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Really liking the progress on the dread and also the red on the jump pack looks great, I agree that the aquilas are probably better for identifying special weapons squad leaders etc.


As to suggestions for the dread my one fear is that his head is going to be lost in that large black are on the front, maybe if you made the 'nose' of its helmet white it might help it stand out as the face is always going to be your focal point. just a suggestion though.

Thanks, mate. I've mainly been painting red this week so I feel sort of snow-blinded by it and unable to really tell how it looks. That's a great point about the dread head, I think I might do a full face stripe down the middle of the helmet to counterract the too much black effect.
  • 3 weeks later...

An update of three distinct parts this time chaps, thought I'd best get it in while the B & C is actually operational. 


First up some LPC business with some more progress on the dread (I'm totally going to meet the deadline at this rate... yes...):


The seemingly random pin is for a shoulder mounted frag grenade launcher I've just primed. The Ironclad kit comes with two little missile launcher pods, but the noses of mine were a bit rubbish to say the least so I've trimmed them down, will paint them green and treat as the frag launchers. The amount of time I've spent on the smaller details on display here, particularly the brass etch pieces on the siege drill arm, is ridiculous. I should probably try sleeping a bit more and then I'll actually do stuff right the first time around. The good news is although he's still in pieces all I have left to paint is the right hand side of the torso now and I'm looking forward to seeing him fully constructed.

Then for a bit of variety I've made a start on a couple more assault marines.



In between my LPC I've been modelling some additions to the Crimson Tears' elites. Got my hands on some Space Hulk Termies:



and an old metal Corbulo:

His chainsword was bent and snapped really easily when I tried to straighten it, but it was a pansy 2nd ed. one anyway, much better to replace it with one of the brutal looking forgeworld ones.


Still need to tidy these up a bit and figure out when exactly I'm going to paint them, but they were fun modelling distractions.

Further distraction from the LPC came in the form of my Inquisitorial Henchmen allies. First off I stripped these guys:


Note the crusaders carefully flanking the daemonhost, it seems that my unconscious self posed them like that. The hobby may be taking over...


Secondly I decided to paint up another warrior acolyte, but with a slight twist. It occurred to me that the Ordo Xenos must have operatives that aren't in the Deathwatch so I painted this guy to represent that, though he sticks to a sort of Deathwatch scheme. I'd be interested to know your thoughts on this as I'm tempted to do a full squad to accompany an Ordo Xenos inquisitor. His right shoulder indicates he's from the 39th Cadian, who are apparently known as 'Xenobane'. He's standing on a Dark Eldar Knife, just in case any enemies should happen to make a lunge for it.




Sinners Red - thanks fella, always nice to hear that something new has come off well. Hope you enjoy what you see.

"May our enemies tremble, for Brother Raphael has been awoken from the hall of ancients and once more will he lead the Crimson Tears into the breach. Truly these heretics and traitors will know fear before his cleansing fires just as surely as they will perish. Bitter tears of regret will they shed for having turned their backs on the Imperium. Remember, brothers, to follow the Ancient's directions and victory will be ours this day." -Protector Sammael addressing the Crimson tears breaching force before the assault on St Josmane's Hope's main complex during the 13th Black Crusade.

Here he is in all his glory, interned in a Siege Dreadnought, Brother Raphael:



The Ancients go to war, Raphael and Uriel side by side:


I'm really happy to have finally finished him, having had the kit in my possession for a number of months and having to do A LOT of clean up work on him it's nice to have all the effort pay off. I like to think he looks practical enough for breaching, but ornamented enough to be marked out as the legendary warrior he is.

I believe this leaves my LPC at least 50% finished what with the completed assault marine and two others almost there as well. 



Bio - hope you enjoy this, man! Glad the Corbulo meets your approval, I was worried about the head looking out of proportion, clearly all the cutting, filing and swearing (I need a damned Dremel) was worth it.

Vourne - cheers, improvement is definitely the name of the game. I don't know when I'll next be doing something tp the same standard as Ezekiel, but I feel I need to soon to show everyone he wasn't a fluke!


The dread looks awesome. Great job and the end result is clearly worth the effort you've put in.


Corbulo doesn't look out of proportion at all. I think once you add a backpack and he's all one colour he'll look awesome. What colour will you be painting him out of curiosity?

One of the benefits of working in education is holiday time, so I've just had half term week to spend cracking on with the LPC, yay!

First of all, because sometimes you just can't do to many things at once when it comes to hobby projects, I made some new bases for the remaining models of my vow and a couple of others just for fun. I wasn't happy with the cohesiveness of the original bases I selected for the squad and these have been designed specifically with uniformity of appearance in mind (it also made me question why I've spent so much on resin bases when making them is actually pretty easy...). So here they are:

Did a bit more work on the 2 assault marines too, now all they need is their jump packs. I figure I'll do those together with the other two when the remaining assault marines are done:

Here's where the bulk of my effort went to, Protector Sammael:
Unfortunately the melta bomb came off and I can see that the way I reattached it isn't at enough of an angle to convey momentum, but I don't want to break it off again in case it requires prepping and painting a new bomb. Not sure about using battered gold for the cruxes on his pack and i possibly should have filed them so that they were more flush to the panels they're on, but you live and learn eh? Other than that though, I'm pretty happy with him. This guy's the old metal version of the model so I've had to weight the base quite significantly to stop him from continually falling over and chipping.

Here's a shot of the completed LPC work so far:

This chap is not LPC related at all, but his half painted parts have been sitting on the desk for freaking ages, he was overdue a finish. Still needs pads but you can see him now. I wanted it to look like he's had to swivel on the advance to face a flanking threat, I think that comes accross ok:


Comments and Crits welcome as always.

Razblood - thanks man, always a pleasure.

Nighthunters - I feel yet another blush coming on... Nice to be complimented on innovation by one of the boards' modelling masters.

Bio - good to hear. It's probably just that Corbulo's actual head is so small (read: in proportion to his armour) that attaching something else threw me. As for colours, I hadn't really thought about it yet and so far my Protectors (priests) have been more or less the same as other marines, just  with some extra trim. Even Ezekiel is basically black and white. I may go for all white or all red, but I'll have to think on it a while.

Yes more boarding marines!!!


Great work with that dreadnought. The contrasting white and black panels on the tosro/sarcophagus are bob on. They make it jump out. Sorry you had to do all that extra work with the sculpt but it was worth it in the end.


Nice assault marines and apothecary/sangythingy too.

  • 3 weeks later...

With the LPC deadline looming I've been somewhat neglecting the stuff I need to be working on for it, makes total sense in my head. I've not been completely bone idle, though, and have used the time to finish up a couple of loose ends.


First of all Boarding Marine #3 has pads, not an earth shattering update, but they do finish him off and actually take a surprisingly long time to do:


Bonus shot of all 3 Boarding Marines together:

They are a lot of fun to do and by the reception they get on here it seems some of you really like them too! Post-LPC I'll be aiming to get them up to at least a combat squad here's a sneak peek of the next member:


I have also finally finished my devastators. This final Lascannon marine has, like many other things, been knocking around on my desk half done for a few months until the other day when I just got sick of looking at him and thinking 'Y'know I really ought to polish him off'. So without further ado:

Devastator Squad Kain in all their glory:

In other non-LPC related business, I've started on my Librarian. It seemed silly not to given that I had the blue paint out and have been wanting to have a crack at him for ages. Still very WIP, obviously. Any thoughts on how the robes are looking?

I haven't been completely neglecting my vow  since the last update and I feel I'm in a pretty good position even with there only being a couple of weeks left:
The packs need highlights and there are clearly a number of things left to do on the marines, but not enough so as to be insurmountable. Hopefully...



The Yak - cheers brother, nice to see you back, the siege dread is definitely one of my favourite models in the army now and I definitely don't mind all the work I had to do correcting the casting flaws and kind of want another FW dread now! (I think this is like how women are programmed to repress the pain of childbirth, sort of...)

deathspectersgt7 - thanks a lot.

Bio and NightHunters - I think for Corbulo I'm going to give red with a few white details a go. It's a metal and resin mini anyway,so it'll strip off easily enough if I cock it up. More boarding marines are imminent so hopefully you'll continue to enjoy the thread.

  • 2 weeks later...

So despite some complacency about the amount of progress achieved with the LPC and contracting some horrible germs off my pupils (they do not tell you about how frequently you'll get ill working in a school in the job description!) it's finally done! Last two assault marines swooping into action (one of them literally). These two are from a batch of unbelievably poorly built and painted marines I rescued from ebay for a couple of quid. The sheer amount of glue I had to clean up was staggering, landing guy still has belt equipment because I simply couldn't think of a way to get it off without gouging great holes in him. Anyway, enough of my ramblings:


No back shots because, frankly, the back of a jump pack is even less exciting than the front and sides of fairly bog standard assault marines. However, there is this shot. Jumpers ho!

The full LPC lot completed:

Cheers, Raz. He's been a long time coming so hopefully will end up worth the wait. I'll actually be able to spend some time on him now, too!

  • 2 weeks later...

A rather unusual update from me today in that it has a lot of modelling WIP rather than paint. I came down with a particularly bad case of man flu over the last 6 or 7 days so rather than mess up a paint job by coughing and sneezing all over it I stuck mainly to cutting and sticking a variety of things which means my work desk list now reads:
Boarding Marine #4
Second Half of assault squad

Honour Guard
Librarian with Jump Pack

That should be plenty to keep me busy for the next couple of months at least.

So without further ado the WIPS for these going in order of least to most paint:

The basis of my future Mephiston. The design on his shoulderpad is replicated on a Legion of the Damned back pack that I am going to try my damndest to track down (short of buying the failcast LOTD box containing it) as I feel nothing else readily available is suitable for the Lord of Death himself.

Future Jump Pack Librarian whose base has been carefully constructed to make him look like he's landed on top of a pile of rubble and which should make him stand taller than many other marines.

The Honour Guard will eventually consist of Blood Champion, Sanguinary Novitiate, Deathwatch Veteran, Mk. 6 Veteran, Powerfist Veteran (here there is a potential Mk. 6 Powerfist veteran who I decided to start mocking up just for fun).



Remnants of the assault squad where once again dynamism was a design watch word. the second flamer marine is missing because I don't currently have any running Mk. IV legs (come on Forgeworld, release that destroyer squad already!)




Now for some serious paint,  bits of finished Librarian (black highlights aside).


Finally got around to giving my other priest his jump pack. It's a heavily rehabilitated finecast chaplain jump pack (apalling cast quality, one of the pieces that made me swear to avoid the material at almost any cost in future).

The only thing I've painted in full is a Black Templar Sword Brethren member (hence the red robe and bronze chainsword) for a long planned Deathwatch unit.



Not a bad result for a week of man flu. 'Til next time.

Bio - mate, those are probably two of the best compliments I've received. Regarding the squad's dynamism, I'm overjoyed to hear you say that as few things look worse to me than static assault marines and I worked hard to make sure they seemed active. Hopefully the next few are in keeping with that.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick one:


Assault squad sergeant touching down:

He's followed by a fairly new recruit. This guy was an ebay marine and I've cleaned him up as best I can, including replacing  his head and arms (which were just so badly positioned given how the rest of the body has been assembled...).

The other major thing I've done this week is Boarding Marine Team Leader (denoted by his slightly different shield)


A bit more work has gone into the Librarian too, a few highlights and some work on the left shin decoration should mean the body's finished fairly soon. Rationale behind the blue/grey skin is as follows 1) Crimson Tears pretty much always wear helmets. When they don't they're usually aboard a ship or in their fortress monastery. They don't really come into contact with UV rays all that often. 2). Space Marines are old, members of the command structure even more so. 3) Space Marines are genetically modified freaks! 4) The Crimson Tears are loosely connected to the Blood Angels in my head and what says space vampire better than blue/grey skin?

Lastly I decided to jazz up a command squad chainsword with some brass etch:

So, not the most exciting update, but I'm still plugging away at the 2nd Company a few marines at a time (unfortunately we can't count the Boarding Marines as they are attached to the 4th Company).



deathspectresgt7 - cheers, that's the kind of reaction I like!


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