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Tips for a returning enthusiast


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Hi, glad to be a part of what seems like a well run, friendly forum.


After about 8-9(!) years out of the game (due to school and what not) I've decided to revisit the old universe I once loved so much, and as such I am classifying myself as a complete beginner again,


So I was wondering, (if this is the wrong place, please direct me to the correct one) if anyone would be kind enough to answer a few basic questions.

1 - after so long, I'm sure there have been rule changes, and I'm assuming these are covered in the new rule book, but is there anything I should look for/know about when choosing my new army that isn't covered in the day to day rules?

2 - painting, I was never any good (being only 12 at the time) but now I am looking to really perfect the art, on a limited budget what is the best way to get started, should I only ever buy official paints and brushes?

3 - the Tyranid army was always my favourite to play, has anything major changed?

4 - and lastly, with no experience, none of my old models, what should i do to get back into the game, should start by getting the new ork/ultramarine starter kit? Or should i start building an army I actually want to play?


I know it's alot but I am planning on keeping up regular posts here, just hoping I can get a few tips to start me off again!

Thanks ;-)

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Being a re-starter myself I wouldnt want to comment on most of what you're asking because you're obviously wanting advice from a vet, but I will chip in and say unless you're one of those people that will enjoy having multiple armies you can add to at any time, you should probably start with an army you do actually want to play, otherwise the passion just wont be there.


I had, when I was younger, a Space Marine army and when revisiting the hobby you know what I did, even after spending way too much money on an already 1500 pt Space Marine army? That's right, I started another one! Whenever I look at another army in the stores, while I can respect their strengths, weaknesses, and beautiful looks (Tau is a good example of what might appeal) but really the only army I'd ever want to own myself and spend money on is Space Marines. That's why I can look at the few unpainted models I have now and still want to get on with it as if I'd just bought them.

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Firstly, brother, welcome! I'm hardly the most knowledgeable person around here, but I'll have a go at your questions....


1 - after so long, I'm sure there have been rule changes, and I'm assuming these are covered in the new rule book, but is there anything I should look for/know about when choosing my new army that isn't covered in the day to day rules?

Nothing major has changed from at least 2nd Edition, at least for picking your army, that I can think of. Whuile rules might have changed, there's little difference in choosing an army of units. I'd recommend looking through the Rulebook, picking an army is covered roughly in there. We here will be more than happy to offer you more advise on this matter than your brain can process. :HQ:


2 - painting, I was never any good (being only 12 at the time) but now I am looking to really perfect the art, on a limited budget what is the best way to get started, should I only ever buy official paints and brushes?

Well, I'd recommend picking up one of GW's paint sets and expanding your paint collection from there with what you need/want. I started from a set of six small pots and I've now got around twenty colours that I use and love, without any that I don't use. There's no need to use only Games Workshop hobby supplies, many people use other brands of paint and brushes. The latter in particular are often replaced, GW brushes are expensive and most hobbyists seem to build up their own store of mixed brushes taken from artshores to pound shops.


3 - the Tyranid army was always my favourite to play, has anything major changed?

Well, there're a lot more sinister now, one of the few armies that have actually done so. There's a lot of new bioforms that are well beyond anything in 2nd or 3rd Edition, such as the gigantic Trygon/Mawloc kit. Their current codex is apparently a 'broken' one, with units that don't work together well. Personally, I love it and enjoy making lists from it. Anti-tank firepower may be a problem, but hardly one chucking a honking great Carnifex at it won't fix.


4 - and lastly, with no experience, none of my old models, what should i do to get back into the game, should start by getting the new ork/ultramarine starter kit? Or should i start building an army I actually want to play?

The first idea is a good one, many people start by doing that, and the models offer a good way to practice painting and modeling, if you can afford it and actually want to play either Power Armour or Greenskins. The latter option is, though, a cheaper way. ;)


Hopefully that was of some use. Again, welcome!

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