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Imperial Space Marine Outpost

Brother Morgan

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Update time!!




I have spent more time this week painting more weapons to go in the eye sockets. As you can see, I have heavy bolters, heavy flamers, heavy plasma guns, las cannons, redemption flamer, multi meltas, assault cannon, missile launchers and grenade launchers. I have 30 pairs of weapons for the skulls. I need to do a few more weapons and I'm finished with the weapons.


The cliff face is almost complete:




The defense lines are temporary. I'm playing around with how they should be fixed . Any suggestions?




The final side. Skulls and another large scale space marine have been added. Undercoat, paint and highlights are needed, followed by the frag grenade mines being picked out to finish this view.




More Defensive line ideas.


I want some anti-aircraft autocannons to be mounted somewhere, as well as some form of radar dish. I'm thinking of building a mini bunker on the front right hand side for these to be mounted on. What do you think?




Garage partially finished. I have already stuck on the hurricane bolters for anti personal work. I need to stick 4 heavy flamers above on the rockface, pointing down. This will hopefully deter would be foot soldiers from attempting access. I think I'll have some lascannons as well to deter any armour from attacking from this face.


Some more polyfilla/rocks around the entrance and the prep work will be completed.


Back to cleaning up sensors, vents, smoke launchers and hatches for the rest of the day.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

Update time:






First drybrushed highlights completed. I plan on drybrushing "dry mud" to the bottom of the cliff face to have a little realism. The frag grenade mines, drain and secret escape have been base coated black. The frag grenades will be painted tin bitz and a dry brush of gold (muted by devlan mud). The escape hatch and drain will be a muted silver. I'm looking forward to painting the drain! I think icicles and PVA glue are in order here to make the waste run off look realistic.


To complete the cliffs, I need to enclose the garage blast door entrance with polyfilla and add some weaponry.


I've decided that the defense lines weren't the right shape for the perimeter defenses, so I have just ordered some skyshield platform armour from America that I will use instead. So it will be a couple of weeks before I can finish off the top of the rock.




How do I add snow scatter? Do I just paint Pva glue on the parts that I want to be covered or is there another method?


Looking forward to your help.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks eetdestroyer - a useful link. I've bought another packet of snow (this time from GW) and will try different effects before sprinkling on the outpost.


Update time:




Front view. I finally finished painting the whole of the Imperial Eagle tower and have moved onto the exterior wall. The frag mines on this side have been finished and I have added a water pipe at the bottom right. I want to add some rust to this pipe. I know FW sell rust weathering powder - Any suggestions on how to do this or where/whom to buy from would be appreciated.


I have a few Skyshield "Defence lines" that I have started to paint up. I'm waiting on 2 full sets from America, so this is giving me enough time to (hopefully) finish off most of the outpost - leaving the top till last.




At the top right of the front view, the pillbox has a radar controlled quad assault cannon turret fitted to engage firstly, any flying targets, and secondly, any enemies attacking the outpost. The turret is a WIP - I need to sand the milliput around the sides to get a smooth armour-like impression. I'm considering using the FW SM Radar turret taken from the command Rhino, but think it looks a bit strange on the top of the turret. I may use a smaller rader on the turret and build a small housing to hold the larger radar relay (and place this elsewhere) - something I think the outpost would have for planetary and interplanetary communications/spotting threats. What does anyone else think I should do?




This shows the entrance to the pillbox that has partially been painted. The missile launcher/land pad has been finished - I just need to set it in some polyfilla. If you look at the back of the Skyshield Defense Lines, I have added some double tread plasticard to allow any would be defenders to have a small walkway to patrol the perimeter. I plan on using some twin heavy bolters with twin pistol grips (any ideas where I can get a lot of these from?) to be attached between the Defense Lines to allow the SM guarding the perimeter some heavy fire power. I'm thinking of not actually painting the whole of the top (which will have a layer of polyfilla added). If I paint some small patches of rock and then add a small layer of snow flakes all over the top, I think this would suitably winter like. What do you think?




This shows the update for the garage entrance. I have added 4 heavy flamers and some frag mines to protect against any foot soldiers (as well as the twin hurricane bolters) and 2 turrets to hold a lascannon to ward off any vehicle attack. Just need to paint the rock when the polyfilla is dry, add rust to the water pipe and paint a small control panel that would be used to open the doors.




Finally, a shot of the finished Defense Laser taken from the Fortress of Redemption. I'm happy with how the base has turned out considering it's an old bottle top!


Another couple of weeks and this will be finished - I hope!


Comments/critiques welcome.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

  • 2 weeks later...

Another update:




10 days of painting Skyshield parts and this is the result.




Extra rings/holes have been added on the 2 rocky out crops for further defensive weapons. I'm going to place the Aegis Auto cannons at the front and am thinking of a different payload at the rear. Any suggestions?




You may just see that I have left a small gap in the shields to allow defenders to quickly be able to run to the front ramparts without having to run all the way around to the pillbox. I'll add some double tread plasticard to add a small walkway.


I think most of the hardwork has been finished now - just the finishing off things to be done. I've ordered a few Heavy Bolters and searchlights from the Fortress of Redemption kit from Hoard of Bits from America and once they arrive and get painted, I plan on liberally sprinkling the 12 Heavy Bolters around the perimeter Skyshield wall, interspersed with the searchlights. I also have a number of bastion sensors that I need to finish painting to be stuck on the rocks.


I've still got to mount the FW Command Rhino Radar somewhere on the outpost as well as a large FW Chimera Searchlight I have laid my hands on. This will assist in sweeping the air and area surrounding the outpost to aid in visually spotting visitors as oppossed to using sensors. Any suggestions for best placement?




Final shot of the progress of the rear hanger entrance. I need to drybrush the mini skulls above the doorway and add an already painted computer console to the side of the hanger doorway to finish off. I'm thinking of laying a thin layer of polfilla over the whole of the top exposed foam. Once dry, I'll paint the pathways the sentries would use with a bit of rock colour and then add another thin layer of polyfilla to give the appearance of more snow having fallen. If I add a few layers of gloss varnish and add some snow flakes into the mix, I hope to give the appearance of ice/slush where people have been walking or where servitors have melted certain walkways.


Critiques welcome as always.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

Updates on the Imperial Outpost:




My first attempt at weathering metal. I bought some rust effect wash on Saturday from Antics in Cardiff before going to the Millenium Stadium to watch Wales beat the Baa Baas at the Millenium Stadium. I think it turned out ok. Less is more - I don't plan on using it anymore on this outpost apart from ......




This is what I've done with the waste pipe - Some green sewage and rust. I need to add some more PVA/gloss varnish to give a more wet look here.




I've started to add some snow and am not entirely happy with the results. Any suggestions? I am thinking of adding a very small layer of polyfilla to all the parts that I want snow and then putting a thin layer of PVA and drop some snow on top. This I hope will bulk out the snow effect and match the effect across the top of the outpost. If I put lots of snow effect on, how do I get it to stick? Do I add diluted PVA or can somethink like hair spray (providing all foam is covered) keep the loose snow effect attached?




The almost finished top of the outpost. I'm waiting for the polyfilla to dry before I can paint the pathways with the rock effect. Still got the Quad Assault cannon turret rear to sort out (weapon is front heavy and I need to counterweight to balance it better) and the pathway from outpost doorway to cliff edge.




Here's what I did for the radar detection and communication array - a slightly modifed FW radar.




Here's the searchlight in situ. Just waiting for the milliput to dry (repairing mould slippage) and then I can finish this bit off.


The Heavy Bolters and searchlights from the Fortress of Redemption kit from Hoard of Bits from America haven't arrived yet - I have a horrible feeling that HMRC will stop the package in the post and charge me VAT (probably charge me £3 ish and Royal Mail charge me £8.00 for taking the money off me - nice work if you can get it!). A couple more days and hopefully this project will be finished and can get back to converting Land Raiders and also making my version of the Fortress of Redemption.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

Its only taken 6 months and a small fortune in bits, time and effort to get to this stage War Angel!


Eventhough this is a semi permanent fixture on the kitchen table, I'm hoping my wife doesn't ask how much this has cost to build (I've had the snip so whats the worst thing that she could do to me!)


Regards, Brother Morgan.

Does the garage door work? This is so bad ass, I'll have to make one at some point. Sigh


Unfortunately, the garage doors are stuck in place. It was hard enough to do the outside, to do the inside as well would have killed me! :)


Finished constructing the quad assault cannon and started the base and first layer tonight. Hopefully get that finished tomorrow with a wash and a highlight.


Going to bed now.


Regards Brother Morgan

Can we get a weapon count?


I know there are 36 skulls weapons emplacements as I started to glue the weapons there today! Without further ado:




Started to add some more snow today as well.




I've used superglue and then a coating of PVA on the guns, so I'm hoping they won't come off easily.




I've tried to place the snow into little drifts where I think it would gather naturally and after a servitor cleans the pathways. I've used diluted PVA glue to stick the loose snow scatter - no idea how long this will take to set! There should hopefully be less white on the pathways after the PVA drys clear.


The Quad Assault Cannon ammo hopper needs the bullet tips painted in blood red and a small amount of silver touch up before I finish it off with a small sprinkling of snow.




I think I went overboard with the snow on the missile emplacement, but again, I'm hoping the dried PVA will allow the emplacement to be viewed clearer. I enjoyed covering the Radar in a slight dusting of snow.




A view of the right hand side of the outpost before it starts snowing! Twin Autocannon, 3 Twin Heavy Bolters, Twin Grenade Launcher, Twin Multi Melta, a Battlecannon, Twin Hurricane Bolters and numerous frag mines. I plan on putting some form of scope into the other eye socket next to the battlecannon to finish the construction on this view.




Need to reglue one of the autocannon barrels to finish this side before more snow is added. I thought Twin Assault Cannons and flamers would be enough of a deterrent for anyone that gets too close to the escape hatch.




Rear view. I seem to have miscounted the number of weapons needed for the skull emplacements as I was 2 skulls short - yippee!! 4 more weapons to paint!


I shouldn't need to add much snow to this view as there are minimal protrusions.




Final shot for today of the garage doors with the lascannon emplacements. Jack Frost will arrive here shortly!


List of things to do (in no particular order):


1) Finish painting large searchlight.

2) Finish plastering as close to the tower with out sticking the tower to the rock

3) Stick autocannon back.

4) Finish quad Assault Cannon turret and add ladder and hand holds onto pillbox.

5) Paint 4 remaining weapons for skull emplacements.

6) Paint Heavy Bolters and Searchlights (still waiting for parts to arrive) which will be scattered along the perimeter barriers.

7) Finish adding snow to all rock faces, top of perimeter barriers, pillbox, large searchlight and Imperial Eagle building.

8) Stick door controls onto side of garage blast doors.


Night off tonight as need to prepare to go back to work tomorrow.


PS: War Angel - I'll do a final weapons count when I finish painting the Heavy Bolters (that haven't arrived yet!)


Regards, Brother Morgan.

So each skull is really a twin linked weapon of mass death... My want meter has increased. By the way, in modern ammo, red tipped means its a tracer round. If that maters to you


How many points would this even cost?


How many you got? :)



Almost there!!




Really happy with this view - Looks really foreboding and uninviting to any would be visitors!




A little hint to who built the outpost!




Garage entrance - enough to park a Rhino or at a tight squeeze, a Land Raider.




Marines aren't cowards, but a means of escape is a sensible option. Flamers, Assault Cannons and Frag Grenade mines protect the hatch.




Top view of the walkway up to the entrance. It shows the ramp to quickly get from the Outpost entrance to the front crenellations to repel any would be attackers.




The entrance to the Quad Assault Cannon AAA pillbox and the large searchlight to sweep the skies for enemy fighters. I added a small ladder to assist getting to the roof quickly.




Quad Assault Cannon AAA with built in radar with added snow effect. I didn't add snow to the barrels as I thought they would be regularly tested.




Steps to the entrance have been added to the entrance. A WIP painted SM has been added to show the scale of the outpost.




Sewage outlet added to assist any would be genestealer/tyranid to access the building! Frag grenade mines have been used to cover this approach.




Close up of the escape hatch.




Outpost with a light sprinkling of snow. I don't know if this looks realistic with the amount of snow that has fallen on the floor, but after spending a lot of time painting the outpost, my head/heart wouldn't allow me to really cover it with snow. I think it looks ok and gives the impression of it recently having snowed.




Top view from the side of the Large Twin Lascannons mounted on top of the Outpost.




Top view from the front of the Large Twin Lascannons mounted on top of the Outpost.



Learning point to myself - I don't need to spend hours painting parts to the best of my ability to then cover all my hard work with snow effect sprinkle! I reckon I could have saved myself a few weeks painting time by missing out a few stages of the painting process in completing this outpost.


Things left to do:


1) Finish painting large searchlight. DONE

2) Finish plastering as close to the tower with out sticking the tower to the rock. DONE

3) Stick autocannon back. DONE

4) Finish quad Assault Cannon turret and add ladder and hand holds onto pillbox. DONE

5) Paint 4 remaining weapons for skull emplacements. DONE

6) Paint Heavy Bolters and Searchlights (still waiting for parts to arrive) which will be scattered along the perimeter barriers. ARRIVED YESTERDAY - CLEANED UP, UNDERCOATED AND READY TO PAINT

7) Finish adding snow to all rock faces, top of perimeter barriers, pillbox, large searchlight and Imperial Eagle building. DONE

8) Stick door controls onto side of garage blast doors. DONE


Another couple of nights painting the Heavy Bolters and Searchlights and this project will be finished. I have no idea where I will store this!


Next terrain Project:


I have slowly been buying bits for the Fortress of Redmption over the past few weeks and am planning on building a defense line. More to follow!


Comments and critiques welcome as usual.


Regards, Brother Morgan.


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