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IA: Swords of Vengeance - Project reboot on page 2, post #45


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Ace: Really? I didn't read it that way, but I'll go back and make it clearer if need be.


Well, you never once mention the name of their parent Chapter, only that the SoV are sons of Dorn.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think, other than 'oh my giddy aunt, Ludo's just killed the Imperial Fists off'.:teehee:


I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to though, hence me not reaching for the bowling ball.:laugh.:

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I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think, other than 'oh my giddy aunt, Ludo's just killed the Imperial Fists off'.:teehee:


You've made my day :lol:


As soon as I get some kind of answer from SP about changing the Swords' gene-line (and name), I'll get back to work on these chaps. If they stay with their current gene-line, I'll make sure I come up with a successor of the Imperial Fists to kill off to make things less ambiguous ;)

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If it means anything I didn't get the impression you killed off the Imperial Fists.




Why not keep the fortress monastery as point to retreat to in case of emergency. The chapter is fleet based, crusading but instead of being dependant on forge worlds/ships for their production they still do it on their own (mostly) and then ship it to the Strike companies. Also an idea that all the homeworld recruited marines become techmarines due to the needs of the forge while the fighting strength is recruited along the way. That could even create a sort of brotherly friction as in "you others constantly break our toys, you gits be more careful"

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