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Imperial Fists WIP Thread

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Bit of a weird one, but I'm not going to be able to finish my LPC pledge because while I was at GW painting, someone tried for break into my house, so when I got home to finish them off, I had to spend three hours with the police!


Life is really odd sometimes.

WingsOfTheFlacon: I tried to shoot you a PM, but your Inbox is full, so I'll post it here. Is it this thread where you'll put the Expansion stuff? Or are you going to create another one? Apologies if you've already told me this :tu:


And that Captain looks stunning :tu:



Captain update, been adding in some colours, just a bit unsure about my choices:





He's a Captain of the 5th, so I need to get some black in there somewhere, just unsure where to do it!


I could do the armour trim detail in black, though it is really fine, so I'd need to be very careful! I'm also thinking about redoing the red trim on the shield in black to tie him into the army more.


The shield on his loin guard will be repainted to black trim with white inner, so please ignore that bit unless you have any suggestions for it?


What do you think guys, any suggestions/critiques much appreciated!


I know it will come together a lot better when I start shading, but I want to get the basics right before I start that.



He's a Captain of the 5th, so I need to get some black in there somewhere, just unsure where to do it!


Looking good mate! Might I suggest:


-Either or both kneepad(s)

-His Helmet

-The inside or outside of his cape

-The raised center vent part on top of the backpack

-His front shoulder shield

-The robes of the angel on his shield


I would keep his left shoulder shield red, you could call it his personal heraldry, it looks too good red to paint over.


One question, which photo is truer to your actual yellow color, the partially painted captain or the yellow base only picture? Just curious :)

That is epicly good - now I know what to do with that Sicarius model I've had for years! :D


Where did the shield come from, or is it your own invention?



The shield is from the Space Hulk Terminator Sergeant Gideon mini, so something of a rarity. Alternatively you could use the awesome shield from the Master of the Watch. (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod1060012)

5th Company Captain Update: Done some more detailing and started to build up the yellow, also some shading on the cloak.






Love to hear any feedback or suggestions you have to improve him!

Nice looking kitbash on the captain model. Here's what I'd consider to spruce him up a little:

-the purple sword needs some balancing out. I'd consider leaning the color cast on the sword to a reddish shade to fit in better with your color scheme.

-the helmeted head- it's a nice touch, but again, sticks out like a sore thumb. Have you considered a red stripe down the center to break up some of the white?

-the shield- I'd paint the center of the shield (behind the detailing and inside the trim) in black. This will help the detail 'pop' more on the surface of the shield, and break up a little more of the yellow. The trim piece could be done in a nice checkerboard red and white to echo the personal heraldry?


Just my thoughts on an otherwise solid conversion and some clean paintwork! Keep it up!


Cheers for all the feedback guys!


Here's a newer update:





I've started to highlight the yellow, so hopefully that should be looking a bit better now!


@nighthunters - The laurels on his helmet are going to be black, he is the 5th Company Captain, so I wanted to get as much onto the mini as possible! The laurel on his waist will be green though.


@augustmanifesto - Thanks, I'm starting to develop the yellow a bit more, but yeah I agree the shading needs some more work in places too. The power sword is really only basecoated at the minute, I'll be highlighting the majority of the edges all the way up to white, so hopefully it will have a bit more 'crackle' when it's done!


@badaab - Cheers, I'm really unsure about the red/white helmets, I know they're traditional for Imperial Fists but I'm still torn on them! The majority of people seem to expect them in the army though, so I might well do it just to avoid explaining why I haven't!


@primarche - Thanks very much, look forward to watching your Fists progress!


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