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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Neat. A bit of a fail on the perspective regarding of the arms. Never mind that you don't do any foreshortening, the background hand is somehow larger than the foreground hand (by a slim margin, but still). The flamer arm meets the torso a bit too high, too. I don't care if it's hidden by chainmail, I can still tell msn-wink.gif

The fire is delicious. I like the shoulder blade design to...I mean, the blades rising from the shoulders. And of course, dynamic posing is always nice...it helps that you hid his left ankle which he would have snapped in half behind the flames biggrin.png

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looking pretty good as usual man. I like the chainmail on the shoulder. I always like the little extras you throw in, like the legion symbol on the flamer. thumbsup.gif

the one thing that that I can see that bugs me a little is the lack of detail on the inside of the cape. its a little hard to pick out from the back ground and the flames.

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You're getting too good at this...*sharpens kitchen knife* msn-wink.gif

I am the downward mover of pegs, the kicker of pedestals and the coffee stain on blue ribbons! I am every corner you cut, coming out from behind the veils of last minute adjustments to poke you in the butt with my jagged edges!

I am also a very lackluster wordsmith. laugh.png

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You're getting too good at this...*sharpens kitchen knife* ;)



I am the downward mover of pegs, the kicker of pedestals and the coffee stain on blue ribbons!  I am every corner you cut, coming out from behind the veils of last minute adjustments to poke you in the butt with my jagged edges!


I am also a very lackluster wordsmith. :lol:



Do you even haiku? :P

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You're getting too good at this...*sharpens kitchen knife* msn-wink.gif

I am the downward mover of pegs, the kicker of pedestals and the coffee stain on blue ribbons! I am every corner you cut, coming out from behind the veils of last minute adjustments to poke you in the butt with my jagged edges!

I am also a very lackluster wordsmith. laugh.png


Do you even haiku? tongue.png

Not in threads that still have a reason to live ;)

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Kurze's claws, Greyall, Hashec looks freaking insane. Your skills leave me in awestruck wonder yet again.

I can't help but imagine Hashec doing this to reveal himself as he ambushes his helpless foe from the darkness.


At first there's nothing but the suffocating dark, then suddenly, a veil of fire flares into life. But wait, no, not fire, something far far worse.

These flames are sickly green, phosphex, and there, now revealed by the horrible emerald glow, is a titanic beast with burning crimson eyes, a nightmare made flesh and ceramite.


Beneath his helm, Hashec Tor smiles.

"Scream for me."

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Beneath his helm, Hashec Tor smiles.

"Scream for me."

Whoa, man. Shivers.

This piece is fantastic Greyall, he just looks like everyone who stands in front of him is going to die screaming. But then, Night Lords wouldn't have it any other way I suppose msn-wink.gif

Of course mad props to Brother Heinrich as well for creating such a suitable model!

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Many thanks, all. I just want to stress the main hardship of drawing this guy:


I hadn't realized at first, but as I went into the task of drawing Hashec full of ideas on how to warp his armor and make it super-ornate, something became clearer: Heinrich, he who converted most of his special characters to no end, had managed to make a very majestic lord out of the quite simple Termie Chaos Lord kit. When I noticed it, I was already drawing the chestplate, so it took me a bit of willpower to erase it and go for simplicity. It ended up paying off, I think, the end result is close to Heinrich's vision and the greatness of its mini version (or so I hope). He definitely looks like more than a "simple" Terminator, but Heinrich's feat of combining pretty regular parts to make this beast cannot be overstated :)

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And now, a gift for a fellow who loves his World Eaters...plus the 16 other legions.


A while ago, I asked Jaspcat to put up a WE with shield and axe. And here he is:





To which I tried to do justice :)





Very fun to draw, in spite of the darn Jump Pack...


Next one...is eternal.


Hope you like him, guys. Many cheers =)

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The curve of his left pauldron is pretty severe, and may or may not allow the arm to actually hold that shield.  But of course, the shield doesn't let you see that...what a coincidence ;)


It may or may not make sense for his entire left leg to be hidden behind the right.  Kinda depends.  I'm also not entirely sure the musculature of his upper arm makes sense.  That's a very pronounced tricep...


Anywho, very cool design, but I feel like you could embellished the shield just a tiny bit, like you did he ax.  

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