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Great Crusade Thousand Sons


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Thanks Spazzola and Coryphaus 101!

I'll take some better pics of the VVs soon. They're going to be joined by a Corvidae Adeptus Exemptus (counts as chaplain) in the near future.

In the meantime here's a couple of the newest scout squad (squad Wepwawet), built from the passengers of the land speeder storm I have. Three have bolters with the magazines shifted to the side as I wanted them to resemble Stirling and/or the older Sten submachine guns. One has the heavy bolter from the normal scout squad kit (resting on a piece of nice coral I picked up on a recent trip to Okinawa, which might turn into a tree trunk compete with damage from incoming fire) and the sergeant has a combi-flamer.



The bases are going to be painted with a bit of a woodland theme (hence the camo fatigues...which clash deliciously with their armour, I know!), and I'm going to get some Mordheim Turf (which is why the sarge's base is particularly barren at the moment).

They'll also all have the rearing cobra circlets like the first scout squad.

There's a large plain area on the left of the heavy bolter: I'm either going to put a purity seal there, or perhaps kill markings...thoughts?

Any C&C would be much appreciated.

Not complete, but coming along. I gave the red armour another wash as the highlights were a bit too pronounced before.


And a close-up of the sergeant's WIP combi-flamer (inspired by the excellent article at From The Warp though with a larger front-end). It has had a Devlan Mud wash but, like most of my highlighting, it's been almost totally removed by the camera ^_^


And I got chance to take some better shots of the VVs, first sergeant Minkabh himself:


Detail of his relic blades's purity seal and scrolls:


A rear shot. Shows the dirt I added to everyone's feet (thanks to the Tamiya weathering kit), more of the scroll, and the owl hieroglyph (he being of the Athanaean cult):


And a sadly-not-too-clear pic of the ankh carved into his helmet:


The thunder hammer-wielder and detail of his seal:


Another VV:


And two of my favourites with weapon/seal detail:



Really liking the long flowing scroll. Is that using paper or greenstuff?


The ones in the Vanguard squad are all greenstuff. I used paper in the tactical squad but I figured I could do a lot more with GS, get a more dynamic look, and I think it turned out well. I'll be doing similar ones (perhaps not so long!) on my other units in the future.

Thanks NightHunters.

The serpent-circlets aren't too hard to make.

I got a lot of copper wire out of an old video player when it broke (along with a lot of other mechanical guts for making terrain with).

I twist four strands of that together to make the cord, then wrap that around the dowel of my finest brush (it makes the circle just the right size for a scout's head). Add a bit of super glue to bond it and make sure I've left enough free 'tail' to form the neck/head.

Bend that up perpendicular to the circle, place/glue it into their heads (making it slightly oval to fit). Carefully bend the 'head' down.

I then use liquid GS to smooth and bulk them up.

Brown undercoat (making them look decidedly turd-like, I must admit) then gold and Devlan Mud washes.


This time the sergeant and heavy bolter-gunner's headcams were a bit of a trouble as they were in the way so I had to cut out a section of each circlet as I was fitting them in place.


I'll probably do more when I get some sniper scouts but for now they're done.


I'll get up some more WIP shots soon.

The scouts are almost complete (legion insignia and basing I'm working on now) and the LSS is coming along nicely...only the toughest part left: changing the front end to be more 2nd Edition-like.

I've also moved the heavy bolter so it's mounted under the fuselage rather than in front of an empty gunner's position, and shifted the Cerberus launcher to one side to accommodate it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Scout squad Wepwawet is complete but I'm waiting until I can get some decent photos of them.

Looking forward to picking up some paints from the new range next weekend so I can highlight everyone better...

The Corvidae Adept Exemptus counts-as-Chaplain (I discussed here) is coming along. Ignore the Mechrite Red. I used liquid GS to de-skullify his helm, and replaced the normal purity seals with my scarab-esque ones. The jump pack is currently borrowed from one of the VVs, though I'll probably stick with it (as I'm less than keen on making yet another one). His crozius has been replaced with a flail made from some very nice looking chain I found. Remodelled the haft of the weapon too. That'll be a combination of gold and lapis lazuli. His left arm will be holding a combi-melta..which would've been finished but as I was making it the melta-barrel flew across the room. A search ensued, which resulted in an extremely clean living room but sadly no melta-barrel. Hence I've ordered the 5-pack from GW (the other 4 I'll put on some Sternguard in the future).


Shot of his back where I cut into it to mount the magnet (Finecast is so soft!)...and you can see where part of his shoulder pad is missing (the downside of Finecast!). I also removed the skull from between the wings moulded into it and replaced it with a bird skull (again from the Tomb Guard kit) since he's a Corvidae.


Some progress on the LSS

First, the image (from Collected Visions) which inspired me (if I'm not allowed to post this here then please tell me and by all means I'll remove it):


And some shots of the scratch-built front end (note that it's still WIP...a lot of filling and filing to go):


And lastly a couple of detail shots:

a. It looks like one of the scouts was a bit careless with his knife and accidentally sliced the cushions in the back! Someone quickly fixed it with some duct tape ;)


b. ...and even worse it looks like some git left a frag under the bench! The tech marine'll go mental when he finds out.


  • 2 weeks later...
Loving the Storm, especially the little comedy touches, really nice!

Thanks NightHunters!

The LSS is coming along nicely - I picked up Ceramite White, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red and Bloodletter on Saturday - and got back into painting the speeder and Chaplain Corvidae Adept Exemptus. I'll post some more images of the Storm when I've got a bit more done.

As for the Corvidae...

For comparison, here's a couple of images after Ceramite basecoat, Evil Sunz layer, a Baal Red wash (since I still have some leftover I didn't buy Carroburg Crimson yet) and Wild Rider highlights:


And then with Bloodletter Glaze:


Do you think the glaze has much of an affect?

I guess it's toned down the highlights a bit.

My melta-gun order should be arriving in a week or so, so I can complete his combi-melta.

I've also GS'd-up some melta-bombs recently. One for scout sergeant Kemnebi here:


...another with a magnet imbedded it in so I can put it on various other miniatures as and when needed, and a couple for an ammo-dump terrain piece.

Now I've got the new paints I think I'll be going back and re-highlighting the rest of the Sons to maintain consistency.

As always, constructive criticism is appreciated.

Thanks Elmo9141!

I have a few more WIP shots...

firstly the chaplain Corvidae Adept Exemptus. Got his gold done. Once everything's finished he's going to be weathered a lot (I'll be looking for some guides/advice here on the B&C) as I see him as one of the oldest members of the expedition and accordingly I want him looking well and truly battered. Base is awaiting drybrushing BTW, and his flail of course needs its lapis.


And, thankfully, my melta guns arrived so I could finish his combi'. Bulked up the weapon body a bit too.

I'm going to find myself with a few barrel-less melta guns...


And as for the landspeeder storm, firstly a little snake on the base...


Actually it started off green but that stood out too much on the desert-like terrain...but then again the brown-with-beige-spots isn't particularly impressive either. Perhaps I should go for something more like a coral snake?

Detail of the (magnetised) heavy bolter and its purity seal. You can see a bit of the fin I added...and a splodge of still-wet Glaze there too on the fender :P


Currently on order (it takes two to three weeks for stuff to be shipped out here): a librarian and another miniature I chose to convert into a captain...

  • 2 weeks later...

I'll try to post photo tonight but the Land Speeder Storm is complete, as is the Chaplain but for weathering (going to try Brother Syth's method).


My librarian has arrived. I bought the one with staff and book...in metal, only to find out he's coming out in Finecast in May! Ah well. Hacked off the force-staff and made a heqa staff for him. Removed Aqulias, added scarab-seals over normal purity seals and added a larger scarab to his chest which will be jade.

I'm also sculpting a little something special emerging from his book...


Also got the Bloodbowl Khemri star player Ramtut III who I'm converting into a relic-blade-and-storm-shield captain. The GS work to give him power armour is going to take quite some time. I'll be unashamedly hiding some parts with robes too.


And finally put in a Forge World order this morning:

1 pack of Mk2 Crusade armour

1 pack of Mk3 Iron armour

1 pack of Umbra Ferrox bolters

2 packs of Heresy era special weapons (total of 4 missile launchers, 4 flamers, 4 melta guns).


...which are going to end up as a Devastator squad (4ML) and a Sternguard squad.

Thanks Marshal Samson!

We had some good sun today so, before heading to a 5k-a-side Apocalypse game at my local GW, I got some shots outside.

First up the Land Speeder Storm Uraeus



this one shows the large jade purity seal on the engine block nicely (carved "XV" into it) and the serpent marking I put on the fin. It's a symbol of Tzeentch I took from The Lost & The Damned as a bit of foreshadowing of the Legion's future. Perhaps the techmarine saw it in a dream and thought it'd look cool on that new speeder...


A shot of the left side, showing the flag. `Uraeus` is the rearing cobra usually seen on pharaohs headwear.

As tactical sergeant Nehebkau has never got any use out of his power sword and would benefit much more from a combi-plasma, I converted him earlier this week (and the combi' paid off in today's game, dropping two berserkers).


Also had an idea (inspired by his name) for a squad marking of a double-headed serpent reminiscent of the legion symbol a little. Added a drape over his arm and put it on. I might add it to some of the squad's shoulder or other armour.


Next up, two of the Chaplain Khaldun. He just needs weathering and then I'm done with him.



A shot of the WIP librarian. the skull and supporting wire will be GS'd up with warpfire-ish effects.


And a (very) WIP of `captain` Ramtut. He has a double-bladed relic blade, somewhat inspired by the Scepter of Qetesh mentioned in Collected Visions.


I may post a summary of today's Apocalypse game in a few day's time if I can. Took a good few pictures...

First up, my librarian(Kahotep)'s little summoning got GS'd today.


I'm thinking it'll be ghostly pale green. Perhaps a Ceramite White base and then just Green washes to build up the colour in the deep areas. Any suggestions are welcome.

I realise that a librarian summoning something like that from a book doesn't exactly strike of 'Good Guy' but I'm sure Kahotep thinks he knows what he's doing. He thinks he's in control. Such is hubris. :)

And a lot of GS work on captain Ramtut...



Though I liked the texture and pattern of the original feet, as I built up the leg armour they began to look too small...


So he got bigger ones, and robes...


And here he is pretty much complete...


The circle of GS on his left shoulder will have the legion insignia painted on it (since he lacks normal SM pads). He'll also have a storm shield and his backpack has small scarab seals on the curved surface of the vents. I'm wondering about how to add an aux. grenade launcher...if I had made his relic blade one-bladed then I would have mounted it above the blade (Custodian-style) but I wanted him to have a double-bladed one. I might have it rising up from his backpack, over his right shoulder on a mechadenrite.

After seeking advice from Brother Syth and MagicMan on weathering, I'm painting up a spare shoulder pad to practice on...

Not going to lie, I was initially hesistant about that guy and didn't think it would work without major cutting, but wow. Wish I had your greenstuff skills, he is definately nice, perhaps do the aux grenade launcher wrist mounted?
Not going to lie, I was initially hesistant about that guy...

Don't worry, I wasn't sure I could pull it off either :) I think I've done a fair job of it. I'm satisfied anyway, and hopefully painting will make it look better. Any dents/uneven areas I'll weather and call it damage!

...and didn't think it would work without major cutting, but wow. Wish I had your greenstuff skills, he is definately nice, perhaps do the aux grenade launcher wrist mounted?

Thanks for the compliments. I think having a full day free and not rushing it helped a lot, that's all.

Yes, I thought about putting the AGL on his wrist/back of the forearm, but that area has quite cool sculpting...hmm...I'll give it some more thought. A mechadendrite from the back would look a bit tech-marine...

Thanks for the input, Rune Priest Ridcully!


Thank you Brother Syth! Much appreciated, but honestly it was just a matter of taking my time. This week is a holiday over here ('Golden Week') and I had the whole day free, so I cracked on with the lib' and captain.

After rooting through my bitz box I settled on part of a barrel-less melta gun for the aux. grenade launcher (the barrel itself having found a home on the chaplain's combi-melta) and, taking Rune Priest Ridcully's suggestion, mounted it on his right forearm, keeping most of the elbow-detail intact. I think it looks pretty good here actually!



Might add a small scarab-seal to the back of it, as compared to some of the others (the chaplain and vanguard) this captain is a bit low on the seal-count.

Planned out how I'm going to use the FW order (which is currently in the post!):

5x Mk.3 marines, 4x old-style missile launchers, 1x Phobos bolter - Devastator squad

5x Mk.2 marines, 4x Umbra Ferrox bolters - along with a heavy flamer from a landspeeder and 4x melta gun barrels - Sternguard squad

1x Contemptor conversion beamer - along with a techmarine and an attack bike - Master of the Forge

(Leaving the following for future projects: 9x Phobos bolter, 6x Umbra Ferrox bolter!)

With the until-now-metal marines being made available in Finecast from this month I figure it should be easier to get a tech marine and turn him into a MotF on a bike. And since I want to give him a conversion beamer I ordered the Contemptor one (um'ed and ar'ed about a Decimator one) and intend to convert an attack bike for him to ride, with the beamer mounted in the side-car. My first Apoc game (last Sunday) taught me that I don't have enough heavy weapons. This oughta be a fun one to take to the next big game.

I've got another metal miniature on it's way in the post to be converted to use as the Devastator sergeant (so I can equip one of the Mk.3 marines with a bolter and use him as an ablative wound)...a similar job to converting BloodBowl Ramtut III. I'll post pics once the mystery sergeant has arrived and I've taken a blade to him...

EDIT: I did a weathering trial and made a thread about it HERE.

Ramtut is coming along well. Looks awesome so far. Keep it up!

Thank you for the words of encouragement, Tanith Ghost!

I bought myself a command squad box last weekend and, along with a blister of plasma guns I ordered a few weeks back, built them (GS'd up to try to de-Mk.7 them at least a bit) and started painting them alongside the librarian and captain Ramtut. I've tried a bit of a different recipe/approach to the red this time, taking a lot longer over it for one, but I like it a lot more (though that may not show up so much in these 1am photos!).

First up, the command squad's heads. They will be called Hathor command squad, hence their helms have sun-disks framed by horns, with the sergeant's (the one in the middle, Hathor-Mnevis) also featuring a curled snake. The brown bits will be gold, with the snake done in lapis. The helm lacking gold on the face represents the newest addition to the squad...perhaps he hasn't quite earned his bling yet. Looking at the photo, the GS on the rightmost one looks particularly rough under the eyes...it doesn't look that bad in real life! Might give it a bit of a sand and repaint anyway though.


The red is done on all, now painting brown in preparation for gold- and parchment-like areas.

I gave most loincloths, but the apothecary a cloth wrapping around one side, inspired by the new Forge World apothecaries (which were tempting but I really don't need two of them. Not at 20 quid too). The standard bearer will also have a plasma gun hanging from a sling.


The (currently paint-splattered) white orb in the kneeling one's hand is going to be painted up as a crystal ball. It remains to be seen how well I put that particular idea into reality! The one on the right is stood in front of a tree (liquid GS on coral). Oh, you can also see the apothecary's Phobos bolter that's going to be on a sling.


The last command squad member, and captain Ramtut himself.


Aaand my Forge World orders arrived! Aside from that one Phobos bolter that I need for the command squad, I'm not letting myself open them until the command squad, lib' and captain are done.

I have thought a bit about how I want to do the conversion beamer and am thinking about getting a few more metallics so I can do the different sections in varying tones. The model is really beautiful and detailed, so I want to take my time on it.


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