Iron Skull Mask Posted March 6, 2014 Share Posted March 6, 2014 Again, exellent work there! It's a marvel how fast you get things done, really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 6, 2014 Author Share Posted March 6, 2014 Thanks Dammit IP! I'm really trying to avoid that kit but between you and GR I want to sell my vital organs to get one. That is fantastic. Anyone who wouldn't want that on a table top is a moron. Here's looking at the short sighted GW game developers. The knight model one of the best kits to build & barely any mold lines. After building the model & currently painting the Knight, I would really like to add a second one to my army & as said after re-reading Storm of Iron it just added to that. Like wise the video on the Games Workshop web site been brillaint & give a lot of great tips when painting the Knight. It one of my favrout kits to build, along with converting my IWs & building Rhinos/tanks. Only model I never like building is the FW Storm Eagle, great looking model, but most stressful model to build, never building one of them ever again. If I do get a second one, I would like to get this painted during the Easter holidays. Again, exellent work there! It's a marvel how fast you get things done, really. Thanks, as said there I hate waiting, if I have to spend three months painting a single model I loss intrest. I want to get my models painted as soon as possible & ready for the gaming table. I'd say right now the wash has been the longest part on painting the model so far. Hopeful have the model finish on Saturday. Also the knight will see it first game later today since one my friends is wanting a 2500pts. Then after that it 1500pts with Throne of Skulls March in two weeks time. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 16, 2014 Author Share Posted March 16, 2014 (edited) Update The Knight model almost complete now Photo taken a few moment ago Try the Blood for the Blood God on the Chaos Rune Ultramarine from the 4th Company I just to finish painting the Ultramarine & just few other parts before the model complete finish. But the Knight model been really great to build & I've really enjoy painting the model. I am looking to add a second one, so see what happen in the near future. Also I will be travel down to Terra or know as Warhammer World in Nottingham for the Throne of Skulls weekend & I am always looking forward to going down, Warhammer World is pretty much my second home. As usely I've always got new models being added to my Iron Warriors for Throne of Skulls. I've updated Terminator Champion Sevatar Rauth. Just when the codex Chaos was release, I just pick a model I though stood out a little bit. But as time gone by, it time I make a model to show these might heros of Chaos.I wanted to show no one mess with Sevatar Rauth & all the Terminators under the command of Lord Narach or Warsmith Abhorred Riddick.Also as said before I like to add trophies base on the armies I fought over the years, to rememeber some great games. For Sevatar Rauth it will be, once there painted - Black Templars Chaplain during Throne of Skull April when he single rapid fire a Templar chaplain while his unit was flee (only unit left in my IW force during the game), which hit, wound & the oppent failed both saves. While I loss the game, it was brillaint & a really great oppent, led to Throne of Skulls April 2012 being one of my main top event I been to - Imperial Fist base on Throne of Skulls Sept last year when me & David where drawn in round 4 on the second day of ToS. Again really great game & it got to be added being the Iron Warriors hated foe's. - Eldar base on my friend Andy who use to be full timer for Games Workshop back when I work part time. He had a really cool Jet Bike Eldar army which I've posted a few year back. - Ravenwing trophie base on my game vs my friend Dave who wrote a really cool battle report back when I started this version of the Iron Warriors, there should be a link to his blog & battle report near the start in 2012, just before ToS April. - Orks will be base on my friend Craig who been one of my oppents since 2007 when I started going to the Stirling wargaming club & due to a really great game a few weeks back. The other models are - Obliterators. I got the FW Khârn bare head which look really cool & give off that sence of pain which I though suited the Obliterators & also with the scars & wire. I'm hoping to pick up the Forge World Khârn model when I am down in Warhammer World this week. Then a updated model for my Iron Warriors Khorne unit, just because it been a while since I converted a model with spike.So hopeful get the Obliterators painted tomorrow afternoon as I;ve got this week off with Throne of Skulls. Forgot to add - I've also pick up the new Plastic Dreadnought release yesterday. This will be converted into a Warpsmith looking Dreadnought, though I am unsure which weapon I will give him.I be getting the new Dreadnought converted after Throne of Skulls :D IP Edited March 16, 2014 by Insane Psychopath Noserenda, Uprising and Warsmith Aznable 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kythnos Posted March 17, 2014 Share Posted March 17, 2014 Man, that beast looks absolutely stunning! I think a new army shot is in order soon, to show how it fits in :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A D-B Posted March 17, 2014 Share Posted March 17, 2014 ...dude. That's just amazing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 17, 2014 Author Share Posted March 17, 2014 Thanks :D Man, that beast looks absolutely stunning! I think a new army shot is in order soon, to show how it fits in I am planning on getting a photo of the whole army. I think I will possible wait until the 7th June as my wargaming club holding a all Saturday seasion to mark 10 years as the Stirling Wargamer started back in 2004. So if I can get this 7000pt game on the go, just waiting to hear back from people. If not then I'll try get somthing sorted. It will also allow me to see where my army is.So far the three models shown there, Raptors unit & newly bought Chaos Dreadnought are the only unpainted or just started painted models in my army. ...dude. That's just amazing. Thanks A D-B, as said along with Graham McNeill novels, your own novels on Talos & First claw been a big help toward my Iron Warriors. I'm looking forward to seen Abaddon serise, should be getting Renegades of the Dark Millennium novel over the next few days Forgot to add one of the other trophies Sevatar Rauth has is a Tyranid base on my local GW store manger army. Great oppent & it always a hard fought game. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaeron Posted March 17, 2014 Share Posted March 17, 2014 Awesome IP - good stuff. Warshrine appears a popular part for Chaos Knights, and rightly so! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 24, 2014 Author Share Posted March 24, 2014 Update During the weekend, my Iron Warriors where that holy Warhammer World in Nottingham for the Throne of Skulls March event. During the event I fought five brillaint games during the Saturday & Sunday, had good laught during the Bugman bar pub quiz, got met with people I fought/talk to past events & meet many other great hobbiest during the weekend. General it always great going to Throne of Skulls since the current fourmant started in 2010, I've only fought 1 terrible game, but fought many brillaint games & as said there met many great people & see ton of great armies leding to idea/conversion. I just arrive back home a few hour ago & I feel like someone just hit me with a Thunder Hammer due to thing like trains dely among having to make my way to get a seat (4 hour travel) though the hoard of zombie like people (meaning I had to deal with a lot of brainless people). My Iron Warriors where up for army nominee again which I am always happy about. Just when I started going to events since Conflict Scotland 2002, it had always been my aim on the army side & this is what led to me pushing myself on the painting/army side of the hobby. For me it always great going to events & seen other great armies/idea other hobbiest have & always led to great conversion/painting/take a idea from a army you may not collect but try it on the army you do have. The Heresy box is Khârn, after getting the bare head from Khârn for the Obliterator conversion & also because a few friends had ask me to pick up Khârn while I was down in Nottingham........ I needed to buy him. So I'm going to spend some time later on today converting up Khârn to a current era Chaos Space Marine that we all know him for. The novel was more because, I think it arrive today after place a order with BL last week. I notice there a new short story on Honsou & want to read up for more new idea for my Iron Warriors & just after re-reading Storm of Iron.Also Dave who won the Best army award with his brillaint Tyranids force had painted up this trophie/spare Nid head for my Iron Warriors as he like the idea on my trophies when seen the IW from past events. I've given Dave a spare Iron Warrior trophie which I think he going to add to the base of his Trygon You can see more of Dave Nids over on his blog In the last update I was getting a few new models painted for Throne of Skulls, just to update some models & just it always been habit of painting models before attending a event since 2002. IW for my unit going down the path of Khorne New Obliterator useing Khârn head That my Iron Warriors got 8 Obliterator in the army so far. Updated Champion Sevatar Rauth IW Breacher, trying out the Venrable Dreadnought helmet as another source of bits along with the Red Scorpain Honour Guards & Khorne Bezerker T face helmets Pretty much got this lot all finish painted on Thursday last week just before I was going to my Wargaming club for a quick practise game. Also few photos from in game moments Round 2 was the first game I would be battle against a Imperial Knight. During this game, the melta arm Iron Warriors from my unit going down the path of Khorne mange to make his own version of David vs Golith The Melta arm Iron Warrior was the only memeber left of the squad by the time the Imperial Knight had shot all of it weapons. The knight then charge in but fail. My IW with Melta mange to make a overwatch hit. Then the next turn, the Knight failed once more to assault in & once more the IW with Melta made that overwatch shot. Taken the might Imperial Knight from 6 hull points down to 1, which would later help my Heldrake out when it use vector strike.Nether of us could belive what had happen. The next one being against Sohail187 from these fourms & his Space Wolves who also had a Imperial Knight. Just Lord Narach & his unit of Terminators went to try & hunt down the Imperial Knight, like the scene from the Storm of Iron novel where Forrix hunt down a Warhound titian. I mange to get a few hull points off with Combi Plasma & it loss a few hull points before hand from a unit of two Obliterators. The Imperial Knight charge into the unit of Terminators, slay all three memeber. But Lord Narach survive not one, but that round + two other round of close combat by the time the game had ended.Just though it was really cool & as said reminded me of Storm of Iron when Forrix goes hunting after a titan. While else where, the Champion of my Breacher unit made somthing like 20+ armour saves & 5 cover save during 5 round of combat? & three turn in general having Bolter fire that him or the Long fangs unit. Then small selection of photos taken during the ToS weekend of other people models & some of my games This was scratch built For the Iron Warriors. Beside Khârn who will be getting painted up this week. I got some parts to convert the new plastic Chaos Dreadnought to have a Warpsmith theme to the model. Once I get energy, I'm hoping to start the conversion later tonight. I'm also going to start the Biker unit soon, thinking about possible getting the unit ready for a few events as I think there a 2000pt one day tournament happen in May which is close by. IP RolandTHTG, Redtoof and Uprising 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kriegsmacht Posted March 24, 2014 Share Posted March 24, 2014 A lot of cool stuff. Kharns head looks great on the Obliterator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 25, 2014 Author Share Posted March 25, 2014 Just post a few photos the event team had taken of the Iron Warriors during the ToS weekend & also Khârn who was built yesterday to try get moving/not sit & watch TV all day/when I got back from Nottingham. Khârn I've cut away part of the right leg to try make it look more like Khârn running. Really nice model to build & looking forward to painting Khârn tomorrow.Background wise he can always show up in the middle of the battle my IW are part off just show up like the audio story release last year where he fight the chapter master of the Dark Angels or the World Eater warband where great allies during the Great Crusade with my Iron Warriors & current help out during the 13th Black Crusade? Throne of Skulls photos by the event team Check out the Warhammer World page over on facebook to see some of the great armies that where taken part during the weekend. Pretty much ever event album has brilliant models & always great for ideas. Once I get energy, I'm hoping to start work converting the Warpsmith Dreadnought. Just like yesterday I feel like I been hut by a Thunder Hammer. Also going to start gather the parts I need for my Iron Warriors biker unit. Just there a event in May & I think it 2000pts, if I can get along to the one day event it pretty much be my standard 1500pts list for Throne of Skulls, give Mark of Nurgle to my Obliterators, Warpsmith, Vindicator & unit of 5 Biker with Melta. Possible going to try & look into useing the new Night Lord helmets from the Forge World Heresy era range, we see once I start properly think about it in the next few days. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 30, 2014 Author Share Posted March 30, 2014 UpdateI've had all of the past week off, Tuesday was more just to recover from the travel side of things when I got back home from the Throne of Skulls event. As I usely feel like a thunder hammer just hit my head,. So I've kept Friday & today aside for getting as much of my own hobby done as possible as April going to be pretty busy for personial (sp?) life.Khârn all finish with his display base Khârn has been a really great model to paint & I already use him in a game on Thursday. Sadily he did not see assault until turn 4....... failed my charge during turn 3. But he did finial get there & slaughter some Eldars. Also on Friday I start work converting the Warpsmith Dreadnought, with the release of the new plastic Chaos Dreadnought Some photos from my painting stastion I always wanted to add a Warpsmith theme Dreadnought since Call of Chaos last year, but due to time I never got around to it. But it was worth the wait with the release of the plastic Dreadnought. So now I got both my FW Iron Warriors Dreadnoughts, the 2nd ed era Metal Dreadnought & now my Warpsmith. Each having there own sub theme & there will be more Dreadnought to add in the future as they are one of my favrout units for Marines in general. Idea came from Eddie Blood Angels from Throne of Skulls 2010 I need to get the Warpsmith painted for Saturday as my local Games Workshop store going to be holding a painting comp for Walkers type models & though be cool to possible enter this or I've also got my Knight. Also I've started painting my Raptors After I posted this update, I'm going to start spend rest of today painting up the Raptors unit. The Champion & another squad memeber have been built, it just I'm useing the flying stand for there base.So want to try get this unit fully painted by the end of the week, then I'm ready for the new Guard release we saw this weekend as I want to get around to making a Chaos Guard elite force to ally with the Iron Warriors & a stand alone force for a few local events & general gaming. The bike model in the background a Librarian conversion for my second Ravenwing force which I started last year, but ended up being pack due to moving house & was not until start of this year I mange to get the army all sorted & see where I am with them I might also start work building on the biker unit I need for my Iron Warriors. I got a lot of idea for this unit, one them (see what money like tomorrow) is to get some of the new Night Lord helmets've still to have a proper look though bitz boxies & see what parts I got & how I want the overall unit to look/sub theme them.IP Ammonius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uprising Posted March 30, 2014 Share Posted March 30, 2014 Wow, this is pure win, I love everything in this thread! Good job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ammonius Posted March 30, 2014 Share Posted March 30, 2014 That Warpsmith Dreadnought is very nice! You know, you are'nt that far away from a 4-legged Dreadnought like the IW in "The Master's, Bidding." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 2, 2014 Author Share Posted April 2, 2014 UpdateI've been getting the Warpsmith Dreadnought painted today There still a lot to paint on the Warpsmith Dreadnought before the model is fully finish. That'll most like be finish on Saturday before I enter the model into a painting comp my local Games Workshop store holding.Pretty happy how the model turn out & fitting my style. Would not mind adding a few more Dreadnought to my Iron Warriors force in the near future along with the 2x Forge World, 2nd ed metal & the current plastic dreadnought models. Also that me just bought Ravenwing knight for the Biker unit I want to add to my Iron Warriors. Part of adding the biker to my army was inspired by Brother Heinrich Night Lord army log Part of it also from recently trying to get my Ravenwing army ready for games. As said last udpate (I think?) I started Ravenwing last year, but due to moving they had to be put into storeage. It was not until Christmas time I mange to get my Ravenwing army back & got a game with them, find out there a few thing I need to change in my list. I've also order the Night Lord helmets from Forge World to help with the Biker unit theme If all goes to plan, there a local tournament that 2000pts in May that I would not mind taken part in & adding up the points it would allow me to add the unit of Biker.I just need to get Grey Knight ward stave. Also the Raptor unit almost there. I think I might get some spare time on Sunday to finish painting the Champion & last Raptor model for the unit, so they can be added to there flying base. Finial, Forge World shown the third Heresy book Extermination. Needless to say I am really looking forward to this book for further idea from the background & aim to try convert current era Chaos Marines base on any specil unit that Iron Warriors may get in the heresy list.IP Kythnos and King Jackal 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 9, 2014 Author Share Posted April 9, 2014 Update First up it seem one of my photobucket accounts is down right now due to low bandwigth but that should hopeful be back up in a few weeks time. So skip back to another account to use for a while I spent today painting up the first of the new Iron Warrior bikers, there still some parts to finish but hopeful get some time tomorrow to get this done. break up the Iron colour, I will be useing a bit more Forge World weather powder. The Warpsmith Dreadnought was finish on Friday I also just finish my Raptor unit during the weekend, just power axe on the Champion that need to be finish with Chaos Rune's. Also I just pick up the new plastic Storm Trooper today. I would like to get this Chaos Guard army done & aim for a event in July to add a small force to my Iron Warriors. This will also allow me to use ally & somthing a little diffrent. Still need to wait & see what the event pack will be like & what points they will be useing. But after getting the Storm Trooper models today, there brillaint. Also my local GW store manger has a really great Chaos Guard army they started back in 2007?I think I will be converting them into Veteran units, I want them to be a bit more elite from my cultist/standard guard that I've already got for my Iron Warriors. I should be starting work on these models this weekend & start painting next week.As said there for my Cultist/Guards, I'm not going for a rag-tag look. I want it to come across that they are still well trained/disapline force. Part of a Forge World type planet that was over taken by my Iron Warriors, where part of the planet join Chaos/my Iron Warriors force to over take it.IP Kythnos and Deadman Wade 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 20, 2014 Author Share Posted April 20, 2014 Update I spent Wed & Saturday painting the other four models from the new plastic Storm Troopers box set. Iron Warrior biker I painted last week, photo where taken last week & just after the MIG Pigmint fixer was added to the Forge World weather powder. Iron Warriors Biker While today been spent getting the other Storm Troopers & Iron Warriors bikers built. Photos where taken a few moment ago just after I glued the models onto there base to help hold the Biker in place. Champion of the new IW Biker unit I was going to use Khârn head for a future model, but felt it suited the look of the Biker champion & add to that sub theme that I like to my models to give them there history. I be spending some time tomorrow adding green stuff to the base & getting them all ready for undercaoting soon. I will also be useing the new Biker unit in there first game this Thursday against Space Marines. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Araziel Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 A beautiful army that clearly has a whole lotta love poured into it. Your best army awards are a testament for your hard work, and provides an inspiration for others fighting the long war against the corpse emperor. This thread makes me want to abandon my Death Guard, and take up arms in the name of Olympia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ammonius Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 Those storm troopers looks great! How will you be fielding them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 21, 2014 Author Share Posted April 21, 2014 Thanks for the comments :D A beautiful army that clearly has a whole lotta love poured into it.Your best army awards are a testament for your hard work, and provides an inspiration for others fighting the long war against the corpse emperor.This thread makes me want to abandon my Death Guard, and take up arms in the name of Olympia. Thanks - Just as said before Iron Warriors have been my main army since collecting them in 2001. Just always find our main & favrout armies best represent our personality.My Iron Warriors is a army I'm going to keep adding on units to give me more chose when gaming for both tournament & friendly games. Just waiting on the Third Heresy book, where I'll be looking to convert some of the Heresy era type units into current Chaos era. Working out idea to convert a Destroyer theme unit in the near future. Those storm troopers looks great! How will you be fielding them? I'll be useing the Storm Troopers as Veterans in my Guard list with the 4+ save upgread. Just there brillaint models & tie in really well with the Chaos theme in my view. It pretty much going to be them as Storm Troopers, then I got the cultist I've done for my Iron Warriors that can double as standard Guards.Just need to work out a army list both to ally in with the Iron Warriors & a stand alone force, which will be Mech heavy....... more so since we are allowed Tank commander :DSmall update on the Bike.Just spent today getting the unit of Biker base & they'll be ready first thing tomorrow for undercaoting. While getting the unit ready, kept thinking for there theme useing Game of Thrones - Locke & his unit of hunter that we see in the TV show (part of Bolten army). Just I really enjoy the Game of Thrones TV show & use parts of this in the past for idea toward conversion - my Space Wolves has one of the models theme on the Mountain. While for my Iron Warriors I have a Champion - Bronn Tal. Still working out what name to give to my unit of Biker. Need to try get around & writen down all the units I current have in my Iron Warriors force along with name for the units & there Champion :D Aim to get the metal paint all done tomorrow as there taken part in a 2000pt game on Thursday & I hate useing unpainted models if I can help it. Champion Azog Vannuk - Useing the Nid trophie which Dave give me during Throne of Skulls March, base on his brillaint Nid army which won overall best army award. You can see more of Dave army here as well as a great write up on Throne of Skulls March also use the spare FW Khârn head, as said in the last post I like to have my units have a sub theme to help with there history & find this is a good way to make the model stand out as the Champion of the unit. I've found the Ravenwing knight bike to be really great to convert for the Iron Warriors biker but a lot of work to remove the Dark Angels icons. I went with these due to the way they look overall & how much I can paint on the Bikes as seen with the first model posted up a while back. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 27, 2014 Author Share Posted April 27, 2014 Seem one of my photobucket accounts are down/out bandwigth, should be back to normal in the next few weeks :( Update I've just spent yesterday & Wed getting the new Iron Warriors Biker unit painted up, led by Azog Vannuk. I did have a name sorted out for the unit only to forget it a few moment ago, it worth getting a note book kept to one side for the hobby to note done names for units, painting you use for a unit & just general stuff for the hobby. The photos where just taken after adding a third layer of Forge World weather powder & waiting on the MIG pigmint fixer to dry. So there might be another layer of weather powder that need to be added but I have to wait until tomorrow & see. Dave trophie base on his Nid army from Throne of Skulls March. Tie in really well & was really cool of Dave painting up the spare Genestealer head for my Iron Warriors. I just need to get ride of the weather powder that spill onto the base & other parts of the biker models. Like wise I'm going to go back & sort out some of the blood effect. They took part in the 1999pts game on Thursday. It wwas a really hard fought game & nether me or my friend knew who won until the end of the game & those watching commented it was hard to keep track + with very little left with ether of our armies. However the Biker suffer the curse of new units + first game, which saw them wipe out on turn 2 However they did allow two of my Iron Warriors squads time to counter attack against a Thunder Hammer terminator squad led by there Chapter Master.I've been given one of the Honour Guard helmet from the FW Red Scorpian kit that has the Librarian model, as a trophie to add onto a new Iron Warrior. A few people over the past few months have ask when they will see trophies base on there armies on my Iron Warriors army. Also on another note - Forgot to add this Less than a week until I get the Third FW Heresy book. Right now I'm thinking about converting up a squad of Heresy era Destroyer Units into current Chaos Space Marine era.Just I'm working out a list for Throne of Skulls event later this year which will see a brand new Warpsmith model converted up & working on some idea to try make a Dreadnought stand out a little bit more.Bit gutted that my green stuff skill lack as I'd not mind trying to get some cool battle scene sculpted like Malcharion from the Night Lords novels by Aaron IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Either Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 I want that mug! i must have one Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 How did I miss your Fromhellbrute! Wouldn't want to be an enemy of that. If I whisper gently three letters I wonder what may happen...e..t..l. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 That Dread is INCREDIBLE! I love the servo-arm, so IW. Khârn with two hand weapons is just a major dude, great thinking :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted May 11, 2014 Author Share Posted May 11, 2014 Thanks for the comments How did I miss your Fromhellbrute! Wouldn't want to be an enemy of that.If I whisper gently three letters I wonder what may happen...e..t..l. I might possible join ETL :D Just need to check though the topic as it been pretty busy past few weeks with very little time. I'm taken time off from today to Tuesday. That Dread is INCREDIBLE! I love the servo-arm, so IW. Khârn with two hand weapons is just a major dude, great thinking Forge World Khârn model is brillaint, just overall look & painting the model. He lot bigger than a normal Space Marine as well. Already seen the Khârn models I bought for my friends when I was down in Nottingham for Throne of Skulls, being painted up. While all three of us kept with the current World Eater red power armour. Each one complete diffrent & each has nice conversion work. Update It been pretty busy few weeks with real life stuff & also getting lot of stuff ready for a local wargaming event that was on during the weekend. I've start work on the Chaos Guard army, with two unit of Veterans almost finish painted. Photos taken that the painting stastion due to work on going in the house I spent today getting the second unit of Veterans ready for my Chaos Guard force I will be going tank heavy with this army, with three squad of Veterans, fair few Leman Russ led by a Tank Commander to get my army to 1500pts, like my Iron Warriors keep adding diffrent units for models I like & give me more chose when it come to gaming both as a stand alone army & ally for my Iron Warriors. I also got the Metal Chaos Dreadnought finish after my last update As said in past update - I had the Metal Chaos Dreadnought in my Iron Warriors army since I started them back in 2001. After that time he was paint strip & waiting to be re-painted though out those years.It was only Nov 2012 when I was search though the garage & sort out some stuff before moving house that I found the Dreadnought hidden in one of the boxies along with Predators, Land Raider & Ravenwing battle force. It been great getting the Dreadnought painted & add to my Iron Warriors collection. As said there I was that a local wargaming show/event yesterday & mange to pick up few things - Necromunda Pit Slaves: Going to use some of the bionic part to help convert some of the plastic storm trooper for my Chaos Guards. - Iron Hands spure: Friend had given me these bitz, part of this was to help toward my Iron Hands army & other part to use Bionic bitz on future Iron Warriors models. - 2 Chaplains: It just a great model & as seen in this topic I've use the box game Chaplain in many conversion from Dark Apostle to trophies. Then not in the photos - Necron spure my friends give me, just mean I got new trophies. Heldrake - I'll be make this into a Autocannon version so I got the chose. I also got to talk to my friend that we both been mean to get a 7000pt+ game on the go since last year. Hopeful this will go forward on the 7th June, next month as my wargaming club holding a Saturday season to mark ten year that the Stirling wargaming club been around. It will be Tau & Dark Angels against my Iron Warriors with Cypher & a unit of Fallen Angels if this all goes to plan. Just think it be great to see how the whole Iron Warrior army current look & be able to use everthing in game. Also during the week this arrive from Forge World I still need to get time to properly read though the Heresy book. But from what I've read so far & seen the art work on the Iron Warriors. It been brilliant & also give me a lot of idea for future models & conversion.Also yesterday saw the White Dwarf annouce that there going to be a update on Warhammer 40,000. One of the part I'm looking forward to is Unbound army list. While we don't know 100% what going to happen until the rule book release in a few week time. I would not mind getting around to collecting the Terminators force I spoke about last year. I've already made up a quick 1500pts army list & with unbound give me that army list I want for this force. Just this art work always been a big part along with John Blanche art work fro WD 202 & Bloodquest novel. Reason why I want to get the terminator force, also from reading the Forge World Heresy book where one of the Iron Warriors specil ch allow Terminator to become troop & like wise Forrix company from Storm of Iron. Right now I'll be working on the Chaos Guard army & getting them to 1500pts. IP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forté Posted May 11, 2014 Share Posted May 11, 2014 Thought that Terminator drawing was by MG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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