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New Necron Codex Questions


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You are of course correct ;) . But missed my second edit after my momentary insanity.


Portal would go off before any embarkation anyway so in this case its a surprisingly well written rule that avoids any issues yes?


Indeed I did, and you are correct. Good catch!

Nov 24 2011 is when I noticed it. WitchHunters has gone too :lol:. Read into it what you will – they were after all defunct FAQs and would only serve to confuse if left up... could also mean new ones on the way :)


Anyway this is all slightly off-topic so...






From the write-up of Imotekh's Staff of the Destroyer : "This ancient and ornamental staff of light was first wielded by Zehet..." At no other point in the write-up is the fact that this weapon is a staff of light brought up. My question is can Imotekh the Stormlord's Staff of the Destroyer use the Staff of Light firing profile because of this?

This is terribly written but I'd work it like Telion's bolter, where it only uses the new weapon profile.





New question: When using Mindshackle Scarabs on a Chaos Lord with a Daemon Weapon, how is this resolved? Say he fails and attacks himself. He does D3 attacks against himself, but must roll a D6 for the daemon weapon to see if it rebels (and for how many attacks he gets). Does he even use the daemon weapon?

  Seahawk said:
New question: When using Mindshackle Scarabs on a Chaos Lord with a Daemon Weapon, how is this resolved? Say he fails and attacks himself. He does D3 attacks against himself, but must roll a D6 for the daemon weapon to see if it rebels (and for how many attacks he gets). Does he even use the daemon weapon?


Just did a read through of Mindshackle Scarabs. While any bonuses from the Daemon Weapon are applied you do not roll the d6 for it. That d6 is used to determine number of attacks not if the weapon rebels though there exists a chance for the weapon to rebel on that d6. Mindshackle Scarabs specifically say "instead of attacking normally" which removes the existence of the +d6 attacks because that is part of the model attacking normally.

  Spacefrisian said:
  Seahawk said:
A unit in a transport is on the table/battlefield.


By youre logic we can also shoot at a unit inside a transport cause they are on the table, we all know that aint possible.

False equivalency. Try again.

  Spacefrisian said:
  Seahawk said:
A unit in a transport is on the table/battlefield.


By youre logic we can also shoot at a unit inside a transport cause they are on the table, we all know that aint possible.

By your logic, units embarked can not fire at models on the table cause they are not on the table themselves.

False equivalency, as stated. Besides, your response is already answered by the BRB FAQ:


Q: Can an embarked unit ever be the target of enemy

shooting? (p67)

A: No. Only the transport vehicle can be hit.



Does this also mean they can be pulled out of things like buildings and bunkers?
As buildings and bunkers use the same rules for transports, I don't see why not.

It is a false equivalency.


Embarked units are on the table, else they could not do things like cast psychic powers or shoot from fire points; they also could not disembark from their transport vehicle because they'd have to arrive from Reserves- which is where all units are when they are not on the table.


GW has FAQ'ed that they may not be targeted by shooting or psychic powers while so embarked; the purpose of this is to solidify the protection that a transport gives the unit. If you could target the unit inside the transport, why are you buying the transport in the first place?


This protection by design does not extend to special rules on friendly units.

  Something Wycked said:
This protection by design does not extend to special rules on friendly units.


But it does apply to friendly Psychic Powers. I can see the argument being made that if Eldar cant do something like fortune a friendly squad chilling in a wave serpent then a portal shouldnt be able to portal from within a vehicle. (now the fluff doesnt support this and I dont actually believe it but...) There are definitely beneficial friendly effects that don't extend into tanks for what ever reason. For the moment though it extends only to shooting and psychic powers and I dont think we can really try and comprehend why. The only thing that really stops it from being true is the FAQ so If you havent read the most recent one I can see why you would make that comparison (its valid is what i mean)




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