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That's great, thanks mate. I do have some resin bases and am going to intersperse them with some home made ones. The only issue I have with the resin bases is that there are only so many designs out there, so you almost have to start customising them anyway.


The step-by-step is great. Love how dark it turned out, all the trials I did either ended up far to bright or looking almost chaulky. I'll definitely take inspiration from your scheme.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still here people. Life's starting to get a bit busier after a couple of fairly slow months so my updates might get a bit less frequent from here on out. Order of business:


1. The great basing project - it's stalled again. The mold release was being particularly stubborn on some of the bases I bought which slowed me down a bit and then the restock of my greys is taking forever to arrive so progress on this front has been limited.


2. Chaplain #2 - Now although the absence of adequate quantities of grey paint means my Scouts and my bases can't continue just yet it does mean I can crack on with some of the many things I have lying around primed but otherwise untouched. Enter Mr. Angry's non-plasma armed brother in arms:



He's still very much WIP but I thought I'd made significant enough progress on some areas to share it. His skull face and the shoulderpad are my favourite part sof the model thus far. He won't stay one armed forever, but he wont be getting that horrible powerfist arm that he comes with. At the moment he's set to get a bolt pistol; after all, one of the Second Company's Chaplains needs to have a gun that won't jeopardise his health.


His pack isn't WIP though (unless you count the little hole I need to cover up with something after misjudging how quickly the drill was going through metal...)




3. Dreadnought - because you can never have too many competing projects I decided it would be a brilliant idea to make a start on the dreadnought. At first I thought I'd just do these two items as they were similar to some of the things I was doing with the Chaplain


However, that soon turned into an entire arm (which took a surprisingly long time to paint!).


The black still needs highlighting and the swords on the two angels require a bit more attention, but they're basically done.


4. I kind of finished off the siege marine too and made a bit more progress with the Sternguard (one day I'll stop adding bits and pieces to them...) but there's not enough change for photos of them.


5. Tutorial - ThisIsJimmy's request and a couple from another forum prompted me to do a little urban bases tutorial : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;#entry3056860

Check it out if you want, there's pictures and everything!


So that's all for now. C & C as always.



Dark Link - you'll make me blush if you carry on like that! Seriously though, thanks so much. That's pretty much what I was going for with the Boarding marine, he has to look like he can soak up punishment , but that he can also move quick enough to deal it out so being over- armoured or weighed down with tropies and equipment would have been daft. I've always thought there's a danger of my guys looking like Black Templars if I didn't do something interesting with their base colours, but it also stops me from getting bored by doing different things to them!



ThisIsJimmy - fair point. I do have a couple of duplicates, but I'm planning a full Battle Company (eventually) so hopefully they won't be noticed if I spread them out. There's also enough companies out there doing these bases that if you get some from each then hopefully you can avoid the issue for a while. Dragonforge alone has 30 different 25mm designs.


Like I mentioned in the update I've done the step by step with pictures now, so I hope that helps even more. Good luck with it.

Been keeping an eye on this thread since you started it and I have to say that your painting has improved with leaps and bounds since the get go :unsure:


Your posing is very characterful too and I look forward to seeing more of the Crimson Tears.

  • 2 weeks later...

It's that time again: update!


It's been a pretty good two weeks for getting things done. I'm trying really hard to rein in my ebay trawling (the voice in my head has started screaming 'you have enough!' at a deafening volume) and not start painting new things. To that end that Chaplain I started by accident has been done. Honestly, I think he's the best thing I've ever painted and I'm so pleased with how he turned out. I also got back to my ongoing Scout project, made serious headway with the bases and finished off a few models that have been waiting for minor details to be done. That last part means that my Sternguard are actually finished! Or they were until I noticed the cimson tear drops on some of their shoulder pads looked a bit naff... so they are back to being almost finished. Still, there's nothing like pursuing perfection, eh?


1. The Chaplain

Well this guy feels like something of a triumph for me. I didn't have to tidy up too many of the highlights, used a metallic that wasn't either Boltgun Metal or Tin Bitz, tried my hand at a jewel, took a different approach to bone effects so that they were more distinct from parchment and so on. The results?






I don't think it's going too far to say he's my new benchmark in terms of what I'm capable of.


2. Slightly less radical but important for staying with things and finishing them off are these scout legs. They're all done as are some heads so once I get the torsos and guns done I can finally tick the six man squad of my list (until I acquire/construct a Telion counts as and up the squad to ten).



3. The bases, oh the bases. Here is a pile of what I've gotten through. I used about ten or so before I had the idea of taking a group photo so mentally insert those to the picture to try and understand how mind numbing my painting sessions have been at times this week.



The details have been pretty fun to paint and here are some shots to show the level of detail on these bases, but the various layers of grey are not entertaining when that's all you do for four days straight.





I still have these to do as well, though I might need to take a little break from bases before I tackle them.



4. This guy had to make way in the melta squad for the second melta marine so he's been shunted into the plasma squad. For his inconvenience he got a shiny new crusader helmet, a slight repositioning and some highlights.



This fellow you've already seen a sneak preview of but here he is in all his glory; the Sternguard Apothecary Novitiate (because special forces guys tend to end up in situations where they need some running repairs done).





I'm not sure what the blue stuff is, but I assume marines run on more than just blood, besides, it would have been boring to do two sets of red vials.


Then there's this guy, tasked with carrying around the squad's ammo. He doesn't have a scope because his chin prevents it being placed where it goes on all the other bolters. I shall have to think of a way around this. But other than that he's done. He's actually a slight reworking and thorough repainting of an earlier model.






Group shot of the unit before I set about making all their insignia super pretty rather than slightly rubbish.



So that was what I've been doing, hope it all meets with approval. Until next time my friends.



Razblood - Thank you very much, it's always good to hear people verify improvements you think you're making. Thanks also for noticing the poses, I'm not the worlds best converter and sculpting scares the bejesus out of me but if I can slightly alter things here and there to make them look a little more like they're in a combat situation or ready for the fight then I count that as a win, the last thing I want is for all my marines to be completely identical.

Excellent work!

The chaplain is really outstanding. The metal colour on his outstretched right arm I particularly like, and that fact that his eyes are dark. More foreboding.


The apothecary is also great. All that gear he's lugging about, and the screen on his left forearm!

  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a little while since I've checked in here, came down with a nasty bit of food poisoning last week so although I was confined to home for a bit doing anything other than lying in bed with a bucket was out of the question. I had an insomniatic spell over the weekend, though, so I've made a fair bit of progress with my Plasma assault squad and will promptly show it off. I finished off the last few bases too, but you're probably all fed up with photos of those by now and it barely seems worth it for the few I had left.


1. Sergeant-

For giggles I decided to magnetise this guy, it's the first time I've done it and it made me have to concentrate on what I was doing like never before. The issue of matching up polarity and making sure both sets of weapons consistent with the were novel considerations and the latter was certainly very challenging; there was much cutting, cursing and gap filling.. For maximum plasma and anti-CSM-ness his main load out is PP and PF, the alternative being BP and PW. He's still quite WIP, though his body, base and pistol arms are done.







Just to show that I bothered doing the Lense and the barrel (which will only happen in rare instances, I have far too much to paint and build without getting bogged down drilling a company's worth of barrels).



2. The wonder twins. Again with much cutting, cursing and gap feeling I have created my two plasma pistols wielders as sort of the mirror of each other and made them as MK. IV as possible with the bits I had lying around (only one pair of MK. IV arms unfortunately so they were shared).











3. Head Taker - I've mentioned before that the head of the last fallen enemy gets taken as a trophy by the Crimson Tears and I had this fancy pair of legs sitting around, it made sense that a particular marine would be allocated the task of taking the head as a sort of sacred rite and what better place for him than this squad?. With his pose I've made it look like he's having to respond to an attack after having finished the rite, clearly it was begun a little too hastily. This is my first proper attempt at blood/gore so some feedback would be appreciated.






Close up of the blood on the CSM helmet as you can;'t really see it in the other photos.





4. Wing face - I finished him. Not much else to say really.




Group shot of the squad so far:




So that was me, hope you enjoy.


Dark Apostle Thirst - As soon as I saw that head I knew I wanted to make use of it with some loyalists and given that my Sternguard all have some kind of optics it found a great home. As for your other comment: :) You're too kind.


Kierdale - Cheers fella! I'm thankful for your reaction as I put rather a lot of effort into him. The dark eyes are entirely through laziness and an inability to decide on lense colours that would compliment my scheme. However, by happy accident, it does, as you say, make him look rather foreboding. Yeah, the Apothecary is quite overloaded... he must have reinforced leg hydraulics or something to keep up with everyone else. There are so many built in details on this guy, which were all fun to do, I'm super happy you picked out one of my freehand bits! Unless he's proudly displaying his own low heart rate in the midst of battle it should probably have been left blank, but that's not very interesting.

  • 2 weeks later...

*Big sigh*

I've been trying very hard to finish units/individuals before I start new ones, but you know what they say about good intentions...


I have done a little bit more work on the Scout Squad and the Plasma Pistol Assault Squad, but not much because one small ebay win kick started a project I'd had booked for that indistinct date 'the future'; the project being an objective marker, more on that in a little bit.


As far as the Assault Squad goes all I've done is a bit of pad work, but you've seen my pads before so I didn't bother taking any pictures.


The Scout's are now more or less fully formed, they have torsos attached to their legs and one even has a head.



I did the cloaks in three different styles almost by accident and I'd like to see which method people think is best. I'm leaning towards the one on the right. Also I'm wondering whether it will be worthwhile adding a camo pattern to these cloaks? My first attempt is somewhere on page 2 of this thread I think and it looks ok, probably doesn't bear much greater scrutiny than a look from 12 inches away, but not much else. While I can freehand certain things relatively well I think really good camo is a little bit beyond me at this point and I don't want to spend the time doing something I won't be entirely happy with. If anyone thinks I'm being unduly harsh on my previous efforts/too lazy, do pipe up and give me what for.


Now then, the thing that's been taking up my time: an objective! Possibly because all the greys and whites I painted this week were getting a bit dull I went rooting through my box of 'future projects' that will bring the company up to full strength and I happened upon my obejectives bag. 45 marines and nothing to fight for? That can't be right. An objective was due! Here are the constituent images, I'll explain them further below:








Can you tell what it is yet? [/Rolf Harris mode]


Traitorous guardsmen are attempting to bring unholy hell to the city they are besieging by summoning demons of their chosen God, in this case Tzeentch, to run through the streets, leaving mayhem and bloodshed wherever they go. I chose Tzeentch for many reasons: it presented me with an opportunity to paint a brighter colour than I'm used to, I don't particularly like Nurgle or Slaanesh and I already do too much red to be interested in doing something Khorne related. I've used the symbol of Chaos undivided as I imagine that to be a constituent part of summoning rituals, with the icon of Tzeenth and the actual words intone determining (as far as possible) what pops out of the warp. I've tried to make the Chaos star a little untidy whilst still being recognisible so it looks like blood daubed on the floor. The whole thing is meant to look like an ad hoc shrine with all the skulls having been brought there and heaped for the purpose (can't take credit for that, the base is, as ever, a resin one, I've just added a couple of bits to make it look more like part of a ruined city.). I settled upon a blue horror rather than any other demon of Tzeentch as I actually have blue paints and because it is these guys' first summoning, they're hardly going to be calling a Lord of Change to battle!


So that brings started/ongoing projects up to 4 now with Scouts, Assault Squad, Dreadnought and this. Whoops.


Still, this one will be a welcome change. Thoughts everyone? (Anyone?)

New update , it's quite small as I'm currently combining a work experience placement with my job, but there has been progress.


I've done all the skulls on that objective base, which was a task and a half I tell you:




I also finally found room in my monthly hobby budget for these amazing parts.



They've enabled me to finish those servitors that I've had kicking around for a few months now bereft of a secondary tool/appendage due to some miscasting/my being clumsy with a penknife.Here they are, now able to cut into things as well as grab them.


  • 2 weeks later...

So this thing happened recently, 6th Edition, you guys might have noticed. This hasn't had a massive impact on me as, for the moment at least, I only collect. That said I do try and make sure what I'm collecting is game legal and at least reasonably effective on the table. I think the most obvious thing to come out of this is that my army needs an alternative HQ to the Chappies withtheir now AP 4 weapons and that all future power weapon choices for squads and characters will have to be considered carefully.


Now, I've been combining work experience placements with my job for the last couple of weeks so I've not done a lot of actual painting to be honest. That said I have begun the four remaining members of the plasma assault squad. They have legs




and their close quarters armaments




I also got around to finishing the primary weapon set of the sergeant and so my first powerfist with the new(ish) power weapon scheme. I was a bit unsure about it at first and it was a time consuming process, but I'm pretty pleased with the end result.






While I might not have gotten much painting done since the last update I've been doing a bit of modelling and, unusually for this log, I'm going to share some of my unpainted WIP's.

Firstly, here's a flamerback turret I've knocked up:




Not the most difficult kitbash in the world, but pretty effective I think. This should be destined for a future Command Squad or counts as Death Company transport in the future.


Secondly, my Chapter's counts as Tycho. I've been lurking on the BA part of this forum and the members there all seem quite excited by Tycho for 6th Ed., it made me think about the character and the place he might have in my force. Aeons ago I owned the Tycho miniature and he was one of my favourites. Alas, he's long been lost to the warp and I don't really want the stock model for my current force, I feel the Crimson Tears deserve their own equivalent.The buzz around him at the moment plus stumbling upon the perfect bit for Dead Man's Hand (FW Apothecary in Mk. 2 armour's chainsword arm, minus chainsword) made me want to give it a go. Obviously you can have normal, functioning Tycho or DC Tycho, but I want both so I've knocked the two up. Can you tell which is which?








Unfortunately, I only have the bits for one and I can't decide which to build until such time as I can get duplicates of the combi-melta and Dead Man's Fist, though I am leaning towards the DC version.


Quite a lot of waffling for so small an update, so I'll stop now. Over and out



Dark Apostle Thirst - You'll notice everything's strictly loyalist this time, the Inquisition had a word with the company commanders... Honestly, I'd love to start a renegade/traitor guard army, but, alas, I can only afford (both in terms of time and money) one lot of plastic soldiers.

Just looked through this entire thread and I love what I see, your colour scheme is brilliant. You can clearly see the improvement in your painting as well.

Really liking the symbol on the objective base and the base as whole its gonna kick some serious A when its finished.

Id go with the DC Tycho. :o

The British summer, it's fairly well known to be a synonym for rubbish weather and this year it's really gone all out . I can barely remember a day over the last few weeks where it hasn't rained incessantly. As such when I had a couple of days off this week, which I'd completely forgotten about, I was largely confined to quarters as it were. Still it's not all bad because my pile of primed and part painted plastic got some love, unfortunately this was largely at the expense of the Assault squad who simply got their helmets finished. On the plus side I gave the scouts some much needed attention, I fixed the cloaks of the three I last showed off so that they are more or less the same and I actually finished one entirely! Here he is:






It's worthwhile noting the lenses at this point. While I was doing his it occurred to me that I'd not done the lenses properly on the two other finished scouts nor on my Sternguard, so I sat down for a couple of hours to remedy this. Having done so I was ready to finally complete one of my three scout kill teams:







I imagine that the missile launcher guy is getting ready to pop an enemy transport while the other two keep watching the perimeter.


Oh and here are some Sternguard just to prove I did their lenses too (so many lenses, and I still need to do some on their heads :huh: , another unit I'll never finish it seems...)




The other major thing I did was make a start on my very first dreadnought. Even way back when I first started the hobby I never owned a dreadnought despite wanting to, so this is quite big deal to me. The base I did as part of the great basing project already, but everything else is new. I didn't know how much i was going to get done in my time off so I was taking pictures after every small milestone, hence why I'm starting with just the feet on the base:







This is what he should end up looking like, hopefully the pose gives some sense of motion. It's quite hard to not make dreads look static. I'm going to magnetise the arms as I've got enough alternatives lying around to turn him into an Ironclad, a Furioso or arm him with assault cannon and missile launcher. The purity seal looks like it could do with more of a wash too.




Lastly, after the fun I had knocking up a Tycho I thought I'd have a stab another character and settled upon Gabriel Seth. There's no real reason for him to have a death mask head other than I've got 5 of them and I think it's be cool if I gave them to all of my BA special character counts-as models.





Obviously he needs a ton of work but I think for a basic pose that'll do. His sword needs to be swapped for a chainblade thus giving me an excuse to buy the Kromlech Rippers, y'know after I pay for my holiday, car insurance, road tax, rent etc... I'd also like to draw attention to his wrist plate. I shaved that done from a storm bolter to cover up the mess I made hacking it off his arm. I had no idea how tricky that would be, in fact the next time my brain suggests something like that I'm just going to veto it. As a final remark, you wouldn't believe the amount of pinning wire running through those arms and the weapon, it's easily one of the fiddliest conversions I've ever done.


That's all from me this week. C&C at your leisure.




Dark Apostle Thirst - Indeed! We can get together and complain about/congratulate each other on the fiscal strictures/discipline required to stick to one army.


Biohazard - Aw shucks, I bet you say that to all the hobbyists. Seriously, though, thank you so much. I've spent a great deal of time lurking on your WIP thread and to have someone with your capabilities be so complimentary of mine is truly flattering. Glad you like the scheme, it's fairly difficult to nail good DIY chapter colours, especially when black power armour is already so prevalent.

The objective may be a while before it's done, my project ADD seems to get worse the more I try and focus on finishing something, see this week where I abandon finishing the scouts I've been working on for who knows how long to start the dread for which I previously had but one arm done! Definitely going to go with DC Tycho, he's easily got the better pose of the two and who doesn't like a frothing madman in the ranks?

  • 2 weeks later...

I have what I consider to be a pretty significant update this week.

1. I painted my first ever Dreadnought

2. I finally took some pictures of my finished Sternguard. Some of you will know how long these guys have been knocking about on my work desk so to finally get them on here in finished form is a big deal.


Before we get onto them, though, here's Dreadnought Uriel. I started him last week and I enjoyed painting him so much that I used every spare moment I could muster this week to work on him. I'm really pleased with how he came out, the only blemish being the magnets, but, given that drilling holes for them went drastically wrong, simply being stuck there over my repair work will simply have to do. Particular personal highlights for with this model are the power cables on the lascannon, the freehand tear on his sarcophagus icon and using a piece of etched brass for the first time:









Sternguard time! They've actually been finished for a little while now but my camera does not take group shots very well and I was too lazy to think of a way round this until now. I say they're finished, clearly they aren't highlighted like my more recent work and I will go back and do that at some point, however, I really want to get up to a half company of marines before I go on holiday late in August (incl. these guys and the WIP assault squad I have 40 + Chaplains and Techmarine). Anywho here's a group shot:




And here they are in pairs to get around the terrible group shot and show them all off:












Laden down with equipment, ready for anything, just like an elite fire-team should be.


Cheers for looking, all feedback appreciated.

The Dreadnought is looking fantastic the coils on the Las are really effective and thanks for the compliment. I only wish I had more time to put into my models. Im also gonna pick your brain cos I cant remember if I aksed you this already and Im basically asking anyone whos painting white lol Whats your recipe for the white? Its some of the cleanest Ive seen.
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone I've gotten a bit more done on two of my projects, how exciting. Been a bit more pushed for hobby time this week as with my car insurance coming up and a whole bunch of people quitting at work I've been taking advantage of the opportunity to work some extra hours and keep myself flush. That said the scouts are now so far along that they may have to relinquish their title as permanent desk ornaments (and the objective may take it up, though I did paint a whole arm of the blue horror). Once I get the original scout up to current standards I'll have game legal squad to post. Until that happens, here they are out of their natural environment of city ruins.




The other thing I did was get these guys to 90% completion. Pads and the appropriate freehand are all that's required for them now and one that happens I'll have 43 finished marines plus 6 scouts. That half company is getting so close I can almost taste it. Before that though they must strut on the cat walk:


I tried for a "come at me bro'" pose with this guy who cares not for shooting enemies of the Emperor, I'm not sure it's quite gone that way but he's pinned now so it'll have to do.



This pose was looking a bit awkward 'til I stuck the tiny shield on, now, at least, I can pretend he's saying something like "go on, hit the target and see what you win. *Chainsword to the face*"



En garde! Ever seen someone fence with a chain blade? Me neither, but I imagine someone in the 41st Millenium has given it a try



"Oh no, I appear to have fallen on you chainsword first, terribly sorry" Dynamic posing with static legs is hard.



Group shot:



That's it for this time, thanks for looking. C&C if you want.


Biohazard - Cheers, I wasn't sure how well my scheme would translate to a larger model. Aside from needing to find a colour to highlight the red with I'm happy with the result. Between lenses and power weapons blue is probably the colour I've learnt to highlight with the best, glad you like it. I only work part time at the moment and most of my friends have moved up to London so I have plenty of time at the moment (not to rub it in!), but I suspect I too will have limited time in the future so I'm trying to maintain a brisk pace while I can. I hope you find the the time to finish that Titan soon, it's looking brilliant.

My white recipe is really simple. 3-5 thinned layers of Ceramite White so that it fully covers the surface and is opaque, then the same again of thinned Vallejo Model Colour White. The latter is the key, it's just so white compared to other paints.


A Kvlt Ghost - Thanks a lot, I worked hard on the lenses and I feel they are one of the few aspects of my painting that are truly top rate. The bases are a mixture from all over the place, there's a couple of different Dragonforge sets in there, there's some Base X War, Iron Dog Studios, Micro Art Studios and others besides!


Brother Syth - At least you found it eventually! Seriously, I'm stoked to have someone like you viewing my stuff. Your boarding squad made me buy a boarding upgrade pack, which I'll eventually get round to using, so your compliments are massively appreciated.


SickSix - Another one trying to make me blush! Thank you very much. I'd also like you to know that using the Puppetswar Big Momma Cannon makes you one of my favourite people ever.


You guys have made me realise how much I lurk on here as I'm familiar with all your armies/threads.

  • 2 weeks later...

'Tis the week of finishing things! Although I'm not part of the ETL competition the deadline and work of others has inspired me to keep hammering away at my unfinished stuff and it's really paid off. It is now only the objective that sits incomplete on my work desk! Yes, that means I have finally finished those damned Scouts (until the unit expands to ten men)! I opted not to go with camo cloaks for the two newest guys as I'm not overly happy with how attempt on the first one and really just wanted to get these guys done. I think I painted the first one back in January or something similarly ridiculous. Hunkered down in some ruins they watch all possible avenues of attack, aiming to discourage the enemy from take those routes:




On top of this I finished my Chaos Marine hunters, the plasma assault squad, by padding them all up. The only thing they could possibly do with is the grenades that would make them WYSIWYG, but since when did people do that?:




Having discovered the wonderful Sanguine Highlight paint from the P3 range as an adequate highlight for my beloved, but now discontinued (and heavily stockpiled), Scab Red I went back and touched up the large red areas of Uriel the Dreadnought as on such large surfaces I don't really think I can avoid highlighting:



As a reward for this landmark of effectively clearing my desk I decided to have a crack at a couple of more 'fun' models, a Deathwatch marine, Brother Nathaniel Tydrael, and my counts as Seth, Captain Cyph Ezekiel.


Tydrael would be done if I hadn't misplaced his pack (the Grey Knights one with the Inquisition symbol on the back):




Ezekiel is fully finished bar a Company marking (not sure I want a special character to be leading the 2nd). Now this is how he started a few weeks ago:



And this is how he's ended up (tons of photos for a full 360 effect):







I'm going on holiday next Monday for a couple of weeks, so this may be my last update for a little while.



Biohazard & Kierdale - Cheers guys, clearly it looks better than I thought, sometimes it's tough not to be over-critical given the quality that you can see here and elsewhere.


Biohazard - no worries, eager to see how you get on with those guys. From what little I've read about them they sound like a really interesting chapter and their symbol is awesome.


Brightguy - Thanks a lot, it's been almost a year since I started back up again with these guys and it's always nice to hear that I'm going in the right direction..

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