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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I return with yet another recruit to the ranks of my Deathwatch, an Angel Porphyr.


Very pleased with the blue on his chapter icon and fairly satisfied with the white having tried a different method to normal.

I'm starting to run out of pads with sculpted details now, got a few more, but not many. May have to learn how to use transfers properly or bust out some free hand soon :unsure.:

I've also made a little start on the next part of the force:


Yep, that's one side of a quad-heavy bolter rapier gun carriage. Big woop.

I've been thinking about what to do with the crew as well as I'm one of those people who's not actually a massive fan of MK.3, still less the MK.3 crew that come with the rapier itself. I've settled on one of them being a sort of spotter after rummaging through my bits box and finding some Anvil combi-weapons I ordered not so long ago. This one:


is their not-plasma option, to me it looks like a marker light. I'll be using a head with a bunch of lenses and will try to find some kind of targetter for his back pack too so he looks properly geared up for identifying and painting targets.

deathspecter - me too, buddy. I've got a bunch more, they'll be making more appearances for sure.

Jeff - thanks, man! I find it easier to do it on smaller surfaces.

Augustus - cheers, mate. Well, as you see above, I have started it. How long it takes me to actually finish it remains to be seen... I got back from holiday on the 18th and start work again tomorrow. Rather than use that week and a half for hobby, though, I've had to spend it largely in bed as I got flu (proper flu, not man flu) the day after I touched down!

marine - gotta love Kromlech, eh?

  • 4 weeks later...

Small update, I've spent most of my hobby time this month priming bits and painting a werewolf for a Halloween competition, but still managed to find some time for more Deathwatch.

Firstly an update to my Black Shield  Watch Captain, not- Kantor:

I was rummaging for some basing materials the other day and I found the tub I keep fully prepped, but yet to be started models in and decided to tweak the Captain a little. That turned into realising that the SoH Reaver body just didn't look right and a total rebuild to try and make him a bit more imposing. I also wanted him to look ready but not in action. Any thoughts?


I also started the most interesting bits of the next marine:

Lastly, while prepping bits I made some alterations to a couple of Ravenwing heads to get some different Crusader helms:

deathspecter - cheers, buddy. On both counts, That guy does quite a range of pads. Is he one of the guys you get your endless number of Chapter pads from? What's the quality like? I've never ordered from Shapeways and am wary of a rough finish.

BlodVargarna - Well thank you very much, always nice to get a new face in here; particularly one bearing compliments :wink:

marine - yep, lot of Anvil love from me too. I've got a bunch of various weapons (as seen above on not-Kantor), bionics and pads waiting for future usage.

Edited by sockwithaticket

Like the pose of the new one.I have just started buying his pads the quality is great his pads are closer to scale. But custom minis are very close. If you do order get the plastic ultra frosted  it is the best material.

Edited by deathspectersgt7
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Some of you may have noticed that GW have just brought out a new BA Jump Pack Chaplain. My thought process went something like this:

"Hooray, automatic purchase! Wait, you want how much? Hahahahaha. Oh. You're serious. Where's my bits box?"

I've long wanted to kitbash a Chaplain and this gave me the necessary push to get on and do so. The results are as follows:


As he's held together with blu-tac his head's poking out a bit too much, will sit lower when glue replaces the tac. MK. VI Chaplains are not something you see much of (think the one Yak did for his Raptors is the only example I've ever witnessed), so, naturally, I decided to have a crack. I wanted him to look like he's steaming in to crack someone upside the head. Very pleased with how he's come out so far, even if the pack and belt accessories are missing, especially the Crozius. Every now and then I've had a go at making a Crozius and it's always looked a bit off, this one is incredibly simple, but it just looks right in a way those previous attempts didn't:

The only think I'm not really sure about is the head, I'm torn between the two below. Favouring the right hand one since it looks meaner, though the one on the left looks more skeletal.

While I was at it I was struck by how little work I've done on the Crimson Tears since the ETL concluded, it's all been either Deathwatch or board unfriendly pieces. That shall change. As I was working on a MK VI Chaplain, why not take some steps to finish off the MK VI assault squad that's still only half sized?




Deathwatch Captain is basically done, but at this point I might as well hold off showing him until I actually finish.

Chaplain - Thanks, man. I love purple, don't work with it anywhere near enough. The recipe is pretty straightforward: Vallejo Game Colour Hexed Lichen + black for an almost black basecoat. Layer up to pure hexed lichen. Add tiny bits of VGC Ghosty Grey for a couple more layers. Done.

Deathspecter - Thanks, buddy. On both counts.

Augustus - Cheers! He's going to be a Hawk Lord, whose scheme is basically Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children with yellow substituting for gold. I think I'm getting there.

Magicman - thanks a lot. They are a lot of fun, great opportunity to play around with colours and more advanced techniques without having to do it over a whole model! Do it, there aren't enough Deathwatch marines on these boards.

NightHunters - another comeback! Good to have you back in our midst, brother. Thank you for the kind words. Rapier has stalled somewhat as building and painting have proven to be more fun than cleaning and prepping resin...

Edited by sockwithaticket

marine - cheers, buddy.

Bio - Oooh, I'll have to go looking, I've seen most of his stuff (who hasn't?), but can't say I remember that. Heh, wait is the operative word, I think. Seems to be taking me longer and longer these days.

Dantay - thanks a lot. They are indeed, you don't stay in assault squads for extended periods without taking some damage! Always love an opportunity to use Kromlech legs.

He looks great and is a great alternative to the new Blood Angels chappy! :thumbsup:



MK. IV Chaplains are not something you see much of


Isn't yours MkVI though and/or isn't the ubiquitous Kurtha Sedd from the HH:BaC box a MkIV chaplain?

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

You are correct, I am bad at typing!

*Sneaky edit so no one else can see my error*

Thanks a bunch, I think learning to press mould has really helped u my game with making character kit bashes look ornate enough to be more than Veterans.

  • 2 weeks later...

Watch Captain Jael (not - Kantor) is done:


The resin nature of his fist means the work on that isn't quite as precise as I'd like and the gem in his shoulder crux is a little too pink, but other than that I'm actually really satisfied with him. I feel like a lot of the additional iconography kind of looks like it's meant to be there, which is pleasing.

marine - yeah bigger bases are cool. I wasn't sure about them initially, but once I finish the 2nd company's regular marines on 25 mm bases I'm going all in on bigger ones.

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