companies mirror those of the Dark Angels, Silver Manes and Hunters respectively. The Silver Manes are the Veterans from all of their Companies. Upon reaching the rank of Veteran Knight they join the other veterans of the Chapter, which has led the Silver Manes to rise above 100 Astartes. The Hunters are a fast attack Company like the Ravenwing. The 3rd through 6th are the Chimeras, their Tactical Marines. They are the only units who try to train in all aspects of warfare and are the backbone of all strikeforces. The 7th Company are the Crephyms, their Assault Marines. This Company is an all out assault force and have no bikes or other vehicles attached to them. The 8th Company are the BLANK, the Devastators Company. The 9th is the Iron Company, which is their Armored Company. The Iron Company are skilled in piloting and wielding the devastating power of the Chapter’s tanks and airships. The Iron Company has honed their skills attempting maneuvers and pushing their machines to levels that most other Chapter’s would not even attempt. Finally the 10th is the Scout Company in which all Astartes start their training. They also deviate in how the Astartes are ranked. When a Scout joins any of the Company he has the rank of Squire until he has proven himself in battle. Once he has felt the heat of battle he gains the rank of Brother. From here an Astartes can reach the rank of Knight through battle and through the Broken Sword Tournaments. A Knight are the elites with each Company and it is from here that Sergeants are chosen from. Those who excel are then promoted Veteran Knight and they then join the Silver Manes. In other Companies Astartes earn their rank based solely on their performance, but in the First Company they are directly competing with their fellow Veterans. The top 20 Veteran Knights have the title of Champion-Knight, which is a bittersweet honor because those Astartes who lose the title feel a sense of dishonor. The Champion-Knights can then become a Knight-Captain to one of the Companies of their discipline. Once they have proven their prowess to leading others the can become Knight-Commanders who lead the Strike forces into battle. Fleet Assets The Obsidian Lions are a very active Chapter and have a large fleet of vessels. Lion’s Den – is the Chapter’s flagship Nomadic King – Battle Barge Leo Tenebris – Battle Barge Midnight Prowler – Strike Cruiser Emperor’s Aegis – Strike Cruiser Wrath of Menov – Strike Cruiser Recruitment The Lions primarily recruit from the Kingdoms of Menov. Every generation the Obsidian Lions will request that the kingdoms hold their own tournaments from which recruits will be chosen from. It is a great honor in the kingdoms to have their children inducted into Obsidian Lions. Some families train their children from a very young age for these tournaments. Chapter Master Silver Manes Terminator Hunters Chimaeras Predators Lightningbacks Iron Pride Combat Doctrine The Lions’ principles of war are based on flexibility and applying the proper pressure to the enemy, this has been shaped by their mentors, Howling Griffons, and their progenitors, Dark Angels. The Howling Griffons instilled tactical flexibility in the Lions, to never become too rigid and always use the best tool for the battlefield. The Dark Angels’ Deathwing and Ravenwing showed them how effective specialized Companies can be. The Obsidian Lions create strikeforces for each engagement taking squads of each Company. Normally the larger campaigns are lead by Knight-Commander but for smaller operations a Knight-Captain can lead it. The Strikeforce leader will deduce what elements will be needed to fight the enemy at hand and also what forces he will need for contingency. Local rituals On Menov the Obsidian Lions hold a tournament every year to test an Astartes strength and skill. The tournament includes singles combat, squad-based combat, marksmanship, among other things but the highest honor is to win the Gauntlet. A race through the forests of Nemea with no armor, armed only with a combat knife. The victors of each tournament have the privilege to wear the silver Broken Blade on their left knee until the next tournament. These tournaments are also where a Squire will get their first taste of combat, testing their training to confirm they have what it takes to be an asset on the battlefield. Beliefs The Lions revere the Emperor and their Primarch like any other Chapters with the exception that they feel they have not lived up to Lion El’Johnson’s legacy because they turned their back on the Dark Angels. The first thing they do when becoming an Astartes is to take the Oath of the Broken Blades, an oath to uphold the ideals of the Lion and to never abandon an ally. They hold oaths in a very high regard but compared to the Griffons, the Lions swear few oaths. A completed oath is a source of much personal pride and it is typical for a satisfied oath to be inked onto the skin of the Astartes. On the other side a failed oath brings shame to the Astartes, it is not unknown for an Astartes to take a vow of silence or denounce their rank because they were unable to fulfill an oath. Gene-Seed: Description of origin and current status - Dark Angels, Obviously! Battle Cry “Lion’s Roar!” litany before battle – “The enemy lies at the tip of our blade and it shall weep with their blood.” Champions of the Chapter Asimov - has been the High Commander of the Obsidian Lions for the last century. He is not one to rush into any fight and rarely gives into the battle fury. His level headedness has always allowed him to make sound tactical decisions and to always weigh his options. He is held in high regard by his men because he always leads from the font lines. He is the only High Commander to have never won a tournament for his prowess was on the battlefield. He wields the Broken Blades of Naziel and wears the Silver Fleece. Naziel - was the third Chapter Master of the Obsidian Lions. He was a great warrior who never backed down from a battle and always pushed his men on to glory. But what he is remembered most for is his death. During the Wavium Conflict he was leading the Lions into battle waiting for the Angels of Absolution to attack the enemy's flanks, the Angels never arrived. He was enraged at the constant disregard the Unforgiven had towards his Chapter. With his obsidian blades in had he cut down traitor after traitor until he was killed by a melta blast, then the traitors began to mutilate his body out of anger. When reinforcements arrived and the Lions were able to finally clear a path to Naziel they found his battered body laying next to his broken obsidian swords. This marked the end of the Lion's wanting to live up to their progenitor's ideology and no longer sought their acceptance. Renock - is currently the Chapter's top Champion-Knight. Renock was a Chimaera and was part of he Fifth Company. He was proficient with any weapon that he wields to the point that he one of the few Obsidian Lions to have won every tournament he entered. He is a great combatant but his tactical sense has come into question at times. There are whispers that for all his battle prowess he will never make the rank of Knight-Commander, something that he intends to prove wrong. He is the current owner of the Starwall and wields the Sword of Oaths. Nasla - was recently promoted to Knight-Commander. While he has only fought a few battles since receiving his new rank, Nasla is a seasoned commander as the Knight-Captain of the 4th Company. He is a very reserved individual and never boats about his accolades. He carries the Emperor's Peace. Gar - is the current Knight-Captain of the Predators. Gar is a fearsome close combat fighter, always looking to challenge enemy force's champions. Always looking for combat opportunities that if he is not leading a strikeforce he will volunteer to accompany his men in a different strikeforce. Gar wields the Fateripper and a Nemean Hide. Relics Broken Blades of Naziel - Naziel's blades were taken after the Wavium Conflict and put fitted into a pair of lightning claws replacing the claws. The blades can be protracted for a better reach and also used to penetrate armor. The blades are given to the High Commander upon his ascension. Heart of Anwar - is a master crafted Power Hammer. These hammers were worked on many times to better deal with the dense Menovian rock during the initial expansion of the caves. All the hammers were lost with the exception of one. Later on they were able to use better equipment for the expansion but this power hammer has shown to be a strong weapon of war as much as well powerful tool. Sword of Oaths - This master-crafted claymore was given to the Obsidian Lions by the Howling Griffons after their training had been completed. The Griffons held the Lions in high regard and saw a potential in their fervor. This blade was a symbol of the oath of brotherhood that sworn by the two Chapter Masters.The sword is given to the highest ranked Champion-Knight. Lion's Tail - This cimbi-melta is that was wielded by Galtan on the world of Rayvon. The Lions assaulted the Dark Eldar on this Shrine world to stop the desocration of the the world where the Emperor had visited while he still lead the Great Crusade. The only surviving Lion was allowed to clean his equipment in the moat that surrounded the main cathedral, the moat is said to be blessed for the Emperor himself drank its water. The Lion's Tail has never malfunctioned since that day. Silver Fleece - Menov's rarest and most dangerous predator's, the silver Nemean Lion, hide has special characteristics that create a small field of protection when charge is applied to it. The Nemean Hides are worn only by the Obsidian Lion's officers and the Silver Fleece is a masterpiece among them that is passed from High Commander to High Commander. Tower of Lions - This storm shield was created for the first Chapter Master to receive the tile of High Commander. While the artificers expertly crafted and adorned the shield as a tribute to the new title, the High Commander was unwilling to part with the Blades of Naziel. He asked his Commanders to duel for the shield. Whenever the owner of the shield passes the remaining Commanders and whoever is elevated must duel to see who the new owner is. Trinity of War - The Trinity of War is a set of weapons that was commissioned for the winner of the first Gauntlet tournament. The owner eventually joined the ranks of the Veteran-Knight. Since his death the weapons are dueled for during for during the Broken Blade Tournaments and only one other person since has possessed all three weapons. Fateripper - a master crafted power sword. Emperor's Peace - A master crafted bolt. This weapon is able to shoot a volley of bolts without jamming. Starwall - is a master-crafted combat shield. Whenever the the field is struck the energy ripples resembling a wall of stars.
  12. Order of the Gilded Blade Foundation Sister Poloma Castillion In 236.M41 the Order of the Argent Shroud spearheaded an Imperial reclamation campaign on the agri-world of Oldama Majoris. Whilst the holy sisters made swift progress in their assault on the capital city Iuga, stamping out heresy and inspiring hundreds to take up arms against the Emperor’s enemies, elsewhere the Imperial forces faltered. Disaster struck less than two weeks into the campaign when the 21st Harjinn Ghilmen regiment was massacred by a mob of heretics led by the reviled demagogue known as the Ash Priest. With the battle in Iuga intensifying and the Ash Priest’s force, now numbering close to twenty thousand, closing in from the rear, Canoness Commander Volenta ordered her second-in-command, Palatine Crusixis, to lead a small force of sisters into the dense Oldaman forests and continue the fight in the Emperor’s name. From the depths of the forest Palatine Crusixis launched numerous raids on heretic positions, massacring patrols and destroying supply posts. Nevertheless, as supplies dwindled and casualties mounted, the small force of sisters began to lose morale. The Ash Priest also needed to rekindle the heretical faith of his followers and began to burn the forest to the ground. The sisters retreated further and further, seeking to reach the edge of the fast-approaching wall of flames and loop back to outflank the heretics. It was then that they discovered a long-forgotten shrine to the Emperor. The walls were covered in tangled ivy, but were thick and defensible. The catacombs contained a treasure trove of swords, maces, flails and shields, archaic but usable. But the greatest treasure hung above the altar: a master-crafted power sword that shimmered with golden light. Palatine Crusixis declared that here that the sisters would make their last stand. The inferno washed over the shrine, incinerating the plant life and splintering the marble mosaics covering the outer walls. The sisters sheltered safe in the catacombs, singing hymns of praise to Him on Earth and sharpening their blades. When the flames had passed on the sisters emerged to defend the shrine from those who would despoil it. The battle was hard-fought, with the sisters relying almost entirely on the melee weapons they had uncovered and the heretics lacking heavy artillery to breach the walls of the shrine. After five hours of brutal combat the Ash Priest himself took to the field and was met by Palatine Crusixis. Although the arch-heretic was swollen with daemonic power, he was no match for the faithful sister and Crusixis decapitated him with one swipe of the golden sword. After this glorious victory the few surviving sisters swept across the land, their zeal burning brighter than ever. Those Oldamans who had remained faithful emerged from hiding to join the righteous crusade and, with their prophet slain, the heretics quickly capitulated. When Imperial reinforcements arrived two years later they found a world cleansed of heresy and eager to rejoin the Imperium of Man. Palatine Crusixis successfully petitioned the Covent Prioris to found a new commandery around the shrine they had discovered and two centuries later the Order of the Gilded Blade was formerly recognised as a Lesser Order Militant of the Adepta Sororitas. Present Day At the close of the forty-first millennia Oldama Majoris has been transformed from a backwater agri-world to the most popular shrine world in three sectors. Pilgrims touch down at the spaceport outside Iuga and travel into the city along a highway lined with adamantium statues of the primarchs and the saints. In Iuga the pilgrims visit the shrine that marks the spot where Canoness Commander Volenta fell, torn apart by a rapid mob of heretics, and leave a traditional offering of a drop of blood to commemorate the sisters of the Order of the Argent Shroud who sacrificed their lives to free Oldama Majoris. After a tour of the other holy sites and shrines in Iuga the pilgrims remove their shoes and walk barefoot through the forest to the Shrine of the Emperor Saviour, now a sprawling temple complex containing training and living facilities for the Order of the Gilded Blade. The pilgrims take mass at the altar and view the golden sword with which Palatine Crusixis slew the Ash Priest. The pilgrims are then invited to an audience with the Canoness Superior or her representative. They are questioned on their journey and any heretical or xenos activity they witnessed or heard reports of. If the pilgrim is judged to be faithful and reliable their information is acted upon, whether it be a report of an ork invasion of hive world or a rumour of a witch hidden in a cave in the most remote and unimportant world. The sisters of the Order of the Gilded Blade know that all heresy is dangerous if allow to fester, no matter how inconsequential it may appear. “The Imperium is run by men and women who dream of sectors and subsectors, fleets and armies, sieges, pitched battles and orbital strikes. I do not deny the importance of these things. But the people who live in the Imperium have smaller dreams. They dream of their families, their neighbours, their farm or manufactory. They do not comprehend the Black Crusade, the horde of xenos, the world-ending warp rift. Such things do not concern them because they are too vast, too far beyond imagination. The things they fear are smaller: the raider in the night, the mutant in the sewer, the witch in the forest. Some say such things are insignificant, too lowly to demand our attention. To this I say: where do we draw the line between the tolerable heresy and the intolerable? Did the Emperor give his life so the Imperium could be partially saved? How can the smallfolk of the Imperium stay faithful if the Emperor’s representatives abandon them in their hour of need, no matter how small that need may seem in the grand scheme of things? Left unchecked the raider will return emboldened, seeking larger bounties. The mutant will bind together with others of its kind and rise up to overthrow the lawful government and enslave those who rightfully persecuted it. The witch will attract the attentions of those beyond and cause a whole world to be put to the torch. Call our work insignificant if you will. We know that it is not.” - Canoness Tirista Gonrolo Combat Doctrine The Order of the Gilded Blade numbers around six hundred battle sisters, with over four hundred away on active duty at any given time. The Order’s remit means that its forces are often spread thin on over a dozen worlds, many deployments consisting of only one or two squads with little chance of reinforcement during the mission. This means that each sister is highly trained to operate in any combat role and with any weapon in the Order’s arsenal. The Order of the Gilded Blade is unafraid to use stealth and infiltration tactics against the enemies of the Emperor, believing it is unworthy to apply notions like ‘honourable combat’ to such scum. Indeed, with the sisters usually operating at a numerical disadvantage, such tactics are vital. In recent years, following heavy petitioning from pilgrims and planetary authorities, the Order of the Gilded Blade has established small waystations on several worlds along major pilgrimage routes. These serve as rest points for weary pilgrims and as garrisons for up to a hundred sisters. The waystations have proved a resounding success, allowing the sisters to carry out more missions on worlds far from Oldama Majoris. They are swiftly becoming pilgrimage points in their own right for those of poor means who struggle to get offworld. The War for the Soul of Hive Gharne – 892.M41 The sisters of the Order of the Gilded Blade first learned of the heresy growing in Hive Gharne from Quarant Ipsos, an elderly pilgrim who had sold everything he owned to fund his pilgrimage from Terentis VI to Oldama Majoris. He spoke of his grandson, kidnapped and forced to fight to the death in underground arenas. The local Arbites saw it as a way regulate the district’s population, but Quarant had learnt the holy words of the saints all his life and knew that blood-sport was a grave sin against the Emperor, depriving Him of men and women who owed Him their lives. The sisters recognised the need and despatched three squads to Terentis VI. It soon became clear that the arenas were merely a cover for a well-organised gang of blood cultists whose influence spread throughout the underworld of Hive Gharne. The sisters remained in the shadows at first, carrying out raids on minor drug dens, warehouses and blood-pits. Each strike was well planned and initiated with no survivors left to breathe word of their presence. The sisters also reached out to priests of the Adeptus Ministorum, requesting that they stir up their congregations to oppose the arena fights. With their operations under attack from an unknown foe and the faithful rising up against them, the blood cultists overplayed their hand. A tide of gangers, pit-fighters and death-seekers spilled on to the streets, massacring anyone in their path including each other. The Arbites were forced to respond, deploying en masse to fight the cultists. The sisters also revealed themselves, using intelligence extracted during their initial operations to locate and destroy the cult leaders. The heresy was eradicated within a week. Sister Superior Ysobil Romora first came to the Shrine of the Emperor Saviour as an orphan girl, six years old and born on pilgrimage. She told the tale of how the pilgrim ship she was travelling on was attacked by eldar corsairs and how her parents sacrificed their lives to lead the aliens away from her hiding place. Like many of the parentless girl-children who find their way to the Shrine Ysobil was inducted into the Order of the Gilded Blade as a novice. She was trained every day in faith and in battle, excelling in every field. When she finally attained the rank of battle sister on her sixteenth birthday it was widely seen as being several years late. Over the following years Sister Ysobil continued to excel. Her sharp eye and ferocious strength frequently saw her assigned as a Retributor heavy weapons specialist. It was her heavy bolter that cut down the ork mob on the steps of the Temple of the Primarchs on Laodiseah and her multi-melta that destroyed three traitor Leman Russ tanks on Drexus. In a brutal fight on Chennov Ysobil was forced to take command of the Order’s force after heavy casualties. After leading a heroic counter-attack on the rebel position that ended up winning the war, Ysobil was promoted to Sister Superior. Her final battle took place in the dark forests of Kapuchin III where she was torn limb-from-limb by a giant mutated monster. This grisly sight inspired her sisters to greater fury and they fought unceasingly over the next three years until the planet’s mutant infestation was finally cleansed. Sister Superior Ysobil Romora
  13. "Cowards! I should have nailed your worthless hide to the Bastion you vowed to defend! I will hunt you to the ends of the galaxy! I swear this to Him on Earth!" - the parting exchange between Canoness Superior Sylia Stengovich of the eventual Order of Machaeram and the former Imperial Guard commander, Colonel Buryon J. Mason, latterly known as Buryon the Trecherous. Order name and History[/skullheaderhalf] The Order originates from a small contingent of Sisters of the Order of Our Martyred Lady, based on a world called Machaeram. Dedicated to defending worlds nearby, the Order working in tandem with an Imperial Guard regiment called Gehnum's 87th "The Boomers" a heavy infantry regiment. The Guardsmen were wary of the Order initially, mainly due to their fervour in battle and the measures taken to expose and deal with Heresy. After a decade of fighting, mostly concentrated within the Linna system, both were taken out of rotation to resupply and rest. On the way back to their respective worlds, the Canoness Superior discovered that their allies were Heretics themselves. Turning around to make chase, the Orders' flagship was attacked by a force of Chaos Space Marines. Left crippled and adrift, the Order was unable to pick up the trail of their new quarry. The Order spent many years searching, each world they scoured showed signs that the regiment were looking for a particular artefact, one that would result in the apotheosis of the Colonel by releasing a torrent of Daemons into the material galaxy. They had had no luck, the regiment suffering high casualties. Interrogating a wounded guardsman left behind, they were given the last world the Colonel would search, the Order's own home-world. Horrified that such a thing could exist under their very noses, the Sororitas made haste back to Machaeram, only to find it ablaze, the native populace either dead or turned, willing slaves to the Colonel, who had now taken the moniker of Buryon the Treacherous. On a mountain top, the two fought, their struggle to overcome the other frantic. A landslide made the Colonel fall to the depths below, but the Canoness did not believe he had perished as there were signs of his handiwork on worlds on the outer edges of the Quincy Sector. The Sisters led by Canoness Sylia Stengovitch strove to emulate the feats of the larger Order, ever eager to root out Heresy, ever eager to be acknowledged as equals. The failure to see the corruption of their former allies resulted in being stripped of their heraldry and colours, their deeds struck from record. Forced to wear grey armour and tabards, they were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the distant Shrine World of Romanov II to atone for their foolish pride and to redeem themselves. Their journey took longer than it should have, as they diverted their path following any lead that would bring them closer to the Traitors that brought them low. After twenty years, the Order finally arrived at Romanov II, weary and overstretched. Upon visiting the shrine at the Capitol, Canoness Stengovitch was brought before the Sectors head of the Ecclesiarchy in a private ceremony to determine whether they had truly atoned. The affair was never officially documented, but soon after, the small group was ordered to return, a new determination set in their minds. Armour still dark grey, they now sported green tabards and bore the sigil of a sword. Setting a course, the new Order of Machaeram vowed to destroy the Heretical regiment. The remainder of Machaeram's native population were mostly put to death, their numbers replaced by workers from other worlds nearby. The Sisters' renewed duty has given them an even harder edge, showing no mercy for any transgression against the Emperor. The Order has renewed their vow to end the Heretical Gehnum's 87th "The Boomers" regiments machinations once and for all. Home planet[/skullheaderhalf] Machaeram is primarily an Agri-world, mainly yielding various cereals for the Imperium at large. A small world within the Xeroid system, it's inhabitants are pious and unimaginative, the hard toil in the fields is ambition enough. A yearly tithe of orphaned girls or those who were of age were taken as their due and trained in the Doctrines of the Order to supplement recruitment from the Schola Progenium. The larger inhabited planet, Gehnum was mainly used to muster troops for the Guard and had done so for millennia. The high turnover of recruits had left the planet with a significant dip in population levels, the natives becoming more and more bitter that their destiny was ultimately to die forgotten on a far off battlefield. The seeds of corruption was brought to bear by an unknown instigator, so subtle in their work that the Heresy was not found out until it was too late. Order Founder Sylia Stengovitch was a fierce woman, her pious heart was broken with the knowledge that she has fought along side traitors to the Imperium and Him on Earth. After her Orders' pilgrimage, her fervour became even greater - nothing would stay her hand from destroying that which had brought her Sisters shame and will bring all before her to the flame to accomplish her goal. [skullheaderhalf=206906]Notable Sisters Irene Chang - A Seraphim Superior who, with her biological Sister Reika, were instrumental in rooting out and destroying a Slaaneshi Cult on Eufestus XI Reika Chang - A Seraphim Sister Lisa Vanette - A Celestian Sister who sacrificed her life to save her Canoness. Was latterly known as Lisa the Unyielding. Naoko - A Sister belonging to Canoness Superior Stengovitch's command squad. Sylvie - A Repressor tank driver who smashed the walls of the city known as Lucitant on the planet Gorumn, allowing the Order to gain victory. Anri - A Sister who fought with Iron Lord Hubros's Second Company of the Steel Wings Chapter and was instrumental in helping him prevent the Bahltimyr Reavers from corrupting the planet Mu'kin. [skullheaderhalf=206906]Significant battles joined - The battle of Eufestus XI Fighting alongside the Amber Dragons Chapter, the Order destroyed 10,000 Cultists who were ill prepared for the furious assault launched against them. The Cult leader, Amanos the sickened was torn to pieces by Irene Chang with her chainsword Aypeeteya, named after one of the mountain ranges to the north of the Order's Chapel-fortress. - The sacking Mu'Kin The Bahltimyr Reavers were denied their prize of an artifact of Xenos origin that would have defeated the combined force of the Steel Wings' Second Company and a small detachment of Sisters. Swearing vengeance, Rai Lurweiss would escape and attack the Order in transit to the Ermentia Cascade 15 years later.
  14. Alright folks, time for me to throw my hat in the ring in full. Here is the Sisterhood I've been holding onto now for about . . . four years, apparently. Wow, I've been at this for a while. As always with my DIYs, I have a tendency to do some very bare-bones creations, names, colors, and a very short snippet, create a whole host of them (at some point last year I counted just over a couple hundred, with about 2/3s B&C appropriate), and then with aching slowness go about developing them to the point of being worthy of being posted. Often, a huge amount of their character and history are completely unknown to me until I take the time and just try to increase the word count. I always like to think about how the ideas first originated, as it goes to show just how far I've come in this whole business. The Order of the Perpetual Sorrows originated as a Sisterhood based off of an old Facebook group I was a part of, the Green Randoms. I would jokingly create an in-universe clan around it (this was a D&D group), called the Verdant Variables. For some reason that I no longer recall, I took that as the base for a Sisterhood, which was originally called the Viridian Valkyries, had a convent on Fenris itself, and yes, it was that bad, shut up. Their color scheme has been unchanged since then, but as you'll be able to see from here on out, they really don't have anything else left from that time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I'll continue working on it, but C&C on what I have so far would be appreciated. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OHAehTs9PrQ/UmP3bTH-hvI/AAAAAAAAaP0/Fgf4zLo3r3w/s400/city-saint.jpg “Defilement comes through the sons of Man Born Divine, through Cain refleshed. She will lift the silver veil from her face, and from her eyes shall flow the tears of the silenced into perpetuity, to wash the corrupt in a flood of condemnation.” Order Name The Order of the Perpetual Sorrows Home Planet Bathkol, a temperate shrineworld of Sector Aexynder, Subsector Raphestus Founder Viridiana Serif, Our Weeping Lady. Born 248.M38, Martyred 412.M38 Notable Sisters Yohanna Candidus, Palatine-Commander of the Serifi, Purifier of the Sunderers It is no surprise that the Order of the Perpetual Sorrows would endear themselves to their founder and her ways. As the first Canoness named herself of the Seraphim, and favored their use alongside armour contingents, so too did those who followed her. There is a strong leaning in the Sisterhood towards the Seraphim squads, leading towards an imbalanced organization. It became necessary to subdivide the Seraphim, to single out the exceptional and the experienced. These veteran Seraphim congregate in the Chapel of the Serifi, for which they view Viridiana Serif as its patron saint and from whom they are named. These women can often be seen at the forefront of every major battle of the Sisterhood, their skills and fervor lending them an unrivaled edge. Though the Serifi are considered a Commandery according to the Order's organizational structure, they exist far higher in their hierarchy. The Palatine-Commander often holds a position of honor in the Sisterhood, her voice as heeded and respected as any preceptory mistress. Only when the entire Order is mobilized for war do the Serifi stand united outside of their Chapel, as their Commandery are most often spread across the Order and its various conflicts. History Communion with the God-Emperor, a most sacred practice, has guided the devoted for millennia. Though often difficult to interpret, the lives of millions are turned to the task of extrapolation. One such interpretation called for the founding of one of the Lesser Orders Militant. Viridiana Serif, a Canoness Preceptor of the Order of the Argent Shroud, was granted the honor of separating her convent from the Order. Taking with her the relic tome Luctus Aeternia, and naming the Order after the prophetic glimpse that saw to its creation, Lady Serif, now Canoness Superior of the Order of the Perpetual Sorrows, retained the convent upon the shrineworld Bathkol where the Preceptory was based, expanding it to accommodate the increased potential of a full Order. Within a century, the Sisterhood had gained incredible renown in the local Sector as a fast-acting militant order, striking with overwhelming force at the earliest signs of heresy. The zeal with which they met the secretive cults of Sector Aexynder caught the attention of Inquisitors of the Ordo Hereticus, and quickly they would take advantage of the fiery Sisters in their own investigations. In time, they were seen by the Inquisition as a powerful tool in this Sector and its surrounding regions, with many Inquisitors even petitioning the Sisterhood for permanent detachments to follow them across the Imperium's greater expanse. With their harsh intolerance for even minor deviations of the Imperial Creed, the Sisters of the Order of the Perpetual Sorrows can be seen participating in wars of faith in every corner of the Imperium. Beliefs The Sisters of Perpetual Sorrow record with careful precision the heretical crimes committed against Him on Earth within the tactical log Luctus Aeternia. To the Sisters, these crimes should never be forgotten, lest they be repeated, and are often invoked during sermons. It is, however, of note that what this Sisterhood condemns as heretical is, perhaps, more conservative than the greater Ecclesiarchy's general approach to the differing faiths in the God-Emperor. To the Sisters of Bathkol, the God-Emperor is the All, born whole from the holiness of Terra's children. To these Sisters, worship of the God-Emperor in any other aspect is condemnable. They see totemic representations of the God-Emperor as debasement before false idols. While they are willing to curb their indignation and bile for otherwise loyal Imperial domains, these beliefs made them willing participants in retributive campaigns based upon ideological conflicts, particularly when involving the contrary beliefs of a Space Marine Chapter. These beliefs have spread beyond the Sisterhood, in no small part because of their charismatic prominence on Bathkol and beyond. On a few worlds, their particular outlook on Space Marines have taken rather well. On Hathmose it is most understandable, the planet's denizens having long memories into their past, when renegade Space Marines would raid their stores with clockwork precision and brutality before being run off by a detachment of Loyalist Space Marines of the Flesh Tearers Chapter. For the embittered Hathmosians, they could not distinguish between savior and ravager. The Sisterhood, however, has not taken kindly to a particular sentiment among those they have so influenced. With the focus the Order has on the Seraphim squads, especially the often more ornate Serifi, there are those among the masses who look up to these women that see them as the God-Emperor's true angels. Indeed, the Order has become increasingly frustrated with what they see as false idolatry, loudly and at times even violently denouncing it. Significant Battle Dragon's Fall – M39: Like many Space Marine Chapters based out of feral death worlds, the Sunderers had a unique, contradictory view of the Emperor. While ostensibly holding to the improper belief system of the Adeptus Astartes, that of the God-Emperor as “just a man,” the further uncivilized beliefs of their own recruitment stock pervaded and corrupted the Chapter. This has occurred among those who would call Him on Earth their grandsire since time immemorial, when the God-Emperor, in an unfathomable act of wisdom and compassion, allowed for the continued existence of the Space Wolves Chapter. The Sunderers, inheritors of the White Scars Chapter, another barbaric lineage not unlike those of the Wolves or the Salamanders, had for several thousand years looked to the feathered, saurian mega-fauna of their home world as symbolically representative of the God-Emperor's power and ferocity. Even before their corruption by the powers beyond, the Sisters of Perpetual Sorrow would have proclaimed them damned in moments. With the Imperium fully seeking to unleash judgment upon the Sunderers, the Order gladly lent the taskforce its entire strength. This proved fortuitous to the forces of the God-Emperor, as it was one of the Order's Commanderies that successfully disrupted a ritual centered upon the Chapter's former High Reclusiarch, a ritual that surely would have turned the tide of battle and necessitated the call for other, more terrible allies. http://i.imgur.com/q9lV8YL.jpg
  15. Order name: Order of the Parthenon Home planet: Pavonis Name of its Founder: Athena History: Originally part of the Order of Our Martyred Lady, the Order of the Parthenon was founded after a failed mission against a Xenos raid by the Dark Eldar resulted in the death and/ or capture of the mission’s Canoness and multiple other sisters. The few surviving members of the mission performed valiantly but were stricken with the grief at the loss of so many of their fellow sisters and failure in protecting the Shrine of the Thor. The Canoness Superior of the Order of Our Martyred Lady sought out the Abbess Sanctorum for approval to form a new Order Minoris. The purpose of the new order was to create a small Commandery of Sisters that are to valuable to become Repentias, in need to way to cope with their grief, and rededicate their Faith to the Emperor. The Abbess granted the Canoness Superior the chance to create an Order Minoris. Canoness Superior selected Canoness Commander Athena to lead this Order. Canoness Commander Athena chose the name the Order of the Parthenon and selected the planet Pavonis in the Eastern Fringe. Canoness Commander Athena set about selecting various sisters amongst the Order of Our Martyred Lady that fit the Abbess and Canoness Superior's decree. Once the force was assembled, they departed Ophelia VII aboard an Inquisitor Ares' fleet and informed of their mission. All their previous iconography for the Order of our Martyred Lady was removed and their armor painted grey with black robes. Canoness Athena informed the assembled sisters that Fleur-de-lis icons would be different colors to signify ranks and veteran status. Notable Sisters: Canoness Commander Athena- Hard Nosed Canoness, commonly seen leading the forces on foot in mass. Well Respected and knowledgeable understands her mission and seeks the right Superiors to complete the job. Carries Combi-melta. Canoness A. Janelle- Aggressive, head strong Canoness perfers close combat and use of jump packs. Once Single handily engaged multiple squads of Terminators and Tactical Marines from the Salamander Space Marine Chapter over what was a considered a rude comment towards her and her sisters during the Battle of Armageddon. Only the intervention by Chaplain Xavier of the Salamanders stopped the fight. Veteran Sister Superior Ginger- One of the best Sister Superiors available and first pick to join the Ordo Minoris when created. Has served with Canoness Athena for many years and has become the Combat instructor for the new Sisters in the order. Levelheaded and strict, she usually leads the base sister squads to evaluate them in combat. Veteran Seraphim Superior Rochelle- Calm and cool compared to Canoness A. Janelle. She is the voice of reason that speaks to Canoness A. Janelle, when she listens. Often leads the Seraphim bodyguard for Canoness A. Janelle in battle. Sister Bambi- Survivor of the Xenos Raid. Commonly assigned to drive the Mission Commander's Transport. Shot down a raider transport with a squad wytches with her Rhino's Stormbolter after the squad had disembarked to take an area. Resulting crash delayed the Wyches from engaging in close combat for a few brief moments. Sister Alana- Survivor of the Xenos Raid. Heavy Bolter weilding Retributor. Commonly referred to one of the best shooters, most aggressive and ruthless members of the retributors. Constantly bumps heads with Veteran Retributor Superior Alma over the targets they are to engage, but usually the one that downs the most amongst the squad. During the Engagment with Dark Eldar, Alana shoot down a raider full of warriors and killed the survivors of the crash, shortly after that. Also successfully eliminated Eldar War Walkers attempting to scout a positon. Significant battles joined: Defense of the Relic- An item referred to as only the “relic” was being stored in the Parthenon after the Ordos arrival. The Adeptus Astartes from the Iron Hands Chapter assisting an Adeptus Mechanicus Detachment laid siege to the Order of the Parthenon’s Church. The siege only ended when Inquisitor Ares intervened forcing a truce between the 2 sides. The Bloody City- The cities inhabitants began to rise up and protest against the Imperium. The protests turned violent and fullscale rioting began. The Adeptus Aributes arrived in force and were slaughter ed. The last remaining arbite was able to send a distress call out before his death. Upon entering the city, Canoness Athena led the mounted forces only to discover how bad the situation actually was. The City was under the influence of a Cult of Khorne. The cultists soon were eliminated but the threat was far worse than originally thought. So Bezerkers of Khorne were appearing in the streets slaughtering the Sisters. Canoness Athena had her forces fall back to a more defensible position. Rhinos full of bezerkers charge toward the sisters position and that is when Canoness opened her vox to the forces in wait. A large mob of Zealots assaulted the Bezerkers as they approached the Sisters position, as the zealots chanted their war hyms of victory a Khorne brass scorpion ran threw them killing the survivors of the melee with the Bezerkers straight into the Sisters defended position. In a hail of bolter and melta fire the sisters were able to down the Daemon engine of Khorne. The Violent End- After the Blood City Battle a Dark Angel strike force was in system seeking an Alpha Legion they were chasing. While at the Master of the Dark Angels force discussed with Canoness Athena, the Alpha Legion and Iron Warriors began their attack. The long range artillery being laid down by the 2 Chaos Forces forced the Dark Angels and Sisters to Seek Refuge behind the Imperial Wall. The Dark Angels rushed to man the walls with their plasma weapons as the Chaos Forces rushed the wall. The Dark Angels Chaplain rushed out to face the hordes of chaos with a squad of marines and Canoness Athena and A few Squads joined them. A series of artillery blasts soon took out the chaplain and his squad. The Iron Warrior Warsmith disembarked his rhino with his chosen and walked past the dying Chaplain, and kicked him in his skull helm, straight towards Canoness Athena and her sisters. A single Alpha Legion artillery round soared thru the air detonating on the Warsmith’s rhino. The Warsmith pointed towards Canoness Athena and said “You only live past this moment….because I have idiots that need to be killed immediately.” The Warsmith turned around and walked towards the Alpha Legion lines infuriated. Canoness Athena checked on the Chaplain and he was already gone. Laying next him was a Book that had the word “Salvation” on it. Talons Luminous- One of the materials refineries on Pavonis emergency beacon activated notifying the Ordo of intruders on site. Canoness Commander Athena dispatched a small surgical strike team to investigate and repeal attackers. Canoness A. Janelle lead forces set up a perimeter and began the in investigation. The power to the refinery was disabled and large shapes could be seen moving in the distance. The Sisters began paying attention to a multi armed shadow near a small tracked vehicle. The sisters attempted to use their IFF sensors on the shadowy figures to no avail. Canoness A. Janelle informed her forces to prepare to move in to attack position. On Canoness A. Janelle’s command the Sisters began to move into attack positions. Bolter fire erupted from the intruders. “Chaos Marines,” yelled someone on the battlefield. Canoness A. Janelle jump packed to on one of the refinery platforms while Veteran Seraphim Superior Rochelle continued past the area to get behind the enemy lines. The Marines began running up the Platforms stair case to get to Canoness A. Janelle. Canoness A. Janelle engaged Marines on the landing to the stairs to reduce their strength and numbers. As Canoness A. Janelle kept killing the Marines, she could hear them screaming for reinforcements. Veteran Seraphim Superior Rochelle approached the multi limbed figure that was near the tracked vehicle with a large thud the enemy commander landed behind Canoness A. Janelle, his lightning claws glowing in the darkness. Canoness A. Janelle engaged the enemy commander in a fierce fight. Veteran Seraphim Superior Rochelle approached the multi armed enemy placed her bolt pistol to his head and said “I suggest you call your forces off, Techmarine…..You are intruders in an area we are protecting.” The Techmarine tuned to face Veteran Seraphim Superior Rochelle and her squad and voxed aloud “Cease Fire.” The Marine commander kneed Canoness A. Janelle in the face as she ducked his lightning claw swing, sending her sliding in to the railing. The Commander looked at her and said “So Sororitas, we both are on side of the Emperor….I guess we both made mistakes starting this fight, The Talons Luminous and the Adepta Sororitas.” With blood running down her face, Canoness A. Janelle stood up and said, “no, You and your Talons Luminous made the mistakes, You entered a restricted area unannounced, You disabled the power, You attempted to steal from the refinery, You opened fire on us…Given these actions, How else would we engage you and your force. Plus you misidentified us, calling us Chaos Marines. The 15 dead marines and neophytes of the Talons Luminous, I personally killed this day, Have you to thank for their deaths. And the Inquisition will be notified of the Talons Luminous’s actions….” The commander looked over the area they had been fighting and saw all his dead marines. And fell to his knees. Return to the Bloody City- Canoness Athena was receiving word that the area of know as the Bloody City was becoming unstable again. Canoness Athena and a few squads proceeded to the area. Upon entering the city, nothing seemed a miss until the skies darkened. Shadows began to move on their own in the darkness. Veteran Sister Superior Ginger and her squad began clearing a multistory building. Out of the darkness, glimmering shapes began to appear on the stairs below them. Flames jumped at the sister squad from the glimmering shapes. No damage was taken by the sisters and Sister Rebecca turned her Heavy Flamer on the shapes. The shapes withered and died to the sudden blast of promethium. The victory was short lived; Veteran Sister Superior Ginger glanced out at the street below. The forces were in disarray. Daemons were everywhere. Canoness Athena was attempting to vox the forces but only static came through. Veteran Sister Superior Ginger had her squad proceed back down the stairs to join the rest of the forces. Suddenly a Greater Daemon of Khorne appeared as Veteran Sister Superior Ginger and her squad made it to the ground floor. One of the Forces Exorcists tanks was hurled into the building Veteran Sister Superior Ginger and her squad was in. The Sororitas immediately fell back and out of the city. Betrayers to Throne- An Astra Militarum Force soon deployed on Pavonis to set up quarantine around the Bloody city. Canoness Athena with the Lord Commissar and the Company commander on what they were planning on doing to contain the threat in the City. After the meeting Canoness Athena discusses with her Senior Sisters about the uneasy feeling she had. All Sisters in attendance agreed something was amiss. Canoness Athena assembled a small recon team to assist her with multiple squads in rhinos as back up. Canoness Athena informed the vehicles in the convoy to hold back as her Immolator continued forward with the Dominions. The Immolator moved as close as it could to the Astra Militarums HQ. The Dominions and Canoness Athena disembarked to into a building and began their investigation. Soon they had their answer. A Chaos Dark Apostle was amongst the Guard. Canoness Athena voxed the go codes to the rest of her forces and returned to her Immolator with the dominions. The Rogue Astra Militarum force quickly ran to their positons in response to the inbound rhinos. As the Astra Militarium mounted troops and tanks departed the HQ and Staging area, Canoness Athena once again disembarked her Immolator. The Immolator surged forward at the Lord Commissar and his Conscripts that were running towards the Sisters Rhinos. Sister Bambi opened up the nozzles to full and killed all the conscripts in one blast. The Lord Commissar laughed as he only survivor of the unit, before he was cut down by the storm bolter fire from the Dominions. The Immolator turned and proceeded over the berm to engage the Heavy weapon troops in the HQ area. Canoness Athena and the Dominions engaged any infantry they encountered until it was the command squad remaining with the Dark Apostle. Before a word was said the Dark Apostle was lifted through the air blood spurting from a spear through his chest and the Command squad turning to see the unknown Attacker. Storm bolter fire ripped through the command squad. Canoness Athena made the Sign of the Aquila to her chest and was greeted and by the same gesture back. The giant in Silver Terminator Amour identified himself as a Brother-Captain Raines of the Grey Knights Chapter. Canoness Athena pulled out the map and informed the Brother Captain of the borders to the Bloody City. Canoness Athena and Brother Captain Raines then departed on their separate ways. Speciality: Urban combat Colours and heraldry markings. Armor is Grey Robes black Base Sisters White Fleur -de-lis Veteran Sisters/ Superiors Red Fleur-de-lis Command Gold Fleur-de-lis
  16. -= The Order of the Crimson Crescent =- "Few things better serve The Emperor than a keen eye and a steady hand." - Sister Felcia Rayeland -=Homeworld and Early History =- A Sister of the Order of the Crimson Crescent "Faith can remain pure, even when walls crumble and bodies falter." - Sister Auria Eribell In the year M40.204, A Decree was passed by the highly influential Cardinal Vesur as part of a long-term plan to reinforce the strength of the Imperial Faith in the distant reaches of the Ultima Segmentum. Vesur's plan involved the construction of great cathedrals and shrines, sweeping across three sectors. Entire regiments of Imperial Guard and fleets of Imperial Navy would receive formal blessings from the Ecclesiarchy, and pilgrimages to reclaim lost Holy relics or sites were put into motion. In the midst of this great triumph of the faithful, the Order of the Crimson Crescent was born. The Order takes it's name from the terracotta-hued moon orbiting their homeworld of Terremorn - viewed from within the planet's atmosphere, the moon appears a deep, vivid blood-red colour. On nights when it is particularly clear in the sky, it is said to be a clear sign of the Emperor's favour. Terremorn itself was once a shrine world, whose union with the Imperium dated back to the early days of M36. The planet was lost amidst the ceaseless turmoil of the following centuries, and was thought to have been completely overrun by hordes of traitors. But in fact, the population of Terremorn remained largely loyal and true to the Emperor. Though their shrines fell into disrepair, and then further lapsed into ruin, the people of the world continued to dedicate themselves to reconnecting with the Emperor. When the world was reclaimed in M39, the Ecclesiarchy were somewhat dismayed to note that what had once been a thriving shrine world was now much closer in nature to a hive world - teeming populations and vast structures covered the surface of Terremorn. However, they also saw that the once-proud temples, churches and icons of Imperial faith, though badly dilapidated, remained places of pilgrimage, and so quickly began working to strengthen the faith of the population once more. -= Canoness Isaudrea Fiorle =- "The Emperor protects most those who would protect themselves." - Isaudrea Fiorle, First Canoness of the Order of the Crimson Crescent At the time of the Order's founding, trials were held on a dozen shrine worlds to find women strong enough of body and soul to represent The Emperor's light in what was viewed as a dark corner of the galaxy. Out of the thousands selected to take part in these gruelling trials, over three hundred women succeeded. Amongst those first brave souls, one would truly become a legend to her new family: Sister Isaudrea Fiorle, best remembered as the First Canoness of the Order of the Crimson Crescent. Canoness Fiorle was a giftedly talented strategist, at her best when adapting plans even in the midst of battle. She also had a decided preference for marksmanship and precision over unrestrained agression, using small squads of highly-trained sisters to pick apart isolated or weakened targets without the need to engage them at close range. Even though she was slain in battle seventy-three years after her appointment to the role, to this day the Order of the Crimson Crescent pay honour to their First Canoness in their prayers to the Emperor, and her tomb is the centrepiece of the Order's headquarters. On Terremorn, if your firstborn is a daughter, it is considered good fortune to name her Isaudrea, and numerous petitions for Canoness Fiorle's posthumous recognition as a Saint have been made over the years. Isaudrea Fiorle was also known for her charisma, and her proudly outspoken views unarguably shaped the Order's perception of The Emperor even to this day. -= Beliefs and Doctrines =- "Through our Faith, we must become both a guiding light and a cleansing flame," - Sister Elsabet Mallor Rather than percieving The Emperor purely as a saviour and protector, the Order of the Crimson Crescent view Him as a Warrior-God. They worship The Emperor as a peerless, unimaginably lethal master of war who bestows his blessings only on those He considers strong enough to have earned them. In turn, those fortunate and powerful enough to recieve the blessings of the Emperor are charged with the sacred duty to use those blessings to protect those weaker than themselves. Sisters of this Order will routinely put themselves through trials of great endurance, in order to test their devotion and hopefully prove themselves worthy of the Emperor's blessings in times to come. Another quirk in the Order's system of beliefs is their view on Space Marines. Largely shunning the commonly held "angels of death" belief found across most of the Imperium, the Order of the Crimson Crescent view them as imperfect aspects of The Emperor, cast off and separated from The Emperor's divine magnificence, that he might become even greater. Though the Order's attitude towards Space Marines is largely neutral, the Sisters of the Order of the Crimson Crescent are rarely shy in voicing their views concerning the failings of Space Marines, which seldom earns them any friends amongst the Adeptus Astartes. -= Notable Conflicts =- "Victory in hard-fought battle is the truest way to praise Him." - Sister Melandra Vyne Since their inception on Terremorn, the Order of the Crimson Crescent has proven to be a stalwart force against all threats to the Faithful. Marching fearlessly into even the most fierce battles to bring the Emperor's strength to those in dire need, the Order has a storied history of conflict with xenos and heretics alike. -= The Breaking of Waaagh Toofpulla =- In the year M40.884, Warboss Toofpulla and his considerable horde of "Shootin'est Orkz" carved a bloody path through three lightly guarded systems in Segmentum Ultima, slaughtering Imperial citizens and regiments alike with wave after wave of powerful artillery attacks, striking with surprising co-ordination for greenskins. They would routinely destroy their targets before distress signals could even be sent out. When they crushed Hive Trebalth on the world of Aminast, however, they made the mistake of assuming the collapsing hive had killed everyone within. Sister Jemila and her squad had been tasked with protecting a Deacon of the Adeptus Ministorum on a hitherto routine visit to Aminast, and though the hive had largely been obliterated by the ork's ceaseless barrages of artillery, the basement of the local Church somehow survived intact, preserving not only the Deacon and three local Preachers, but Sister Jemila's squad, whose first action was to alert the rest of the Order to the presence of the orks. And so it was that when Waaagh Toofpulla threatened to engulf the world of Korbor, the Order of the Crimson Crescent, working with the planet's own military, caught the greenskins in a most devastating trap. Deploying their own Exorcist artillery, the Order crippled the xeno's own tightly-grouped, mortar-armed vehicles and their crude artillery batteries. The Sisters themselves were then able to ensnare the weakened greenskin formations with a pincer movement, their massed bolter fire and support from Seraphim squads and Immolator tanks on either side tearing through the greenskins with characteristic efficiency, burning away the aliens' remains until only ash remained. -= "Lord Colliver's Comet" =- Named by astronomers for the noble Lord Coliver, a planetary governor who famously struck down a heretic using a burning branch, this comet crashed into the Agri-world of Dewart's Gate in late M41. At the time it was thought a sign of the Emperor's judgement, until mechanical creatures of unknown origin or design climbed out and began attacking civilians, all the while reciting twisted chants of praise to the Dark Gods of Chaos. The Order of the Crimson Crescent were called in to purge the monstrosities. When the Sisters arrived, the world of Dewart's Gate had been badly scarred and burnt by the attacking creatures. They had raided settlements and destroyed farms. More terrifying still, the corpses of the slain marched alongside them, abominable metal contraptions buried into and across their backs. Their heads lolled awkwardly as they walked, their eyes staring sightlessly at nothing. They stumbled along slowly and made for easy targets, but their hands still gripped weapons firmly and they moved as though controlled by the vile, armoured machines that had been inside the comet, joining them in reciting their twisted sermons. The battle was fiercely fought. Though the enemy's tactics were poor, their puppet-hordes would continue to attack even if set aflame or suffering from lost limbs or gaping wounds - only by destroying the metal devices buried into the dead could they be halted. The leading machines themselves proved highly resistant to flames and most other small arms fire, but the Order's tanks, melta and power weapons were still able to dispatch them in short order when brought properly to bear. When the main body of the Order returned to the comet to destroy it once and for all, they discovered the controller of these gruesome machines - an injured Magos of the Dark Mechanicum. The 'comet' had turned out to be a large, malformed and withered escape pod of some kind from a heretic's vessel. The mechanised creatures within had either been his creations or his slaves. For his sins, the Dark Magos was burnt alive at the stake in the ruins of the largest surviving settlement on Dewart's Gate, hearing the Sisters and crowds of the faithful chant hymns of praise to The Emperor as he perished. -=-=-=-=-=-= EDIT: Updated for great zeal 10/4/2015Also, I changed the colours. Blue robes are cool, but didn't really suit the Order too well. All comments, thoughts, criticism, outright ridicule, insults, random quotes from old films, sage advice and other thoughts, suggestions or ideas are definitely more than welcome!
  17. The ceremony was an unusual one. It was serious for a start and way over due. There was many Orders to induct into The Apocrypha of Lourker and to merely enter them upon the pages in the manner of a common scribe was both mundane and demeaning. The book was old. It was known that Kurgan the Lurker himself had entered the first entries himself. The relic always seemed to be nearly full, but despite the Liber Moderati best attempts, none of them ever got the the last page. "And on the date of 441.M40 the Order of the Dauntless Spirit was created." Intoned Aquilanus, his voice sounding different than was typical. Olis and Conn looked at Ly warily. It was badly kept secret that their Brothers' mind was fractured. Some personalities of his were relatively easy to deal with. The one that was speaking now was usually full of fervour and barely contained holy rage. "It has been entered, Brot...Sister! Er, yes. Sister." Olis rolled his eyes at Conn's verbal slip. Aquilanus didn't seem to notice. "And on the date of..." Welcome to the first of many Liber Challenges! To mark this day, the Liber Mods have decided to start a challenge where by Forum members create armies appropriate to the B+C. Each month will mark the beginning of a different faction. To start with, the first challenge will be to create a DIY Adepta Soroitas Order. To enter, post your Oath and it will be entered in the post below. "I, [name], vow to create an Adepta Sororitas Order and post the results in the name of the martyred Sisters and to Him on Earth. Your will be done." To show your participation in this event, you can display this in your sig proudly: Once you have completed this challenge your reward is this: Courtesy of Grotsmasha! The finished article should include the following: Order name Home planet Name of its Founder Notable Sisters History Significant battles joined An example of its colours and heraldry markings. This can be done using models, the Sisters painter here, or a combination. The ultimate aim is to encourage members to be creative and have fun. That doesn't mean that friendly rivalry isn't excluded The first challenge ends on 17th April 2015 at 00:00 GMT. Good luck Sisters!
  18. THE STORM BEARERS CHAPTER OF THE ADEPTUS ASTARTES Born of Man. Die for Man. Greater than Man. Origins Not all that is Man is created equal, and this stands true even for those who came of Man but have become far more than Man. The Emperor’s Angels of Death, transhuman warriors formed into Chapters, are Founded every few centuries. Not all of these Chapters are formed equally. Some are born poor, bereft even of a home world, bound to an existence of vagrancy across the stars. Auspiciously born from the blood of the 18th gene-line, in the 18th Founding, the Storm Bearers were more fortunate. To them were gifted an unconquerable fortress upon the orbiting moon of a world specially selected for suitable recruitment, as well as an immense Star Fort and numerous outer system planetary defenses with which to defend their home. The Aetna System was not only well placed to provide easy access and monitoring of several nearby subsectors, but had also come under a most unconventional siege. No enemy had yet been encountered, but evidence too substantial to ignore suggested a great threat had worked its way in. The Storm Bearers first action as an independent force was to root out and extinguish this threat, thought to be the Polyphemians, an ancient Etnaphemian myth that could potentially be the oldest known record of the foe. The Storm Bearers thought it superstition, and blamed the failure of the locals in locating and eliminating the threat on their superstitious nature. Superstitious though they may be, the threat was real. The enemy was real. The deaths of dozens of Space Marines attested to the power of the enemy, and yet such was its cunning and stealth that only the dead were left as evidence of its existence. Even the Steropes facility, a hub-bastion that coordinated the extensive network of defenses surrounding Aetna’s outermost planet, was susceptible. Analysis of recordings made on recovered Space Marine suits revealed the impossible truth. That the enemy was everywhere and yet the suit’s wearer would simply forget the creature’s existence once it had left the battle-brother’s sight. The recording was disseminated across the Chapter, and soon other recorded encounters were uncovered. Study of the creatures in the recordings commenced, and countermeasures were extrapolated and put in place. The Chapter’s Librarians began to concentrate upon the sensation of a sudden shift in their brothers’ memories; unable themselves to simply fixate and locate the xenos breed. This task fell to the Chapter’s Techmarine corps, who would modify the Chapter’s supply of suits to provide recognition whenever such creatures are witnessed, and log it so that the wearer would be reminded once the creature leaves sight. This advantage allowed the Storm Bearers to finally uncover and bring ruin upon the xenos hiding in their midst. The struggle against the xenos would last nearly two hundred years before the last uncovered nest could be put to the sword, though possible sightings and unsubstantiated reports would continue indefinitely. With the Polyphemian threat neutralized, the Storm Bearers would settle into their role as guardians, the superstitions and weaknesses of mortal man now laid bare. For millennia, the Storm Bearers would be the bulwark and the tempest both, as the Imperium required. Their exploits, particularly those of their long line of Lightning Bearers, would earn them great glory. In time, they would be given the greatest honor of providing the seed through which another Space Marine Chapter would be born. This Chapter would take the name of one who had fallen long, long ago, as the Storm Giants reborn. Home World Brontes was once a more civilized world, well onto its way into becoming a proto-Hive World. This did not suit the Storm Bearers, who wanted their world to inspire a more warrior spirit rather than simple genetic suitability. The Storm Bearers would be far from the only Chapter to affect directly the fate of their home world, but few would go so far as to reverse cultural progress and systematically destroy all evidence of an advanced civilization. The survivors, who were many as the Storm Bearers kept casualties at a minimum, formed smaller, local communities. Retained knowledge of metallurgy and other skills stalled regression in the equivalent of the Bronze Age. This setting has been encouraged and even violently enforced by the Storm Bearers. The planet of Brontes is a volatile one. Its large, harsh seas make for difficult ocean-faring, and traffic between its extensive, rocky island chains and small, isolated continents is light. The erratic orbit of its satellite moon of Mene, upon which the Storm Bearers’ fortress-monastery resides, plays havoc with the planet’s already fluctuating magnetic field. Storms of immense size and ferocity form with frightening regularity out among the tumultuous waters, their titanic fury when they hammer upon the shorelines inspiring the Chapter and giving them their name. Combat Doctrine In contrast to their Nocturnean kin, the Storm Bearers are deliberate and cumbersome, but far from slow. The Chapter maintains a large fleet of Thunderhawk vessels, preferring to arrive upon the enemy like a great storm cloud upon the horizon, though they are far from adverse to orbital deployments, drop pods striking the battlefield like bolts of lightning. Speed of delivery is imperative, their military strength gathered tight to lend the blow as much weight as possible. This preference has made them adept at offensive siege warfare, using their heavy, lightning assaults to shatter defenses, as well as to isolate and eliminate enemy commands no matter how deeply defended or concealed. Organization The Storm Bearers are strong components of the Codex Astartes, finding deviations as distasteful as any conservative Successor of the Ultramarines. Within the Chapter’s auxiliary forces there is, perhaps, a greater deal of communication and interaction than may be commonly found. Ongoing threats faced by the Storm Bearers has seen such internal organs as the Reclusiam, the Forge or the Librarium cooperate and partner for creative means of overcoming these challenges, such as the task to eradicate the Polyphemian xenokind requiring the services of the Librarium and the Forge in equal measure. Though these auxiliary formations remain separate within the Chapter’s chain of command, to an outsider familiar with other Space Marine Chapters the distinction may not be so clear. The Storm Bearers regularly maintain a crusader force tasked far beyond the borders to their realm and protectorates, and as such, the Chapter has been witnessed upon worlds and in battles across the breadth and width of the Imperium. Leadership over these crusades will fall to one commander, overseeing many companies in his command. These commanders are given the role of representing the Chapter well beyond its sphere of influence, and as such are given the rank of Lightning Bearer. This rank comes with exceptional honor and glory attached, as well as promises of future advancement. There have been more Storm Bearer Chapter Masters who had once served as Lightning Bearers than not. Beliefs The Storm Bearers came to the Aetna System bearing copies of the Promethean Creed, the spiritual treatise that continues to shape their Salamander brothers. Over time, the Storm Bearers would make changes and additions, inevitably coming to very different conclusions and the applications of their beliefs. The Cyclopean Creed, as the editions held by the Storm Bearers came to be called, has grown to place less faith in humanity than its parent Creed, finding them inherently weak and susceptible to corruption. Though such an assessment is often born of distaste, the Storm Bearers see this truth as due to their exceptional vulnerability and need for protection. The powerful gifts the Emperor and Vulkan provided the Angels of Death be not for mortal use, though it does instill a strong sense of responsibility. The Adeptus Astartes are gifted with the thunder and lightning of war, so that they can do what mortals cannot and should not. While the Storm Bearers see themselves as superior and above the general populace, their beliefs continue to bind them to humanity in service rather than in rule. Gene-seed The genetic material of the Storm Bearers remain effectively pure, what few mutative deviations exist are of little consequence. The most evident of the Storm Bearers deviations is in the improper function of their melanochrome organ. When operating at peak efficiency, the organ enables the Marine to shift skin tone for absorbing multiple levels of radiation. This organ within a son of the Promethean will malfunction, what should be temporary becoming permanent. The interaction between Brontes and Mene releases regular, periodic bursts of exotic forms of electromagnetic radiation. The Storm Bearers’ genetic legacy is affected, causing hair growth and eyes to pale and whiten, while the skin darkens in color, though far from the extent as seen by their Salamander brothers. These physical changes separate the sons of Vulkan from mortal kind, a divide the Storm Bearers embrace. Battle Cry “Fire and thunder!” http://i.imgur.com/H4zfnWk.jpg Pict-capture of a Storm Bearer survivor Outside the remains of the Steropes facility
  19. Long long ago in the way far away I created the Knights of Lydda Chapter. After taking a hiatus from the forum I havefound that nothing remains of my beloved chapter except a picture in one thread. Well, since I am rebuilding my forces, I think it only right to amend the writing from the past to reflect the newer rules and game play. The Knights are a Black Templar off shoot that willplay with their Chapter Tactics. All charactes are created specifically for the chapter without recycling any from the BT list. I am currently rewriting the fluff to the army, here is what I have: Origins The Knights of Lydda were first created during the 20th Founding with Imperial Fist geneseed to deal with the xenos threats which spanned through out the Imperium of Man. Many of the initial training missions were fought against different xenos races. These missions helped to instill the chapter with a fierce hatred for the entirety of all xenos races. To them having a xenos race on Imperial soil is just as bad as having a heretic on Holy Ground. The Knights of Lydda were assigned a permanent post in the Eastern Fringe as it seemed that this was the doorway through which much of the threat to the Imperium was using. The Knights of Lydda were to eradicate any sign of alien contamination they found. Lydda, a world from the Nemarkus System near the center of the Eastern Galactic Fringe, was given to the Chapter as a recruiting ground as many of its initial marines were drawn from this medieval world. The beliefs of the Chapter are like those of the knights that populate its lands. They quite simply translate as protect the weak and destroy all that oppose the righteous rule of the Emperor. The Knights of Lydda live and die by this simple creed. There is no parlay with these warriors, you are on the Emperor's side or you are a traitor. The Knights of Lydda have fought bravely in many engagements against various opponents. Though trained to fight primarily alien cultures, they have had a decent amount of battle experience with the forces of Chaos as well. The illustrious battles fought by this noble Chapter span many volumes in the Chapter's Librarium and shrines to victory and fallen warriors are scattered across many of planets of this sector. The Gresnik War The Gresnik War began as a small operation that quickly spiralled out of control. Imperial Guard regiments were sent to Opathia Prime to quell an Ork rebellion. It seems that the Guard was ill informed of their true enemy. Though green of skin and immensely muscular, Gresnik was not an Ork as the Guardsmen were led to believe, but rather a Chaos Champion. After losing four major cities and the lower continent, the Guard called for help. They still had not seen Gresnik, only his minions who resembled orks. The Knights of Lydda answered the call immediately. After a small warp jump the initial battle was fought in the city Heratomolie. The densely built city hindered the Knights' regular combat doctrines and Gresnik's forces balked them at every turn. Until this point in their illustrious history they had been able to dictate terms to their enemies, now the advantage belonged to the enemy. For months wave after wave of attacks by the Knights were put down. In a brash decision Chapter Master Gregory Harriston declared the entire Chapter, from the most grizzled veteran marine to the newest scout was to fight in this particular theater of war. Two forces were assembled to take part in a decisive strike to lure out the elusive Gresnik. The first was a mobile strike unit of Cheveliers supported by Seige Master stationed at key points through out the battle zone. The second was an entire Order constisting of Assault Marines who would wait to harass and destroy the enemy forces brought into light. After months of recon, firefights, and repositioning of forces the Knights had lost many Battle Brothers. On the three hundred and twenty second day of fighting a ray of hope shone on the Knights of Lydda. The scout recon groups spotted Gresnik himself. Gresnik was a being of pure muscle, tainted green with the rot of Nurgle. A massive power claw formed his right hand while a huge three bladed bionic formed the left. It was easy for any marine there to understand why they were under the assumption they were initially fighting orks. Gresnik made way for the approaching Chapter forces killing two squads of scouts in his attack. As he stood over Chavelier Sergeant Charles Pollinius about to strike the killing blow with the power clawed right hand, the power sword of Gregory himself stopped it. The two were locked in combat while the rest of the Knights of Lydda regrouped and took their fight to the remaining forces of Gresnik's army. Gresnik was finally laid low when Gregory decapitated his mutated head from his body. All of the fallen Brothers had been taken to the apothecaries of the fleet ships for removal of their geneseed. It was here that Gregory the Pious learned of the exact number of the fallen, a full three quarters of his men had died on this world. Gregory consulted the only member of Imperial Law in the field, Inquisitor Marcus Grimm of the Ordo Xenos. The decision was the planet of Opathia Prime would be declared Exterminatus. The Imperial forces bombarded the planet with virus bombs and left it to die. The Knights left for Lydda to re-forge their strength and their numbers pledging that an onslaught like this would never be allowed to happen to the Chapter again. Reconstruction Following the Gresnik War, the Knights of Lydda were all but driven into obscurity. The reconstruction of the chapter was of supreme importance and could not be ignored. Putting themselves into seclusion on the surface of Lydda the chapter drove forward searching for worthy aspirants to fill the void left by the fallen brothers of the chapter. In mid-M.38, during this time of seclusion a vision of prosperity came upon them. This miracle of the Emperor came to them in the form of Jerrulis Resinger, a young masonry serf who had a particular skill with the blade. During the two hundred and fifty year reconstruction of the Chapter, Jerrulius advanced in rank. Once, as the Chavelier Captain of the Lion Order, Jerrulius led his Order into one of the Chapter's most famous battles, facing and defeating many times their number of Eldar. The result impressed Chapter Master Gregory Harriston so much that he took the Captain under his wing to become his successor. After Gregory's fall on Damascus XIV, Jerrulius assumed the mantle of Chapter Master. During this time he was to complete the reconstruction efforts of the chapter and drew up many tenants on how to maintain a fighting force, including the policy of establishing keeps upon uncontested Imperial worlds, expanding the number of potential candidates to recruit from. It is due to these practices laid out in the Bellicus Doctrina, written by Jerrulius himself in his forty ninth year as Chapter Master, that the Knights of Lydda have not faced such a dire need for recruits again. Lydda Lydda, the fourth planet of the Nemarkus System lies in the Daedelus Subsector of the Eastern Fringe. It is a medieval world under the Light of the Imperium for many millennia. The planet orbits the yellow sun of Nemarkus and this star blankets the lands of Lydda with light and warmth while the three planets closer to Nemarkus are too hot for habitation. Only two major continents are found on Lydda, the largest of which is Braxus. Across the blue seas lies the subcontinent of Jacea. The oceans of Lydda contain nineteen island chains, but few of these are actually inhabited. Native animals of this world include the Great Raven ( a bird of titanic size), horses, and the Lava Snake (a large reptile which usually resides in the steam vents of volcanic sites). These creatures are an everyday sight and with species such as the horse, breeding farms have been implemented in many areas of the world. The people of Lydda are organized into a feudal structure. Each kingdom supplies and maintains specific services and militia, levying troops and tithes from the populace to arm these forces. In return the rulers of each land proffer titles of nobility and grants of land. Serf labor makes up a large portion of the inhabitants of each Kingdom. It is this structure that makes Lydda such a fertile recruiting ground. Any boy can leave his position, even as a serf, to join the ruler's army and test himself during the Tournament of Pages. During the Tournament martial testing takes place across the lands and applicants from the age of eight to thirteen subject themselves to various trials, including a trial by arms in which only the victor walks away. Senior Chapter serfs attend each Tournament and choose the most suitable recruits for the Knights, those who survive but who are not chosen to join the Chapter are left to serve out their lives in the service of the lord holding the trials. The planetary population is aware of the presence of the Chapter and its serfs are regarded as a caste of their own among the inhabitants. Though no communication is existant outside the tournament, these individuals are seen as the Emperor's emissaries who stand but a rung below the legendary Knights themselves. If a Chapter serf makes a request for the Chapter from a ruling lord it is immediately fulfilled. No ruler wishes to risk the wrath of the 'Knights from the Emperor's Stars' being visited upon them. Local legends refer to the 'Knights of the Emperor's Stars' as the Emperor's chosen army. They revere these tales and when a Knights of Lydda ship is spotted overhead all that see it immediately inform their lord so that offerings may be made to satisfy the needs of these men who serve the Emperor's glory. It is a common fantasy of many of the planet’s youth to be taken to the stars with the Chapter and live their lives in service. It is a dream only few ever get to realize. Beliefs The Knights of Lydda are a zealous chapter in the tenants of its belief system. Their only mission in life is to destroy the forces which threaten the security of the Imperium of Man. Each marine holds dear the teachings and veneration of the Emperor and is a member of the Imperial Cult. On their homeworlds they were all raised with the knowledge of the God Emperor. They have retained these teachings upon their acceptance into the Chapter and worship the Emperor in much the same manner as the many other inhabitants of the Imperium. No challenge has been made to their belief of the Emperor as a God as it has been cited by the Inquisition on many occasions that to do this would most likely start a rift between the Chapter and the Imperium. No one wants the crusading chapter to ask what else they may have been lied to about if the Emperor is not what they have been taught since childhood. Some Inquisitors feel that this ignorance is bliss for the chapter and helps keep them in stride with the goals set for them in the field. The Sons of Lydda believe the Emperor himself chooses each of them and lays forth a mission to be completed. To die in battle is a completion of your task and grants a Knight a place at the Emperor's side in the afterlife. Any Marine who does not die in battle, but rather falls to treachery or subterfuge is prayed for by his brothers and a Chaplain states the case for the fallen marine to take his place at the Emperor's side during the funeral rites in hopes that the Emperor will still see fit to so honor the fallen brother. Honor is taken seriously amongst the Knights and points of honor between Battle Brothers are often settled by ritual combat. Depending on the severity of the grievance between Marines the combat may be settled by first blood, surrender or even, rarely, mortal combat though in the hundreds of years since the Knights of Lydda were formed this only four duels have been fought to the death. Recruitment Recruiting is done from several worlds now, most notably Lydda itself. On each recruiting world a keep is built and run by Chapter serfs. These individuals see to the needs of the Chapter providing required resources and personnel needed by the chapter thorough a series of tolls and levies in return for the Chapter's protection. Every year on Lydda the Tournament of Pages is held at the parade grounds of each of the twenty-three kingdoms. The purpose of the tournament is to provide a recruiting ground for new soldiers to be inducted and trained into soldiers by each feudal kingdom. All thirteen year old males of the realms are required to participate upon penalty of death, though any lad between eight and twelve years may also partake in the Tournament if he wishes. It is during this time that the Heralds of the Knights of Lydda, in the form of high-ranking chapter serfs, come forth to claim some of the youths present for induction into the chapter. The Tournament of Pages is a military affair using blunted weapons and tests of skill such as riding, jousting, and swordsmanship to show potential soldiers to the kings of the realms. These tests, though watched and held in relative safety, have been known their fair share of casualties and even fatalities among the entrants. However it is not solely martial prowess that the Tournament seeks to showcase, nor is solely battle skills that a potential chapter recruit is judged on. Entrants are also tested on military and legal knowledge, courtly manners and a variety of other subjects as well and some esoteric combination of the results of these tests and battlefield performance decides who is and who isn't recruited. Only the Heralds know these criteria, handed out by senior Knights according to the chapter's strengths and weaknesses and they hold their secrets close to their chests. Training The collected aspirants are brought to Nirvana, the chapter's keep. Here they are initially trained in survival techniques and unarmed combat by the serfs who were once themselves aspirants. During this time the surgical procedures for implanting the geneseed and various other organs to turn these young men into Space Marines are begun by the stationed Hospitaller. The Chapter's Hospitallers are aware of the fact that the Betcher's Gland does not work, as is the case with the Imperial Fists from which they are derived and the Chapter fears further degradation. Due to this concern the decision was made to train more recruits in the arts of the Apothecarium. Thus there is always a knowledgeable Brother on hand to monitor the implanted organs and bio-chemistry of each Marine for purity and proper function. Further all units must report every seven Terran years to an infirmary so that more complete check ups can be made. Once a certain maturity level has been established the aspirants are sent out on the Trial of Fire. This trial has the aspirants traveling to the mountains north of the keep with the goal of obtaining the head of an Inferno Drake (a fire breathing wyvern type, dragon class lizard inhabiting the caves near the mountain lakes). When the aspirants return the head is presented to the Hospitaller Sergeants at the Ceremony of Fortitude as proof of their ability to work as a team. After the process of implantation and psycho-indoctrination the aspirant receives a final test, The Journey of Steel. Taken to the most war torn and intense battlefields of the planet, armed with only a sword, shield, comm-link, and flak armor, the aspirants must return to Nirvana within 30 days. Each aspirant is expected to have a trophy from a fallen foe. These trophies are usually in the form of a weapon, most notably a sword. Those who fail a trial or reject the geneseed implantations are inducted as Chapter serfs. These men often serve in a militia company on the field either next to or in lieu of their masters. From this militia the Heralds are chosen to procure the next generation of aspirants for the Chapter. Battle Cry “Whom Shall I Fear?” Battlecry originated on the sulphur plains of Salpahrus IV where the Knights battled against a chaos cult backed by the Alpha Legion which threatened to consume the system itself. The originator of the cry is unknown, yet it persists to this day upon the battlefield.
  20. So it's 2015 now, probably about 4 years since I used to frequent the Liber, and I finally got the inspiration to return. Unfortunately all records of my trademark DIY, the Angels of Perdition, have been lost to the warp. Rather than cry about it though, I see this as a chance to start anew and come up with an even better product. I'm very rusty, but I believe I have all the inspiration and drive I need to accomplish my goal and return the Angels to the mighty ranks of the Liber Astartes. I'll be progressing gradually. I have an outline which I will post and replace with the fleshed out sections as I go. As always, all comments, feedback, and critiques are welcomed and encouraged. Hope you enjoy! Angels of Perdition “We are the slayers of kings, the destroyers of worlds, bringers of ruination and death in all its forms.” http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z121/mnesimache/Vocates/angelsofperditionpy6.jpg The Golden Founding In the final days of the forty-first millennium, grim are all tidings. The armies of Man fall, the light of the Astronomicon has grown weak, and the well of Hope that the galaxy draws upon in dark times has all but dried. However, the Imperium of Man has occasionally been spared of its despair and known times of triumph. Ancient Imperial records show that the 14th Founding of the Adeptus Asartes was one such time of hope. It was to be a Golden Founding, and the High Lords spared no resource in raising the new champions of Humanity and arming them with the most mighty arms and armor with which to bring death to the foes of the Emperor. Even the careful selection of gene-seed during the Founding was meticulous almost to a fault, as the Adeptus Mechanicus insured that the vast majority of the fledgling Astartes Chapters were created from only the purest genetic stock of Roboute Guilliman and Rogal Dorn. Rumors abound as to why so much care was afforded to the 14th Founding in particular. The real reason has long been lost to time and the abyss of bureaucracy, but many Imperial Scholars and experts on the subject believe the momentous effort put into the 14th Founding in fact stem from the previous Astartes Founding: the 13th “Dark” Founding. That being said this is only conjecture, as all records regarding the subject have been replaced en masse by speculation, hypothesis, and superstition. Chapter 639, who would later be known and feared as the Angels of Perdition, were given life during the 14th Founding. They are scions of the Ultramarines through way of the Nemesis whom also also provided the nascent chapter with its initial training cadre. The honor of leading the chapter as its first chapter master was given to Lither Brahka, Veteran Captain of the Nemesis 3rd Company. Though described as an extremely humorless and dour individual, Brahka's service record was extensive as it was unquestionable. He was a commander known among the Nemesis as having an absolute intolerance for any breach in disciple, and that when it came to carrying out the Emperor's Will the ends always justified the means. Given command of 1,000 of the Emperor's Chosen and their mighty fleet, Chapter Master Brahka struck out into the Segmentum Pacificus without celebration. Bringing ruin to the mutant, xenos, and traitor at the alter of war would be their founding ceremony. For 14 years, Chapter 639 battled the enemies of Man without pause, exterminating heretical cult after traitor warband in the name of the Emperor. [add color battles and accolades here] EDIT:: Updated the outline. See below
  21. edit: now a proper project blog! edit 2: update to better reflect project scope (ever increasing it seems...) edit 3: now we're including Thousand Sons, guess the brackets were prophetic? edit 4: now the Thousand Sons can fulfil a detachment they get their own topic in the Thousand Sons section edit 5: Daemonettes have their own home too, also updated warband scheme at bottom of post After getting a taste for Kill Team my gaming circle got into some talk about collecting small kill teams from new armies as a fresh modelling opportunity. Whether or not this comes to fruition is another matter, but I thought this would be the chance to tick a few boxes of mine; namely to get my Slaanesh on and experiment and push my modelling and painting abilities. So here I am to scope it out before anything gets started! I'm familiar with Marines, but having not encountered Chaos for a while I'm a bit out of touch with the finer details of what's going on aside from the obvious. How does Slaanesh fair these days? What about daemon units? I'm not too fussed about the other gods at the moment, if I did end up using their stuff I might counts-as them as something Slaaneshi as a good excuse to hone my converting skills. This is all sort of unplanned so you'll have to forgive the rambling nature (or more rambling than normal?). I quite like the idea of whites, pinks/purples and maybe some black and gold but I gather this is fairly typical of Slaaneshi stuff? I'm not set on anything yet other than liking something bright, maybe with something in the pinky-purpley range - all my armies have green on so far, could that be good somewhere? As I said I really want to get outside of my comfort zone but I also want to do something I'd like. I crafted a quick CSM painter colour scheme up, behold it's probably generic glory: Well, everyone starts somewhere right? Painting a halved scheme would be something new too, I'm discounting quartered because I'm slow enough painting as it is While I'm sure that the army has a good chance of growing into a full one given time (isn't it always the way?) I'm only focusing on a Kill Team right now so I'd prefer to start with suggestions based on that first I've not given any thought to backgrounds, names etc yet either but I'll put some time to this if it ends up having legs. Thanks in advance Edit 5 new scheme image with more accurate colours and bits:
  22. Well as I paint up my models, I hope I can get some suggestions from the painting vets here, considering my rookie status. The last models I painted before these were from my Tau, at least two years ago, so I'm excited to be back in the saddle. Last word of introduction: My table top force will frequently feature units from different Chapter's of mine, and even some not mine just because I love the scheme so much, hence the Cameo army. For now, all I've got is some Sons of Unity, the bulk of my current Combat Patrol. They're still needing a lot of touching up, especially for lenses, but I'm pretty happy with them so far. Enjoy! Suggestions on painting, photographing, or conquering the galaxy readily welcome! These were my first test scheme models, the force originally meant to be of the third company. After changing to second company, the sergeant of the 6th squad: A look at the, eh...shoulder drape thing(help?), one of my first attempts at using an ink/wash: Captain Kirrahe, drawing the line with his blade, my first attempt at a power weapon: I tried to save him for last when I was feeling more reacquainted with painting. He was sort of a gift from a buddy, because I went so long without playing my little marine force since I had no commander. Sergeant of the 8th squad, 's got something on his nose: Shield came out so nicely(pf, hard to mess up), I'm almost afraid to mar it with a Chapter Symbol: The 8th squad(so far): Half of the 6th squad (there's an assault combat squad and a marksman combat squad, but I forgot to organize them that way). To the left of the Sergeant is his right hand man, the marine with the tommy boltgun. I'm sad because I can no longer remember the bit I used to make the drum barrel, and I really want to convert more of those: The rest of the squad, including the marksman sergeant. The rocket marine is pinned/magnetized to double as a bolter marine, because I'm pretty obsessed with having my options: So that's the force so far. If you look close, you can see there are a lot of parts I forgot to paint, and lots to retouch, but it was more fun than I remember it being, so no big deal. One unlucky marksman marine missed the photo op because he was on the second row of minis in the case and went overlooked XD, but it's a full Tac Squad. Their rhino is primed, but so is the Cerberus Atlas Dreadnought(Still haven't thought of an interesting way to convert those), and as Cerberus is going to be my main army, I'm itching to start it. Anyway, hope those are enjoyable, more coming just as soon as I, eh, motivate myself!
  23. New start on page 2, post #45 + + + + + + + + + + + + Hello folks and folkettes, It has been some time since I
  24. Okay, my original work on this chapter was in my blog, sadly lost. I also posted some teasers subsequent to July 13, also lost when our database suffered some foul Dark Mechanicus corruption. What I'm working on is the basic background of the chapter. Certain things are set in stone: Chapter adheres to the Codex Astartes Chapter is a replacement for a lost chapter (more on that in a bit) My focus right now is the basic genesis of the chapter. The key is that the chapter was created from the survivors of an older chapter that, due to some perfidy, was lost. The chapter's name includes the word "vengeance" as part of this - the new chapter swore to avenge the older chapter from which they were descended. Whether or not that older chapter had the "hawk" element in the name/chapter badge or the same/similar colors is in question. I'm of a mind that the orange was probably part of the older livery, but that the black flames were a new innovation. So my current concept is that the older chapter was one of the Judged. While most of the chapter fell to Chaos, a core group survived and, along with the Vorpal Swords, enacted their vengeance on Saint Basillius. Afterward, though the group was deemed pure, there were not enough to sustain the original chapter. Moreover, the original fortress monastery and homeworld were probably destroyed by Basillius' minions. So with 30 chapter lost in the folly of the Abyssal Crusade, a new founding was ordered to replace the losses. The survivors formed the core of a new chapter. Of the Judged chapters, the Vengeance Chapter leaps out, but that may be too convenient of a device. So I may use some other chapter whose name suggests a hawk emblem. Of the judged, the following stand out as candidates: Chorus of Eltain (name doesn't really support a hawk emblem, but doesn't counter one, either) Illustrians (another neutral badge implication) Invictors (I love this name) Justicars (another good name, though also neutral on badge implications) Knights Excelsior Lectors of Ixis Sanctors of Terra (another name I like) Sentinels Sigilites (meh, but possible) Viridian Consuls (the various "consuls" chapters often use similar hawk head badges, though the inclusion of the color viridian in the name argues against either orange or dark grey as one of the primary colors of the old chapter) Realistically, the name of the old chapter probably doesn't matter for my purposes. The only instance in which it might matter is if GW, Forge World, Fantasy Flight Games, etc. provide lore for the chapter whose name I use. If such official lore doesn't work for my DIY, I can very easily change to one of the other Judged chapters as my original chapter. If I was going to use one of those listed above, I favor the Invictors, Sanctors of Terra, Justicars, and Knights Excelsior. The new (Vengeance Hawks) chapter, then, has sworn vengeance on multiple fronts. First is Saint Basillius (taken care of in the lore) and the forces loyal to him - Codex: Chaos Space Marines mentions how Saint Basillius had "'puritas divisions' [that] included several Chapters of Space Marines, each of which was extremely fierce in their vigilance" under his influence. If one or more of these allied chapters was responsible for putting the original chapter's world to the sword, the new chapter would also direct oaths of vengeance upon this chapter. This would set the stage for later conflicts. Most importantly, the new chapter would also swear oaths of vengeance upon those battle-brothers that succumbed to Chaos on the ill-fated crusade. This would set the stage for operations against the resulting traitor chapter/warband(s). Alternately, I might use some other lost chapter, possibly even creating my own from whole cloth and not drawing upon any official lore. In this case, the vengeance that the chapter is enacting would be directed at those that were either responsible for the loss of the old chapter (if some external forces) or the traitors from the old chapter (if it was a simple fall to Chaos). My fear here is that the result would look like a common device and would be a homegrown parallel of the Unforgiven (and I have no intention for this chapter to be among the Unforgiven). For now, I'm focused solely on this aspect of the chapter - the old chapter from which it descends and the circumstances around that chapter's loss. Feedback is appreciated as this element is, I think, the one where I'm likely to get the most flak from Liberites if I make the "wrong" decision.
  25. "We are the Black Fists, as hands of Dorn we exterminate those that threaten the Imperium with Fist, Hammer and Flames. Leaving nothing but ashes in our wake." Captain Oien - V Company - Master of Retribution The Black Fists Heraldry http://i516.photobucket.com/albums/u328/DraconianBlade/Warhammer/cf642349-8609-43f1-921b-25224e797a74_zps0d773c2f.jpghttp://i516.photobucket.com/albums/u328/DraconianBlade/Warhammer/30620211-9a4d-4d10-9e0e-265a699ba591_zps12d43d2a.jpg Chapter and V Company Symbol http://i516.photobucket.com/albums/u328/DraconianBlade/Warhammer/c8aae416-8c33-4be3-aebf-218e978b817b_zps7134430f.jpg V Company Marine After the events of the Devouring, the Black Fists were left without both a name and their own heraldry. Instead the marines wore the heraldry of their Father Chapter the Excoriators. It was up to Paragon Brontios to decide the future of the Chapter. The Black Fists colour comes from the Ivory colour of the Excoriators, however after the intense battle for their Homeworld which turned the Planet to ashes the marines that managed to escape had been darkened and blackened by the ash of their Homeworld. This resulted in Brontios deciding on an armour colour to reflect the state of the Chapter after the events as a constant reminder of dark days that shaped his Chapter. The marine depicted is wearing a Black Cloth over his front, within the Black Fists this is to represent that said marine is one of the survivors from the Devouring. Founding Chapter: The Excoriators (Imperial Fists) Founding: 26th Founding Chapter Master (Paragon): Brontios Homeworld: Destroyed (originally Penthus) Fortress-Monastery: Battle Barge Semreh Colours: Black and Bone Speciality: V Company - Tyrannic War Veterans - Deep Striking Battle Cry: All shall become ashes Origins In the year 738.M41 the High Lords of Terra decreed that the Twenty Sixth Founding of Adeptus Astartes was to commence. From the gene-line of Primarch Rogal Dorn, the Adeptus Mechanicus selected the gene-seed of The Excoriators to form the Black Fists This new Chapter as well as numerous others founded during this period were made to bolster The Eastern Fringe against the rising Xeno threat mostly the recently founded Tau Empire and the ever increasing Ork hordes. However, what they did not know was what new threat would arise shortly after the Chapters Founding resulting in the near complete destruction of the Black Fists which is known today as The Devouring. A selection of Excoriators (including Captain Pallas who became the first Chapter Master or Paragon) were sent to the Erebos System in order to establish a homeworld for the new Chapter. The Erebos System contained a mixture of Death Worlds, Dead Worlds, Feral Worlds and one singular Hive World named Penthus. Due to the large population and high number of suitable recruits namely from Hive Gangs, Penthus was chosen as the Chapters homeworld. The early years of the Black Fists was a time of prosperity, slowly but steadily increasing in size as the Chapter selected and trained suitable recruits from the entire Erebos System. However this short period of luster was to meet an untimely end. The devastating events of The Devouring occurred only 7 years after the Chapters founding in the year 745.M41, so early in fact that the Chapter was barely over half strength and had not even been named or given their own heraldry and instead were being treated almost as an additional force of Excoriators and thus bore their heraldry and Chapter colours. Only 4 years after the Ultramarines made first contact with the Tyranids in the form of Hive Fleet Kraken, the Devouring saw the arrival of a Splinter Fleet known now as Dagia that would result in the complete loss of The Erebos System, including the Chapters Homeworld. Erebos System - 738.M41 - Before the events of the Devouring http://i516.photobucket.com/albums/u328/DraconianBlade/Warhammer/Erebos_zps9221829c.jpgThe Erebos system contains nine planets at the centre of the Erebos System rests the Star Theros, a massive overwhelming fire ball at least three times larger than any of the planets in the system. 1. Dead World Haestus, dwarfed by the near by star the entire surface of Haestus is made up of large seas of lava resulting in no life existing on the planet. 2. Menoetius, home to a massive Ork population, the exact number of Orks and Ork clans is unknown but their numbers dwarf that of any other planet in the surrounding systems. Because of this Menoetius was constantly monitored, incase any Warlord appeared to be amassing too much strength, as a WAAGH! could easily wipe out the entire system. Menoetius was also used primarily as a training planet, Scouts would conduct training exercises on the planet against Ork clans. However the Ork population was completely wiped out by the Devouring. 3. Moros is the third closest planet and similar in size to Menoetius, little is known about Moros, however it appears to be a Dead World, covered mostly in heavy fog which seems to block radar sweeps. 4. The fourth planet is Ethame, a very small Death World about a quarter the size of any other planet in the system, with a population of only a few hundred thousand the surface is one massive desert with many scattered and feuding tribes. Due to the orbit of Ethame the planet experiences incredibly hot summers and freezing winters resulting in a strong and determined population. 5. The fifth planet is Penthus, a large Hive World with an approximate population of 250 billion people. The population of Penthus are harsh, strong people and consist of many Hive Gangs the large population and strength of citizens made Penthus a very logical homeworld for the Chapter. 6. Residing next to Penthus is Keres, Keres is an Agri-World with a small population of around 30 thousand, the sole responsibility of Keres is to support the population of Penthus. Due to Keress location within the system it is perfect for crop development and due to Penthuss reliance on Keres, the population are supported well, thus resulting in hard working but easy living civilians making highly unsuitable recruits. 7. Alast is a Feudal World, similar in size to Keres, with a population of around one hundred thousand, the population recently discovered gun-powder, however they constantly fight amongst themselves which results in a disappointing level of development. However the constant feuding makes them a strong race and made a suitable recruitment source. 8. Oizys is a small Death World even smaller than Ethame, Oizys is covered in harsh jungles that despite the cold have managed to thrive. Oizys contains a vast amount of plant life that secrete poisonous fumes into the air, thus resulting in a thick purple smog around the planet. Oizys does not hold a human population due to the atmosphere however, the planet is rich in resources and animal life which has evolved to deal with the harsh environment. 9. Phonoi is a Feral World the last planet in the system and is the furthest away from Theros, because of this the planet is covered in snow and suffers from incredibly low temperatures all year round. The small population of approximately one hundred thousand people fight for all of their short lives merely to survive, thus resulting in a strong population. Homeworld Due to The Devouring, the Black Fists lost not only their original Homeworld Penthus but the entire Erebos System, in which they recruited from several different Planets and so now have resulted to being fleet-based. The Chapter has two Battle Barges Semreh and Tisie. V Company the Black Fists Tyranid specialists are constantly on crusade and use Battle Barge Tisie to do so, thus leaving the remainder of the Chapter to use Semreh as its base of operations. The Chapter still conducts much of its operations within the neighbouring Systems of Erebos, this is mostly due to V Company crusading against Tyranid threats that often arise within the Eastern Fringe. The Chapter now conduct their recruitment from various Death Worlds that are located in neighbouring systems. They approach the settlements directly at regular intervals to take recruits, any young boy between the ages of 10-20 who wish to prove themselves and bring honour to their family or clan by becoming a legendary sky warrior participate. To evaluate potential recruits they hold a series of trials these comprise of tournaments and due to the Chapters heritage and the Imperial Fists obsession with conquering pain and penance pain challenges in which the recruit can prove themselves by withstanding varying levels pain. Organisation To counter-act the heavy losses the Chapter had to undergo re-organisation. This lead to the birth of V Company. V Company is the Chapters main battle company comprised completely of Tyrannic War Veterans. Whilst the rest of the Chapter follows the Codex Astartes. Combat Doctrine Apart from the exception of V Company the Black Fists follow the teachings of Guilliman. V Company is often participating in Crusades travelling to where ever the Tyranids attack. Due to the Black Fists history with the Tyranids the greatest honour for a member of V Company is to meet an honourable death at the claws of a Tyranid swarm. Because of this V Company fight brutally and launch furious drop pod assaults, crashing onto the battle field into the very centre of the swarm and then using Bolters, Flamers, Power Fists and Thunder Hammers as well as Land Raiders and fast moving Land Speeders burn and demolish their way through the Tyranid force. Due to the crusade nature of V Company, they also have their own Tanks and Vehicles because to the amount of time they can spend away from the rest of the Chapter. Due to the Veteran style of the company they never field Scout units, they also do not field Assault Squads as they prefer to focus on fire power smashing wave after wave of Tyranids with Bolter fire. The rest of the Black Fists stick to the Codex Astartes, none of the other Companies specialise against any particular opponent and when conducting campaigns Battle Companies will be selected as usual from a variety of support companies and Veteran Company in order to best deal with the threat. Beliefs For the honour of the Emperor, the Black Fists are willing to make any sacrifice. Paragon Brontios - The Thunderer The Black Fistss beliefs extend from that of their founding Chapter; The Excoriators and their father Chapter; The Imperial Fists. The Black Fists practice Scrimshaw using bones from the hands of their dead, much like The Imperial Fists. One of the highest possible honours a Black Fist can be awarded is a Scrimshawed bone from Paragon Pallass severed hands, the individual bones of which are adorned with carvings, designs, and otherwise ornamented. 10 Scrimshawed bones from Pallass hands are used a badge of office for Company Captains. Each bone is carved to feature the symbol and mottos of the Company this then becomes the centre piece of the Captains armour and after their death Pallass bone is passed down to the next Captain. Another badge of office for the Black Fists is that of a Power Fist, all Sergeants within the Chapter are awarded a Power Fist apart from that of Devastator Squads (due to their role as a supporting unit). For the Black Fists a Power Fist represents their heritage, it represents not only their link with Rogal Dorn and their founding Chapter but with a hero from their own history. Paragon Pallas the greatest warrior and leader in the short history of the Black Fists who sacrificed himself in order to save his battle brothers wielded two ancient master-crafter Power Fists. Like other Successor Chapters The Black Fists have developed particular cultural practices which tend to their obsession with conquering pain and penance. They have a morbid fascination with pain and ritual scarring. Black Fists, possess their own unique Chapter traditions. The most notable of these is the "Sacrifice of Dorn" which is performed as a initiation ceremony when a marine is promoted to V Company. The ritual involves mortification of the flesh, in order to honour Paragon Pallas, they use a sacrificial blade made from one of the claws of the Hive Tyrant the killed him, the marine must firstly cut the symbol of V Company onto their chests. Then the marine will perform a ritual to which The Excoriators derive their name in which the initiation of new Chapter Masters in the Imperial Fist legion and the Primarch would both cut their palm and share blood in a warrior handshake. In the case of The Black Fists, the marine performs this ritual with the Captain of V Company and then to end the initiation ceremony the Chapter symbol is branded onto each hand. V Company Organisation - Tyranid Specialists 995.M41 Due to the specialised nature of V Company they are currently over strength and will continue to select marines from other companies that prove themselves against Tyranids. They also have their own permanent selection of Vehicles. ---- Captain Oien - Master of Retribution Chief Librarian Aegis 6 Tactical Squads 4 Devastator Squads 25 Space Marine Veterans (including Sternguard and Terminators) 1 Venerable Dreadnought - Geras 3 Dreadnoughts 4 Predators 2 Whirlwinds 2 Vindicators 2 Land Raiders Battle Barge Tisie Another sacred Chapter ritual brought to The Black Fists by The Excoriators is known as the Trial by the Blade the ritual used to settle the initial dispute over the history of the Chapter between Brontios and Oien. If an individual Battle-Brother has a personal grievance with a fellow Astartes or even one of his superiors, he has the right to demand to settle such a dispute through the solemn contest of a duel. As all Excoriators are equal in Dorns sight, victory goes to the warrior who draws first blood. However, as the Excoriators have passed on a focus on resilience, no matter how grievous the wounds taken by either opponent, first blood can only be drawn from the face, and the duel will not end until one of the contestants manages to strike his opponent's visage. Once a clear winner is decided, both Battle-Brothers will indicate their understanding and the matter is considered settled. Once the winner has been declared, the loser will ritually renounce his claim or the cause of the grievance that had initiated the Trial to formally end the duel, for the loser of the Trial, the Chapter will honour his scars as he now will honour his opponent with vindication. The Black Fists are pious, zealous and uncompromising Astartes who have a deep and abiding faith in the Emperor of Mankind and their Primarch Rogal Dorn. This Chapter is known to perform small forms of religious observance in their daily tasks. When saluting a fellow Battle-Brother or before going into battle, an marine often recites the ritual prayer, Dextera Dornami, which loosely translates from the High Gothic as the "right hand of Dorn." Then they form a fist with their right gauntlet before touching their forehead with one knuckle, then their lips and then their breastplateone Astartes heart, then the other. The Black Fists use the title Paragon instead of Chapter Master due to its meaning, literally meaning Shining Example the Black Fists not only view their Chapter Master as a leader but an example of what each one of them can accomplish. Battle Cry Paragon Brontios - The Thunderer The Thunderer, A Shining Example, Paragon Brontios leads by example over coming all obstacles that halt his Chapters crusade. Famed for avenging former Paragon Pallas and securing the future of the Black Fists. When Brontios steps foot upon the battlefield the heavens themselves open and weep, washing away his enemies corpses. Armed with his dual ancient Power Fists passed down from Paragon Pallas and thus their founding Chapter. Each strike is delivered like a thunderbolt straight from the Emperor himself. He also possess two blessed Bolters mounted on each fist known only as Helios, its bullets shine down on the foes of mankind spreading the Emperors light across the galaxy. All shall become ashes The Black Fists main Battle Cry, used to remember their heritage and the loss of their Homeworld, but to also signify their pledge to vanquish the Tyranid threat turning them to ash like they did to their Homeworld. Memento Mori - Remember the Dead Used mostly during ceremonies and rituals as a way of remembering the heavy losses during the Devouring. Although it is often used within V Company. Moirtui Non Dolent - The Dead Do Not Grieve Often said alongside Memento Mori another slogan often used within V Company. Post Tenebras Lux - After the Darkness, Comes Light Used to remember the death of Paragon Pallas and the strength of Brontios, this is also featured on Brontioss personal banner and Land Raider. Chief Librarian Aegis The Shield, The Angel of Sight, Chief Librarian Aegis is both a powerful Librarian and warrior, he single handedly maintains the honour of his Chapters Librarius, after the tragic events of the Devouring left him as the Chapters only Librarian. Aegis is also part of V Company, he uses his psychic powers in order to tap in to the Tyranids Hive Mind so that he can best inform Oien on how to act. Aegis will often fight amongst the vanguard using his powers to protect some of the chapters most prestigious soldiers. Aucto Splendore Resurgo - I Rise Again With Greater Splendour Inscribed across the Chapters Dreadnoughts once they have received more honours during their service as a Dreadnought than they did during their service as a marine. Currently the only 4 to receive this honour are all joined to V Company. Semper Paratus, Semper Fidelis - Always Ready, Always Faithful Often said in response to an order, it is also the motto of all the Reserve Companies The Devouring The devastating events of The Devouring occurred only 7 years after the Chapters founding in the year 745.M41, so early in fact that the Chapter was barely over half strength and had not even been named or given their own heraldry and instead were being treated almost as an additional force of Excoriators and thus bore their heraldry and Chapter colours. Only 4 years after the Ultramarines made first contact with the Tyranids in the form of Hive Fleet Kraken, the Devouring saw the arrival of a Splinter Fleet known now as Dagia that would result in the complete loss of The Erebos System, including the Chapters Homeworld. The Arrival The first attack was upon Phonoi, a snow covered Feral World located furthest away from Theros. Unfortunately at the time of invasion the Chapter only had one full battle company (5th Company). By the time the Company had arrived the Tyranids had been on Phonoi for over 30 days and were spreading over the surface of the planet at an ever increasing rate, washing away the small population with no resistance. The newly founded Chapter though lacking battle experience fought valiantly and over the first few days they were gaining ground, the snow of Phonoi melting under the fall of Tyranid blood. Though the Tyranids were actually still adapting to the cold of the planet, it was not long until the falling Tyranids were replaced with newly adapted xenos, which had developed a layer of blubber due to this they started to push forward, they were faster and more resilient. The 5th Company was starting to run low on ammunition and begun to take heavy losses causing them to fall back. Reinforcements would take far too long to arrive and they decided due to the lack of life on Phonoi to withdraw in order to better defend the rest of the Erebos System. This was fortunate as the rest of the Splinter Fleet arrived shortly afterwards and begun to devour Phonoi, whilst the remaining 5th Company now reduced to under half strength retreated in their Strike Cruiser to orbit Oizys the next logical target for the Splinter Fleet. Captain Oien - V Company Master of Retribution, The Eternal Avenger. Oien has been Captain of V Company ever since its founding after the Devouring, he was awarded the title due to his valiant actions not only during the last stand for Penthus but as a result of his determination to avenge the honoured dead. As the Captain of V Company it is his responsibility to lead the crusade against The Tyranids. He leads his battle brothers into lines of Tyranids using Staeus his arm mounted heavy flamer to purge them with fire before cleaving them in half with Syl his master-crafted relic blade. Oien also wears a special suit of Artificer armour that contains elements from various monstrous Tyranid Beasts not only to signify his victories but they provide extra protection. As Captain it is his duty to never forget the Chapters heritage because of this he bears the name of every battle-brother lost during The Devouring upon his armour as he sets upon a crusade to honour those who have lived, fought and died before him. The Loss of the 5th Company Due to the minimal life upon Phonoi it did not take the Tyranids long to strip the planet of their biomass and they soon moved on to Oizys as was predicted. The Splinter Fleet was greeted by the 5th Companies Strike Cruiser, deciding to take the initiative they dived head in towards the Splinter Fleet, however they did not estimate that even more of the Splinter Fleet was arriving and they soon overran the 5th Companies Strike Cruiser forcing the remaining marines to flee to the jungle surface of Oizys. At this stage only a handful of marines remained, stranded in the dense forest they made a final stand determined to bring glory to their chapter before they took their places at the Emperors side. According to the final log report 15 marines managed to hold out for 5 days, using guerrilla tactics and the harsh jungle environment as cover, they were able to launch skirmishes striking the invading scout forces of Genestealers and Lictors. However, they were eventually over run as the Splinter Fleet launched a full assault on the planet, the Tyranid tide washed away the dense jungle with ease leaving the last few Marines exposed and immensely outnumbered. Fighting to the last man the last remnants of the 5th Company depleted all their ammunition into the on coming tides of xenos before leading an all out assault charging right into the heart of the swarm before eventually falling. The Last Stand for Penthus The Tyranid Splinter Fleet managed to devour not only Oizys, but Alast and Keres before they finally arrived at the Chapters Homeworld Penthus. The Chapters Cruisers were waiting in orbit above whilst upon the surface was the entire Chapter though due to the loss of 5th Company this only meant around 400 marines. When the Splinter Fleet arrived they hit hard both in space and on the surface. Hive World Penthus was turned into a planet side war zone, The Chapter thought hard but were still heavily outnumbered and were constantly pushed back further and further across Penthus until after weeks of fighting they were forced to make a final stand from their Fortress Monastery. The Thunderer The Chapter had no where to go, the Tyranids had surrounded the Fortress from all sides and the defences could only hold them back for so long. Eventually they broke into the Fortress pouring through the halls like an unstoppable wave. Paragon Pallas knew that if he did not act his their fortress would become their tomb. Pallas ordered what remained of the Chapter to retreat to the Teleportorium so that they could retreat to the Cruisers still fighting in orbit over Penthus. As the Chapter moved through the Monastery, Pallas would always be amongst the front lines, giving his battle-brothers time to retreat. Using his two Power Fists and mounted Bolters he single handedly fought and killed hundreds of swarming Gaunts, littering the corridors with their corpses he also smote numerous monstrous beats including several Carnifexes, however he eventually collided with a Hive Tyrant, though already wounded he delivered several crippling blows to the beast, he raised both of his almighty fists above his head about to execute the final blow, when the Tyrant swung its scything claws through the air cutting clean through both of Pallas hands in one sweep. His severed hands fell to the ground with an almighty thud before the beast plunged its claw into Pallass chest. For a split second it seemed as though the roar of bolters fell silent, The battle-brothers looked at the body of their Chapter Master laying at the foot of the beast, in that moment death seemed all but certain, until Brontios the Chapter Champion stormed forwards towards the Tyrant, smashing through the front line to deliver the all mighty finishing blow his Power Fist crashing into the beast, the sound of thunder echoed through out the Monasteries halls and the decapitated corpse of the Hive Tyrant fell to the ground. Overcome with grief it seemed as though the Chapter was to meet its end, however they rallied around Brontios and even managed to push the Tyranid force back enough so that they could recover Pallass body. The survivors managed to hold back the Tyranid force long enough for them to get to one of the Teleportorium rooms, from here they were able to teleport to one of the Battle Barges in orbit above Penthus. Aftermath Almost a year had passed since the Tyranid Fleet arrived in the Erebos System, 4 Planets had been consumed, the 5th Company Destroyed, the Chapter had lost over half of its already small force, including many of the original founding Excoriators, Paragon Pallas lost his life in service to the Emperor, Penthus had been reduced to ash, the population was destroyed and the once thriving Hive World was nothing but rubble left to be consumed by the Tyranids. The Devouring left the already small Chapter with only 250 survivors, no homeworld, no Paragon and what looked like no future. The Chapter still had options, the survivors escaped the Erebos System within Battle Barge Semreh which contained more than enough resources and weaponry for the few survivors, however the fate of The Chapter was still very much undecided. They had only a few choices, rebuild, disband or lead a head on assault to meet a glorious death. It was decided almost immediately that being disbanded was not an option, they agreed that this would ultimately forsake the memories of their brothers who fought and died as the un-named Chapter would leave very little trace upon the Imperial records. The Chapter was split, half the marines lead by Captain Oien wanted to lead a full on assault determined to kill as many of the brother killing xenos they could, whilst the other half lead by Chapter Champion Brontios felt the best way to exact vengeance was to rebuild the Chapter so that they could one day lead a successful campaign against the fleet that destroyed their Homeworld. Brontios and Oien participated in a Trail by the Blade a Excoriator ritual used to settle a dispute between two battle brothers and the winner would dictate the fate of the Chapter. Brontios and Oien fought bare handed for hours neither one capable to strike a winning blow to the face, until eventually Brontios was able to strike a winning blow against his superior. Oien accepted defeat with honour as is dictated in the rules of Trial by the Blade, and declared allegiance to the new Paragon. V Company Paragon Brontioss first action was in honour of Oiens valiance, Brontios declared that a specialist Battle Company would be formed from the survivors whose sole objective was to eradicate the Tyranid race from any planet they encountered. Brontios awarded Oien the title of Captain of this Company and also the title of Master of Retribution. Almost immediately after this was decided every single battle-brother volunteered to join the new Company, amongst the volunteers 100 were selected to form the new Battle Company. In order to honour the Chapters former 5th Company that was completely wiped out during the Devouring the new Company was titled V Company. Lead by Captain Oien, V Company are always the first to respond to any Tyranid threat in the neighbouring systems and in the 150 years since the events of the Devouring they have fought in countless campaigns and are known as highly experienced Tyranid Veterans.
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