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My Dark Angels Army Progress

Mercy 0f Spades

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Howdy B&C!


First, I'd like to apologize for not having any pics up. I want to assure you that there will be pics in the future. Now then, on to business!


"What are you currently working on, Mercy?"


Well, I'm so glad you asked! Right now on my work bench, I've got a 10 man Company Veterans, a Venerable Dreadnought (that I've pretty much finished), 5 Deathwing Terminators, and 3 Razorbacks. Let's take a look at each one and my hopes for it.



10-man Company Veterans

These are completely assembled and almost entirely painted. I've just got a few more details and highlights on the robes (thanks to Captain Semper for the inspiration!) before I flock the bases. Which will be the last thing I'll do... Now that I think about it, a Storm Shield broke off one of the models so I'll have to fix that first.



Venerable Dreadnought

So far this has been my pride and joy! This was one of the first models that I bought when I got into the game. Since it came from the AoBR box I never paid it too much attention but now that I've come to the glorious Dark Angels legion it has been completely kitted out!


First, I did some slicing and dicing to remove parts of the multi melta and replaced it with the pieces of the Assault Cannon (and ammo box) from the Dark Angels' upgrade sprue. Yes, the Assault Cannon is smaller but much more ornate. Since it's on the old Multi Melta arm it really looks like it fits. Oh and before I forget, the Multi Melta and the Assault Cannon are magnetized.


I then proceeded to cover the Dread with tons of extra bits. These bits included several pieces from the Dark Angels upgrade sprue, Razorback weapons sprue, and the Iron Clad Assault Launchers from an Iron Clad Dreadnought. After this I painted the model to the very best of my abilities. It's worth noting that I don't have good acrylic paints (I've been using very cheap paints from Wal-Mart for the past 4 years lol) so the paint job took some doing to make it look decent.


After I was content with the paint and highlights, I weathered the model using a technique that I saw MWG Dave do once. I laid the battle damage on real heavy. The dude looks like he could have stormed the beaches on D-Day. Bullet holes, scraped paint everywhere, scorching from blast and flame weapons, and just general awesomeness. Like I said, I'm pretty proud of this guy.


All that's left for me to do is touch up the search light (I lost my yellow paint), flock the base, and add decals.



5 Deathwing Terminators

These guys also came out of the AoBR box. Not being content with mediocrity, I took the x-acto knife to these fellows as well. They have been almost completely converted into Belial's Deathwing Command Squad. I've got a standard bearer with a T Hammer (still working on the Storm Shield), a hooded Sergeant with Lightning Claws, an Assault Cannon terminator (soon to be with Chainfist), a Storm Bolter/Chainfist (homemade Chainfist btw), and an Apothecary with Lightning Claws who is only missing his Nathicium.


These guys haven't been painted yet and are up for being worked on this weekend. After that, it's on to flocking the bases!



3 Razorbacks

OY! What a task! These are my first vehicles (save for the Dreadnought) and I'm really impressed with the amount of pieces you have to assemble. My Tyranids' Trygon Prime wasn't even this extensive and it's twice the size of a tank! I digress, I just began working on these tonight. I've gone ahead and half way assembled the models so that I could paint the details inside the tank. After that was finished I completely assembled one of the three tonight. Tomorrow I'll finish the second and God willing on Thursday I'll finish the last.


These will be painted very similar to the Dreadnought with weathering effects. However, the battle damage on these tanks won't be nearly as extensive as it is on the Venerable... after all, he's venerable.



So there you have it! My current projects! I've got until February to be completely finished with these models because that's when my club and I are going to start doing our new battle reports (with my new camcorder, mind you :) ). So, I need to hop to it! I think the hardest part for me is going to be pushing myself to flock all the bases. It always seems to be where I get my progress stuck on a model. Would y'all help motivate me? I need to have them 100% finished and ready for WYSIWYG tournaments by February!



Thanks for reading! Any comments?

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I'd really like to see your Dread, it sounds real interesting, I always like to see how people do battle damage, and I wanna see what you've done with the AoBR termies.


I built my first razorback the other day, I found it complicated enough, I couldn't imagine doing three at once for my first time!

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I'll hopefully have pics of my dread up in the next couple of days. I took it over to the Space Wolves player in our local gaming club to show him my progress on it. He couldn't believe that it was even the same model as the AoBR one lol


As far as the Razorbacks... OY! It is a task. I'm trying to force myself to complete my second one tonight... It's just sitting over there... staring at me...

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Hey Mercy, that sounds awesome! Can't wait to see pics.


since you have set yourself a time limit already how about pledging part of your force for the LPC? Say the unpainted Termies? That'll give us a boost on what appears a done deal since your deadline is closer than the LPC deadline!


Regadless I look fwd for pics! :)

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Hey Mercy, that sounds awesome! Can't wait to see pics.


since you have set yourself a time limit already how about pledging part of your force for the LPC? Say the unpainted Termies? That'll give us a boost on what appears a done deal since your deadline is closer than the LPC deadline!


Regadless I look fwd for pics! :)


Sounds legit but what's this LPC that you speak of?

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OK here goes:


[L]ibrarium [P]ainting [C]hallenge! ;)


It works like this: You enter a vow in the appropriate thread in the PCA forum here. This can be anything from a single miniature to a 3,000 point army. You have until end of March to finish it and you need to setup a WIP thread to show the progress. If you succesfully complete the vow you can get glory and a funky banner in your signature (in Charlie Sheen's immortal words: Winner)! If you fail you get a "Failed" banner in your signature. You might have seen them already on other members sigs. Ah, if you fail you also have to contribute an article in the Librarium. Which of course you can do even if you win! :)


Now there is also another dimension here. Your vow - apart from personal- is also pledged in favor of your chosen sub-forum. So you get the DAs, BAs, SWs etc. The overall winner is the subforum with the most completed vows! So you get a different banner showing you are a Champion for 2012. In the last two years the BAs won! They are still the favorites this year given the amount of entries they have put forward. But we are second and every little counts!!!


You would also like to see this thread in our sub-forum.

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I guess... As long as they are like less than 50% complete... If in doubt ask the mods. BTW your AoBR termies sound like a good case - that's why I mentioned earlier.


You do not have to do a huge vow. A Termie squad will do nicely! ;)

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