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Sons of the Emperor


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Thanks guys :D


@Stolid Fox: The knife hands are just weapon swaps. The one on the right is from the first squad completed (and shows all the changes in paints/inks over time, something I still need to go back and fix)The arms are normal straight arms from the Assault Marines or old Space Wolves sprue with the weapon cut off and a replacement combat knife attached. The pommels are made of anything round kicking about in my bits boxes. Chainsword parts, old banner poles...






The blades are Imperial Guard. They're a little smaller than the Space Marine combat knifes, and a little more Tanto shaped.


The Buddhas are exactly that, cheap knick knacks. I had a go at painting one up and damaging it a little too look more like stone. Im not 100% happy with it yet but it was more of an experiment than anything.




He "just" fits on a 60mm base, but may still be too large.




Thoughts? Suggestions?

I like the way that you have truescaled them. It makes them look lean and rangy--more like tough, professional soldiers than thuggish meat heads. It also makes their heads look smaller, which is very important in a game where everyone has a bobble-head.

I decided on a granite look because I reckon it suits the theme and fluff of the army. Also I wanted the colours to blend with the terrain already build around these guys as well, which is mostly greys, whites and browns of a rocky forest in winter. I don't think I have the patience yet for painting marble either :S


The method was kind of a happy accident and didn't take that long to achieve. I prime all my models using the white on black method, black primer with white lightly dusted from above. Once the white is on you get this;




After doing this to the Buddha I was fairly close to the look I wanted already, something like this;




I painted the whole thing with a very watered down mix of Battlegrey and Badab Black and then hit it again with a white dusting. A couple more watered down washes of Badab Black and another dusting gets it where it is now (sitting beside a primed only piece for comprehension)




It's not *quite* there yet so I still have some more playing around to do.


Thanks Malfeasance, tough and pro was what I was going for. I want these guys to look like they've been thru the alot.

Messed about with a bolter trying to achieve an appropriate sidearm for my Rune Priest.




I like the idea of a little versatility so I build this to represent a fancy Bolter/Storm Bolter.


And also a few wip bases. I like to have them done before hand, so they are ready and waiting for finished marines. The larger ones will be for Fenrisian Wolves as they are completed.



Ahhh crud, I was afraid you were using that sort of trick to make the stone color <_<. I like the end result, as I already said, but it seems like something that would be a bit too tricky to work into painting actual marines with. I.e., unless the whole model is that color, you have to be super extra careful about painting on secondary colors, since you'd have a hard time touching up an effect using spray cans with a paint brush....


Hmm but still, might be worth playing around with. Thanks.


Cool vertical Storm Bolter you made there, too. Doing those barrels must've been a pain.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ive been making slowww progress on my three remaining Grey Hunters. At this rate they should be ready by April ^_^




Part of the reason for my lack of painting is that I've received my chapter's first piece of armour, a Razorback/Rhino. Please excuse the excessive amount of blue tac, I'm still working thru different accessories mock up.








And in Rhino mode,






One of the things I'm most happy with are the improvements to the interior bulkhead wall. I removed all but one of the screens and added a seat. I think it cleans up the interior and makes it a little more practical looking. What are all those extra screens for anyways?







  • 2 weeks later...

Razorback/rhino primed and ready for painting.












Not 100% sure on how I'll do all the doors yet, but I want to try a little free hand on the roof hatches.


I'm still not feeling my Rune Priest, just cant get motivated to work on him. So tonight I threw some blutac and bits at him to try and get something happening. This is what I've got so far.








What do you think?

Very cool pose, but if you want nit-picky-ness, I think his left foot should be pointing down a little more like he's in the process of stepping down, also he's kinda in an awkward half-sideways walking pose, so maybe you could twist the torso a bit? If that's too much work though nevermind cuz it does look good, if not 100% natural.


As for the beads, I don't understand what they're supposed to be. They're too big for a necklace, but they're too small to be like skulls or something so que pasa?


For the rest though, awesome stuff!

The beads are ment to be a Buddhist prayer bead necklace, a la;




but oversized to be more like the necklaces found in comics and video games, a la the blademasters in Warcaft 2, etc.




The beads on the Rune Priest right atm are more of a place holder with I make up something better from scratch.

More progress on the Rune Priest.










Changed around his equipment placement again. Will probably move the Stormbolter back to below his backpack, or remove it altogether, or add a large, count as anything holster instead. Cant make my mind up :S

Awesome work going on in this thread.


As for the Buddhas, if nothing else, they will make great scenary. I would love to see them with some moss growing on them and a bit more weathering like the right image you referenced below.





That white over black spray technique is working so well, I swear the auto cannon looks as though it's super imposed.



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