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Sons of the VII Legion (40k Imperial Fists)

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Recent Update HERE - ETL IV - Vow 1 - Finished Contemptor

Greetings Brothers!

I have re-done the first post to include all my finished photos. I hope the Frater enjoys!

First Captain Lysander & Retinue

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V Company Captain
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Chaplain Brutian
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Honor Guard
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V Company Command in Drop Pod
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Contemptor Mortis
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Venerable Dreadnought Sicari
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III Company Tactical Squads & Rhinos
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X Company Scouts
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Motor Pool
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Casualty Objective Markers
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Thanks for the kind words guys.


Dez, I did indeed use an airbrush, though the terminators were done with GW's cheap-as-chips spray gun since I didn't need much control. The infantry is just 2-3 coats of watered-down GW Golden Yellow over GW White Primer. Simple, easy, and probably takes less than 5 minutes per model if you do them in batches. Then I do the lining with GW Devlan Mud, straight from the pot.


The vehicles were based GW Black Primer, then I did consecutive sprays of:


50/50 GW Chaos Black and GW Scorched Brown

GW Scorched Brown

50/50 GW Scorched Brown and GW Bestial (? - I forget) Brown

GW Bestial (?) Brown

50/50 GW Bestial Brown and GW Desert Yellow

GW Desert Yellow

2-3 Coats GW Golden Yellow


Of course, you can't see any of that in the picture I posted, but it forms a nice gradient and shadow with little work. I think I did 8 tanks in 3 hours, so not bad at all.

Thanks for all the well-wishes brothers, hope you enjoy this bit of an update. I've done more work on the 4th terminator, though I'm not a huge fan of his pose, it needs something. I also decided the 2 TH/SS guys needed some blues to tie in better with the LCs.





I'm going to call them good enough for now, I'm still not content, but I could nit-pick for years if I don't stop myself. Up next I've got the 5th terminator, and then the vehicles.

Looking good :) If I can nit-pick, I'd say a small highlight of Space Wolves Grey would be great for the eye-lenses :)

Just took your advice brother, and it worked a treat. Not sure if you can tell in the picture I have, but it definitely helped. I'm going to hold off on weathering the terminators for now, but will come back to that later, once I decide how I want to do it. I have a nice method for infantry, and a nice one for vehicles, but I'd like to be consistent across the army, and have yet to find a method I like for both.

For the record, the Rhino is the same yellow as the Terminators, it's a bit bleached out by the lights I was forced to use. I'm going to call the terminators and the first Rhino done for now, but I'll revisit them for weathering and basing in the near future.





Finished the painting on the Land Raider, just waiting on the other vehicles so I can do the decal work in one big batch. Also waiting to make up my mind regarding weathering techniques.




This last photo is with flash, to show off the color transition.


And of course, once I've posted the pictures, I realize that I need to put the Raider's name on the door panels. I'm thinking either Sword of Terra or Sword of Sigismund. Thoughts?

  • 2 months later...

Well, I cut it close this year. Despite moving from the San Francisco area to the New Orleans area for work, I managed to just complete my vow! I apologize in advance for the crummy picture though, I need to figure out a good way to take pictures in the new setup.


The vehicles, combined with the terminators, make my vow complete!

Coming up next... Imperial Fists Expansion I!

Thanks guys, your comments mean alot! Especially coming from so many fellow Fists.


Awesome work, one question though, why no fists on the fists?


I have 3 sheets of FW IF decals, but I'm holding off on applying them until I can do all my armor in one swoop to avoid wasting what little decal solution I have left.


I also need to get the vindicator's siege shield magnetized, but I've been struggling with a decent way to accomplish that given how it attaches to the tank itself. I may just break down and glue it on in the end, we'll see.


Up next for IFE1, either a tactical squad or some honor guard!


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