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Sons of the Emperor


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lol define well-maintained! I've been both a tank mechanic and an infantryman (mechanized) and I have yet to see any vehicle as polished as vehicles I see used in wargaming (thought the last few years people have started adding ships and weathering techniques beyond that). I've driven and ridden in many that had paint flaking off and rust patina underneath, sometimes in rather large areas. There's barely enough time and money to (and personnel) keep a battalion above 90% combat effectiveness (and tbh I've only been in one unit that did that without fudging some numbers and cannibalizing from other vehicles) let alone keep them clean with a nice paint-job. From what I've seen if you paint them to any realistic standard it's always met with 'too much weathering'... Pretty much the only thing I ever tried to keep spotless clean was my weapons systems, both personal (m4) and vehicle (m2 or 240b) and that was a job by itself. Weathering should be a part of detailing, imo. It really sets a model apart.


+1 to this. In my time in the USMC I never once saw anything that looked as well kept and maintained in appearance as anything seen in wargaming. As an infantryman well maintained meant clean enough to still work, and dripping TW-25B.


Sh0sen, I have to say I am thoroughly impressed with these guys. I have wanted to work on a Lost Company of SWs for a bit myself. I really like how you bulk your guys up. I always disliked most attempts at making Marines more proportionate to other mini's. I think yours seem to have struck the perfect balance between being taller than other humanoid infantry, and having the appropriate amount of equipment one would have to prosecute a real combat action. I just look at SMs and think to myself: "I would have never left on patrol with less than 7 magazines, 2-4 grenades, and all of the other random things we have to carry; things can't have changed that much in the 41st millenium"

hail, you might recall me linking the cyber samurai heads. Well kromlech now put out "vibro katanas" in 28mm scale.




Also just echoing what everybody else said, but your stuff really is amazing, and I feel the weathering really brings the models to life.

Circus and Mat, I've had every little experience around military equipment, but as a welder I do spend a fair amount of time around and repairing heavy steel and machines. I figure the amount of care and maintenance would be similar so I've tried to portray that in the tanks I'm building. I have never seen anything repainted or fully cleaned unless it was worn out and going to auction :) Thanks for the compliments and comments on the Rhinos. Means I'm achieving what I set out to do with them.


Second Rhino is based and washed, ready for some highlighting and details.






Started painting a Razorback turret.




All the baggage preped.




and while I was at it I whipped these up to use as objectives or terrain.



The dozer blades were fairly easy. I cut two rectangle and warmed them up a little over a candle. Doesn't take much to make to make them pliable.




Then form them around something with a curve near what you want to achieve, tape them in place and let them cool.




Glue the two pieces together. Once dry you can file and sand them to shape.






Hope that helps.

  • 4 months later...

Hey I'm back! Summer hobbies are winding down now so I've begun working on my SoE marines again.


Not alot of progress, been working on some Long Fangs I started in the spring. Just need to finish off the bases and then these guys are ready for paint.











Lovely work brother, especially the pose on the Sarge!

This. I almost want to imagine there is some poor half-dead enemy on the other side of that rock, and the sarge is just standing there, daring it to get up :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks guys!


Long Fangs are painted,










And also finished off the second Razorback








Like a chump, I forgot to take photos of the inside before glueing it together. Hopefully you can still get an idea details and freehanding.





Crazy cool, man. You've really put a lot into every model you've made, a sure sign of someone who is dedicated to his army. Absolutely incredible, bro.


On a side note, that missle launcher guy in the center? Yeah, consider his pose nabbed for my Marines Malevolent, he looks outstanding! :lol:


Keep up the great work!

Thanks guys, glad you like them!


Heathens, go ahead. Id be lying if I said some of you marines poses weren't influencing mine ;)


MagicMan, the parchment for the seals are made from the foil you get off the tops of wine (or better yet, scotch!) bottles.




Almost finished the rest of my Fenrisian wolves.







I've been on a bit of a painting binge lately. Normally I spend most of my time building but I've used this new found drive to paint up some models I've had sitting around for awhile. I've finished off the Fenrisian wolves;








And the sniper Scouts that have been neglected for so long;












I also played around with washes a little on these guys, changing the order and methods I've been using in the past. I found that with fur and cloaks, a few very diluted washes after most of the paint is on, rather than a heavy wash on the base coat, give them more depth. I'm going to mess around with it a bit more and maybe start applying it to power armour and weapons too. I've never been happy with how boring my power weapons turn out.


Funny you should mention Terminators, I picked up a box of Wolf Guard the other day, along with a drop pod!


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