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Camdoran Crusade

Marshal Reinhard

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Seems legitimate enough. I'll probably make that specific leap once I'm done with the current batch of marines, I've been considering of losing the winter wonder land mine are sporting anyways and this'll help the migration seeing as I'd have to re-do all the basing work on all my marines anyways.


Pity you live as far away as you do, wouldn't mind bumping head and rolling dice against your guys one day.

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Well, if you're thinking of changing the landscape of the bases, there would be no better opportunity to make the switch. Since new tactical squad kits now come with the new bases, and all future PA kits are going to have them. Like I said, once you make the switch, you'll never (presumably) have to do it again.


As for the future, who knows?

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What a beastly looking crusade. Just awesome. I'm still trying to decide on the 32's myself. In a number of cases, I have pins all the way through my basing material (air dried clay) and I'm not sure I want to do that.


The techmarine is pretty awesome looking, what model is he? I.e. FW?

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  • 4 months later...

Mostly to show that I'm still alive, here's what I've been working on lately: some regular marines and a command squad made from bits from Betrayal at Calth. Need more work, and transfers, though I fear i've run out of apropriately sized black ones.

The armless guy is armless because im waiting for the bits to make him the standard bearer


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  • 2 weeks later...

Another small update. Made a bit of progress with what I was working on last, but not enough to warrant attention, rather this update is all about this bad boy. Spent most of my afternoon assembling him in one go and I quite like where he is going.

His slightly malformed brother, who always ends up looking really awkward from the front is here for scaling purposes, though both of them are very large dreads. The new arrival though just has that much more bulk.


Like I said, I'm liking his pose but I probably need to prop up his right foot a bit or he ends up bit too much slanted to the side, I think?

His right hand (claw) hasn't been glued on yet, because the accompanying cable needs to be heated before I can get it to where I want it, and I haven't yet bothered with this procedure.


Once posing and stuff is done i'll get down to personalizing him a bit. Needs some of that templar bling

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And here's a small update again, though it doesn't contain the promised templarfication yet. I did finally put the claw-arm onto the Leviathan, but then the rest of the day went to modifying the arms of the smaller fellow, mainly because I chose such an inefficient method of doing it, but I disgress. So yes, this is indeed my 6th Contemptor dreadnought, and while that should have been no surprise to anyone given that its the plastic one that is included in the Betrayal at Calth box, its also the first dreadnought that I've done that is blatantly HH only due to it's armaments. Maybe could be used as counts as TL lascannons if I wanted to use him in 40k? (Meltas? Plasmas?)


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Updates are getting smaller and smaller, though today most of the day went to helping a friend move house, so comparatively less hobby time. I did finally get to the all important bling, and I think its turning out alright. The Leviathan in particular doesn't have that many flat surfaces that need filling up, so I'm a bit warry with overdoing it. Then again, given its size, that might take a lot of effort before that becomes a concern.

There seems to be a serious lack of chains here, but I've never been good at applying those...


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The Leviathan in particular doesn't have that many flat surfaces that need filling up, so I'm a bit warry with overdoing it.



This was a consideration for me as well. As big as the Leviathan is, there is a lot of real estate to just dump stuff on. I tried to leverage his shoulders for some extra effects, but I didn't want to cover up all the areas that I was going to put script on.


I do think less is more in this case.

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I did consider putting the campaign name plaques that you get with Black Templar etched brass from Forgeworld (Vinculus, Jerulas, Lazarus etc), as I've gotten a few but never really used them to any major capacity. Maybe place them on the curved frontal armor pieces, so it would be akin to something GW's venerable dreadnought has. But not entirely sure that'd fit because there's those bolt thingy detailings taking up space. Another idea i had was covering the frontal pieces in scribling., though just the frontal armor pieces, not the entire dread, like AXIOS :P

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