sockwithaticket Posted March 23, 2014 Author Share Posted March 23, 2014 Not much to report this time around, just a few bits and pieces.The objective is finished now that the comms relay has its sentry. You may notice a hint as to the misfortune that befell his predecessor... also whipped up the base for my incoming Furioso. It's a resin base from a now defunct ebay store (grrr, their bases were really good), with some extra rubble and stuff added on by me., I also made a start on a certain 3rd Company Captain... make life really tricky for myself I decided to make my first attempt at double highlighting the black over an entire model (this will not happen again in the future! It's so fiddly and time-consuming.) and I'm pretty happy with how he's shaping up so far. His belt is still raw plastic so I can stick his various belt accessories on with plastic rather than super glue now that the legs and torso are finished (I've become really bad at sticking belt accessories on with super glue once they're completed). Pretty happy with how he's shaping up so far.deathspecter - I'm pretty sure I have an old mock up of the pose somewhere in this thread, hopefully you like the start I've made. What's your workbench looking like these days? It feels like we haven't seen much from you lately. Either that or I'm missing the thread.Razblood - welcome back again, man! Improvement is always the plan and I appreciate people pointing out that it's occurring. Yep, busy, busy, indeed. I'm going to be looking for a new job come June ready for September so I'm trying to make the most of the painting time I have now before I get embroiled in a new commute/house move/other stuff that will radically cut it down. Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 23, 2014 Share Posted March 23, 2014 Like the objective can't see much on this ancient monitor have to pick up a new one. Been working on hammers of Dorn been posting them in the Imperial fist thread. Just taking a break from the Spectres,also been doing some unforgiven. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted March 28, 2014 Author Share Posted March 28, 2014 Thought I'd leave a quick Tycho update before I go away for the weekend. He's coming together a lot quicker than some of my other characters, which is a pleasant surprise as I don't think the speed is sacrificing quality. with the belt accessories and right arm done he's just missing a head and left arm. Need to find a name for him, too, I suppose. Was thinking about, Camael or Samael. Which has the better ring? Ah cool, I'll have to head on over to the sub-forums and have a look. I often don't stray beyond the WIP and BA sections of B&C due to time constraints.Deathspecter - I'll fill in the blanks for you, it all looks really, really good! Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeffTibbetts Posted March 28, 2014 Share Posted March 28, 2014 I will never stop being amazed with those crisp black highlights. What's your secret? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 28, 2014 Share Posted March 28, 2014 Â Liking this one he is really kitted out. ENJOY THE WEEKEND !!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marine7312000 Posted March 28, 2014 Share Posted March 28, 2014 That is such an awesome conversion. I'm 1400 miles from my bits and it's killing me seeing this awesome kitbash, I want to just look and see if I can make a similar one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Yak Posted March 31, 2014 Share Posted March 31, 2014 Supreme work as always brother! Your ploughing along pretty rapidly lately. Â Love your take on Tycho I am intrigued to know what your going to use for the head and left arm.... Â Must say I think your guardsmen look cool. I'm having a bit of a guard-asm now thanks to Kierdale and his Imperial Guard regiments competition over in the Imperial guard forum. The guy acting sentry for the comms relay looks fantastic, whats the history behind his regiment? Â Vehicles are coming on nicely too mate. Â Keep it up lad Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted April 2, 2014 Author Share Posted April 2, 2014 Captain Samael, 3rd Company, Crimson Tears His origins are almost entirely unknown, doubtless they are consigned to the chapter archives, yet as the oldest serving member of the Crimson Tears none exist to impart information he would rather keep to himself. The relic status of his combi-melta, the Tigurus pattern bolt-pistol on his hip, the archeo-tech gauntlet known as ‘death’s touch’; Samael’s armaments hint as to the years that have elapsed since he first donned the black white and crimson of his chapter. Perhaps a few of the ancients in their dreadnought sarcophagi have tales to tell, but on the few occasions a brother has dared to ask they have kept their counsel, respecting Samael’s seeming wish for privacy. Much like his brother-captain in the 4th, Ezekiel, Samael sports a fearsome death-mask both as a badge of office and an affectation, its stern rictus aiding the aura of mystery Samael seems to cultivate.Again, like his 4th Company equivalent, Samael’s has organised and trained his warriors in a particular style of warfare. Indeed, the Crimson Tears 3rd company are masters of mechanised warfare, never are they more effective than when racing their tanks into the heart of the enemy, either to deliver cargoes of marines whose chainswords yearn to tear at their enemies or salvoes of crippling close range fire. These tactics have developed in part due to decades spent pursuing and engaging the Saim-Hann elder craftworld. Honed against these swiftest and most manoeuvrable of foes, few other adversaries withstand against the massed armour of the 3rd  and so their niche within the chapter was foundSamael is a restless hunter, ever eager to move on from a victory in pursuit of fresh prey. He also possesses a rage that is fearsome to behold, in a chapter prone to outbursts of fury and violence that legends can be fashioned from, his occasional lapses into frenzied wrath stand alone; as does he, when in such a state those under his command know well enough to let their captain be. Outside of these moments he is taciturn and stoic, a near perfect commander; no less than would be expected of a man who has held his position for almost four centuries. some new bases, can you guess what they're for? - thanks man. Patience and touch ups, don't know that that's much of a secret, but it's all I can offer. Oh, some really good jazz helps with the patience part, or it does for me at least.Deathspecter - cheers, bud. Heh, I think officers should carry just as many gubbins as their men, if not more. I'd stick some extra on if I could find the space. Weekend was awesome and very much what I needed marine- sorry to give you hobby-sickness, man, but I'll take the compliment. Good news is he's about 85-90% plastic unlike most of my more unique work, got to love those BA plastics.Yak - Cheers! Yeah, I can see some serious job searching in my not too distant future so I'm trying to get my hobby in while I still can. Guard are a lot of fun, if I didn't have so many unbuilt/painted marines then I might start up an army, but for now they'll just have to make cameos as Henchmen and objective participants. Regiment history...uh, cannon fodder? Not that that makes him particularly unique... Honestly, I haven't given it much thought yet, I just pulled a scheme out of the air and laid it down. Perhaps they should start featuring on all my objectives and get some backstory to boot.Thanks for all the positive comments, guys, and thanks to anyone who stops by at all. JeffTibbetts, The Yak, helterskelter and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted April 2, 2014 Share Posted April 2, 2014 Once again you out did yourself Samael looks Great !!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squeaky Posted April 2, 2014 Share Posted April 2, 2014 Your skill at making white look as crisp and clean as that is amazing :) I like the one arm holding it self up on the far right base almost like the rest of him was blown away while jumping over ^-^ though i know you are yet to add him. Look forward to the finished result oooo and great Objective markers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marine7312000 Posted April 5, 2014 Share Posted April 5, 2014 Holy Tycho!!. Consider the Death Mask idea stolen. I know what I'm going to be working on tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted April 11, 2014 Author Share Posted April 11, 2014 So, I've done some stuff. None of it finished, but there's quite a bit, nonetheless.Furioso - swapped the FW feet for some regular dread feet. I don't know what it is about the FW ones, I just really don't like them. I've also tried to make the left greave look a little bit like a mini shrine somewhat akin to the old metal venerable dreadnought and the FW chaplain dreadnought.Angel Encarmine - the lead of their brothers the Blood Drinkers, the Angels Encarmine elected to send a veteran as envoy to the Crimson Tears, showing the newer chapter the honour they feel is due all fellow Sons of Sanguinius. The shade of red for this guy was actually surprisingly easy in the end, but the process of choosing it was not! He's actually had the initial colours completely painted over. I want all of the various Sons of Sanguinius I do to have different red armour and having already earmarked what it'll look like for a couple of others quite reduced my options for this particular angel. I'm pretty pleased with the final result, as far as I'm aware it's kind of atypical, which is always good.Tactical Sergeant -'s intended to look as though he's guarding the shattered doorway to the ruins his squad populate, aggressive defence (this may not be clear given that he has yet to receive arms...)! The contrast on the robes is a bit starker than I would've liked, but I'm ok with it. I go so long between painting robes that I don't think I've done any of them the same way, this is yet another different recipe (partly due to owning some different paints these days).Bad news for the Tears is that I finally prepped and primed some models for a Malifaux Guild crew as an opportunity to do something really different. This may impact on my marine production rate, but I'm going to try and not let it, I do really love my boys in black, white and crimson.Deathspecter -  Only Dante and Mephiston left to try and reinterpret now. Eventually...Squeaky - Cheers, I don't know that there's all that much skill involved, just time and patience. Heh, I think dismembered limbs are more your speed, mate, but I can see what you mean. Might consider using that on future objectives, glad you like the existing onesmarine - Steal away, part of the reason we all post here is to share ideas. Make sure you post your results, I'd like to see them. Razblood, Squeaky and Kierdale 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thamier Posted April 11, 2014 Share Posted April 11, 2014 abselutrly stunning, im a big fan of your sock, u wonder if i can get painting tips from you? Â and also sock with a ticket for what? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted April 11, 2014 Share Posted April 11, 2014 Your 'Tycho' is looking fantastic and those breachers are just delightful to look at. I second a group shot when they are complete!  Can I pick you brains on how to do your power weapons? It looks super slick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted April 11, 2014 Share Posted April 11, 2014 The Dread is coming along Nicely . I am amazed how smooth your white comes out. Awesome Work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stormborn Posted April 11, 2014 Share Posted April 11, 2014 Read through your thread tonight sensation work. Real inspiration, so tempted to try some sons of sanginus (always secretly wanted to and been put off by all the red). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted April 11, 2014 Share Posted April 11, 2014 wow, your work is wonderful! Â Â keep up the excellent work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squeaky Posted April 12, 2014 Share Posted April 12, 2014 Blending on the robes are fabulous :) and it's a very nice scarlet/burgundy keep it coming Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Razblood Posted April 17, 2014 Share Posted April 17, 2014 Tycho = Awesome  Robes = Absolutely lovely  Look forward to seeing that Sgt finished :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted April 27, 2014 Author Share Posted April 27, 2014 Hello all, another update is here. First things first, completions:Angel Encarmine Ruax he is alongside the other Sons of Sanguinius envoys: Eremiel is another survivor of the 5th’s decimation on Trantis. As the company gradually rebuilt he found it difficult, like most of the other Trantis survivors, to find his place among the new recruits, none of whom could fully understand the profound grief of the company’s few original members, try as they might. This sense of disconnection from his fellow Crimson Tears was exacerbated by the likes of Azazel transferring to other companies, weakening weakening his connection to the memory of his fallen brothers, and the years of inactivity that the 5th’s rebirth necessitated which provided more than ample time to dwell on such thoughts. After a decade, Eremiel decided to follow the lead of some of his brothers and transfer, reasoning that if he were to be a stranger to those he fought alongside, he would do so in a new company, away from ghosts whose passing he could only fully lament with Chaplain Moriar and the handful of Trantis veterans who remained. An exemplary combat record in theatres ranging from the ash wastes of Armageddon to the dead space near the Ghoul Stars meant that the 2nd did not hesitate to recruit him when an opening in their attrition ravaged ranks inevitably opened up. After so many years of being unable to fight and spurred by the desire to prove himself to new comrades as well as honouring the dead he left behind, he quickly proved himself a valuable member of the company’s tactical branch; so much so that his promotion to sergeant was swift indeed, particularly for a new-comer. He prefers to lead squads laden with melta weapons, keenly aware of the potential destruction enemy armour can wreak on his brethren and possessing an intense desire to mitigate losses having already lost so much himself. As with Azazel, Chaplain Moriar, now the 5th’s Reclusiarch, keeps up with his erstwhile charge, concerned about the potentially damaging effects of a trauma like Trantis. Eremiel, though, has proven himself in need of less monitoring than his brother, his squad command is exemplary and the only sign that he still mourns is a black right pauldron, but this is more a memorial than an indicator of ongoing grieving.WIP stuff:  Parts of a breacher (I'm getting there with these guys, at the same rate as a particularly languid snail, but progress is being made nonetheless). haven't touched the furioso unfortunately and it looks like that might not happen for a little while. There's the small matter of the ETL coming up and so I've spent the bulk of the last couple of weeks pulling together the parts for my pledge. Here it is:'s 10 Vanguard Vets (In no particular order, Sergeant with Glaive Encarmine, powerfist, power axe and storm shield, power maul and storm shield, thunder hammer, eviscerator (really big chainsword), power sword, lightning claws, infernus pistol gunslinger and power spear). I'd initially only thought to do 8 as I'm pretty slow as a painter, but decided to go for the full 10 as the BA forum could use even that small a boost, hence why 2 of them are in a separate photo. Those 10 guys are a whopping 530 points! I'm thinking I may try and finish them asap to try and squeeze in a Mephiston counts as (who has been refurbished after accidentally being crushed and broken). The Furioso may get a bit of love on the side, but he's too far advanced to enter into the competition and will be quite time consuming to finish alongside the main vow. It's annoying as I really want to get him done, but the honour of the BA comes first.Had a go at knocking up some unique wargear for future vets/characters, too, while I was cutting and sticking things. - cheers, bud, you know I reciprocate and having seen your stuff I'm not sure exactly what I can help you with, but by all means ask away! Ha, yeah the name's a little odd isn't it? It comesfrom an old Eddie Izzard bit about laundry where he points out that once you've put everything in the machine you inevitably find one or two socks that you've dropped en route and it's like they're late for the theatre 'Hello, hello. Sorry we're late, but we've got tickets, see, can you let us in?'. Obviously I haven't done that gag justice but, hey, I'm not a comic genius like Mr. Izzard.Brother Tyrax - thanks a lot, it's always nice when people like your favourite models. When having a go at your own version of an existing character there's always the potential for it not to go right, so confirmation of the opposite is a welcome relief. Well, you'll have appreciated this update then, I am slowly getting towards the group shot ( I swear I haven't spent as long on any other unit in this force as I have on the breachers, it's bordering on ridiculous now). Regarding power weapons I think I've given the recipe before, but it's probably buried somewhere in the thread so here we goBasically it's pick a colour, wash it black or mix black with it so it's substantially darker. Then, do a fairly broad edge highlight with the base colour. Add more edge highights with increasing amounts of white (or pale grey or whatever you use to make something lighter) until you hit a point you're satisfied with. For mine in particular I start off with Vallejo Game Colour Imperial Blue, wash it black, edge with it and gradually add Vallejo Game Colour Ice Blue to it, building to pure Ice Blue. If the contrast between layers is too stark I'll hit it with a blue glaze and add another final edge of Ice Blue. Hope that helps!deathspecter - one day you're going to run out of ways to compliment my work, until that day I love to hear it! Always appreciate you stopping by.Stormborn - thanks, man that's humbling. Considering all the other great work on the forum I wouldn't have thought my work particularly inspiring, but I'll take it!. Do it, join the Sons of Sanguinius, you could always go for Angels Sanguine, only half the amount of red, or follow the lead of myself and others and DIY it. The BA lexicanum page lists all their known successors at the top and most of them don't even have colour schemes so you could come up with whatever you want, or even DIY it like myself and others  Argent Aquila - thanks, man, I'll try!Squeaky - cheers, I think this is the first set of robes I've done that I'm more or less satisfied with, bless Reaper and their Triad paints.Razblood - thank you , my friend, as above it's relieving when my attempts at well known characters get a good response. Hope you enjoyed the finished, sarge. deathspectersgt7 and Monstra Sumus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Yak Posted April 27, 2014 Share Posted April 27, 2014 Great work Brother! Â I have really enjoyed your little Sons of Sanguinius Envoys side project and Ruax is as excellent as the others. Do you intend to make them into a little assault squad? If so what Chapter will you tackle next? Â Eremiel is a cracker. You have really mastered the art of adding ruins to your bases and making the entire piece blend together. Â I would love to wish you luck with your ETL III vow but as usual we are on opposing sides, so I hope you only complete 9 out of the 10! Â Samael is a real pearl. The white facemask is a terrific focal point of the model and the archeo-tach gauntlet is a master stroke. Â Top drawer as always. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted April 27, 2014 Share Posted April 27, 2014 Ruax looks Great what color is that? Are you going to have an Envoy from all ?. Â Really liked the fluff on Eremiel and alos the fig. Â Good luck on your Vow for the ETL. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted May 14, 2014 Author Share Posted May 14, 2014 First ETL update! Not an awful lot to show for it I'm afraid, so my contribution to the BA subforum remains intangible At this rate I might possibly be done by July(?). Anyway, most of you don't care whether I help the Baalites to victory or not so pictures it is: mk.4 chap is awaiting a powerfist and the shield bearer is missing his axe (among other things).While bored during my lunch hour the other day I came up with this key to various armour decorations:winged sword – denotes having served in an honour guard. Each member of the Crimson Tears command structure chooses his own Honour Guard when he ascends to such position as requires one one.Laurels – an honour bestowed upon those who have performed an act of exceptional valour or courage on the battlefield.Gold Crux – for acts of notable martial skill, such as taking out great enemy warriors in single combat.Skull – kill tally of 1000.Aquilas – for inventive use of the jump pack (I like the idea they get bonus points from command for hammer of wrathing an ork warboss off a 4th floor balcony)What I was working on before the official stat of the ETL was this: should answer those of you pondering on the future of the Sons of Sanguinius envoys.Hopefully I'll be back soon with more Vanguard goodness.Yak - cheers, I've enjoyed them, too. It's a chance to do something different, but still related to my main army and a chance to see if the effort outlay would ever make starting an official successor viable! As you'll have seen, I am intending at least this fifth one for now, I'd like to have one of every successor in the codex, thought that may take a little while longer. I hadn't really thought of them in game legal terms, perhaps a Vanguard squad in case I decide any of the successors I've yet to attempt decide to send an envoy as well equipped as the Blood Drinkers' choice.I've said it before, but I really appreciate it when my counts-as characters get a strong positive reception, you always worry a bit about doing enough to set them apart as special characters rather than generic HQ's and keep their design consistent with the army.. Terrific is a great word to describe the simplified death mask, both it's original and contemporary usages apply really. Obviously I'm biased towards my own design ideas, but I think the shaded white really allows the phenomenal amount of detail on those masks to shine through. I'm pleased the gauntlet idea worked, on most counts-as Tycho's and the official model itself, Dead Man's Hand looks rather unimpressive for something that is supposed to negate armour saves and I've never really read anything that justifies how or why it would. Archeo-tech explains everything always!Ha, sadly I don't think you've got to worry about me contributing much to the BA cause. 2 weeks in and I haven't finished a single model...deathspecter - thanks, mate. The base colour is Sanguine Highlight from the P3 range. It's an interesting one, I've not encountered anything similar in any of the other paint ranges I've tried; closest match would be some old GW Scab Red + white. This post should somewhat answer your question about envoys, lots more in the works (eventually...)Good luck to you, too, I'm sure the Excoriators will make a worthy contribution to the AoD cause. Not too much, mind, it'd be nice if those of us in the BA sub-forum could beat someone other than the AdMech guys! Squeaky, deathspectersgt7, Kierdale and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted May 14, 2014 Share Posted May 14, 2014 Really a nice up date.At least you have paint on yours.The Knight looks great you need to do a Squad of them.If they do the Blood Angels Codex Justice I will be going back to doing mine again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted May 15, 2014 Share Posted May 15, 2014 (edited) You take your time on this, never feel rushed. This is the best painted force I've come across, the attention to detail is absolutely staggering. I'd never have the patience to paint such a contrasting scheme with such precision. That new MK4 dudes face is exceptional.  Also, big approval on the Knight, I was very tempted to start a small force of them a while back.  EDIT: Thank you massively for the weapon recipe, I hope you don't mind but I'd love to copy the technique for power weapons in my force? Edited May 15, 2014 by Brother Tyrax Squeaky 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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