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The Invasion of Tarsis

Dark Apostle Thirst

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The orbital station was weak. One of the first commands given all those years ago was that the station would be strengthened, and Ahre had thought Lord Vaskar was mad.


Of course, Lord Vaskar had just given him a planet, a large chunk of the warband, and plenty of nearby worlds to both recruit from and plunder as he saw fit, so it was best not to be ungrateful. He could have been taken as part of the 13th Black Crusade, after all, but for his own reasons Vaskar had chosen to leave him here.


And so for twenty years, Ahre prospered the warband on a diet of war and looting. His lord's commands were not forgotten, however, and not only was the orbital station given new defences and weaponry, so was Tarsis and its massive citadels. It was quite a draw on resources, but Ahre wanted the best for his capital. He began ordering his lieutenants to refer to him as 'Master', and gradually both his ego and fortifications grew.


That was before the first Hive Fleet came to the Eastern Fringe, where Tarsis lay.


At first, Master Ahre had been puzzled but still amused at the sudden withdrawal of Imperial forces surrounding Tarsis. When word filtered back of the enormity of the invasion, however, his emotion's quickly changed. He began to actually discipline and organise his warband, giving them a formal name, instead of merely refering to them as 'the warband'. Ahre's Maruaders quickly became recognised as the terror that had been plagueing the system as the Thirteenth Black Crusade drew to a close. When queried, the few living connections linking Ahre to Vaskar reported the their lord was still alive and well, and had even convened with the Despoiler at one point.


That was not even the worst news that would come, however. It was not long before reports reached Ahre of the second Hive Fleet, and while the hated Ultramarines had halted the first invasion the 'Master' knew it would not be enough stop the second one.


He wondered which would reach him first - the Tyranids, or Lord Vaskar...




At the end of the Thirteenth Black Crusade


Abbaddon was obviously pleased with his efforts. Though Vaskar had only commanded a fraction of the forces committed to Cadia, that fraction had done its objectives rather well. Another Imperial fortification was in the Black Legion's hands, and with a minimal loss of soldiers and time as well.


"Even now, my servants consecrate the walls with the blood of the defenders, and herd the few survivors into sacrificial chambers." Despite the unusual lack of terminator armour, Lord Vaskar's victorious tone and stance set him above many of his peers, and most importantly, the Despoiler looked on him with approval.


"Good. Now that you have played your role in taking Cadia, return to your fort on the Eastern Fringe. There is a disgusting xenos invasion that requires favored commanders to repel if the Chaos Gods are to have a true presence among the weak Imperial defenders there." The authority in Abbaddon's voice was even more prevalent than usual - he knew Vaskar, as a loyal servant of Khorne, would resist.


"My lord, I have already set a gifted tactician in plac-"


"I did not give you an offer - I gave you a command. You will go or you will die, and as capable as you are I will not regret your death." The terror of the Black Legion had not changed his tone, though a slight note of warning had entered it.


The golden trim of Lord Vaskar's armour began to moisten with blood as it's wearer felt his anger rising. However, he bowed his head. The favor of the gods was clear, and it was not entirely with Vaskar.


"As you wish." With that, the Khorne Lord left for his chambers. There were still a few prisoners alive.

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Dominicus - Noted and fixed, thanks :P





Ahre's whirring chainsword lowered, blood flying off of the teeth as they spinned, while the crimson liquid on the beam protecting the sword's innards dripped much more slowly.


The contrast had always fascinated him. The master of the Maruaders never knew why.


He also did not know why these particular hybrids had red blood instead of the purple of some of the purer genestealer strains. Not that it mattered, Khorne cared not what colour of blood flowed, and these pathetic cultists were an affront to Him anyways. It was good to kill them.


Ahre tapped his vox, opening a channel to the astarte commanding the operation. "This is your lord and master, reporting that this gathering has been purged. Where is my next target?"


Static crackled for a moment. Cursed underhives. The excess of humanity allowed the gene-taint to spread quickly. It was hurting recruitment, as the best youths turned out to be infected, but what the heralded was far, far worse.


Finally, the officer's voice appeared over the channel. "Master Ahre, proceed to coordinates 72, 55 on level 14. According to squad Dali, there are numerous pure-strain Genestealers."


"Good. I will report when I'm done." The Khorne warrior released a sigh of pleasure as he switched the vox off. Finally, a challenge.


And yet, Ahre knew it wouldn't be.


3 Terran days later


"A remarkable cleansing, my lord. Khorne clearly favors you."


"The Blood God is obviously pleased, Master."


"Perhaps we should sacrifice a few followers to continue the bloodflow, my king?"


Under his helmet, Ahre closed his eyes. Did they really think the blood of a few gene-stealers and their bastardised off-spring would appease Him, and stop the coming aliens?


As if to confirm his thoughts, a single marine cleared his throat. The Khorne warrior knew that meant bad news, and when he opened his eyes, it was indeed one of his scouts who stood before him, power armour battered and worn.


"My lord, the hive fleet has splintered. One of the larger splinters appears to be heading towards us."


Without a word, Ahre stood from his throne and cut off the scout's head. He would probably regret that later, but by Khorne, it felt good.


The now slightly pleased marine turned to his sub-ordinates. "Continue the purging. I want three hives cleared before I see fit to send another team to finish the job." With that, he sat back down.


The three sub-commanders - I still haven't thought of better names for my lieutenants - bowed their heads and exitted the command room of the orbital station, which was bristling with guns and extremely well-protected, but the Khorne warrior knew that it wouldn't be enough.


It seemed not to ever be enough. Not if Lord Vaskar returned before the tyranids came. He would kill Ahre in an instant, much like the scout had lost his own head, if he saw how little progress had been made since he had left all those years ago.


The too frequent reports on how fast Vaskar was coming here were beginning to affect the master of the orbital station. He almost hoped the tyranids would come first, so that his soul might simply become one of His servants instead of being flayed for however long the Khorne Lord deigned to punish him for.




Ahre snapped back to the present. The fortifications on Tarsis needed to be strengthed. This was no time for dwelling on his fate, he needed to ensure that he earned Khorne's favour before he died.


Opening his throne's vox - the one with the highest priority code attached to it, naturally - he began relaying orders for more construction teams to be made and a new foundation for yet another bunker to be formed.


He had no time to waste.

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A few notes:

...opening a channel to the Astartes commanding...


Your king, out.

Now, I know Ahre is an egomaniacal Khornate, but it sounds kind of awkward. In my opinion...


Otherwise, very well-written, looking forward to more.

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A few notes:
...opening a channel to the Astartes commanding...


Your king, out.

Now, I know Ahre is an egomaniacal Khornate, but it sounds kind of awkward. In my opinion...


Otherwise, very well-written, looking forward to more.

I was struggling on the wording there; it didn't sound right to me either. Would astarte be better replaced with marine, and the end-of-conversation bit dropped? I wanted to make it clear that he wasn't going to be talking to him anymore, but if it sounds better out then it's going out ;)

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I was struggling on the wording there; it didn't sound right to me either. Would astarte be better replaced with marine, and the end-of-conversation bit dropped? I wanted to make it clear that he wasn't going to be talking to him anymore, but if it sounds better out then it's going out :P

Astartes is fine where it is. Both marine or Astartes work, so whichever you would prefer to use.


As for the convo-ending bit, I would just write something like "Ahre, out", or simply have him shut off the link with no ender. That sounds like something a Chaos Marine would do =D

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I was struggling on the wording there; it didn't sound right to me either. Would astarte be better replaced with marine, and the end-of-conversation bit dropped? I wanted to make it clear that he wasn't going to be talking to him anymore, but if it sounds better out then it's going out :yes:

Astartes is fine where it is. Both marine or Astartes work, so whichever you would prefer to use.


As for the convo-ending bit, I would just write something like "Ahre, out", or simply have him shut off the link with no ender. That sounds like something a Chaos Marine would do =D

Would an egotistical Khornate do it though? :P


I'll fix it. As a general rule, though, I've found that typically Chaos Marines don't refer to each other by their names if they are of different ranks (IE, as Troops, Elites or HQs on a FOC, not unit by unit, excepting major differences, such as a Marine and a Scout, or a Khorne Berzerker to a lowly Mark of Khorne marine.).

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Excellent. I will not leave my laptop until a post is made.


Better hurry up, otherwise my football coach will go apes**t on you =P





Three Terran months later


"My king, the splinter fleet has just entered sensor range. It appears to have grown in size." The newly dubbed Ahrian - what a magnificent name for my lieutenants - was very good at hiding his fear, but a very slight off-tone betrayed his emotions.


Ahre wondered why. He had refrained from beheading any of his staff for quite a while, or so at least he thought so. Only three since that scout had come in, no, four. The king shrugged; it was close enough.


In that time, however, recruitment and production had doubled. Some of the lesser worlds were being deeply mined for resources now, and the Dark Mechanicus faction that served the Maruaders had been busy designing and building new weapons as well as supplying the new recruits with their scout gear. Tarsis has also become a great bastion, and the other hives had begun to gain their own fortifications and defenses against the coming tide.


"How large is the tyranid fleet?" Ahre's voice was suitably deep and powerful, carrying confidence and strength to his assembled Ahrians.


Thus reassured, the speaker did not hesitate to reply. "A seperate hive-mind has developed, master. There is a single main beast that appears to house this mind and two more lesser creatures that are accompanying it. It is believed that there is a third following them, but is currently feeding on an Imperial world."


While the Khorne warrior's expression did not change, he inwardly recoiled. The defenses would barely hold if that was their strength at the edge of the sensors. If they could hold back the initial assault, and deplete the bio-mass of the main force the Maruaders might be able to hold Tarsis if the third Tyranid void-creature came.


And if Tarsis held, Vaskar would let him live.


Vaskar would only arrive when Ahre let him anyways. A number of sorcerors had been recruited from the Eye of Terror's markets, and using their gifts they had travelled rather quickly to their new master - they had been selected by their ability to do so. The sorcerors had been tasked with slowing but not destroying the fleet returning from the 13th Black Crusade. The lord of the Marauders knew better than to anger Khorne by killing Vaskar, and without His favor Tarsis would not hold.


A number of them had also been given the task of blocking the Tyranid's shadow of the Warp, so that Khorne and the other Dark Gods could give Thier support to the warriors who served on Tarsis.


It would not be long now before the preparations made were put to the test, Ahre knew. But if the Great Gods willed it, he would emerge as the glorious king of Tarsis, and even Vaskar would learn to kneel.



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Very nice addition, though a little on a short side, beggars can't be choosers =P


A slight note: Maruaders, in my opinion, is spelt Marauders =)


Well done, looking forward to more.

It was very... on the spot :D I really couldn't do anything to add to this update, what it really is is setting up for the next update, where I finally show off Ahre. He gets a few action updates, and then all of you should see something rather familiar :(

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Five months later


It was atop the highest tower of the first grand citadel to be attacked that Ahre stood. His astarte's sight could only see blurry, huge shapes in the distance, some of them flying down from orbit. Three large ovals hung over Tarsis, steadily generating the troops needed to breach this monstrous fortification that stood between them and the Ahrith hive, the largest source of food for the foul xenos.


He looked to his left. A thick, strong and multi-tiered wall stretched, and gradually curved beyond his sight.


He looked to his right. The same greeted him, with vast banks of artillery just behind the gigantic citadel's fortifications only slightly below the rows of men waiting to jump down to kill any tyranids that might threaten the Basilisks and Whirlwinds.


Along the wall were thousands of soldiers - at least three regiments by the foolish Imperial standards. Among them were astartes, his Marauders, waiting to honour the Dark Gods. Many were dedicated followers of Nurgle and Khorne, ready to spread decay and spill blood.


Around him stood towers much like his own, each housing snipers of every stripe and the officers commanding the artillery. The few psykers and sorcerers that weren't delaying Vaskar were here as well, ready to summon daemons to disrupt the enemy attacks as well as to bend the wider battlefield to their benefit.


Ahre was proud of this defence. The only thing it lacked were Titans, and the Dark Mechanicus has created enough flesh-things to compensate.


The great shapes in the distance began to advance towards the defences. Soon.




The great shapes were swarms of lesser beasts, as the Marauder lord quickly found. Eventually, he decided it was time.


The warrior of Khorne donned his helmet, and opened the vox to the entirety of the defenders.


"Servants of the Dark Gods! Marauders! Chosen of Tarsis! All who hear me, shout for the victory we shall earn this day!"


A roar, deafening in its volume, answered his call. Weapons were raised, and the raw exultation of the countless Chaos warriors swept through the grand citadel.


For a moment, Ahre shouted his praise to Khorne with them. When his howl ended, however, his men silenced too.


Pride surged through him at this display, and he spoke again. "These are but xenos! They may attempt to overwhelm us with their hordes - but they shall know that is but more blood for the Blood God!"


Again, a great roar responded to his words.


"Earn the favor of the Dark Gods this day! Show these filthy xenos that we - are - chosen!"


This time, the Khorne warrior could feel the tower shaking from the utterly deafening cry. Even his helmet's automatic sound protection struggled to lessen the power of the men ready to slay in Chaos's name.


Ahre raised his chainsword in salute to them. The enemy would surely fail under their wrath now, and he descended to join his men on the top of the wall.




"Don't let them reach the artillery!"


Ahre's command was almost desperate - for despite the horrific casualties the defenders had inflicted on the Tyranids, there had been enough to scale the walls and slaughter most of the men housed there. The tide had finally stopped there, however, and now it was a struggle for the remaining defenders to contain and destroy the xenos on the walls.


His chainsword sliced in great arcs, beheading a warrior-creature or reaping numerous 'gaunts' with every swing. He was currently working through a horde of those gaunts.


He opened his vox again. "Show the Gods of Chaos your worthiness! Slay many and their favour will come to you!"


The few men and astartes that the warrior of Khorne could see fought harder. A volley of shots from one of the towers cleared a small area close to him, and Ahre hacked his way to it.


"To me, Marauders!" He didn't use his vox this time - his voice would suffice.


Sure enough, the warriors closest to him began to make their way towards their lord. He continued to kill as they came, keeping the patch of his land his own. The first of his servants soon reached him - it was a mortal sergeant, wielding a chainsword two handed. An icon of Khorne was emblazoned on his heavily scratched and beaten armour. Together they slaughtered their way towards another defender, an astarte this time. Gradually, the rest came together, and they formed a line, moving through the xenos like a scythe through wheat even as some of the Chaos warriors fell. The enemy warrior-beasts, sensing what was happening, began marshalling the lesser gaunts in a wave towards the threat.


The disorganised mobs of easily killed xenos suddenly became a synchronised horde. Ahre knew their was only one thing to do.


He kicked back another creature, levelled his chainsword at the directing beasts, and screamed - "CHARGE!"


His companions lowered their shoulders and did exactly that, bowling over any gaunts in their path. The astartes reached the warrior-beasts first and immediately began slaughtering them with great joy and rage. The mortals quickly followed suit, and as soon as that group of leader-xenos was destroyed they moved to the next.


Sniper fire began directly supporting them, and a whole sub-section of the wall was soon swept clean.


The lord of the Marauders spared a second to view the battle from his view. Anything that was larger than the tyranid warriors that he had just removed had long since been targetted by the towers, and all the remained was the small sea of the gaunts and the numerous warriors that accompanied them. The defenders were clumping together as he had just done, and the tide was turning in the their favor once more.


The situation mostly secured, Ahre joined the fight once more, bellowing his praises to Khorne.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Enough putting off this update. I've not been quite sure what to write, so bear with me, I'm probably going to make a few mistakes - let me know what they are and I'll be happy to fix them :)





"Over the course of the last four months, the war for Tarsis has raged. The focus of the attacks have been made against the great citadel protecting the largest Hive-network. It has weathered all of them, though not with large casualties. Still, Khorne cares not where the blood flows, and with that blessing it has been named the Gate to Consecration."


Ahre sighed as he thought of just how many had died. He only had so many men to stave off the Tyranids, and while the Hive-fleet was clearly suffering there still seemed to be no end in clear sight. He shook his head as he continued the vid-recording.


"The sorcerors have continued to report problems with holding Vaskar back. Somehow, he still makes his way here, even if much more slowly. I have very little left to get more of the weaklings to help them, however."


'Production and recruitment has increased since the Tyranids have arrived. The xenos are good for something, then, besides blood to offer Khorne."


'Nothing else is worthy of my attentions, yet. Blood for the Blood God."


With that, the Marauder's lord turned off the vid-log. He leaned back in his personal throne, and returned to thinking of ways to slow the tyranids, to counter their tunnelers, to disrupt the Hive mind, to slay their swarms, to...




It was almost three hours before he heard the chime of a bolter shell, marking someone kneeling outside his door. Though slightly annoyed, Ahre welcomed the distraction from devising his plans.


"You are permitted entrance." His voice had become accustomed to sounding neutrally powerful, as opposed to the pettiness it must have had when he first heard word of the tyranids.


The door swung slowly open. The astartes walked into the room, his head slightly bowed. The robes and numerous bones affixed to his armour marked him as one of the Khorne warrior's own psykers - they were too damn useful to kill, and feared him enough that he never had to worry about them being treacherous.


"My lord," the marine began, "the coven dedicated to slowing the hated one has collapsed. There was a scroll that appeared among them. I was the first to awaken, so I brought the scroll to you."


He immediately dropped to his knees and held the scroll above his head.


Ahre knew he must show no hesitation. He took the scroll from the kneeling astarte and snapped his fingers. Two guards appeared and took hold of the psyker.


"Take him to the penitence chambers. When the wardens deem him fit to serve Khorne again, bind him and return him to me."


The guards nodded and dragged the marine away.


The lord of the Marauders waited until they had left, and unrolled the scroll. Its message was short and blunt, and its writing similar.


"I know not who reads this," it began, "but you shall know that you will die for fighting against the chosen of Khorne. I am Lord Vaskar. I am coming for you, and I will find you by this scroll. Remember my name when I feed your soul to the Blood God."


Vaskar's personal seal marked the bottom of the paper. Doubtless, if he tried burning it, Khorne would only bring his servant to Ahre sooner, much sooner. Any hope of being spared by the Khorne Lord was now gone, and he was only a few weeks away at the most.


For a moment, the condemned warrior simply hung his head. There was nothing he could do, except fight, and hope to earn the Blood God's mercy on his soul.




The sorcerors were still alive. One of them could take him away from here, and he could leave the scroll here. If, if Ahre managed to claim enough skulls, he might be able to earn His blessing once again, and let Vaskar be distracted by other conquests while the fleeing marine earned favour and eventually began proving himself worthy once more.


He turned to his door, and began walking to where the coven were beginning to recover. A deal would be made, and he would survive to reign once more.

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Great story! Just a thought; is it the invasion of Tarsis, or Tarsis Ultra? Are they in the same system?

Er, Tarsis Ultra? The planet's name is Tarsis, in the, uh... Montal system. Tarsis is just THE planet where everything happens, because I'm not quite sure why, besides perhaps the Tyranids are deliberately knocking out the principal defenses out. I've mentioned in the passing that there are other worlds and systems nearby, but Tarsis is the strongest point in that general area, mostly because that's where the Marauders have their base of operations.


I hope that answers the question :D

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Hey DAT!


Loving the story so far, hope there is more to come... soon.... tomorrow you say?............ too kind! :D


Er, Tarsis Ultra? The planet's name is Tarsis, in the, uh... Montal system. Tarsis is just THE planet where everything happens, because I'm not quite sure why, besides perhaps the Tyranids are deliberately knocking out the principal defenses out. I've mentioned in the passing that there are other worlds and systems nearby, but Tarsis is the strongest point in that general area, mostly because that's where the Marauders have their base of operations.


I hope that answers the question


I think Seahawk's confusion is because of the second Graham Mcneill Ultramarines novel; Warriors of Ultramar.

It's about a splinter of Leviathan attacking a planet called Tarsis Ultra :P

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Er, Tarsis Ultra? The planet's name is Tarsis, in the, uh... Montal system. Tarsis is just THE planet where everything happens, because I'm not quite sure why, besides perhaps the Tyranids are deliberately knocking out the principal defenses out. I've mentioned in the passing that there are other worlds and systems nearby, but Tarsis is the strongest point in that general area, mostly because that's where the Marauders have their base of operations.


I hope that answers the question


I think Seahawk's confusion is because of the second Graham Mcneill Ultramarines novel; Warriors of Ultramar.

It's about a splinter of Leviathan attacking a planet called Tarsis Ultra :P

:o :P Thanks... I'm not quite sure how I'm going to fix that... At best, when I finish the story I'll rename it Invasion of X and replace Tarsis with something that isn't a GW reference.


That really is quite a coincidence :D


Hey DAT!


Loving the story so far, hope there is more to come... soon.... tomorrow you say?............ too kind! :D

Thanks ^_^ I can do better than tomorrow... In fact...

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Ahre yanked the chained sorceror closer. The blasted coward kept trying to stay the maximum distance from the Marauder lord and it was hampering his movement.


"How many was that, psyker?" The chainsword was still for a moment as the warrior of Khorne examined the remains of a group of artillery beasts that had been launching foul spores into his men.


"Six hundred twenty five skulls and two thousand forty eight kills since you began two weeks ago, my lord." The voice of the chained marine was barely level after constantly witnessing just how capable Ahre was at unleashing his wrath.


"Two more weeks until the hated one arrives. How much favor do you think I will have garnered, hmmm?"


"Enough to earn your place in the Eye, my lord." The reply was quick, reactionary. Therefor probably a lie, sadly.


Still, there were two more weeks of killing to be done, and many more skulls to please the Dark Gods.


"It's too bad those Zoanthropes over there don't have proper skulls. Still, Khorne favors the death of any psyker. Come on, I have work to do."


With that, the Marauder Lord started walking towards a forest of the tendril-things that connected the Hive Mind to Tarsis. Among them were three Zoanthropes, ready for picking.


As he entered the mock forest, the xenos noticed his presence. As one, they turned towards him, and began to hum. Just like the weapons they are.


"For the glory of Khorne, I stand my ground!" Ahre shouted this proclamation, certain that the Blood God would approve of his tactics and protect him against the psychic attack about to come.


Three blasts slammed into him, hurling him backward into a tendril, which promptly began to bleed all over him. The sorceror was pulled after the Marauder lord by the Warp-forged chains connecting the pair. With a mutual groan, both stood up.


Tactics, then.


"Follow or die." The command was quick and the sorceror instantly obeyed.


Ahre rolled behind another tendril, waited for the psyker to reach him and then quickly shot a flurry of bolts from his pistol. Another roll took him behind another stalk, closer to his prey this time, but not close enough.


So he began to saw.


A minute of the chainsword's attentions left the tendril-thing almost completely destablized. The warrior of Khorne - the entire Chaos Pantheon now - slammed into it. If the Hive Mind sensed what was happening the plan would fail very quickly.


With the sound of snapping bone and ripping flesh, the stalk disconnected from the ground, leaving it dangling from the sky. Ahre quickly grabbed it, and began pushing it towards the Zoanthropes, who had been floating their way towards him. They stopped for a full three second as they saw what was coming to them.


With a roar, the Marauder lord shoved the tendril aside and ran towards the tyranid beasts. A short flurry of blows left the blood of the closest xenos spilled onto the ground, and the other two finally began to back away as they realized what had happened.


The next target managed to put it's psychic defenses up as Ahre reached it. He simply applied all of his frustration to his chainsword as sawed his way to the creature's over-sized brain, and the shield sparked for a few seconds before it gave way to Chaos warrior's rage.


The last xenos began to hum. It was too far away to be killed before the blast would be unleashed, however, and Ahre braced for impact.


It never came. The sorceror, tired of attempting to follow his master, reached his hand out to the beast and muttered a quick incantation. As soon as he was finished the beast sent a psychic blast - which reflected back at the tyranid. It's body exploded from the unexpected assault.


"One for me, and two more for you, my lord." The psyker's voice was giddy. The kill seemed to have satisfied him.


Ahre shrugged. It was start heading back towards the Gate, anyways. There had been enough skulls claimed in this disruptive foray.




Two weeks later, in the orbital station


"Are you ready?" The Marauder lord was firm in his voice, he wanted no mistakes.


Lord Vaskar was due to enter the system in a few hours, and he had put off leaving long enough. The sorceror nodded his assent, and hesitantly the chain was removed from his neck.


The instant it was gone, he vanished, leaving Ahre alone to face the wrath of Lord Vaskar.

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Yea, Tarsis Ultra is a planet in the Tarsis Ultra system, Ultima Segmentum. It's on the eastern fringe and was invaded by Hive Fleet Leviathan, but the Ultramarines successfully fended them off. A few years after that, Honsou destroyed it from orbit out of spite.


Your planet is Tarsis, which is on the eastern fringe and is to be attacked by Tyranids. You can understand my confusion then :P

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I like what I've been reading, but.....



Vaskar would only arrive when Ahre let him anyways. A number of sorcerors had been recruited from the Eye of Terror's markets, and using their gifts they had travelled rather quickly to their new master - they had been selected by their ability to do so. The sorcerors had been tasked with slowing but not destroying the fleet returning from the 13th Black Crusade. The lord of the Marauders knew better than to anger Khorne by killing Vaskar, and without His favor Tarsis would not hold.


A Warrior of Khorne using Psykers? I thought Khorne hated them, and a sure way of being reduced to Chaos Spawn for doing so.


Besides that, I like :yes:

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