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Camdoran Crusade

Marshal Reinhard

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Amazing job!


The DV termies look awesome. Thanks for the inspiration. I was originally looking to trade away mine and buy a regular termie kit. I've now removed all DA iconography which wasn't too difficult...although, I took the sergeant one step further and chopped off the sword hand and replaced it with the fist from the BT upgrade sprue. I really like the pose, it looks like he's about to smash down on an unsuspecting xenos.

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings Brothers

I have a bit of a WIP update here, I'm currently working with my LPC vow which is to paint 10 assault marines and 10 crusaders, and this is WIP update two:

The assault marines are coming along nicely, but still have quite a few obvious as well not so obvious things left to address.
They are essentially just going to bolster the ranks of my existing two assault squads up to ten each.

The Crusader squad has been assembled as well as preliminarily based and will be primed soon.
Will have better pictures when they are done.

Not included in the LPC is this little side project i've been working on:

There may be those that recall that I've chosen to model "artificer armor" by using Forgeworlds Tartaros terminators. So, this is essentially a normal command squad where my sergeant and all specialists are wearing artificer armor. There's's a problem though, in that there's a minimum squadsize of 5, so the last guy will be in standard PA and end up looking out of place no matter what I do. But what if I were to fix this with a house rule, what would be the coolest yet at the same time less intrusive rule? Do I make up 4th specialist? Do I exchange the last guy with a techmarine? Do I just lower the minimum squad size to 4? Any suggestions?

Speaking of suggestions, I was looking over my different squads and their naming conventions and I found they were currently named thusly:

Swordbrethren Terminator Command Squad 1
Swordbrethren Terminator Command Squad 2
Swordbrethren Terminator Squad 1
Swordbrethren Terminator Squad 2
Swordbrethren Terminator Squad 3
Swordbrethren Terminator Assault Squad 1
Swordbrethren Terminator Assault Squad 2

Crusader Squad 1
Crusader Squad 2

Crusader Fire Team A
Crusader Fire Team B
Crusader Fire Team C
Crusader Fire Team D

Assault Squad 1
Assault Squad 2

Spartan Assault Tank

... BORING! I would very much like to ask if any of you lads with a great feel for 40k and Templar fluff have any suggestions for how to more properly name these. Especially keen on finding something awe-inspiring for the Spartan. For the squads, it seems typical that a marine squad be named after the sergeant that leads it, but since our squads are brotherhoods and not led by sergeant, this naming system makes little sense in our case I feel. Help me Templar loremasters!

Marshal Reinhard

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You're concerned the 5th addition to the Command Squad, being in regular power armour, will stand out. I say use that to your advantage and flex your more than capable converting muscles to whip up the most intense looking PA marine you can imagine.


Put a Grey Knight helm, shoulder pad heraldic shield, and other such accoutrements on a kitbashed or Forgeworld armour mark you have yet to incorporate into your Crusade and arm him with a distinct sword so that he is the legend depicted on the squad banner, such that this individual was once your Emperor's Champion, slayed a nasty demon, and was afterwards inducted into the brotherhood of the command structure?


What is his load-out going to be? Will you tie him in with his cohorts by arming him with a maul (ccw) and bolt pistol, or give him an antiquated and one-of-a-kind bolter?


Make him true-scale if you need to up the ante?


Templarize the Company Master from Dark Vengeance?



I shall leave the naming suggestions to our more lorish brethren.

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  • 3 weeks later...

More WIP's

Got a box of the new fangled Dark Angel Death Wing Knights or whatever they're called, and I have been having a blast converting them into proper Templar Swordbrethren.I should be painting my last 10 crusaders as part of the LPC, but you know, me and Terminators...


First guy is actually from somewhere else and have been posted before, shouldn't be too hard to spot. Currently overhauling him too to fit in with the boys below





That leaves one more of the DW knights, but he's actually being worked on for another purpose. He will appear later.

Anyway, its a bit pricier than standard terminators, but I really liked this set. You get so many bits and they translate really well into templar once you remove the silly feathers and winged swords.


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They look nice, but i think you should send an e-mail to GWS customer service explaining that you bought the kit for your black templars army. otherwise, they may just see "DARK ANGELZ SALEZ!!!" I plan on doing this for every kit I buy from here on.

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Brilliant modeling Reinhard!


The DV termies look very nice (I'm a termaholic as well) and you can never have too many since we may end up getting Storm Ravens to carry them around in.


And it would be very un-Templarish of my not to say that everytime I see your Spartan I swoon. It still inspires me.



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Eagerly awaiting to see you finish painting these terminators, the DV ones already looked so fantastic, and the model conversions on these look very promising as well.

I've been slapping myself for buying a regular Terminator box in December, as now the new DA one would've made for a better BT alternative with the tabards and all. But now with already having a total of 20 terminators buying yet another costly box of them just seems pointless, unless I want to start running a counts-as Deathwing force ermm.gif By comparison I also spotted a pre-owned but unassembled assault terminator kit for 20 euros, but even that I'm hesitating with. It doesn't help that all the kits are just so different. AoBR ones are of course quite plain and not very detailed, the regular assault and shooty kits are "crispier" and more posable but still quite unadorned, the DV ones have nice detail but don't have tabards... and then there's the potential DA kit with tabards. Bleh! If I had good green stuff skills I suppose I'd just add tabards to the regular (and possibly AoBR) termies, but green stuff just refuses to cooperate with me.

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Thanks for the comments.


Tvih: I know what you mean since i'm easily past 40 terminators at this point. Its gotten a bit ridicilous in that their number nearly matches the number of PA marines I have. In that number I basicly have two boxes of regular terminators and regular assault terminators, that is to say about half. The other half are 'special' terminators converted because I wanted them. Space Hulk, Dark Vengeance, and now the DW command box. Only thing i haven't gotten are wolfguard termies. I also found ways to sneak tartaros terminators into my army, and I have been doing my best to reject those delicious looking cataphractii. I hope GW will spare me whenever they do do an update of our stuff and don't give us unique termies. Or if they do, give us an option to field complete termies armies, so I can just drop all pretenses.


Honda: Yeah, you can always do with more Terminator Delivery Systems. Speaking of the DV guys, they're in the proccess of getting a bit of an overhaul, since last time i showed them. Especially the two identical ones arne't quite identical anymore, and there's a new mysterious 5 member replacing their old sergeant, who was the somewhat painted termie above. He of course is replacing the DW guys sergeant, who will be joining yet another group of termies that lost their sergeant long ago. It's enough to make you dizzy.


Edit: Ooh, got 10 special 40mm bases in the mail today. guess ill be having excuses to work on this guys for a while more. 10 you ask? Well, I did say I was doing some overhauls

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Hehe. Thing is I do love even "basic" terminators model-wise, but since I can't roll a 2+ save for the life of me they just kinda fall flat on the tabletop! Plus the additional problem of shooty terminators becoming less than stellar once we lose the second heavy weapon.

I was thinking that the cheapest way for me to go in this case would be to buy that 20€ assault box and then try to find the tabard torsos as separate bits (someone's bound to have extras from having used the non-tabard torsos instead!). I mean I don't want to mess around with converting the the DW shields anyway, so I'd need new shields regardless. Although there's always the cool FW shields as well, but that'd really end up being expensive pimpage in the end. I do suppose a DW kit + FW shields + perhaps even FW shoulders for an ultra-pimped TH+SS squad would be very cool, though - and still quite nice shooty squad as needed. But they'd truly stand out from my other termies sooo much. Would make sense for a command squad I suppose, but even then it'd be limited to 5 models - well maybe 6, with the DV Sergeant added and possibly slightly upgraded towards "conformity." As a fellow terminator addict, whaddya think? tongue.png

EDIT: Also the DW legs have me a bit concerned - removing all those wings from them seems like it'd be a big task to do "cleanly."

EDIT 2: And just realized the DW kit only seems to come with ONE thunder hammer? Ack... that'd mean the Assault box would be almost mandatory :(

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Small update, the overhaul of the DV boys is done. And no sooner than I've taken the photo, i realize i've forgotten the transfers for the mini shields. Oh well, once i get those one that's one thing off my desk.


tvih: honestly, you don't really need to remove the wings. Space marines have wings all over the place, and we're no different really. The only bits that really need adressing is when its obviously a DA symbols, ie winged swords and feathers. True about the box coming with only one thunder hammer and only one set of lightning claws. So you need bits to do a full assault squad.

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Small update, the overhaul of the DV boys is done. And no sooner than I've taken the photo, i realize i've forgotten the transfers for the mini shields. Oh well, once i get those one that's one thing off my desk.


tvih: honestly, you don't really need to remove the wings. Space marines have wings all over the place, and we're no different really. The only bits that really need adressing is when its obviously a DA symbols, ie winged swords and feathers. True about the box coming with only one thunder hammer and only one set of lightning claws. So you need bits to do a full assault squad.


Those DV models just look so great in the colors of a proper chapter, though of course mine won't look nearly as good. If we get another ETL this year, might try them then. In any case, as stated previously can't wait to see the new tabardy batch painted!


As for the wings, the thing with the leg wings on the new kit is that the style seems distinctly DA to me, compared to for example the wings in regular terminator and power armor chests. Ah well, I guess I'll deal with that if/when the time comes. Frankly I should've bought the 20€ kit for the legs and weapons anyway, but it's gone now. Meh!

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I'm getting sloppy, this was supposed to be a update showing my DW squad completed, but there's just so many things i didn't do properly/missed/forgot, this is more like a 95% done WIP


Next up, two termie command squads based on the Space Hulk set, which have been in a looong time coming. One was partially done before, but will be properly done now. Then i think i'll finally be termied out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hail Brothers

I bring news of a more substantial update this time. First, my contribution to this years LPC has been completed:

First a ten man assault squad, bringing my total up to twenty


Next, another 10 crusaders, all with tabads and geared up for close encounters.


Next, and this has been in a very long time coming now, two terminator command squads based on the 3rd edition space hulk terminators. You might notice that second squad feature a sergeant from the DW knight box, on account of the squad losing their own sergeant wielding a thunder hammer, to one of my assault terminator squads. You might also notice that some of the members of the second squad has been posted before (as part of the ETL), but the squad is now finally complete



Next up should be something a lot lighter than terminators


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  • 1 month later...

Not posted any updates in a while, been working on expanding my crusader force to get some properly sized blobs, this time going with the old and true bolter marines.


Given the numbers its been a fairly time consuming process, though those keen of eye will notice i have some of my old completed guys in here as well as they were getting overhauled too. For those that are new which is still the great majority of them, most are an unholy fusion of DV (former) Dark angels and BT upgrade- as well as FW bits.

Not quite done yet, but it's getting there.

I've also slowly been working on my 'pseudo termie command squad'


Not quite legal anymore if you're diehard on your WYSISWYG with the addition of the plasma cannon guy, but this is mostly a for fun project anyway, these're quite enjoyable to work with.Still a long ways to go yet.

Another for fun project is this single cataphractii because I couldn't resist picking one up last time i went bitz-shopping:


Even without adding much of anything, he's turning out looking very Marshal-y. The weapon he's holding is a plasma blaster which means again, legality is out the window, but oh well, I'm liking how he's turning out.


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And here I thought you were joking when you mentioned you made a full white Termi Apothecary in the "what have you painted' thread.

Still he looks nice and it does help break the monotony of painting black all day ;)

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  • 4 months later...

Long time no post. ETL II has both come and gone and I wasn't really at liberty to partake. Gotten a bit more lax around here, so I thought I could go about and make an update.

I've gotten a little time to paint though and have come up with some more neophytes, this time armed with shotguns:


Realize I might have jumped the gun a little bit when i gave two of them heavy bolters as that may yet not become a thing for us, but oh well. They were fun to paint and I had the bits

Also keeping to my theme of making characters in tarttaros terminator armor: here's a chaplain I've been working on.


Neither the scouts nor the chaplain has gotten any transfers yet, mainly because I'm out tongue.png

I feel my crusade is pretty much done when it comes to infantry now, numbering well over one and a half standard codex chapter companies in strength of numbers.

Veichle wise the crusade only manages over one tracked tank and four walkers however, so I think the next additions will go to remedy this in the (somewhat) near future...


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