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IA: Swords of Vengeance - Project reboot on page 2, post #45


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Excellent. :)


I mean, er...

I'll give it a look through later and see if I can make any useful suggestions. :D


You have been warned I mean, uh, it looks alright at first glance, so there probably won't be any massive demolitions involved. ;)

Cheers Ace :) Any comment of yours is appreciated and followed by a chuckle ;)




Edit: Yay! Second page ;)

Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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I like the idea of the Avenging Sons. Theirs should be a two-front goal, dedicated not just to avenging a single Chapter but all Chapters: when a Chapter is wiped out the Sons will seek out the culprits and claim justice/vengeance in blood. When a Chapter turned Renegade, the Avenging Sons hunt them down, hounding them like noble Imperial hounds, bringing down those who dare bite at the hand (the Emperor's) that fed them.


The Chapter could have been given a special Imperial rite that allows them to absorb the last few (loyal) members of Chapters that are destroyed or go rogue; this allows the few remaining members to see retribution achieved and a chance for their Chapter to live on in part through the Avenging Sons, who's ships are decorated top to bottom with relics respectfully preserved so that the Imperium never truly forgets the fallen Space Marines who gave their all for the sake of the Emperor and mankind.

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The Swords also believe, like the great majority of Mankind, that the Emperor is indeed a god and that they fight by his divine will. While this has brought them face-to-face with other, "non-believer" Chapters, such as the Imperial Fists themselves, the Swords have never abandoned their faith and are seen as zealous and uncompromising warriors.


This comes rather out of nowhere.

Why do they believe the Emperor is a God?


Like you've said, their predecessors didn't.



That's the only real criticism I've got, apart from The IA is presently too short. ^_^

Good stuff. Keep it up!

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But now, things have changed! My motivation is high and I may just have a strong enough theme for my bad boys with big toys to play around with ;) Anyhow, we shall see if I was right or not-

Oh, I can't count the times, when I heard similar enthusiasm in the CJJ's opening post... :HQ:


Basic idea:


The ___________ were a pretty normal Space Marine Chapter right until their parent Chapter got utterly destroyed by a quite sizeable Chaos force, led by Lord _________ of the __________ warband/legion/ kindergarten sect.




They are quite a mobile force to as their mission requires it, and so often deploy Bikes, Land Speeders and other such transports to swiftly

Edited by NightrawenII
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I like the idea of the Avenging Sons. Theirs should be a two-front goal, dedicated not just to avenging a single Chapter but all Chapters: when a Chapter is wiped out the Sons will seek out the culprits and claim justice/vengeance in blood. When a Chapter turned Renegade, the Avenging Sons hunt them down, hounding them like noble Imperial hounds, bringing down those who dare bite at the hand (the Emperor's) that fed them.


The Chapter could have been given a special Imperial rite that allows them to absorb the last few (loyal) members of Chapters that are destroyed or go rogue; this allows the few remaining members to see retribution achieved and a chance for their Chapter to live on in part through the Avenging Sons, who's ships are decorated top to bottom with relics respectfully preserved so that the Imperium never truly forgets the fallen Space Marines who gave their all for the sake of the Emperor and mankind.

That would be a bit much... Cheers for the suggestion though.


This comes rather out of nowhere.

Why do they believe the Emperor is a God?


Like you've said, their predecessors didn't.


That's the only real criticism I've got, apart from The IA is presently too short. :)

Good stuff. Keep it up!

Cheers for picking that up Ace :) Will get to work on that in the upcoming week.


I both agree and disagree wih Ace's comment. It didn't quite come out of nowhere, what with the holy mission and all, but it was a surprise. You need to flesh out how the belief formed, but then again, this is just the beginning, right? ;)

Yup, it's the beginning. And as said above, I'll get working on it soon!


Oh, I can't count the times, when I heard similar enthusiasm in the CJJ's opening post... :HQ:

Yeah, but I'm not CJJ :P



Well, don't get me wrong, but this idea is very similar to Ace's Stonebound or Ecritter's Sons of Pyron, but both Chapters pack some additional stuff thought.

True, but my Astartes are not Dwarves or Space Nazi's. But I'll work on fleshing them out!



Avenging Sons Chapter already exists. Edit: After quick check of Lexicanum, even the Avengers Chapter already exists.


... hmmm, I'm so evil... as always. :P Okay, to be a little more useful: You should focus on the changes in the Chapter psychology during the Long Hunt, ie. comparing the past Chapter with the present Chapter.

Yes, that's where I got the names. They were just suggestions though, while I look for another name. Swords of Vengeance is the default name for now.


Cheers, NightrawenII

Thanks to you Nightrawen :)



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Hello again,


I'm back to address the religion issue, so if you could post your opinion(s) on the matter, it would be great! :yes:

Why do they believe the Emperor is a God?


Like you've said, their predecessors didn't.

Would justifying the above issue by just stating that their parent Chapter was the religious type be OK? It would be a bit easy, but if it's convincing, then I'll take it.





Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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No, no, I actually feel insulted.

I don't believe any offence was intended, buddy.


Besides, it's not like any of us have any room to talk. Seriously, when was the last time anyone here finished an IA? -_-


I'm up to two years and counting.





Holy Ninja Emperor, two years? That flew by fast!

Hello again,


I'm back to address the religion issue, so if you could post your opinion(s) on the matter, it would be great! :)

Why do they believe the Emperor is a God?


Like you've said, their predecessors didn't.

Would justifying the above issue by just stating that their parent Chapter was the religious type be OK? It would be a bit easy, but if it's convincing, then I'll take it.





It does seem like a bit of a cop-out, in all fairness.

And it does also prompt the question of why the parent Chapter believed the Emperor was a God.


If you can come up with an answer for that, though, there's no problem with their successors being believers. ^_^

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It does seem like a bit of a cop-out, in all fairness.

And it does also prompt the question of why the parent Chapter believed the Emperor was a God.


If you can come up with an answer for that, though, there's no problem with their successors being believers. :cuss

Yeah, so I'll go with your suggestion to make them non-religious and work with that :P Cheers Ace!



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It does seem like a bit of a cop-out, in all fairness.

And it does also prompt the question of why the parent Chapter believed the Emperor was a God.


If you can come up with an answer for that, though, there's no problem with their successors being believers. :lol:

Yeah, so I'll go with your suggestion to make them non-religious and work with that ;) Cheers Ace!



Checked on your other thread, why don't you do have others have done and make one chapter or the other the parent chapter? Obviously the Swords might be a better choice for a parent chapter, if you want the Canaanites to live very long, but you could change that up, too. They could even both come from the same parent chapter, but the Canaanites didn't go crazy with a burning passion for vengeance.


Or whatever you want, just throwing in ideas ;)

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Checked on your other thread, why don't you do have others have done and make one chapter or the other the parent chapter? Obviously the Swords might be a better choice for a parent chapter, if you want the Canaanites to live very long, but you could change that up, too. They could even both come from the same parent chapter, but the Canaanites didn't go crazy with a burning passion for vengeance.


Or whatever you want, just throwing in ideas :wallbash:

Cheers Thirst :lol: Some good ideas. I'll bounce them around my cranium for a bit and see which one fits the most ^_^


Also, I should be able to update soon!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Cheers for picking that up Ace ;) Will get to work on that in the upcoming week.




Yup, it's the beginning. And as said above, I'll get working on it soon!



He meant 'Liber soon'.


Which can be from anywhere between two days to six and a half months, speaking from personal experience. ;)

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Cheers for picking that up Ace :lol: Will get to work on that in the upcoming week.




Yup, it's the beginning. And as said above, I'll get working on it soon!



He meant 'Liber soon'.


Which can be from anywhere between two days to six and a half months, speaking from personal experience. :lol:

'looks at the Wraiths of Darkness, Lords of Shadow, and especially the Angels of Adamantium' I don't know what you're talking about :D

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'looks at the Wraiths of Darkness, Lords of Shadow, and especially the Angels of Adamantium' I don't know what you're talking about :D


[smirks, then looks at the Steel Dragons* and Twilight Talons and remembers he was going to work on them in about a Liber Month.] ;)


[Goes about his business quietly.] :)



*Not the ones doing the rounds in the forum at the moment, the ones I last worked on two years ago. :D

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  • 2 years later...



Supposedly created in mid M.36, just after the terrible and bloody Age of Apostasy, the Swords of Vengeance are the proud inheritors of Primarch Dorn's gene-seed, upholding their honour whatever the situation and never backing down. However, one devastating event would mar that honour forever: the destruction of their parent Chapter by the forces of Chaos. Upon receiving the news of the massacre, the Chapter as a whole vowed to avenge the fallen and set off on a crusade to bring those responsible to justice. It would only end in the total annihilation of one of the two enemies. Ever since that fateful day, the Swords have travelled the width and breadth of the galaxy, forever on the lookout, forever hunting down those whose hands were sullied with the blood of their brothers.


Home World

Due to the nomadic nature of their mission, the Swords have no home world per se. Instead, along the course of their travels, whenever they are in the proximity of a world with promising aspirants, the Swords make planetfall, round up the male youths of surrounding settlements, select those fit and healthy enough to undergo the strenuous tests which lead to becoming an Astartes and leave. While those few who know of this method have criticised the Chapter, the Swords pay no heed to those who do not comprehend their need to recruit and train new warriors.


But it was not always so. Once, long ago, the Swords of Vengeance had a world that they called home: the desert world of Mellann. Situated in the Kirlian Isles, in the southern hemisphere of the planet, their Fortress-Monastery was deeply embedded in the hard sandstone of the Isles. The Swords once recruited from the desert tribes that wandered the sand plains, forever in search of food and, most importantly, water. These tribes were forever fighting over the possession of the few oasis' that flecked the bleak sand dunes and always battling for survival against the many desert predators that inhabited those sun-scorched lands. But the planet was abandoned, after much debate, once the Chapter had pronounced its vow to hunt down the murders of their brothers. The Fortress was sealed forever and all of its contents were dispersed across the Swords' fleet.


Combat Doctrine

Hard-hitting and decisive hits are the Chapter's trademark way of fighting. A quick series of attacks to paralyse the enemy, leaving them confused and reeling under the precise assaults, then closing in to utter destroy the rest. It is a ruthless way to destroy the enemy, but the Swords see it as necessary and will not take any chances with their prey.


This aggressive nature has also molded the way they use the different vehicles and other equipment that the Chapter has within the hallowed halls of its Forge. The large amounts of Land Speeders, Jump Packs and Bikes that the Chapter has amassed, while not being common to the other Sons of Dorn, have proved to be of vital importance to the Chapter, enabling them to carry out their precise strikes without much difficulty and losses.



The Chapter has a rather non-Codex way of organising itself. Rather than having the usual Codex layout of ten Companies, the Swords of Vengeance have chosen a different approach. The Chapter is divided into five roughly equivalent groups, called Strike Companies, each led by a Strike Captain and containing around two hundred battle-ready Astartes. Each Company has its own set of ships and are completely self-sufficient in the ways of recruits, equipment and vehicles. These Companies each roam the galaxy at their own accord, hunting down Mankind's foes, forever keeping their eyes and ears open to any mention of their hated nemesis.


The only occasions for which the whole Chapter reunites are the Feast of Blades and the Feast of Destruction. The latter is a great feast held in honour of their fallen Primarch and brothers, but is also an occasion for the Strike Companies to discuss different matters and pool all their knowledge about the Nemesis together. It is not known how often the Feast is held, but Imperial Scholars have speculated that it is held on the same date as the destruction of their parent Chapter.



The ever growing obsession of bringing the Nemesis to justice has molded into the belief that it is their holy mission, as order by the Emperor himself, to hunt down their enemy and utterly destroy them.


The Swords also believe, like the great majority of Mankind, that the Emperor is indeed a god and that they fight by his divine will. While this has brought them face-to-face with other, "non-believer" Chapters, such as the Imperial Fists themselves, the Swords have never abandoned their faith and are seen as zealous and uncompromising warriors.


As all sons of Dorn, the Chapter equally has an obsession with conquering pain by force of will and discipline. The Chapter's obsession with will power and discipline is sometimes characterised as further involving a deep-seated drive towards self-sacrifice and penance. This trait is often simplified as merely involving a particularly stubborn disposition.



As inheritors of Dorn's genetic code, the Swords have all of the traits that can be found among their brother Chapters, as well as missing both the Betcher's Gland, which allows the Marine to produce acidic spittle, and the Sus-an Membrane, which allows the Marine to enter a state of suspended animation.


Other than this, the Chapter's gene-seed is deemed pure and is rigorously tested and checked for any signs of weakness or taint.


Battle Cry



+ + + + +


I'm rebooting this IA project as I am going to be using the Chapter in a DIY campaign that's in the works. I haven't edited anything yet from the old version, but I'm rather happy with it as it is now, so there will only be minor edits and various additions to bring up the word count and add more flavour!





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He meant 'Liber soon'.


Which can be from anywhere between two days to six and a half months to over two years, speaking from personal experience. :laugh:

Corrected that for myself there.:tongue.:


A question occurs: What is the identity of the mysterious parent chapter of the Swords of Vengeance?

'Cause right now the inference in the first part is that the Imperial Fists were wiped out, which I'm fairly sure is not your intention.:wink:

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My initial response was - toned down Black Templars with some Imperial Fist bits and a slight concentration on lighting war doctrine. As far as Sons of Dorn go an interesting mix. The only thing I found odd was the abandonment of the their homeworld, sacreficing a stable source of men and material for uncertainty of the void doesn't seem very prudent to me at least.



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Ace: Really? I didn't read it that way, but I'll go back and make it clearer if need be.


Hrvat: Glad you like the concept, though I'll make sure I don't go too far with one idea over the others as I quite like the balance that's there. And thanks for raising that issue. I never really saw it like that and it's true that just abandoning a steady source of recruits and a highly defended stronghold is rather risky/reckless. I'd be tempted to use the justification that they weren't thinking too rationally at the time of the destruction of their father-Chapter, but I'm worried that it'll come across as me being a bit lazy. I'll have a think and will amend that part as necessary :)

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