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Smooth painting and posing as always mate! You can fix the barrels by stuffing them forcefully with milliput, then filing them to a straight surface, and finally redrill the holes. Works like a charm.


Although I do like your idea of different coloured power-thingies (for lack of a better comprehensive categoric name), I'm not a big fan of the purple-pink cable. It might be the photography which doesn't do it justice, but I've always found purple and red a terrible fashion crime as they're next to each other on the colour wheel. I too like the colour pruple itself, but not in combination with the main colour red. Ask yourself if the actual kind of energy required to power a lascannon and a mutlimelta is different. A laser and a microwave both run on electricity, right? Plasma is a different kind of energy by itself, so I get that the energy chamber of plasma cannons is a different colour, but the cords to the machine that powers up that plasma runs on electricity - so why not colour power cables with blue and then have that power's effects (ie the plasma in the chamber) turn out a different colour (i.e. green)?

Pardon me - I accidentally skipped the jumping dude. He is as awesome as I suspected he would be and as promised: My. Mind. Is. Blown. by your awesome painting and posing skills. Serisouly mate - do you use one of those fancy artist's posing dolls or something?

Argent Aquila - it's from the Death Company kit, I've learned from abortive attempts to replicate the FW style combi-flamer (from the old character upgrade pack), that making my own special weapons is not a strength of my modelling.  Thanks, I hadn't considered that they'd be easier for the colour-blind to view, bonus! I hope to have more for you soon, too. I've got lots of things competing for my attention at the moment, as much as I love painting my 'Tears I'm also having fun doing some other stuff, using colours I don't normally get to play around with.

Deathspecter - :thanks:

Augustus - Thanks, man. I hadn't thought about doing that with the barrels, wish I had, it's going to be extra fiddly to fix now that he's mostly painted.

Good job he's not going onto a catwalk any time soon, eh? :tongue.: I've never thought about them as being too similar to go together as colours and in this particular instance I feel that the reddish tinge to the purple makes it a complementary colour. I think different coloured cables are a) for me to paint with other colours :cool.: explained by this: if each type of specialist weapon uses a different type of energy (the roots of which I honestly hadn't thought about too much) then they would need a different type of cable for that energy to travel through. To stop any dimwitted marines or servitors getting the cables mixed up in the armoury the Techmarines started ordering cables that colour-correspond with the energy blast emitted by the weapon type. If all the cables were one colour you might get brother Malakai (who once kicked in the head by a Krootox) trying to use the Lascannon cables with a Plasma Cannon (the dolt). Hopefully that's adequate explanation! I'm not very good at changing things once they're most of the way finished, by the time they've reached that point I've generally decided that I'm a fan of what I'm currently doing. It's good to hear other perspectives, though.

Ha, no artist's marionettes for me, just blu-tac and cursing!

Dark Rage - thank you very much, my man.

Edited by sockwithaticket

Well, I've put on a slight burst of speed and managed to get the Penitent and the Tactical marine finished up.

In the end I chopped off the multimelta barrels and replaced them with normal meltagunones because the misalignment was just bugging me too much and I couldn't be bothered with the labour required for Augustus' solution. Just so no one thinks I'm crazy for wasting such precious resources as meltaguns I had some that were incredibly badly glued to the hands of some ebay marines and so were never going to see normal service on my models, by donating their barrels to this cause they have been useful after all.


Other than the conflicting directions of his purity seals (let's say he's caught in a squally wind) I am very pleased with how he's turnedout.

For my next trick I will be doing a tactical marine and a certain Malakim Phoros; Crimson Tears-ified, of course.

Kierdale - Thank you, very much my friend. Hopefully you enjoy seeing the Penitent all finished up.

Awesome fix on the multimelta! The barrels look super clean now. And those red rage dudes are just... fantastic. I said it before and I'll say it again: beautiful and insipring work man. :tu: Please keep it up. 

Well my brush has been somewhat of a blur the last few nights and I'm pretty pleased to be able to show my Malakim Phoros counts-as model in his formative stages:


Still a lot to do before he's ready to face the enemy (can already see where some touch ups are required :verymad:), but I like how he's going so far. As with all my counts-as characters he's going to be getting a creepy Death Mask and I've reserved for him the one that's got a tear drop falling from one of the eyes. It'll be a nice nod to his Lamenter's heritage as well as being quite apt for the captain of the flagship company of a chapter whose name features the word tears.
That's right, he gets the privilege of being the 2nd Company's captain (what a lucky chap!) and his name is going to become Nathaniel. Not much more than that yet, but it will come.

On a related note whenever I re-imagine something there's the worry it won't quite work by diverging too far from the original , so I'm glad the Penitents are hitting the mark with people.

Kierdale - Cheers, mate.

Slipstreams - Oh, you flatterer. (Please note that I didn't say stop :wink: )

Augustus - Yeah, there was no way I could have left that thing as it was, should have done something about it before starting the painting process really. Thanks, as ever, for your kind words.

Deathspecter - Cheers, fella. One day I'll finish their units and actually show what they're being added to.

I haven't quite managed to finish him, I got distracted by the pleasant surprise of my rugby team's game being televised (71 - 7 victory, woohoo!), but he's at around 80% and probably worthy of being posted up:


I've tried pretty hard to bling him up since I set the benchmark for decoration pretty high with my Vanguard and didn't want him to be less impressive than mere Veterans. I feel like I'm succeeding on that front. What about you lot?

Hope to have him 100% complete later in the week.

deathspecter - thanks, man, that's exactly the sort of reaction you want a character figure to enact. The skulls are from the Landspeeder Vengeance kit, which makes them nigh impossible to come by! I got incredibly lucky by finding a european bits site which had 7 or 8 of them and I bought the whole lot.

Bio - cheers, buddy. Me, too, a character figure every now and then really helps to reinvigorate the painting mojo.

JeffTibbets - yep, The_Chaplain is spot on, torso is a Sevrin Loth Honour Guard one. Of course I have made some alterations (can't help myself) by cutting off the silly leather skirt and replacing his belt buckle with an aquilla.

The_Chaplain - well spotted, that man.

Anaziel - you can keep commenting if it's going to be like that, thank you very much.

WOW dude, that mask really bring up the creepiness factor (hopefully thats what you're going for :tongue.:) and makes him look like an emotionless serial killer (to me anyways). Very Mike Meyers.


I really like the red tear/blood drop on the face too. Did he have to go to prison to earn it? :wink:

Edited by Slipstreams

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