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Epic Armageddon: Space Marine Box Set Contents

Captain Mike

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Okay I've done some searchies for this but come up short on most fronts.


I'm considering making a space marine company using epic models to accompany my current Kaisinian 424th (Imperial Guard). The problem is I don't actually know what I'm getting, just that it probably isn't what it says on the tin.


My main problem is with the Space Marine Battle Company box set. It shows just bolter, missile launcher and bp/ccw/jump pack marines, yet pictures I've seen of Epic armies seem to feature a lot of sergeants with power fists.


If it is any help to anyone, I've also stumbled across a guide for a few box sets here:


Sons of Twilight


One of which shows a captain with power fist, but there seems too many sergeants in armies for a 1-per-box model (or some people have a lot more money than me)


Thanks all,


Captain Mike

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Most people don't buy Epic stuff from GW, since there's a huge second-hand retail community who are willing to sell ou their old stuff for a huge discount. So that's probably why you see so many power fists. In general I would check out eBay, see if you know anyone who used to play Epic, or look at the trading section of the TacCom(or something. I can't remember. They may not even be the ones with the trading area) forums. I wouldn't recommend buying direct, though.
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The sergeants are still available as part of the metal character packs but the Marine battleforce only includes bolter marines, Heavy Bolter/Missile marines, and assault marines.


You do get enough for quite a few detachments out of one box and you can usually pick up those sergeants on ebay. They come from the epic 40k era plastic sprues.


EDIT: here's a shot of the epic 40k sprue. The modern battleforce only has the top half minus the captain with the banner.


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Thanks all.


I don't have an ebay account but I have a friend who does. I'll get him to keep a look out for me.


So they must have changed the sprue, simply to screw us over? Smart.


EDIT: to be fair, I only buy Epic Models from GW. All my 28mm I either already have, buy off friends or use other companies. Suppose I better throw GW some sort of bone.

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So they must have changed the sprue, simply to screw us over? Smart.


Not really. The rules changed in Armageddon which meant only the chaplain, captain, and Libby had any effect in the game. They also updated all of the vehicle models to match the newer style which meant re-sculpting the bikes. That leaves you with models throughout the lower half of the 40k sprue that are outdated or have no effect in game. Rebuilding the plastic sprue to remove those would have been too expensive. The easiest solution was to chop it in half and move the scouts, terminators, and bikes to their own production in metal. Since you do need the commanders available, they sculpted a greater variety of them to fit in all of the detachment types like bike chaplains, jump pack libys and captains. They also sculpted more standard bearer types and put everything in the character pack. It's completely optional though since you can easily paint up any of the regular models to look like a chaplain or captain or libby.


TBH, marines really are one of the cheapest forces to collect. If I remember right, one battleforce box, 1x terminator pack, 1x rhino pack, 1x whirlwind pack, and 2x thunderhawks is close to 150 USD. This gets you 2500 points in raw models which gives you points to fiddle with commanders and is a decent core force so at least where marines are concerned. :(

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Thanks for visiting my site:


There have been many different sprues for space marines in the 6 mm games.


The very first in the space marine game had all beakie bolter marines with the different unit types determined by base colors in the Space Marine game.


The next plastic infantry sprue was Epic Space Marines: (Blue box) This was a great sprue as it came with all sorts of different figures. The 10 sprue box had like 20 terminators, 10 landspeeders, 30 bikes, 10 robots, 40 assault marines, 20 heavy weapons, 10 powerfist sergeants, 10 commanders.


They then released this in a box with only 5 sprues.


They also released a pure bolter marine box again(plus rhinos).


Next did the Epic 40K sprues where they removed the robots, landspeeders, bikes, terminators but added in Techmarines, Banners, etc.


Now they have just gone back to the really simple half of the marine sprue with just bolter, limited heavy, and assault.


They went through a similar pattern for all of the armies pretty much, I have eldar stuff than is just guardians, then a sprue with vypers and support platforms, then one with just infantry and jet bikes.

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