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Imperial Fists WIP Thread

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First things first, my apologies to any fans of my Iron Snakes army, as it's been 'rebranded'.


Nothing painted to show yet but here is my take on Pedro Kantor:




Love to hear your thoughts, hopefully some shiny yellow coming this way soon!



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Cheers for the feedback guys, and yes I did remember the ammo pack for Kantor!


Here's my first wip mini:




Liking the 5th company colours.



It's too bad about your Iron Snakes, I really liked them. That said, I am a proud Son of Dorn, so any IF/CF/BT army is a win in my book. I like your Kantor counts as. I always liked the model your using for his base & wish I could have got my hands on one.


Everyone does 5th company IF though, I say you should go with 4th company. Green looks really good with yellow. (I'm not biased or anything :))


Nice start on your yellow - are you of the brighter yellow or darker yellow camp for the IF?



surely you mean Shoryuken?


the yellow on the emprah's champion looks a little thick.. and tbh id could do with a higher contrast to it.. yellow isnt something ive played about with too much but a dark brown/black wash in the recesses could do it the world of good i think

That's very good free handing there fella, may I suggest or ask if you have used ogryn flesh as a wash for your base oat of yellow?



Ogryn will give your yellow an orange hue, I would recommend a mix of Sepia and Mud. Of course you could get some burnt umber oil paint and blend that into your yellow, that is what I have done on my marines;




I think your highlighting is coming along, but you need to start working some shadow into your yellow.



It left my fingers before I could stop typing... the tac boys look like they're all set to burst into song and dance. :P

That freehand is very well done (I'm green with envy right now) and the bastard-halberd weapon (looks more like a nagitana to me) is awesome.

Well worth following to see how you bring the rest of your force to life. :)


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