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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Well, here it is...have to stop trying to do these battle-scenes...





Ageis's Flesh Tearer Captain vs Disease's Plague Champion.


Hope you like them, guys. I think I do, even though my self-criticizing sense is tingling madly with this piece...

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That is indeed a wonderful piece. I only have three small nitpicks:

1.) The loyalist Terminator actually seems rather small when compared to the DG Lord. Granted, this could be explained as the Traitor having grown and swollen beyond his original size, but when all is said and done, he is the one who is wearing "regular" power armour when compared to the Termie.

2.) The sawblades on the Termie's fists are maybe looking a tad too delicate.

3.) The suggested background elements actually take away from the overall picture's composition and quality -- I guess I'd just get rid of them altogether.

But in spite of those quibbles, I still think it's a powerful, beautifully made piece of artwork, and I simply cannot wait for the next one -- amazing job! smile.png

EDIT: I hope you don't mind a wee bit of experimentation:


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With respect to KrautScientist, I love the size of Kyphas, and think the background elements add a great touch of context - normally your pictures don't have background action going on, and I think it's a good touch here. I might be tempted to agree about the sawblades though, but it's a very minor point and doesn't spoil the image.


Great stuff.

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*glorious artwork*

Ageis's Flesh Tearer Captain vs Disease's Plague Champion.

That's really damn cool.

I like how the Plague Champion is managing to look stoic and unflappable, even though the Flesh Tearer is literally punching him apart. blink.png

Having an enemy take his best shots and react like they were nothing is probably only going to make that Flesh Tearer mad, though...

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That is indeed a wonderful piece. I only have three small nitpicks:


1.) The loyalist Terminator actually seems rather small when compared to the DG Lord. Granted, this could be explained as the Traitor having grown and swollen beyond his original size, but when all is said and done, he is the one who is wearing "regular" power armour when compared to the Termie.


I think the reason that the terminator looks a bit small is also that he is in quite a crouched pose, while Kyphas with his extra Nurgle padding, is in a much more extended pose, which makes the difference in bulk less noticeable

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Yayyyy action pose! :D


Nothing's really popping out as 'wrong' to me, and it's good to see you try adding a touch of background, even if it is just a quick sketch.  


But one thing that did catch my eye- it looks like someone crammed that grenade into the plague marine's hip-bubo.  Messy messy. :lol:

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Oh well, it does look better without the million eraser-marks. So glad you like them, Ageis and Disease. It was an honour, more so because these are both my best Terminator (in terms of scale and motion), especially) and my best Nurgly guy (aye, Nurgle is a pain in the arse with all the scars, pustules and overall damage, but the end result pays off.


Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. And really, Firepower, you turned pacifist right in one of my uneasy drawings (it took around two hours to clean...). Though you still provide signature material, I see...hip-bubo, lol.


The scale is on purpose, ever since I first saw Disease's plague-doc, he immediately struck me as being extra large. But if you measure the Flesh Tearer's height when fully upright, he'll be about the same size as Plaguey.


Next in line: a certain Night Lord Lord.

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Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. And really, Firepower, you turned pacifist right in one of my uneasy drawings (it took around two hours to clean...). Though you still provide signature material, I see...hip-bubo, lol.



It's hard to spot mistakes on a plague marine.  He's a mess by deliberate design, after all :D

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Yayyyy action pose! biggrin.png

Nothing's really popping out as 'wrong' to me, and it's good to see you try adding a touch of background, even if it is just a quick sketch.

But one thing that did catch my eye- it looks like someone crammed that grenade into the plague marine's hip-bubo. Messy messy. laugh.png

It's a booty-trap, if the plague marine ever gets knocked down ...... BOOM !!!!

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okay, so i literally spent at least 4 hours CLEAVING through this entire thread, from start, to finish. HOLY censored.gifcensored.gifcensored.gifcensored.gif why are you sooo good at drawing!?!?!?!?!?!? I'M INSPIRED.

i internally weep for missing the chance of entering the conversion contest.......... WHY didn't i look into this thread earlier!!!!! (oh yeah, 102 pages is rather daunting pinch.gif )

you have yourself yet another inspired viewer who has fallen in love with your work, i'm definitely going to give my all to win a drawing, eventually. biggrin.png

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i internally weep for missing the chance of entering the conversion contest.......... WHY didn't i look into this thread earlier!!!!! (oh yeah, 102 pages is rather daunting pinch.gif )

If it's just the pictures you want (so that you can catch up), Greyall's dA page is here.

This topic is one of those ones you look at when it's a rainy day, you've got a cup of tea/coffee/other beverage and want to waste a few hours looking at the Awesome happy.png

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i internally weep for missing the chance of entering the conversion contest.......... WHY didn't i look into this thread earlier!!!!! (oh yeah, 102 pages is rather daunting :pinch: )

If it's just the pictures you want (so that you can catch up), Greyall's dA page is here.This topic is one of those ones you look at when it's a rainy day, you've got a cup of tea/coffee/other beverage and want to waste a few hours looking at the Awesome ^_^


Haha, I've already caught up to the newest posts. :)

Thanks for the link, I think I saw it in the first 10 pages of the thread somewhere, saves me time.




And that Fuegan you did Greyall, one of my al ltime favorite xeno pics. Although he needs a good purging...... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes you have to strike under the cover of the night and slowly grow fear in the heart of your enemies, so that, over time, their despair spells their downfall.


Other times, you teach that to your men while wielding a freaking flamethrower, like Hashec here:






And here's the comparison shot:




I tried to keep close to the (false) simplicity of its design while sill adding some of my own ideas.


Thanks  for the opportunity, Heinrich. Was super fun to draw.


Next: hungry hungry hereticos

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