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Sons of the VII Legion (40k Imperial Fists)

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It's been a while since I've posted anything here, my apologies.

I've pledged a half Tactical squad for the most recent IF challenge, which of course means I've been doing other things. Here are some decent pictures (finally) for most of what I have complete (or nearly complete, some still need basing).

A Scout Squad on loan from the 10th Company moves in front of the Fists' initial advance:


3rd Company Tactical Squads 1 & 2 deploy from their Rhinos:



Storm Talon Vigilant Warden provides air cover to the task force:


Captain Lysander and his command element deploy from the Mars-Pattern Land Raider Sword of Sigismund:


Third Company Captain Kelmann and his command element arrive planet-side via drop pod from the strike cruiser Ferocious Deliverance:


Still awaiting a decent photo:

-Venerable Dreadnought (seen in the posts above) w/ TLLC & DCCW

-Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon & DCCW

-Tactical Terminator Squad

-1st Half of 3rd Tactical Squad (other half pledged to current challenge)

-2 Vindicators (awaiting Siege Shield magnetization)


-2 more Rhino/Razorback (nobody painted to ride in them yet!)

  • 1 year later...

Finished the casualty objective markers (though as I look at these I realize the middle guy's base needs re-touching):


Tried out a few different takes on my yellow - the one on the left is essentially what I've done since I started the army, very bright and clean. I'm kind of a fan of the middle, though, a bit darker, but not as tarnished as the skeletal guy on the right.




  • 5 months later...

I, Seneschal of the Seventh, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the below units from Codex: Space Marines and Imperial Armor Volume II - Second Edition, of total value 885pts on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to the Imperial Fists, and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Contemptor Mortis w/ 2x Twin-Linked Lascannons

Land Raider Phobos

2x Predators w/ Turret Twin-Linked Lascannons & Sponson Lascannons

2x Land Speeders w/ Heavy Bolters & Typhoon Missile Launchers



  • 2 weeks later...

Finished the contemptor - very pleased with everything except the pose - from the wrong angle he looks like he's about to topple backwards. I think I needed to push the right leg back a bit and add more bend in the knee. Oh well, he looks good from the front!


I wanted him to look like he was perched upon the fragmented remnants of an Iron Warriors rhino, I think I achieved that pretty well!



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