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The 'New' Chaos rumour


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Since nobody appears to have posted it yet (I'm surprised), there's more rumours. From BoLS because it's convenient.


Now personally, that's sounding really cool so far. Necrons sounded cool enough, but this is really getting me hyped for something we're not even 50% certain will be released anytime soon.


Apart from the last note. Given Matthew's recent history of Power Armour, it seems likely enough, but then again firestorm40K said he stated himself he's not working on it.

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Meh, I kinda don't want to see the Mournival turn up, other than being listed as one of the titles of high-ranking Chosen in the Black Legion. I mean, Horus Rising was good, yes, but we've already had enough of 40k shoehorned to the previous books without having to shoehorn the Horus Heresy books into the current background. So please, Ward (or whoever writes the book), please don't have Aximand as a character! Save him for any 30k supplement that might eventually get done. Don't turn our special character 'section' into "and look, here's Grulgor and Eidolon, remember them? Look, here's Aximand too! And every other Horus Heresy character! Every! Single! One of them!!"
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I am a big fan of the chaos 3.5, and miss it a lot, though I do enjoy a little bit of the current one.


I liked playing a pure nurgle force, I could take nurgle chosen, nurgle possessed, nurgle troops, and nurgle havocs, though without heavy weapons. Now that same force has troop plague marines replacing all those, as Icon's do not make a squad of nurgle marines.


I'm hoping I can do similar in the new codex, this is my main hope, being able to take several different squads that are nurgle blessed, fearless and t5 to me is a very important part of nurgles blessing :rolleyes:


Also bringing back some sort of force organisation shake up based on the mark of your current lord/prince adds so much character to me. If you want to bring together different factions of chaos, you need to have a undivided lord, or someone like Abaddon, or Huron.

I like the grey knight codex, though certain things are rather undercosted/overpowered, I wish chaos could get some form of anti psyker abilities, even if it is a weapon or spell that kills them easier as opposed to a psychic hood.


I'd be hoping for a grey knight terminator quality box set, in the current one you only get 1 combi flamer and 1 combi melta, by adding another sprue to the current box, you could easily add more weapons.

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Apart from the last note. Given Matthew's recent history of Power Armour, it seems likely enough, but then again firestorm40K said he stated himself he's not working on it.


Same time, Phil Kelly has done Warrior of Chaos for Fantasy. While that maybe for Fantasy, it still Chaos if this make sence?


Just from my guess, I though Matt would be really busy working on the Hobbit game for next year. As to my knolwege Matt is one of the few who work for GW studio that has the experince of the Lord of the Ring game. While Jeremy did work on War of the Rings as well.


Same time, Phil Kelly not done a codex since Nov 2010 being Dark Eldar, as he been busy with Dreadfleet. From what I rememeber being posted on the fourms, was Matt Ward last codex for the time was Necrons, then he'd be going onto the Hobbit wargame for next year & the follow year (since the movie split into two)

While Robin had the Sister of Battle update in the White Dwarf a few months back.


But again these are just my guess, don't read to much into these. Rumour are Rumour that the end of the day & nothing solid until near the release time. Rememeber amount of people said Robin Cruddace was going to do Necrons about a year ago when rumour just started pop up on the fourms.


Ether way I am happy to see a new codex Chaos Marines. I'm already starting my Iron Warriors (also to mark ten years of collecting). Would not mind starting a Night Lord, Word Bearer, Alpha Legion & World Eater army. Also go back to my old school days of being a Black Legion player.



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Same time, Phil Kelly not done a codex since Nov 2010 being Dark Eldar...


That's odd, isn't that also the last time a good book was released?

To be honest even if we had the honor that Mr.Phil Kelly could be the author of our long dreamed new Chaos codex, personally I won't heave the sigh of relief before saw it by my own eyes, all because of the changes we have in the codex of Dark Eldar.

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Ok, I feel the need to post this because of the (IMHO unfounded) ghost21 hate in this thread. I've always viewed his posts as plausible, but subject to change; he himself has explained numerous times that he sees things relatively early on in the development cycle, and that they go through 2-3 further revisions before they are published. Moreover, he confirmed that there were usually multiple versions floating around for testing at any given time, hence the differences in various rumours. I've done some digging on his Necron rumours as an example, and found that he did get a lot wrong (or, at least, not quite right), but there were also a lot of things he got right (though these were mostly just confirmations of existing rumours). What he did get wrong I can see with the benefit of hindsight as things that were probably still up in the air at the time.


So while I wouldn't trust his word at face value, I do think it's a bit far to say that he has as much insight as a random person off the street.

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So he got lots wrong, and the stuff he got right was just confirming other people's rumours? Go back further to previous releases and you'll see it's exactly the same pattern: loads of nonsense and the few bits he gets right are either confirming another poster or so blindingly obvious that anyone could predict them.As i said, no more reliable than a random bloke on the street. Assuming he isn't just making stuff up (which i'm not convinced about), what's the point of rumours that are from such an early stage as to bear no resemblance at all to the finished product? At best, they are essentially worthless, and at worst he's getting actively trolled by the studio.
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So he got lots wrong, and the stuff he got right was just confirming other people's rumours? Go back further to previous releases and you'll see it's exactly the same pattern: loads of nonsense and the few bits he gets right are either confirming another poster or so blindingly obvious that anyone could predict them.As i said, no more reliable than a random bloke on the street. Assuming he isn't just making stuff up (which i'm not convinced about), what's the point of rumours that are from such an early stage as to bear no resemblance at all to the finished product? At best, they are essentially worthless, and at worst he's getting actively trolled by the studio.


Realistically, Rumors should never be considered true until confirmed by the actual participants (which in this case is Games Workshop). Anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling himself. And there should be no hate put upon anyone for sharing their rumors, just salt taken with it, whether it's Harry, Hastings, or Ghost.

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So he got lots wrong, and the stuff he got right was just confirming other people's rumours? Go back further to previous releases and you'll see it's exactly the same pattern: loads of nonsense and the few bits he gets right are either confirming another poster or so blindingly obvious that anyone could predict them.As i said, no more reliable than a random bloke on the street. Assuming he isn't just making stuff up (which i'm not convinced about), what's the point of rumours that are from such an early stage as to bear no resemblance at all to the finished product? At best, they are essentially worthless, and at worst he's getting actively trolled by the studio.


Realistically, Rumors should never be considered true until confirmed by the actual participants (which in this case is Games Workshop). Anyone who thinks otherwise is just fooling himself. And there should be no hate put upon anyone for sharing their rumors, just salt taken with it, whether it's Harry, Hastings, or Ghost.

Exactly. You can't expect rumours to be completely accurate - by doing so, they would cease to be rumours and become fact instead. Yes, ghost21 has been pretty hit-and-miss in the past, but think about it: if it's true that he gets his information from early on in the development process, then it means that these things have at least been considered and may make the book in a different form. My point is that he definitely seems to have some insight into the development process.


As an aside, I shouldn't have said that the things he got right were simply confirmations - I actually don't know for sure since I didn't read all the posts in the context of what was "known" at the time.


I'm not saying that you must believe what you read, far from it. Instead, I am saying that these rumours should be considered as a possibility, rather than simply dismissing it outright as a few people in this thread have indicated.

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For what it's worth, Ghost has posted loads of new rumours over the weekend, including mention of Dark mechanicus, Dark Apostles, Warsmiths, Legion specific rules and some odd FOC tomfoolery, Lost and the Damned, proper daemons in the CSM book and so on.
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Even if Ghost's rumours are a load of tripe, would you prefer no insight at all? Let us have our rumours for rumours' sake; as Zincite said, it's nice to dream.

This. Even rumours with questionable reliability are fare better than the scores of Chaos wishlisting threads I've seen over the years; at least these rumours have a chance of actually happening.


And as I said before, they wouldn't be rumours if they were set in stone with 100% accuracy. If you want accurate information, you're going to have to wait until the codex has been printed and shipped; until then, we're going to have to make do with musing about the possibilities that Ghost has set before us.

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For what it's worth, Ghost has posted loads of new rumours over the weekend, including mention of Dark mechanicus...

Not that it's a new rumour, but I really love this idea. Sooooooo wanting that.


*Rubs hands manically, cackling manically with maniac glee*

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Just came across this over on BoLs, posted by Bigred:


via Warseer's ghost21



-i really really shouldnt but, ive only seen a dreadnaught of the two mentioned (regarding a previous report of new plastic Chaos Dread and Raptors)


-To quickly add. will lesser chaos gods feture. yes n all of the fallen legions will be there


-saw preliminary types for khonate chrono gladiators... and a really bizarre night lord assassin type thing...


-oh im sure if people want a new abaddon.. i saw one but really it isnt much...


-little horus on the other hand... now there's a wow figure


-there was a little heated discussion weather alpha legion should be in this or the traitors dex... there in the legion dex


-the new abaddon as really it just seems bigger n bulkier, like somebody 3d scanned it n made him larger


-the minor chaos gods are already named, its like marks though, no daemons


-i did see a dark mechanicus guy... not sure if he will make it though, a very creepy sculpt based on a john Blanche piece


-this is really something to be taken with a grain of salt there may may be a 30k boxed set at some point, containing one of each of the legions



-oh one last thing its ward

via Warseer's: ghost21 (we love ya mystery man - or lady)



there will be 3 chaos dexes as far as im aware, legions, renegades n daemons


now daemons will appear in the legion dex but not those awful lesser things they are now... im not sure about greater daemons... however if you are doing a legion list its based on "black legion(or the generic list)" or one of the others


legions - whats there ?, lots


world eaters with bolt guns you say... yeah there there


expect very powerful characters here (they are 10 Milena old)... my favorite is the overpowered red angel... now he IS angry


ill say this there are havoc's for marked legions


though each legion will get something unique to them, from force organization to individual units to hqs, for example night lords n world eaters can only have 1 heavy support but get other boni


remember huron has quite decent kit, so expect something like a 2nd ed list for him. also, in some ways picking a legion will restrict you, there are allot of chaos characters already in fluff so expect most to return, plus a few new faces


whos the star of the show huh?... now that is something ill hold onto for a while


6th ed codex will be hardback


and i didnt see a named warsmith, only the dark mechanicus guy


i have to say im excited for chaos, there is allot allot of inspiration from the 3.5 dex, with warsmiths, dark apostles n the alpha legion rules well lets say they have a dual command structure


This is getting a little better every day. Deamons back, more god options, unique units and more characters? Yes please. Not sure I believe that it is Ward, as everything that I am hearing is pointing to him doing the LotR/Hobbit. Granted, I have raised my blood pressure drastically with all the salt need for this, but as was said, one can dream right?

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