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Alas I haven't had time to do much before I head off to Europe tomorrow. What I have done isn't PA, but it is related so I thought I'd post a link in case anyone's interested:



I can't remember if I ever wrote this down in the thread, but I've thought of the Crimson Tears as being a chapter of urban warfare specialists who frequently descend upon embattled imperial positions to rescue the situation. Thus my allies will (eventually) be small contingents of assorted vanilla space marines, IG or GK Henchmen/Witchhunters.


Biohazard - cheers, man. You always want your HQ's to stand out and if you reinvent an existing character you want to make it your own, glad he's getting a good reception.


Razblood - see above comment really, I'm happy that people like what I'm churning out and that my painting is improving noticeably.


jeremy1391 - always nice to see a new face on here. I never actually got around to building and painting that guy, but I'm going to start working on some Devastators nex,t so he may well be resurrected.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm back! Well, I've been back for a week now, but I haven't had anything to show until now. This isn't going to be one of my bigger updates, though I hope there's enough to make it worth your time if you stopped by for a look.


First up is my Devastator sergeant, Isaiah Kain. He's based on one of the old metal Dark Angels models and that gave me ideas for some fluff. That's right, I wrote fluff! I don't usually feel the need for that sort of thing but this guy got my creative juices flowing. It's largely because of the ornate robe buckle (like a belt buckle, but for robes) of his, it made me think why would he have that rather than the standard rope that all the other sergeants have? The answer being: he's a badass. The Crimson Tears are an army that runs forward and beats the hell out of the enemy, what do the devastators do? They stand at the back shooting things until everyone else gets close, getting progressively more isolated and thus vulnerable to attack. To lead this squad you have to be Death just to make sure it survives. Hence he has a couple of extra added trinkets/battle honours dotted around his person and perhaps a loadout not exactly suited to a Dev. Sergeant, but hey, that's the collector's prerogative right? Without further rambling here are the pics:






Sergeant Isaiah Kain, The Undying, is a living legend not just in the Second Company but throughout the Crimson Tears chapter. He

Right, this is :) unbelievable!!!


Ive not stumbled across this thread before until now and ive been blown away by how cool it is. Firstly I want to congratulate you on your chapter, its a great idea and the colours are perfect. I especially like the way that the black and white on the armour is mixed as it really gives each a unique look.


Some of the highlights...


The Sternguard... Ace

The appointed head taker with the Khorne head held by the hands!!! What an idea "each squad should have an apointed head taker". Lovin that.

The chaplain, great paint job

The scouts. I see what you mean about the pig iron heads. Also love the mini dioramas. (inspiration download :D )

The dreadnought, the colour distribution is perfect (the blue is a brilliant contrast)



This is Top Drawer. Even the guys in the dresses look good ;)


PS: Where is that boarding marine squad. Boarding shields and chain axes = nice!

Brilliant looking update. Kain looks completely badass. I like the idea of the deep blue robes on the Libby. I remember years ago a GW staffer Fred Reed I think used the colours of robes to show the ranks of his Deathwing. Green for Azrael Blue for Ezekiel and black for Asmodai. He painted their armour the bone of the deathwing. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
  • 2 weeks later...

It feels like it's been a while since I last posted something on here and it feels like I've been painting at a glacial pace when I've been able to fit some in lately. Might just all be in my head. Anywho, Isaiah Kain now has some squad members! Not quite enough for a legal squad, but that's probably because they were all wiped out in the previous battle and he's still training the recruits. I've gone full WYSIWIG with these guys, meaning both grenade types and bolt pistols are on their person along with a few pouches, seals etc. May yet add more when the rest of the squad is done. The way I see it, unlike their chainsword armed brethren, they'd need to carry a lot of extra stuff around to function effectively in the field. Plus being trained by Kain means they ought to be almost as awesome as the Sternguard, in this army that's signified by the amount of stuff hanging off your belt. Less rambling more pictures you say? Here:






Also, because focusing on one thing at a time is hard, i started my very own counts as Hyperios platform. I bought these little missile pods from Maxmini.eu, which also have a sprue option to become cyclone launchers, just because really. I also had this awesome base painted and lying around; it's a 50 mm one and was originally intended for my dreadnought, but it's just a bit too small. It is, however, easily big enough for two small missile pods to represent one Hyperios platform. Huzzah! Obviously only one of the pods is complete, but you can see where the next one's going. To me these make a bit more sense than actual Hyperios platforms which seem a bit bulky to be carrying around for the kind of strike force operations Space Marines are usually involved in, for the Crimson Tears specifically, they look small enough for an individual marine to carry one up to the roof of a shattered building in a war torn Imperial city and thus ensure no nasty surprises from the air as they clear enemy positions:





Well that's all for now folks, enjoy.




The Yak - Thanks so much! Happy to provide so much viewing pleasure when I'm far from the best on the these boards. I'm sure the sergeants will be ironing with smiles on their faces knowing that they got a Raptor to approve of their attire ;)

Boarding Marine squad... I keep meaning to start them, but I want them to be AMAZING, so I keep saying to myself just wait until you're a little bit better, just a little bit more. Plus the way I've drawn up the 2nd Company they don't quite fit. I will do them, and probably before I finish the 2nd Company, I'm just not sure when. Like most people I'm prone to getting very sidetracked every time I think of a cool idea so I have to impose real discipline. I may build the first five once I clear my current desk projects which are 1. The Devastators, 2. My poor, neglected objective, 3. The counts as Hyperios turret and 4. The final five of my Imperial Borderers (counts as Guard allies, though doing these guys is flexible and might get shunted aside). Then there's the Librarian and Company Champion I mocked up, and the Command Squad, and... etc. But, I'm glad you approve! Chainaxes can't just be for traitors and Flesh Tearers, they're too awesome.


Biohazard - cheers, mate. Your word definitely means mission accomplished. That sounds really cool, I'll have to google it. Wait may be the operative word... I really want to do him, but there's so much detail on there! At the moment I'm pulling a ton of hours at work to help train up new staff, my teaching application deadline is drawing near, my driving theory test... real life is conspiring to clamp down on my time. I really don't want to rush or screw him up. I have basecoated the robes, though, and finished greenstuffing his altered arm so he's started, which is half the battle!

Sounds like R/L is kicking you rather hard mate, best of luck with all that.

I had a quick scout about t'net and found his Azrael but not the Asmodai or Ezekiel. I think they were shown in WD 203? Maybe? I dunno, it was around that time anyway.



As for the latest update I love the highlighting on the black especially the guy with the Auspex. Really liking the white flash on the Bolter marines helmet as well.


Also I wouldnt worry about ainting slowly, the most progress my Star Phantoms have seen in the last few weeks is a coat of black primer. lol

  • 2 weeks later...

Another smallish update and I won't accompany it with whinging about the state of my RL this time. Rounded out the Dev. squad to 5, painted an ally (can't show that here unfortunately, but it's one of the old Steel Legion officers with a skull mask), finished the first 'Hyperios' and went back to the objective (!).



This guy was rewarding to finish as those power coils are labour intensive, but I love the way they look so when they get done it's a good feeling. If the areas around the skulls on the gun and pack look a little rough then I apologise but there was no way I was leaving the silly little crossed bones there (I hate those, Space Marines are not pirates! Skulls are grim dark, skull and crossbones brings to mind Johnny Depp pretending to be slightly drunk and wearing mascara).



Extra detail shots


Pile 'o bits that will end up being the rest of the Devastators.




Link if you're interested in having a peek




Done, not a lot to say on it other than it was something nice and simple to do and I think it looks pretty decent as an alternative to the FW ones.




After a little hiatus with it I've finally got back down to it. Here's 3/4 of a cultist/renegade. Should have a friend for him soon and then It'll be down to the blue horror they'll be summoning (and that the Crimson Tears must prevent from running amok in the city!). If anyone has any tips on painting daemons feel free to share. I think I get the principles required for a naturalistic skin tone (lots of glazing and blending), but hints and help are always appreciated.




Finally, I promised someone on Dakka an army shot when I got to the half company mark. This is the best I could do with my ancient camera, still I think it's a pretty good testament to what is more or less a year's worth of work. I'm including the list in case anyone cares about a detailed breakdown of what's there. Included in the photo but not on the list are my Deathwatch Veteran and Boarding/Siege Marine.





Reclusiarch Bolt Pistol , Frag and Krak grenades, Crozius, Rosarius

Cyph Ezekiel (Gabriel Seth) Bolt Pistol , Frag and Krak grenades, Blood Reaver, Iron Halo



Tactical Squad (9 Marines, 1 Sergeant) Bolters, Bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak grenades, Plasma Cannon, Plasma gun, Power Weapon

Assault Squad (9 Marines, 1 Sergeant) Bolt Pistols, Chainswords Frag and Krak grenades, Power Fist, Meltagun x2

Assault Squad (9 Marines, Sergeant) Bolt Pistols, Chainswords, Frag and Krak grenades, Power Fist, Plasma Pistol x 3

Scout Squad (5 Scouts, Sergeant) Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher, Bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak grenades



Techmarine Artificer Armour, Servo-harness, Bolt pistol, Frag and Krak grenades, Servitor (x2)

Sternguard (9 Marines, 1 Sergeant) Bolters, Bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak grenades, Special Ammunition, Power Weapon, Heavy Flamer x2

Chaplain Plasma Pistol , Frag and Krak grenades, Crozius, Rosarius


Heavy Support

Dreadnought Twin -linked Lascannon, Bloodfist with Heavy flamer, Smoke Launchers

Devastator Squad (4 Marines, 1 Sergeant) Bolters, Missile Launcher, Lascannon, Frag and Krak grenades Storm Bolter, Power Weapon, Signum


Total: 1,886


Technically speaking the Scouts are on secondment from the 10th, so they don't count for the 2nd's bodycount which stands at 51 including the 2 not accounted for by the army list. Cheers for looking!


Biohazard - cheers, bud. It looked like it was going to ease and I could go back to part time but two of the new people at work handed in their resignations over the last week, on the other hand the rest are becoming more competent by the day so yeah, that's improving at least. Thanks for doing my googling for me too, that's a really nice force to look at even with just the one type of robe.

The white flash was just a random thing so I'm glad it's stuck out as a positive detail, I'm always looking for new ways to help vary the means of differentiating each marine.

Ha, well at least it's something. Ironically, I have a reasonable amount of time to paint now as my body's typical reaction to stress is mild insomnia, gets me an extra hour or two of free time a day.

  • 3 weeks later...

Finally managed to get enough done for an update after a pretty busy few weeks. I'm going to be starting a new job soon so my updates may continue in this smaller, more infrequent vein. I'm hoping to crank out the devastators before the start date, speaking of which:


Missile launcher guy + two ablative wounds well on their way to being finished



Alongside them I've finished my two renegade guardsmen for the objective:

New guy





As a reward for being good with my ongoing projects, and after The Yak reminded me I haven't touched this unit for a while, I did another boarding marine:




Cheers for looking.

Edited by sockwithaticket

These guys are awesome, I like how your segmented the colors in various patterns, is there a reason why each marines different?


For you're black highlight, is it just a thin line of codex grey?


I love the boarding marine, he's very dramatically posed.


Looking forward to seeing more

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, I have something tangible to show before starting to work 7 days a week for a short period. I suffered quite severely from project ADD since my last update and so the Devastators and Objective still aren't finished... so much for clearing my work desk before the new job!


That's not to say they didn't get any attention at all:


Firstly, I put the finishing touches to a couple of Devastators to maintain the 1:1 Heavy weapon:ablative wound ratio




Secondly, I started in on the Blue Horror. He's been base coated for ages and it was a bit daunting to finally start in on him. He's turned out more sinewey (that's totally a word) than I initially intended, I'd be interested to hear what people think because although it's not the image I had in my head I quite like it.



Now the distractions. Razblood's great Flesh Tearers prompted me to make a start on something I've had in my mind. I want to paint up a marine from every branch of the Blood Angels tree, just because really, and this is the first offering -




Death from above/Protection from above! No army using the BA codex is complete without a Sanguinary Priest or equivalent and sitting around looking at my bits I cobbled this guy together as the first of the Crimson Tears' Protectors. As their chapter name suggests the Tears are no strangers to loss and sorrow, so wherever possible they attempt to minimise casualties and this has resulted in the Chapters Apothecaries seeing far greater and more aggressive use in the field. Known as Protectors they accompany strike forces into the heat of battle to ensure that as few marines are sent to the Emperor's Grace as possible. With that in mind I wanted this guy to look as though he was coming in to land, ready to hack or to heal. He needs a Jump Pack and some accessories but the main body is done. As he can't jump around by himself expect further flying angels of death in the immediate future.



Thanks for looking, all comments welcome.


Razblood, Dark Apostle Thirts and Biohazard - thanks guys, nice to know you're all still watching. I'm sensing a particular love for boarding marines which may influence what I do next... Glad to hear you think the objective is shaping up, too. I can't wait to finally finish the Blue Horror and have the whole thing come together.


War Angel - There's no real reason why I decided to vary the segments, I just started doing it and it's been a pretty fun and distinctive thing to keep on with. The black highlight is basically that, yeah; specifically I use Vallejo Model Colour Neutral Grey, but I think Codex Grey is/was the Citadel Equivalent. I used VMC Basalt Grey on the Dread. Cheers for the compliments.

How could we not watch this? This is one of the most cleanly painted and best defined armies on the BnC, it just looks smexy in a very professional way. This is seriously great work my friend :devil:
  • 1 month later...

It's been more or less 2 months since my last update, real life blah blah busy blah blah etc. But I'm back now(!) with a solid 2 and half week block to be working on things, courtesy of my new job as a sort of teacher, which is cool. As it stands I've used the last few days to get some stuff to a postable standard:


Firstly, the Devastators are now 95% complete. These two are the last ablative wounds/bolter marines for the squad:





I spent a good while scratching my head on how to individuate them, hopefully I've achieved the goal of keeping them distinct from the others in the unit. They will soon (hopefully), be joined by the final Lascannon marine who is currently in many partly painted pieces that equate to half a marine in my mental progress log.



Something I've actually fully completed, though, is my objective! (I know, right? About time...) As much as I like the end result I don't think I'll be starting a demon army anytime soon as I'd be 6 feet under before I even finished half of it. The Blue Horror required a great amount of care due to the sheer amount of small detail that I'm not really used to dealing with.

On its own:




As part of the objective (sorry for slightly blurred photos):



It feels pretty good to finally get that done. I haven't helped myself by getting distracted again...

Perhaps partly because I've been painting a demon for a while I decided that my allies should no longer be Imperial Guard but Grey Knights. WAIT! Don't turn away in disgust, there will be no actual Grey Knights involved. I like the idea of Inquisitorial retinues, so I will go down the Henchmen squads route. To that end I've started in on an Inqusitorial Storm Trooper and a Techpriest (counts as Jokaero) [Mods, sorry if I can't post these here - couldn't find any policy on GK henchmen and if they're allowed outside of the GK sub-forum - let me know and I'll take them down]





I've also been making a start on my Forgeworld Ironclad Dreadnought, which I'll be equipping as a Siege Dreadnought. I actually bought this months ago and it's been sitting around for ages because it has a lot of little bubbles that I thought I could fix, but never had the appetite to get around to. Finally built up that appetite and here's the progress so far:




The torso's in a similar state and really I should've just asked for a replacement, but it was my first Forgeworld order and I got all excited about being a 'proper' hobbyist and sorting out a resin kit myself. Oh well. That's it for now, hopefully with a bit of time on my hands, for the next 2 weeks at least, it won't take me another 2 months to have something worth showing. Hope everyone's enjoying the festive season!


Dark Apostle Thirst - not a lot to say to that really, except that I'm deeply flattered and grateful!


Biohazard - Cheers, man. I've increasingly felt the need to do slightly different things alongside the Crimson Tears just to prove to myself that I can.

Well I haven't checked in on this for a while and I must say DAMN!


The Flesh Tearer you did blows mine out of the water and pretty much everything else is looking super cool!


I'd be jealous about how far you've come along since starting this thread but I'm too busy admiring what you're doing, excellent work mate :cuss

Edited by Razblood

As it's now my second year here on B&C it's probably about time to be a bit more community minded. As such I'll be entering this little lot into the 2013 LPC.




Ignoring the Inquisitorial Henchmen in the background that's 1 siege Dreadnought, 1 Protector with jump pack (Sanguinary Priest) and 5 assault marines.


Should hopefully be an easy enough vow to complete over the course of 3 months (he says now during the holidays...).


Razblood - I appreciate the praise mate, but don't be down on yourself, your Flesh Tearers look boss.


Grim Apostle - Thanks, man!


MrSocks - Cheers, Ezekiel is thus far my proudest achievement and I'm glad that he gets a pretty warm reception.


Biohazard - Good to be back, mate! It really was too long a gap. Hopefully I'll have something to show with the dread sooner rather than later after putting it forward for the LPC, if nothing else I've finished green stuffing the bugger now.


BrotherTearz - Thanks a lot. Recipe is: P3 Sanguine base, heavy Carroburg Crimson wash, touch up with Sanguine Base, edge highlight with P3 Sanguine Highlight (funnily enough). Nice and simple, but pretty effective.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well hey there B&C, long time no see. You look...different, but that's cool, I have some new and different things to show off.


First of all my two Inquisitorial Henchmen are finished. They were a wonderfully fun diversion from the Crimson Tears, though they may yet have to wait a while before being added to due the LPC.




Techpriest (Jokaero)




Stormtrooper (Warrior Acolyte with plasma gun)



Since making my LPC vow I've actually made pretty decent progress on it. Most of my time has been spent working on the dread, but I found enough time to knock up an assault marine so as to test out my scheme for the whole squad. Dread is currently looking a little something like this:




Other completed parts are:





Power Plant



Ironclad's superfluous heavy flamers (not sure why the photo's come out so dark)



And because I'm slightly mad I decided to magentise most of him, this includes the hinge on the assault drill:


That was a fun process.


Continuing the slightly promethium tinged theme of my LPC so far, here's the first assault marine:




What do people think about the Jump Pack scheme? I'm not sure about the red parts and I definitely won't be adding aquilas to every pack as 1) I don't have enough and 2) I think it's nice for the weapon specialists to be marked out in some way.whilst still being more or less the same as their brothers. Any suggestions for the dread while we're at it? I think he's probably about 50% done now, the torso will require most of the work

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