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Imperial Fist 5th Company WIP(picture heavy)


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@shaw; I have been following the progress of your fists as well, and they are looking quite nice as well! Thanks for the compliment!


@Syth; Most of what I have painted so far has been oil paints. It is really a fun and challenging way to paint.



Here is another update on the dread. Most of the weathering is done at this point, now I need to finish the base, touch up some details and call it done. I will admit, the weathering is a little bit of a rush job, but I have a whole company to paint, I cant take forever on one model, besides I think it looks fine the way it is!













What helmet did you use for (what I assume is) your Chapter Champion? The awesome-looking one with the two power swords.


It is a helmet out of the Grey Knight box set, I was actually thinking of changing it, I dont know if I am thrilled with the choice.



  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an update. I have just started school, and things have gotten real busy, but the 1st few weeks are always that way, things will settle down a bit and I will be able to make more regular updates.


First up, I have finished 5th Company 2nd squad. The bases still need the weathering powder, but that stuff is so damn dirty that I want to wait and do a whole bunch at once.


Group shot



Close up



Close Up




I also started on doing the 6th squad of the 5th company as well;





A bionic leg that I scratch built;



The I started work on my 4th dreadnought, this one will be for the 1st company, I am still waiting in some auto-cannons for the arms.





And lastly I finished the assembly on this big guy as well. It is going to be a 1st company LRC, It si fully magnetized so I will be able to run it as what ever I want.


Cool looking LR. Liking the reliefs on the side there. They from scribor?


Yeah, I wanted something that looked a little "Black Templary" I used a few of the BT upgrade bits on this LRC, so I wanted it to match. The idea being that in the days of Dorn, the legion use to refer to there veterans as Templar's and they were decorated with white templar icons. I think it is perfectly reasonable to beleive that tradtion would still have some influence in the post-heresy universe. I am planning on painting them up to look like gray or white marble.



  • 4 weeks later...

Time for another update. School has been keeping my busy, so I have not had a ton of time, but I am slowly pecking away at things,


First up is my last tactical squad. I now have all 6 tactical s done! There is a little putty work to do on some of the conversions, but nothing major.




Next up, I just finished the 7th squad, IE the first devastator squad for the company! I am going with a pretty generic load out for them, and I have several other heavy weapons that I will model up so that I can change things as needed.




Also, I have FINALLY settled on a Company Captain model that I like. This is my company captain, it was a simple conversion; Master of the recruits body, BT head, SecretWeapon helmet crest,, Sanguinary Guard arm, FW shoulder, GK falchion, and an IF back pack! It turned out nice and I cant wait to paint him up!








And lastly, I have gotten some more weathering done in this big fella. I have some metallic weathering powders on order that I will use to create a similar metal effect to the dreadnought I posted earlier. I also have 2 more contemptors on order from FW with twin-linked auto-cannon arms, that will make for some fun!









I echo the comment of the excellent weathering on the contemptor, he looks proper hardcore. Also nice conversion for your captain, he looks pretty seemless and the squads are coming along well.


Some nice stuff, Red


Thanks, i took a look at some of your Flesh Eaters and those look pretty cool as well, the skin tones are great!




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