mandaloriano Posted June 23, 2014 Share Posted June 23, 2014 I can only say AWESOME!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightHunters Posted June 23, 2014 Share Posted June 23, 2014 Love the slinger, nice back story too, but what a fantastic looking squad, so coherent, yet every one is different! Genius at work! And i would be interested in seeing other slinger options...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted June 26, 2014 Share Posted June 26, 2014 I do a lot of touch ups too. TERRIFIES me. The gunslinger is looking damn good man, good call on pushing him forward. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted July 2, 2014 Author Share Posted July 2, 2014 With time ticking away I bring you the bodies of veterans 6 & 7.'t got much to say at this point other than I need to keep on trucking! Not entirely happy with the placement of Mk V guy's pistol ammo pouches, but I'm not popping the super glue bond and redoing the area at this point, it'll largely be hidden by the jump pack anyway.Now, back to the brushes!deathspecter - Ta', I'm trying, but the 'slingers are calling...marine - Cheers, bud.mandaloriano - Night Hunters - Thanks, man. Genius? Probably not, but I'll take it! You've hit on exactly what I'm trying to achieve with these guys as Vets. they should be a bit more individual looking than the average marine, but, at the same time, I do want them to look like a unit. Don't mention the variants, it's difficult enough keeping this vow on track without encouragement to derail.Brother Tyrax - well, then I don't know what to say other than thanks once again for the wonderful compliments about my work Kierdale 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 Lovely work, as always! I may have missed it if you've explained it already, but how did you do that beautiful blue-edged powersword? I want to unashamedly steal it. And I love the Aquilas up that leg! I can't tell via my phone if they are decals or etched brass...? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted July 6, 2014 Author Share Posted July 6, 2014 (edited) Another quick one to show my progress with the next 2 Vanguard, I feel frequent updates of moderate amounts of work are quickening my pace a touch and with the end of the ETL not a million miles away this can only be a good thing, MK. V marine is the first Crimson Tear with a fully white face plate and I think it still fits okay with the chapteer aesthetic. His Eviscerator (why on earth are these not an option for marines?) incorporates one of Kromlech's awesome Rippers and I love it even though matching up the arms was a pain in the . He's been granted use of one of my favourite bits from the Vanguard or Sternguard kits (forget which one), the rimless crux pad. Don't know why, but I find it completely awesome. The other one has another of my favourite bits, the straight magged pistol adorned with winged skulls. Should hopefully have these two done in a few daysI've done the metals on the remaining jump packs, too, but I figured that wouldn't be too interesting to have a look at.Thanks for stopping by!Kierdale - thanks a lot, buddy. The aquilas are indeed brass etch (haven't been brave enough to try getting the hang of transfers since coming back to the hobby, maybe one day...), I really love the aquila sheet, it's a great way to add unique little detailsSteal away, II have posted the recipe elsewhere, but it is easy to lose specific posts once threads acquire too many pages so here we go :1.Vallejo Game Colour Night Blue.2. Broad edge highlight 50/50 Night Blue/VGC Imperial Blue3. Slightly narrower highlight of Imperial Blue4. Progressively narrower/finer highlights of Imperial Blue mixed with increasing amounts of VGC Glacier Blue until you're using pure Glacier Blue Edited July 6, 2014 by sockwithaticket Biohazard, deathspectersgt7 and Kierdale 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted July 7, 2014 Share Posted July 7, 2014 I like the MKV Marine. I need to get some of those helms I found a sheet of those brass etched aqulias will have to use them . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted July 12, 2014 Author Share Posted July 12, 2014 2 more down! Might just manage this thing after all: It wasn't until I finished putting the parts together that I realised how many purity seals I'd accidentally placed in quite a small area of the Mk. 7 guy, his right arm is really blessed! His pose isn't going to be to all tastes, but I like it. I was going for a shooting sprint with the spear ready to be swung round wildly if required. This contrasts with the Mk. V marine who has already closed with the enemy and is about to make a slash I'd like to call some attention to their chapter pads as they had quite a lot of work put into them. The Mk. III pad on the power spear wielder incorporates a blood drop from a drop pod icon which was a real pain to remove and then file down, it was worth it, though, as I really like the final look (it's better than my freehand anyway). The pad on the other marine is a modified version of this: think it looks a lot more Crimson Tears-ish now by dint of being a lot simpler (but then I would, wouldn't I?),Three left, so it's time to crack on!deathspecter - Cheers, man. I think the Mk. V armour is very under-appreciated (and that Mk. III is kind of over rated) and you don't see enough of it. The helmets are really cool, but then I love anything with studs in it like Mk. IV assault squad torso and legs. Be careful with those aquilas, you'll start wanting to put them everywhere! The Yak, NightHunters, Argent aquila and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted July 13, 2014 Share Posted July 13, 2014 They look Great !!!! Always liked the MKV look my supplier is out of them I want some for my Hammers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Armond Posted July 13, 2014 Share Posted July 13, 2014 Love the heavy chainsword monster you have there! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted July 22, 2014 Author Share Posted July 22, 2014 Well, here's the state of play with my last two regular veterans (sergeant still to come): are coming along pretty well, but I must say the claw and the mace were utter to paint. Partly due to resin imperfections, partly due to my very fine detail brushes being on their last legs and partly due to the small nature of the surfaces being worked with, it was just really fething hard to get straight lines and achieve a subtle colour change. I think I've pulled it off, but I haven't looked at the photos too closely (which probably reveal horrible imperfections I can't see having stared at the models all evening).Mk. 7 guy had a bit of a mishap which (praise the Emperor) didn't damage the paint job, but did unbase him - hence the black areas around his foot where I've done some rebasing On the plus side this has allowed me to amend, his pose which was kind of upright, into more of a crouch that I think suits him much better. The mongrel marine (all kinds of armour marks involved with this guy) , will probably look better with the other claw, but I'm aiming for him to look like he's purposefully, menacingly striding to whatever he's about to kill. A Mk. III helm definitely helps in this regard.Need to step it up now as time really is becoming an ever more precious commodity.deathspecter - cheers, bud.Armond - thanks a lot, makes all that fiddling with the damned arms worthwhile! Argent aquila, Biohazard, deathspectersgt7 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted July 22, 2014 Share Posted July 22, 2014 Very nice, clean paint jobs, as usual! I'm not seeing anything wrong with them, your standards must be quite high ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted July 22, 2014 Share Posted July 22, 2014 I've always loved the way you paint your power weapons, I'm far too impatient to work on such a fine scale. The claw looks amazing. Always look forward to your updates mate. Can't wait to see these guys finished and the Sarge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted July 22, 2014 Share Posted July 22, 2014 2 NU FAVORITES !!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted July 24, 2014 Author Share Posted July 24, 2014 I'll just leave this here before I turn in: think they may be the fiercest looking of the bunch.Thanks guys, I'll reply to you properly tomorrow when I'll (hopefully) have their packs done. Kierdale, Argent aquila, Slips and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
marine7312000 Posted July 24, 2014 Share Posted July 24, 2014 Those two are my favorites yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Mustard Posted July 24, 2014 Share Posted July 24, 2014 koool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted July 25, 2014 Share Posted July 25, 2014 I love these the best too. The 'mongrel' -your designation;)- is my favorite too. I am still amazed by your models every single time I visit this auguts thread. :tu: One nitpick: The purity seal density acually is a nice touch, but in my mind they unbalance the pose somewhat as they blow in different directions. I'm just saying this because I see the absolute perfect quality in your poses and painting and aim for perfection - it's a minute detail so if you don;t care, don't bother. I'd love to see some writing on the purity seals though! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted July 25, 2014 Author Share Posted July 25, 2014 Ok, finishing touches to the maul and mongrel were added today. You don't really need much from me now but the pictures, so here we go. did something else hobby related today after a couple of packages arrived in the post:A nice little 35 paint rack for my desk to house my most frequently used paints and a bigger one for the rest (I think it's 90 odd paints). I've another of the big ones to construct when I feel like it as the stuff in the cardboard (a few paints, retarder medium, varnish, liquid putty etc.) that need something to be stored in now that I've taken the trouble to tidy up my work desk (plus I'm sure my paint collection will continue to grow rather than shrink)'ve got 6 days to get the sergeant done now, should be easy enough, but I am out for most of the weekend which could drastically eat into my available time. Hopefully I won't be painting frenetically at 2am on the 1st. This is probably the last update 'til the end of the ETL and I look forward to seeing all the awesome work that's going to come pouring in over the next few days.Argent Aquila - ah, you're too kind, sir. Appreciate it!Bio - Cheers, fella. I assure you, sometimes I wish I'd chosen a less time-consuming method of doing power weapons, but I like the way they look and people seem to dig them so I've gotta keep going. They're finished now, if one claw was awesome, what's a pair?deathspecter, marine7312000, Augustus - thanks guys, these two have been a bit more labour intensive than some of the others and I felt that it had led to a couple of my best Crimson Tears so far, so to hear you all claim them as faves is really gratifying.Darth Mustard - thanks for stopping by and taking a look.Augustus - I'm assuming that 'auguts thread' was some kind of typo? Thanks, once again, for the kind words. Re: purity seals, I guess you're talking about the power halberd wielder. the slightly off positioning is partly a result of my process of painting and assembling piece by piece and not having the forethought to meticulously check each time I stuck one on something. At the same time, I was kind of happy to leave it that way because a lot of the time I feel like I'm caught in squally winds (good old British weather) that feel like they're coming from all different directions and send things blowing all over the place, so it doesn't seem too unnatural to me. That said, it is something I'm going to watch a lot more closely in the future. As for writing on the purity seals, it's a matter of personal preference, but aesthetically I quite like them plain and having decided to do them that way I had this idea about them: they don't need anything written on them because each one is so significant to the marine whose armour they adorn that he won't ever forget why it's there, what event or deed it's connected with is seared into his mind and if those details were written on then it would potentially put information out into the world that is no one else's business. Why should a random guardsman be privy to the reasons for Brother Nathaniel has 3 seals on his left shoulder pad? But thanks for bringing this stuff up, I don't get too much criticism of my work (and I mean that in a dictionary definition sort of a way, not that you're being negative) and it's good to sometimes have to justify decisions, not least because maybe someone was wondering about the same thing and now they have an answer. mandaloriano, Augustus b'Raass, Argent aquila and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted July 26, 2014 Share Posted July 26, 2014 Hi SWaT, thanks mate for your extensive reply. Of course I meant to write 'august thread' :D I get what you mean with the direction of the PSs, wind makes things go flapperdy flap flap. ;) im glad you took my critique as constructive feedback and not as criticism. I firmly believe that the cool thing about BnC is how feedback helps us improve our hobby skills. And the following is meant in the same spirit. On the writing on the purity seals: in 40k they are holy written blessings from the emperor, but they derive from 30k oaths of moment; a marine would swear to the emperor what he would go and do by writing it on a piece of paper. So writing is by definition involved, in both the 30k and 40k versions. Im not saying 'ydiw', of course, they're your models and if it looks fine to you, it is. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voxxel Posted July 26, 2014 Share Posted July 26, 2014 So following this topic from now on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted July 31, 2014 Author Share Posted July 31, 2014 “We’re all going to die,” thought Sergeant Theck, “every single one of us. Just like I fething said.” Crouched behind the smouldering ruin of a Chimera, with his fellow guardsmen mainly dead, dying or wounded in the partially collapsed administratum building to the right, it was an easy conclusion to reach, even without the unearthly shrieks and other bewildering, fearful sounds that danced malevolently through the air, filling the shattered city with a terrible sense of inevitable demise. This was not as uncomfortable a realisation as it might have been for Theck, death was a constant companion in the Guard and no one with any sense joined the ranks expecting to reach the end of their service. You might say none with any sense signed up, full stop. No, Theck had been ready to die for some time. All the same, it rankled that his life and those of his men should end this way: surrounded by strange, sinister nightmares from the warp, slowly being whittled down at the fiends’ leisure; a few isolated companies condemned by the stubbornness and stupidity of a CO whose appointment owed more to nepotism than experience or talent, who had decided that gradually being surrounded was an opportunity for heroic deeds and held off joining the retreating line until the decision was taken out of his hands. Theck risked sneaking a look up the street though the viewfinder. Between ash swirls were revealed barely conceivable forms that contorted as they crouched over the fallen guardsmen who marked the previous day’s perimeter. Involuntarily, he shuddered. Their flesh appeared to writhe and shimmer even as they were still and the effect was nauseating, their very presence seemed an affront to physics and nature. He’d seen a lot in his short time in the ranks but even the Tyranids hadn’t been this downright awful. Something else caught his eye slightly behind the warp-creatures, a glimmer of deep red power armour. The ash cleared a little more with a sudden gust and the full hulking form of a corrupted astartes was revealed, adorned with blasphemous symbols and what seemed to be odd-coloured parchment nailed into its chestplate. To its left, an abhuman hefting a bizarre looking contraption covered in speakers, evidently what was filling the otherwise deserted streets with the oppressive, sanity-eroding noises that had already driven many to deliver themselves to the Emperor’s mercy. Another swirl of ash and they were gone. Theck settled back against the rear ramp of the Chimera husk and pinched the bridge of his nose. It made sense that something would be here to drive and control the daemons, they had been unusually reserved in their assault; Feints and probing attacks, followed by periods of withdrawal were not typically associated with daemons, but ones guided by super-human allies would certainly do those things. Whistles signalling a new attack on the line wrested him from his thoughts. Within moments he was on his feet sprinting towards the nearest ruin where the remanants of his squad were wearily rousing themselves to man the broken windows and hastily constructed barricades. Some mumbled prayers while others tried to talk as if they were simply at the barracks, others still said nothing at all. Bayonets were obsessively, unnecessarily honed. Trembling fingers sought personal relics or clenched into fists in an attempt to deny the rising fear of facing another wave of repellent beasts. Eventually all fell silent, gripping their weapons ever tighter, straining their eyes trying to peer through the dust and ash that swirled continuously, simultaneously hoping for and dreading a glimpse of the monsters that would surely slay them. Minutes, or perhaps hours, elapsed on their section of the line, only the distant report of autocannons and heavy bolters gave any indication that they needed to be ready. The only other sounds in this stillness were the dirges and screams that had become disturbingly familiar. Then, with a suddenness that stunned every man, foul forms of teeth and sinew thundered from the obfuscating swirl snarling and roaring with feral eyes ablaze. The chatter of a nearby heavy bolter shattered the men's horrified transfixion. They began to pour las-fire at whatever they could see, though it seemed only grenade launchers and the plasma gun were making any difference to the onrushing horde's numbers. So fixated were they by the throng hurtling towards them that the guardsmen did not detect a new sound in the medley that assaulted their ears, a dull roar that grew louder as the fiends closed the gap with their prey. Theck had begun to notice it, but his brain somewhat overrode it with the immediate concerns of survival. The daemons were close enough now that he could see every last flicker accross their flesh as they fought to maintain their place in real space. Close enough, too, for thrown grenades to be effective. He was reaching for one when the new roaring reached a crescendo and the ground erupted in a cascade of rubble and dust. He saw warp-beasts flying through the air and the mad, rushing advance faltered, switching focus to this new event. As the dust began to settle Theck caught glimpses of white, crimson and a crackling blue, a blur of motion before which the daemons fell away contorting and writhing, missing what passed for limbs or with deep and extensive wounds to their horrendous exteriors. Adjusting to the scene unfolding before him, Theck was increasingly able to make out the forms of the new arrivals: astartes! He had fought alongside space marines before, against a Tyranid splinter fleet that found its way to a vital agri-world, but he had not seen this. The Sons of Gulliman had lined up alongside the guardsmen, setting themselves in a static, unassailable gun line before which the swarm was broken in a hail of bolter shells and flame. In stark contrast the newcomers engaged the warp-spawn in a hyper-kinetic dance of death, moving with a lethal grace their frames belied. He witnessed those bearing swords thrust and parry with all the finesse of fencers he had once seen in a planetary governor’s estate gardens, each cut and slash, expertly delivered, seemed to fell a creature. At the same time the others, armed with axe, maul, halberd, power fist and monstrous chainsword, cleared their immediate area with every swing. Theck then noticed two more astartes at the fringe of the melee, one, sporting a pair of claws that crackled with the same blue-white energy of his brothers’ weapons, engaged in a solo display of deadly virtuosity, acrobatically contorting to bring his claws to yet more foes as they assailed him from all angles. The other one, armed simply with a brace of unfamiliar pistols, fired frenetically, fiends fell away with every shot, wide gaping holes showing where the astarte’s attacks connected. Relegated to a spectator, Theck allowed his focus to wander. His gaze took in the icons and symbols adorning the crimson, black and white figures. Even by space marine standards they were heavily decorated. From conversations with Sons of Gulliman marines he had ascertained that such embellishments were honorifics commemorating great achievements by each battle brother. He wondered whether their actions here would add to these astartes’ war plates. This thought came as they were despatching the last of the blasphemous creatures. The beasts’ otherworldly sounds had completely ceased, the background din alone generated any noise. Amidst their scattered carcasses stood the astartes, still on guard, still looking for more enemies to decimate. Nothing but the ash and dust stirred. Suddenly, with barely a glance towards the men they had saved, they ignited their jump packs and ascended back into the heavens from whence they had come. complete!Sergeant Simiel has spent centuries with a jump pack strapped to his back. Beginning his service as an assault marine in one of the chapter’s many campaigns around the Eye Of Terror, his ascension through the ranks of the 2nd Company to become Vanguard sergeant was a swift one halted only briefly by a stint as Company Champion for a few decades. His skill with a blade is fearsome to behold and few who are privileged enough to witness the prowess with which he fights are capable of adequately relaying it. Whether it be the lithe, lighting quick Aspect Warriors of the Eldar or hulking Champions of the Ruinous powers, Simiel has fought against and bested most of the deadliest foes the Imperium can offer. This has resulted in a more than exemplary combat record and it has seen him ear marked for promotion by successive commanders, not least when the 5th required rebuilding. Each time, though, he has declined such advances, viewing himself as being of most use to his company, chapter and the Imperium at large free to roam the battlefield, bringing destruction to the enemies that cross his path. Captaincy or some other such command position would shackle him to the devising of overall strategy and direction of others during battle, restricting the possibilities of his sword meeting the enemy.Away from the front Simiel drills his charges relentlessly, often encouraging and participating in duels in order to keep his squad’s skills at their optimal levels. He also takes an active role in overseeing the development of the company’s assault marines so as to keep tabs on who might be displaying the requisite skills to take up a place in the Vanguard. It is interesting to note here that in addition to each company maintaining its own veteran units, the Crimson Tears will promote talented marines to these units regardless of their experience levels. Leading the 2nd Combat Squad, that's my 530 points done and dusted. Not mega, but at least I got it done. All the best to those who are still frantically painting.Augustus - Yeah, no worries, we're all here to help and support eachother. Also, thank you, I genuinely did not know that about Oaths of Moment. I see them mentioned on here a lot and I've never remembered to actually go look up what they are, so you've saved me from my fluff ignorance. I'm kind of a generalist with 40k fluff anyway, I know broadly what's going on, but I'm not so up on the minutiae. Ah well, as I outline above, I like blank purity seals and why do a DIY if you're not going to do things differently?Voxxel - after seeing what you've just pulled off , that's flattering in the extreme. deathspectersgt7, JeffTibbetts, NightHunters and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted July 31, 2014 Share Posted July 31, 2014 Congrats on finishing your Vow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted August 1, 2014 Share Posted August 1, 2014 DANG! Love the fluff. But first and foremost: what a completion. I truly love the work you've put out mate. Superb paint jobs, excellent posing and perfect conversions. Truly something to be very proud of! :tu: And I'm happy you took it the way I meant: positive feedback and support! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted August 1, 2014 Share Posted August 1, 2014 That fluff is fantastic brother. I'm trying to write some at the meant and you've given me loads of inspiration, the squad as always looks amazing as well. Congrats on finishing your vow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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