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Long time lurker; first time poster. I've been a follower of Chaos for about 8 years now, running Iron Warriors, Emperor's Children and dabbling with fantasy Hordes of Chaos back during the Storm of Chaos campaign. Sadly, a certain event occured in 2007 which made both of my 40k armies illegal, and given that I was still in high school that year dropping several hundred pounds on updating my armies wasn't really an option. So now I just get by on my reserves of bitterness and cynicism, like any good traitor marine.


Now that I'm out of the house and at university, I finally have the money to actually put a new army together. Sadly the Chaos codex is still a steaming pile, but I'm on a mission to try and make it work for a Word Bearers host. I can't see myself buying any new models until we get a good codex, but I've got more than enough strippables and bits to throw together plenty, so at some point I'll probably be starting up a blog in the near future to document my refusal to use obliterators and plague marines.

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I will say this...I will have no emotion wiping your defiled corpse from my perfect Universe. That being said -Welcome to the forums and look forward to seeing your chaos scum used as mortal and pestal... :)



Joking aside, glad to see a future prospect enlighten us to new ideas and outlook upon this hobby. I always liked the look of painting plague marines, especially the ability to use green stuff to make them even more terrifying with just a mentality similar to orks, the more you put on and add, the scarier they sometimes look. I've seen a few custom obliterators as far as modeling and a few chaos buddies use them in game. I would like someone to actually build and field Erberus(spelling?), that would be an interesting mark on the table.



Again, welcome aboard.

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Thanks! I've actually been considering throwing together a small Death Guard force between now and the new codex arriving. I love the aesthetic; I just refuse to mix and match cult units in a WB army without having background to justify it first.


I've been playing around with the idea of using Erebus as a counts-as Lash sorcerer, actually. The way I see it, Lash lets us represent his ability to lead the weak-willed astray, making it the closest we have to a replacement for the old Demagogue rule. As for more competitive units I've had a few ideas that are more fitting with the WB fluff - plagues could easily enough be represented by Crusade veterans in the older, heavier armour variants (MK3 particularly). Better frontal armour makes them more resistant to small arms (T5), and their fanaticism easily covers both fearless and FnP. Blight grenades can easily be explained as their experience in using a charger's momentum against them. Berzerkers are again easily represented by assault veterans drawn from the original Legionnaires. A Word Bearers Crusade veteran easily has the experience and fanaticism to adequately account for WS5, 2A, furious charge and fearless. Obliterators are tricky - I like the idea of a sorcerer coven focused on destructive powers, either on 'loan' from the Thousand Sons (Pyrae triumvirate?) or simply WB aspiring sorcerers who haven't learned the more subtle arts yet. Either way, it makes multiple units hard to justify. As a stop gap I can always just use my IW ones, say they're there as part of a long-term deal whereby the Word Bearers help the Iron Warriors summon and bind daemons into warmachines in exchange for military support.

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