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Power Fist Conversions for Flesh Tearers


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Although I have nothing against the Power Fists GW has designed, I could not really see them fitting the Flesh Tearers scheme (at least the way I have envisioned them). Since I have in general spent lots of time and money to get the right bits to convert my army in a way that it will be unique (see also my previous posts), I thought what the heck, I can't be lazy with the Power Fists.


The examples you see will be used for my FT Sanguinary Guard.


So, here I present them to you.


Power Fist 1











Power Fist 2 with incorporated Angelus Boltgun (or something like that)










How to:



As you can tell from the pictures, the Power Fists use as a base the Lightning Claw from the Huron's kit of FW.


Steps for Power Fist 1

1) I shaved off all the details from the upper part of the palm and removed the lightning claws.

2) I smoothed the surface and prepared it for Greenstuff application.

3) I worked a small flat band of GS and applied it where the Fist on the wrist.

4) I carefully removed the spikes from an Ork DeffDread claw and applied them of the band of GS after the latter had dried out.

5) On the two edges of the GS I glued two small rivets to give the impression of a bolted metal band.

6) Then used a great product for press moulds, called Blu-Stuff, to copy the skulls from a Lightning Claw from the Assault Terminators Box of GW.

7) When the GS had dried out, I shaved carefully the skulls and applied them on the knuckles of my Power Fist.


At this stage I felt that my Fist needed something else to make it a bit beefier and I thought of adding more rivets. I contacted Lamenter and asked him for some feedback. He came with the suggestion that my Fist needed some ribbed cables. I thought that this was a great idea so I proceeded. So:


8) I made a long cable with this tool, which I cut into smaller pieces. I flattened carefully their one side by cutting the excess GS away with my Acto knife and I glued them on the upper side of the skulls.

9) After glueing the cables, I used GS to make sockets at the place where they are supposed to be connecting with the inner mechanism of the fist.

10) And VOILA! The fist is ready!



THE TUTORIAL FOR POWER FIST 2, will follow in another post, because unfortunately now I have to return to my studies :S

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Snazzy! :D


Nice work man, the skull knuckles look really cool. Personally think this looks better than the LC design, more emphasis on the claws.


Thanks a lot mate. Receiving positive comments about my work from you is definitely a great honour. You know that your feedback has offered me lots of assistance for this project and I happy you like the results.

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I've been thinking of ways to modify Huron's claw for my Logan Grimnar counts-as, consider your ideas here 'borrowed', lol. Genius, bro, great job!


This is a conversion I'd love to see mate. When you 're done, may I ask to post it here or somewhere in return for the "loan" :) ?


It's a promise. Now that I'm settled in here in Alaska, I should be restarting my Marines Malevolent soon...keep an eye out... :lol:

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is there a way to buy just the Huron right claw from Forge world. I haven't purchased anything from FW before.

Brother, you must do penitence for not doing your research properly!


Q2. Can I order parts of Forge World kits separately? Eg. A Baneblade turret.

A2. Sorry, no. At the moment we can only supply complete kits.


The conversion looks nice, makes it look much less special (As in, less heroic rather than 'plain) and more 40k-ish. I second the motion to see it on a Marine. :D

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