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Dark Angels supposedly not important.


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"DA will probably not be updated anytime soon, because its not a popular army and GW does not want to waste money updating one or more armies that almost no one plays with a separate dex"

Note that this quote is just from a "Joe Schmoe", not from any GW personnel, so don't take it too seriously. Black Templars will be out before DA because it was planned to be that way. DA are quite well liked, and GW knows it. That might have something to do with a good chunk of the design staff having had DA armies over the years. How many people know that though. ;) So, take the comment with a boat load of salt. B)


Yeah, I don't believe they'd toss them at all and I think they know they really messed up the last dex so expecting it to sell very well is delusional.

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Don't even listen to that rumor. The Dark Angels are no less popular than the Space Wolves were before they got updated, or the blood angels were after they lost their codex to a pdf. And let's not even start on comparing them to how unpopular the Dark Eldar were before their recent codex. Also, if GW is still determined to release SW, BT, and BA, there is no way they won't do DA soon after, since Dark Angels are a huge part of the fluff, and have held a special place in the fluff going back to the Space Hulk days right? Also, the Dark Angels are the only ones with their own themed terrain with the Fortress of Redemption, and their robed appearance is unique among the rest of the power armored clones. There is no way that rumor is true.
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Don't even listen to that rumor. The Dark Angels are no less popular than the Space Wolves were before they got updated, or the blood angels were after they lost their codex to a pdf. And let's not even start on comparing them to how unpopular the Dark Eldar were before their recent codex. Also, if GW is still determined to release SW, BT, and BA, there is no way they won't do DA soon after, since Dark Angels are a huge part of the fluff, and have held a special place in the fluff going back to the Space Hulk days right? Also, the Dark Angels are the only ones with their own themed terrain with the Fortress of Redemption, and their robed appearance is unique among the rest of the power armored clones. There is no way that rumor is true.


All the above make 100% sense! I agree that the rumor is not even worth considering.


EDIT: But in the slim chance things go pear shaped, I like Stobz's approach too! :teehee:

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So long as we don't get Matt Ward writing out codex. Our fluff would be painful on the eyes. I hope we get Phil Kelly, the single greatest codex author. Ironically, that would give us the same author as the Space Wolves and put us on even grounds.


I would love to see Phil Kelly do our codex.

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I think Matt Ward would not be all that bad, at least we would know for sure the codex would not be underpowered, plus he has all ready done 3 'marine' codex so far. Phil Kelly would be good too, as long as he keeps his imagination from Dark Eldar and Space Wolfs.
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I'd just like to say I fear for the DA in their next Codex. Their niche is much murkier and more fluff based than Blood Angels and Space Wolves, certainly closer to Codex Space Marines.


Whilst I agree with the DA deserving their own Codex (being one the most popular armies out there), I worry just what GW will do to make them stand out. Let's be honest, GW go out of the way make each Marine Codex very different to the others, with as little cross over as possible, so what are we going to see for the DA that's so out of the ordinary unique?


I just don't want to see anything as silly as Thunderwolves in Codex DA, though can't see how they could do this, but you never know just how silly they will be.


My fingers are crossed for my Older Brethren (1st Legion, get it?) :o


I could see GW wanting to delay their release though, until they can make more diversity in the command rules etc in the core rules so they can show how different the mentality of the Unforgiven are without giving them Knights who fly on skate hover-boards with hoods chasing Fallen. GW might just not want to betray the DA like they did with the SW, maybe they have learnt from the criticism of the SW Codex being silly?

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If I was to change the DA I would start with the whole hunt for the fallen. Since caliban was a giant "black forest" world bring in a jager feel to the chapter IE squads that are expert in tracking marksmenship and fieldcraft be they raven guard or green wing.


Next would be the secrets within secrets perhaps have the DA gather knowledge stockpiling a vast array of secrets from all the major players. Secrets that these organzation would not want coming to light much like the dark angels own.


The fallen give them a purpose revenge or chaos for chaos sake. Heck just killing there "good" kin something anything.


The first legion (all of the chapters) tactical geniuses small elite demi companies spread over the length and breadth of the imperium waiting for that one sing to move on there fallen brothers. Make it rare for the DA to field full companies unless there are fallen in the area of operation.


Play up the whole Unforgiven idea of the DA being a "legion"


Just some ideas kicked about talking with fellow DA players in my LGS.


When we get are new codex.

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To be perfectly honest, I don't see a need for DA to get a new stand alone Codex. They're basically Codex Marines, anyway. All they need in a new C:SM book would be a page or two of fluff and a few special characters, some of whom unlock Ravenwing or Deathwing.


I mean, I like DA, but (apart from making money) there's no real justification in them having an entire book to themselves.


Sorry if I ruffle any feathers but there you have it.

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To be perfectly honest, I don't see a need for DA to get a new stand alone Codex. They're basically Codex Marines, anyway. All they need in a new C:SM book would be a page or two of fluff and a few special characters, some of whom unlock Ravenwing or Deathwing.


I mean, I like DA, but (apart from making money) there's no real justification in them having an entire book to themselves.


Sorry if I ruffle any feathers but there you have it.


Concider feathers ruffled :(

You obviously need to understand how non codex we really are, concider yourself locked in cell 42 for indoctrination/interrogation until we discover you true motives


Welcome to the Rock, may we save your soul even if you die in the process.



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To be perfectly honest, I don't see a need for DA to get a new stand alone Codex. They're basically Codex Marines, anyway. All they need in a new C:SM book would be a page or two of fluff and a few special characters, some of whom unlock Ravenwing or Deathwing.


I mean, I like DA, but (apart from making money) there's no real justification in them having an entire book to themselves.


Sorry if I ruffle any feathers but there you have it.


Consider the source, ]I[.

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I think the issue is, right now we don't deserve a stand-alone codex as much as we did when it was released. At the time things like thunderfire cannons, stern- and vanguard vets and the Ironclad didn't exist and Special Characters who unlocked FOC units were ours alone.


Now everything we do, someone does better for cheaper. The remedy? Give us the Blood Angel treatment. Some new vehicle, DA only unit choices, a few more Characters as well as love for our Successors. As it stands we are not Codex: Unforgiven, we are Codex: Dark Angels and Dark Angels in other colours.


Me, I am hoping for a Company Master/Chapter Master who unlocks Company Veterans as troops.

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I'd just like to say I fear for the DA in their next Codex. Their niche is much murkier and more fluff based than Blood Angels and Space Wolves, certainly closer to Codex Space Marines.


Whilst I agree with the DA deserving their own Codex (being one the most popular armies out there), I worry just what GW will do to make them stand out. Let's be honest, GW go out of the way make each Marine Codex very different to the others, with as little cross over as possible, so what are we going to see for the DA that's so out of the ordinary unique?


I just don't want to see anything as silly as Thunderwolves in Codex DA, though can't see how they could do this, but you never know just how silly they will be.


My fingers are crossed for my Older Brethren (1st Legion, get it?) :lol:


I could see GW wanting to delay their release though, until they can make more diversity in the command rules etc in the core rules so they can show how different the mentality of the Unforgiven are without giving them Knights who fly on skate hover-boards with hoods chasing Fallen. GW might just not want to betray the DA like they did with the SW, maybe they have learnt from the criticism of the SW Codex being silly?


Why do you ultrasmurf fans keep on this?Dont you just remember that at least 50% of the stuff of the marine dex was first introduced into the DA armories and stuff?And we have more than enough things to make us distinct,fluff been the main reason.

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To be perfectly honest, I don't see a need for DA to get a new stand alone Codex. They're basically Codex Marines, anyway. All they need in a new C:SM book would be a page or two of fluff and a few special characters, some of whom unlock Ravenwing or Deathwing.


I mean, I like DA, but (apart from making money) there's no real justification in them having an entire book to themselves.


Sorry if I ruffle any feathers but there you have it.




Were the unforgiven portrayed in C:SM in such a way that does justice to our chapter, the codex would be as thick as the rulebook :)


it's not just the glorious and engaging fluff that matters to us, we've been put at a huge disadvantage by the C:SM which really restricts our gameplay. There's huge differences between us and Codex marines.

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The PA Codices are really s cllose as to have an hairs-breadth of difference. Its like me as a Jain (near-Hindu religion) being lumped with Hindus who venerate SHiva or Rama, or Krishna (like my wife) or Kali or Ganesha or any one of a pantheon of Gods. To the outside there is virtually no difference (heck branches of Hinduism are more different that Islam, Judaism and CHristianty!!).


However religious refs aside, DA are as different to teh Codex as BA. Even pre Codex BA had JP Honour Guard, Death Company and preponderence of JP infantry. Now add flying terminators and a drop ship tank.


SW are almost the same as they ever were (even 2nd ed had the same units, TWSC apart), just some nifty buffs and a few tweaks to bring them up to scratch.


As to dead armies being dead ad infinitum, DE had a place and have gone from crud (models) to amazing. DA could synergise as well - just think of all the nice models which people use from the BA range? Now DA could do the same, increasing indirect sales of DA models (see Ravenwing and possibly DW termies with tabards..)

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DA need some colour adding to them - unique Terminator squads (in the style of Sanguinary Guard - a brand new unit never before seen or heard of), unique Jetbikes would be easy to introduce, unique mortis dreadnought (ironclad, furioso), a plasma tank (like the baal), Stubborn USR (intractable).


Ruleswise they don't need much, and the green dark angels are just green space marines. The normal units of the chapter are just the same as the normal units of any codex chapter, but their specialists need to be enhanced.

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To be perfectly honest, I don't see a need for DA to get a new stand alone Codex. They're basically Codex Marines, anyway. All they need in a new C:SM book would be a page or two of fluff and a few special characters, some of whom unlock Ravenwing or Deathwing.


I mean, I like DA, but (apart from making money) there's no real justification in them having an entire book to themselves.


Sorry if I ruffle any feathers but there you have it.

Problem is : you consider current DA codex vs current vanilla codex.


Following your reasonning GW shouldn't have released a codex : BA before the release, BA were just standard codex marines with jetpacks as troops and deathcompany => not enough to justify a codex...


Then GW introduced the sanguinary guards,sanguinary priests, revamp of the DC, DSing Land raiders etc etc...


So yes we have few differences comparing to codex marines but it's just because we were a test bed for marine codex and because GW didn't introduce too many difference units because at the time they were in a mood of over-reduction concerning units/weapons options.



There are lots of solutions to make DA more unique : new mortis options, new rules for DW/RW, inner circle squad, a special LR for DW, interrogator chaplain special rules etc etc...



So don't bother for justifying a special codex... We can find lots of ideas to differenciate vanilla from us... -_-

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I just don't want to see anything as silly as Thunderwolves in Codex DA, though can't see how they could do this, but you never know just how silly they will be.


Calibanite Lions.


Hopefully it won't come to that.


Then the ravenguard should get a codex with marines ridding huge ravens....

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