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Great Crusade Thousand Sons


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I love the grappling hook scout!

Thanks space wolf, he's my favourite of the squad too.

The five are actually going be split up game-wise. Four will be joining my combi-melta sergeant (Kemnebi), replacing four BP&CCW scouts, riding around in the LSS. The remaining one will bolster another bolter-scout squad (Wepwawet) for mid-table or objective camping.

I've now got sergeant Telion so, after he's been converted and Egyptified a bit, he'll get a sniper squad. A couple of boxes should provide him with a full squad (and one left over, who'll probably further bolster Wepwawet squad. I think it'd add character to have a lone sniper in a squad full of bolter-scouts).

In the meantime I've been busy with the Master of the Forge, his bike and conversion beamer. No work on the stabilizer legs yet, that'll have to come later, along with sticking on a load more gubbins to bulk it out. Here are a few shots of it blu-tacked together. The `power coils` at the back will probably be OSL'd. There are a few pipes on the beamer which are still unpainted and will be done in mithril silver. Of course there are a couple of plates to go on either side of the beamer too (for those who know the Contemptor conversion beamer model). The scarab under the weapon mount will be done up as jade, and has `XV` carved into it, along with an eye.






Just a quick update to say I managed to pick up an AoBR dreadnought on the cheap today. Might end up getting it some FW auto cannons but either way I'm looking forward to putting it together (that shouldn't take long) and converting it.

First dress-rehearsal, so to speak.

Storm bolter replaced with heavy flamer (scratchbuilt from two flamers).

Front plates sanded flat, will have parchment draped down them (I'm thinking a man on one side, an Anubis-like figure on the other, representing the dreadnought occupant's passing from normal life).

Purity seals will be replaced with scarab seals.

First work on the base done too, as if he's just punched through a wall and is about to flame/melt whoever is within.

Any suggestions are welcome for further decoration/work :P


First dress-rehearsal, so to speak.

Storm bolter replaced with heavy flamer (scratchbuilt from two flamers).

Front plates sanded flat, will have parchment draped down them (I'm thinking a man on one side, an Anubis-like figure on the other, representing the dreadnought occupant's passing from normal life).

Purity seals will be replaced with scarab seals.

First work on the base done too, as if he's just punched through a wall and is about to flame/melt whoever is within.

Any suggestions are welcome for further decoration/work :lol:


Brilliant. You've managed to make a very boring model tell a story, with just a scenic base and a little greenstuff.

Brilliant. You've managed to make a very boring model tell a story, with just a scenic base and a little greenstuff.

Thanks Crimson Hawk. I've change the base a little since, knocking down more of the wall and now I'm having him with one foot inside the building. Makes it a little more dynamic. Painting has started but I need to GS some plates for his front and try to put some hieroglyphs/art on there. Hopefully I can try that this weekend.

Got some progress done on the dreadnought...

...first of all a name, thanks to Furyou Miko and Brother Nihm: Akhenaten the Gifted

...secondly did the first (of what will be two, one on each side) GS plates (to be painted gold), detailed with his name in hieroglyphs. After posting these pics and previewing them I actually went over it again with a needle to define some parts a little better.

The two blobs of GS flattened on the top-side are a bit of gap-filling which'll need filing/sanding down when it's cured.


And a shot on the adjusted base...which is only basecoated at the moment. Will have some of the wall-debris on the `outside` too, and a good bit of dusting put over everything.


Added smoke launchers (a bit left over from an LSS) and searchlight (care of an Aegis defence line), and the left-side panel, with a kneeling man (Akhenaten himself, perhaps) under a sun (done as the 1kSons legion symbol). And stuck an `VX` in there.

Base has and some more work on it but both it and the dread will get a heavy dusting with weathering powders once everything else is done.


First coat (or second) of gold. Any brown areas you see on the dread will also be gold.


Legion marking needs its black outline. Battle damage needs work.


With not knowing when Dark Vengeance would be available over here in English I decided to bite the bullet and ordered the rulebook from UK Amazon after all. Ends up cheaper than buying the rulebook in English from GW over here anyway, plus it'd take me ages to convert (particularly)the DA and the Chaos minis. The money saved will be put toward minis I do need...like a thunderfire cannon... :)

A wordy update now. Hopefully a photographic one later.

The dreadnought nears completion.

Still to do:

Small front scroll and finishing the jade scarab.

Shading and highlighting red on the body.

Adding a scarab purity seal to hide a stubborn gap that filling/sanding just would not fix. That and a bit of decoration will help to break up the plain surface.

Weathering powders.


Also got some paint slapped on the Master of the Forge though his bike is still under construction.


Went to my local GW to pick up dice and templates and to order a thunderfire cannon (and the Blessing of Sigmar for a side project. Not Empire, FWIW)...only to find out they do now have Dark Vengeance in-store in English. Ah well.

I just love the hieroglyphs and the other details to the Dread :lol: Also love the wall graffiti :P


I'll have to start learning to use GS for all the things I want to do, but I'm still having trouble getting the right "mix" between the blue and yellow parts ;)

Thank you very much, gents! I'm pleased how he turned out. Not bad for an AoBR dread picked up going cheap!

I just love the hieroglyphs and the other details to the Dread ^_^ Also love the wall graffiti :lol:

I'll have to start learning to use GS for all the things I want to do, but I'm still having trouble getting the right "mix" between the blue and yellow parts :(

I've never really bothered experimenting with different mixes, to be honest. I just use about a similar about of both, make sure to cut out where they join (learned the hard way about that!) and used vaseline both for kneading it and lubing my tools. This time, for the first time actually, I used a simple pin for the details (have used toothpicks and even a mechanical pencil with some lead protruding in the last) and will probably do so again in the future.

The Master of the Forge:

skin: done

Red: done

Gold: first coat done

Still a lot of work to do, particularly on the backpack. Legion insignia, lenses and the like. Plus a coiled cable from under his arm at the back up to the sensors atop the servo-arm. Perhaps some detailing on the handheld console's screen too.


And the first bit of paint slapped on sergeant Telion Maahes. First coat of Evil Sunz Scarlet done. I decided to go to town somewhat on his base, with a broken concrete floor, rusted metal mesh beneath with a few pipes visible at the very bottom. The base is pretty much done but for highlighting/drybrushing the actual slab of concrete he's stood on. It'll all be dusted with `sand` weathering powder, and a little sand will be on the ground outside the window on the other side of the base to tie him in with the rest of the army. His scouts will likewise have urban bases when they're done. Gotta love cork.




Might add some kind of decoration to the back of the wall (just in case anyone does look at the back of the mini). After the graffiti on Akhenaten the Gifted's base I want to add something to this one too. A small poster, broken air conditioner, drainpipe...something...ideas?

Might add some kind of decoration to the back of the wall (just in case anyone does look at the back of the mini). After the graffiti on Akhenaten the Gifted's base I want to add something to this one too. A small poster, broken air conditioner, drainpipe...something...ideas?


How about "The End is Extremely F :lol: ing Nigh!!!" If I remember correctly I got that from Fallout New Vegas. ^_^

Thanks again for the comments.

love the Heiroglphs, was thinking similar for a conteptor dread or land raider after the codex hits.

Go for it man! On a LR you'd have a lot of surface area to decorate!




So much great work, the scouts, the dread, the MOTF and did I spy a daemon trophy? Great work brother, a real inspiration to us all!


Yup! A bronze demon, thanks to sergeant Menthu and his Sternguard boys.

I'm going to be moving at the end of the month so that'll put a kink in my hobby time for a week or two, though I am getting some new miniatures for my birthday on the 26th. I'll be itching to get into them after we're settled in the new place. Along with a recent GW order I've got 5 sniper scouts, a thunder fire and a (beastmen) penal squad (for my fledgling IG army, going to be lead by the priest from the Blessin of Sigmar. Army blog link in sig') to be on with.

I'm hoping GW will release a new Thousand Sons squad soon as my army desperately needs some more tactical marines. I know what with the big headpieces they're rather flashy for rank and fine but I prefer to think of that as a signature look. When an opponent looks at the army I want the Thousand Sons Egyptian motif loud and clear.

Just hope they put 10 in the box...I suppose 9 would be okay, then add a different mini as the sergeant...

Some more WIP on sergeant Telion Maahes and his reversible desert/urban camo-cloak.


The gold wire of the `smartlink` is yet to be shaded.

Sadly the rear shot came out blurred. I'll take a better one when he's fully done.


Dryfitted on the base.


His head will be turned to his right, as if he's preparing to step to the window and pop off a couple of shots.

And some work on Master of the Forge Shezmu.

He himself is pretty much done. Gave him (particularly his feet, I must admit) a good sand-powdering.


An over the shoulder view of the control screen and you can see a bit of his Pyrae cult phoenix insignia. You can also see the empty sockets on the left of his backpack where cables will snake across to the bike and conversion beamer.


And the targeting arm's lenses. Perhaps should have put more shades in there for better gradation.


Scout sergeant Telion Maahes of the Corvidae cult is complete!

Hiding at the window of a ruined building, about to step to the sill and pop off a couple of shots...






...and he'll have some snipers to lead sometime soon.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished moving apartments and got my hobby table set up again...just I time for my order arriving: one finecast Thunderfire cannon (took a lot of cleaning up mold lines) and The Blessing of Sigmar for my IG.

And got a game scheduled for the end of the month. 750 points versus a friend's Orks. I'll definitely be using the Thunderfire. Need it to get those boyz mobs!

Will have some WIP photos soon (of the cannon. IG stuff of course not here. Over at the Boot Camp).

Not a lot to show, but...


The WIP Thunderfire. The white you can see on the gripper servo-arm will be yellow and black hazard stripes. Same on the other manipulator-arm. Once the cannon is all put together it'll get a heavy going over (particularly the tracks) with weathering powder to dirty it up and clod the tracks a bit. Red on the techie himself (except his arms) is done, as on the front of the gun carriage. Perhaps not easy to see on the photo above but the carriage's aquila has been replaced with a scarab-seal. The techie has another on his chest and I might put one on the side of the red shield-plating along with some script (and kill markings depending on how it performs at the end of this month).

Some more techmarine and t'fire progress. Nearly finished, actually.

First up, techmarine Septu's arms.


Rather than having yet another Pyrae member (however fitting it might be), I'm planning on having him as a member of the Athanaean cult, hence the WIP eye within the legion insignia.

Side panels of the cannon itself.


I'll be adding the legion insig' to one panel and either a purity seal or a cartouche with Septu's name in hieroglyphs on the other side.

Servo arms with hazard stripes.


Cannon, carriage and techie so far.


In case anyone's noticed the missing stabiliser-legs on the back of the gun carriage (or rather the lack of them) I lopped them off for a couple of reasons: the first being that, with the cannon on a turntable if it fired to the front then yes those two legs would take the recoil...but if it fired to a side they'd be of no use...and secondly (actually far more importantly) those two legs are just what I had been looking for to use as stabilizer legs on my Master of the Forge's conversion beamer-bike. So I'm going to stick them on there instead.

Carriage's control screen.


Perhaps a blue wash would help tone down those colour gradations :tu:

Techie's servo harness.


I glued the plasma and flamer in `relaxed` positions as I figure he's concentrating on the cannon, so those two arms are back and folded (and no OSL for the plasma as it's powered-down). Did add a couple of power level meters on the back. Must remember to do the Ad-Mec symbol on the back there.

Have only ever painted the Ad-Mec symbol once before (on the MotF)...and have done it five times already on this kit! Starting to like the look of the symbol a lot, actually. Will have to do a techpriest enginseer for my IG.

Anyway, once the final painting and gluing is done, a heavy brushing with Tamiya weathering powder (sand) and it's done!


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