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Imperial Fists WIP Thread

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Thanks very much, it was actually really easy to sculpt.


Generally I find GS sculpting isn't too bad, you just had to do everything in stages. I did the sculpt for the Fist icon over 4 days.


I'll post a step by step if you'd like?

GS Fist Icon -


Stage One: (Sorry, no picture atm!)


Start by sculpting a small flat rectangle, this will form the base of the palm fingers of your fists. Try to keep the shape to less than 1mm depth, ideally you want it thin enough for you to be able to highlight it, which requires a step of at least about half a millimetre. Ensure you leave plenty of space below the rectangle for the rest of the gauntlet. Once you're happy with the shape, put the mini down for 24 hours. The trick to keeping this simple is to let each stage cure completely before moving onto the next one, that way you can't ruin any of your work through accidents with your sculpting tool!


Stage Two:




Now your rectangle is dry, you want to create a teardrop shape which overlays the rectangle. Use your sculpting tools to straighten up the edges and create sharper points to form the gauntlet shape. Once you're happy with the shape lightly depress the GS either side of the centre of the teardrop, this give the gauntlet some definition to highlight later. Again, leave the GS to cure overnight.


Will post more tomorrow! :P

GS Fist Icon - Part Two


Stage Three:




Create a small sausage of flattened GS at the top of the fist.


Stage Four:




Use your sculpting tool to press a vertical line down halfway across the sausage horizontally. Then repeat in the middle of the two remaining sausages to create the fingers. Now leave the GS to cure for another 24 hours.




As you can see the fingers haven't gone perfectly on this one, but it'll still look ok when it's done!

GS Fist Icon - Part Three


Final stage!




Add a sausage of putty the same size as before in the gap between the fingers and wrist. Press down on the sausage in a diagonal line to create the thumb.


Leave to cure for 24 hours.


Happy days.




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