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Imperial Fists WIP Thread

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I tend to keep my flesh tones quite pale.


Dheneb Stone

Ogryn Flesh

Dheneb Stone

1:1 Dheneb Stone : Skull White

Leviathan Purple in eye sockets


Might try to glaze some stubble on his head/chin. Not a fan of Right Said Fred marines.

Tubes on the power fist need painting black/silver, me thinks. A wash then a highlight on the metal wouldn't go amiss. The red needs some depth so a wash of Devlan Mud then a highlight of Blood Red, then Blazing Orange, then Baal Red (optional). Quick highlight on the scrolls wouldn't go amiss either. Maybe some script (if you have the time)? The green needs tidying up a bit and highlighting, especially on the shoulder pad. Studs on the legs would look much better painted silver instead of yellow and I'd suggest a stark highlight for the armour, as it doesn't look it has any depth, sadly. Maybe some battle damage?


That's all I can suggest from what I see. I hope it helps in some way or another :D



Decided he's nowhere near ready so not entering the painting contest. Did some work on the yellow.

I sincerely hope that my comment did not dishearten you from entering the competition! I just think that he's nowhere near as good as your Jade Falcons Captain and generally, he just doesn't look finished.



While I think the yellow looks nice and applied well, I still feel that the highlights/shadows are washed out too much...The wash you have used looks like it is a sepia, that may be nice for an inital wash, but you are not going to get a lot of depth out of that shadow wash because sepia is basically in the yellow family, I think if you worked a little devlan mud and then some black in the deepest points you will get some ncie shadowy results, that in turn will make the highlight pop out a bit more, and you many not have to do any more work to the highlighting.



While I think the yellow looks nice and applied well, I still feel that the highlights/shadows are washed out too much...The wash you have used looks like it is a sepia, that may be nice for an inital wash, but you are not going to get a lot of depth out of that shadow wash because sepia is basically in the yellow family, I think if you worked a little devlan mud and then some black in the deepest points you will get some ncie shadowy results, that in turn will make the highlight pop out a bit more, and you many not have to do any more work to the highlighting.




Agreed... half way. There's a bit of a pastel to the Yellow that a bit wore depth would really smooth out. I think some extreme highlight 'glints' on extreme edges (along with Redfinger's input) would make the Yellow really pop as if it was a gloss paint. Done right and it would be something like a NMM done on the Yellow.


Either-which-way, these are looking really nice.

  • 4 weeks later...

LPC Vow:


I, Wingsofthefalcon of the Index Astartes, vow on the honour of my Chapter the Imperial Fists to paint and present at least a ten man Tactical squad, five man Sternguard squad, a Chaplain and Librarian on or before the 31st of March, 2011. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.




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