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Imperial Space Marine Outpost

Brother Morgan

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Hello Brethren.


For my next terrain project, I plan on using 4 Shrine of Aquila fronts to build a bastion like building that will sit on top of a small hill (built out of polystyrene). There will be Eagles on all 4 fronts!




This shows the extra milliput required to make the head stick out 90 degrees from the building unlike the usual 'look to the skies' pose. One down, 3 more to go! The normal window in the Eagles belly will be converted to have both Twin linked Las cannons (for long range armour shots) and heavy bolter turrets.


If you can imagine an entrance at the bottom of the hill, flanked by Giant Space Marine statues, cut into the hill. Directly in front of any would be visitor/attacker, an assault cannon turret will be recessed into the wall. The path to the bastion entrance will then go 90 degrees to the right and will have another heavy bolter weapon emplacement recessed into wall. There will be another walkway covered by another heavy bolter and this will finally take the would be visitor/attacker to the entrance to the bastion. The entrance will be slightly recessed with a final heavy flamer aimed directly above the door in case enemies do get this close to the building. The walkways will be lined by normal sized Space Marine Statues with the pathways either covered with normal size skulls or lots of imperial eagles. The "hill" will have the usual big skulls all around the base of the hill and will be at least 2 in height to prevent anyone from by passing the kill zones.




Here's a WIP shot of all of the skulls I have made so far. They will be "carved" out of the cliff/hill side and to help protect the small number of marines, I intend on placing heavy bolters and multi meltas sticking out of each eye socket i.e. each skull will be classed as twin linked! I plan on using left over Stormraven weapon parts for these.


I also want to build a missile silo / landing site at the top of the hill, alongside the bastion. I have a lot of the circular Mk 1 Rhino Side hatches which I think would look cool as missile hatches.


For the jump pack brigade, I plan on having mines dotted all around the level of the entrance and a number of assault cannons/heavy bolter turrets to cut them down before they can land. At the top of the bastion, I plan on putting the Fortress of Redemption Heavy Laser Weapon (which can be seen in the photo above).


I have various diameter plastic pipes that I will use as waste pipes sticking out of the hill and I plan on creating a "hidden" rear entrance.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Regards, Brother Morgan.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some progress made on the Imperial Outpost - Family and work commitments really eat into hobby time!!




Here's the front view. I've placed twin lascannon to target armour and twin heavy bolter to target infantry in the rotating gun emplacements. I made a rectangle out of plasticard and added rivets. After making a mould, I then used milliput to make numerous copies which were then added as a surround to the guns. The Lascannons were spares taken from old Mk 2 Predators and the Twin Heavy Bolters were taken from the Master of the Ravenwing set.




Here's a closer view of the entrance. There is a heavy flamer aimed directly above the door and frag grenade launchers to the sides for those that get to close. I plan on making a small step to help short people into the building!




This is what I decided to do on the 3 other faces. I sculpted a Mk 6 Beaky space marine on a large skull background at the bottom middle, "guarding" this facing. A couple of mechanicus skulls were also added right at the bottom to show how closely my Legion of the Dead chapter are linked with the Adeptus Mechanicus.




This shows the really technical way I built the rotating gun placement. 6.5 cm of plastic tubing is being held in place by 25mm round bases. This is held in place by blobs of milliput. This was the easiest way I could think of making the gun placements.




This is a scale shot of the Mk2 Space Marine that will be one of 2 guarding the entrance at the bottom of the hill. I used the Space Marine I sculpted from Milliput from the previous statue project and made a mould out of sillicon putty. After lots of milliput was squashed into the mould and allowed to set, this is the result (after a bit of a clear up). I just need to mould some arms and shoulder pads and these Titans will tell everyone who owns this bastion! I plan on arming one with a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield and the other with a power sword and shield.


I will glue the 4 sides together tonight and start on building the top to hold the Fortress of Redemption's Twin Las Cannons.


I have just placed an order for 2 lots of 3" by 12" by 24" of modelling polystyrene which will be carved into a hillside. I have the Fortress of Redemption missile silo that will be carved into the top (bastion to the left, missile silo to the right) already and am thinking of getting some GW defence lines to add to the top of the cliff to give more protection to the SM guards. I am also toying with adding some Assault Cannon Gun Emplacements at the corners at the top of the cliff as added air/ground protection. I'm also thinking of adding more Frag Grenade Launchers around the top of the cliff to ward off enemies scaling the cliffs.




With regards to the walkways, here's what I plan on using!! Until I carve the hill, I don't know how many skulls will be needed. I do forsee making another couple of moulds for this as my current ones are almost knackered!


Other things I have thought about incorporating is at the rear, carve out a large cave and then place a huge blast door (with a large Imperial Eagle sculpted on) there. The door will be big enough to accomodate a rhino and can be used as a means of escape in dire emergencies. I want to add some weaponary above and to the side of this to deter any unwelcome guests - probably a mix of Inferno cannons and heavy bolters.


Thoughts and critiques welcome.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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Update time:


Making slow progress at the moment on this project. The 2 sheets of modelling polystyrene have arrived and will soon be carved into a hillside. I just need to work out the size and placement of all the bits before I start cutting. I've never used polystyrene before. Has anybody got any hints and tips before I start cutting?


Here's a couple of shots of the almost finished bastion:




I'm still working out what to place the Las cannon on to allow it to rotate. I'm thinking of using a small aerosol top just to raise the weapon above the top of the eagle's wings and to avoid the (very sharp!) spikes. This will be decorated with columns, skulls and space marine statues.







Small change to how I'm arming my Titans: Power Axe and Storm Shield and the other with a power sword and shield.




The Heavy Bolter above is for scale purposes. The Space Marine on the left will be armed with a double handed power axe. The blade will be shaped like an Imperial Eagle. I've got to file and smooth the milliput at the top of the handle and then saw horizontal lines to complete the grip. The Space Marine on the right needs the handle of the sword completed and then I'll attach his Imperial Eagle shield to his right forearm.




Here's what I've done on one of the shoulder pads.


When I have finished the titans, I'll move on to constructing the hill!


Comments/critiques welcome.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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Finished my titans today:




This is the approx distance apart that I want the titans and the finished entrance to have - Enough space for one person/model at a time. Perfect kill zone territory!


You can see a few skulls on the ground. I'm toying with using these with the weapons coming out of their eye sockets as the front of the weapon turrets that I will be placing at the end of the corridors. We'll see!


These titans have certainly been a lot quicker to make than when I made the master a few months back. Press moulds rule!




This shows the completed double handed Imperial Eagle axe. I was toying with putting chainsaw teeth around the wings but I felt it would look to Khornate and therefore left the edges plain.




The completed Power Sword and Imperial Eagle Storm shield. I deliberately placed the stronger hand on top of the different titans - shields were attached on the weaker arm.


Cutting the hill tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Critiques welcome.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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they look brilliant mate - although I think you'd keep them a lil further apart (make it 2-3 men wide) as then you'll a)have a better fire arc and b)be able to hold the choke-point with a small elite force (it'd be just wide enough for 2 termies) - I can't wait to see the hill :(


My thoughts are that this outpost holds a squad of marines to look after the population. It is one of many dotted all over the Legion of the Dead territory. I don't see this as a staging base to make excursions from. I'll equip it with a rhino, bike and maybe a land speeder to cover a lot of ground quickly. I can't see them leaving terminator armour on a small planet. As there are so few marines, most of the offensive and defensive weaponry will be automated/manned by servitors.


Russ Brother 92 I'll take your comments on board when I start cutting and placing.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update time:




Here's the first layer of the three polystyrene blocks cut. You can see the general layout of the outpost. In the second and third layers, I'll cut the remaining pathway. Once this is done, I will go back and cut in the vehicle blast door entrance within the first and second layers at the rear. I'm not enjoying cutting the polystyrene - really hard work!!


This shows the start of the skull pathway:




I'm planning on having emblems recessed into the floor at the turning points. These will include Adeptus Mechanicus logo and Crux Terminator symbols.


I also have to cut into the layers the recepticles for the weapon turrets that will be placed to cover fire arcs along the pathway. Talking of which, here are 2 of my completed weapon turrets:




I plan on making another 2, one twin heavy bolter and another twin assault cannon.


Can I ask my knowledgeable brethren how I can undercoat the completed hillside? I know certain products will melt the polystyrene and was thinking of painting a diluted pva glue/water mix over the exposed bits. What do you think?

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This is a great example of how to use amateur molding. I think the fortress looks fantastic.


Only downside is the skulls with guns popping out of their eyes. It makes me laugh too much to take seriously :S


Everything else looks great though, especially the marine statues!

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I took twopounders comments and agree to a certain extent.


Here's version two:




I've shortened the barrels of the Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamers turrets so they won't stick too far out in to the corridors. The Space Marine behind is what's taking up most of the time at the moment. Little things distract me - too many ideas, not enough time.


Another few days and the 4" Space Marine will be completed. I also want to make a kneeling marine firing his bolter. I don't know if I'll do this straight away, or finish the Imperial Outpost - I'll see how I feel.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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