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Sons of the Emperor


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Love those wolves!


And the scouts, love the gillie style barrel wraps and the cloaks with added fur collars for additional warmth in the snowy environ, to me it is this kind of attention to detail that makes models stand out, excellent work!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys!


No model updates this post. I've been putting time into some terrain. For the last year or so all the terrain I've built has been themed around the bases of my Sons army. These bases have been made to represent their homeworld, ravaged by civil war and a Waaarggh! invasion for the last 50 years. This Sons of the Emperor band has returned to find their planet in ruins and are now picking up the pieces of what's left. So far all the terrain I've made has been your basic hills, rocky cover and trees. I decided it was time to start adding in some buildings and ruins. I started out with a basic residential block, a tea house and some basic walls. These are ment to represent a smaller, almost rural community. Once I have enough to represent this I plan to start working on some more urban city fight style pieces. Like the Chapter, everything is ment to have a subtle Japanese/Norse theme.


Sorry for the picture quality as my camera has been out of action for awhile.


This is the first standard housing piece.






The wall sections.




And this is the WIP tea house, currently in the early painting stages.








I've also managed to play more actual games of 40k in 7 days this week than the past year, mostly against my primary opponents Eldar, which has been fantastic as its allowed our gaming circle to really come to grips with the new 6th rules. The freshly painted Fenrisian Wolves managed to effectively tie up some Howling Banshees and to celebrate I plan to paint up and increase the squad size. This way I will also be able to add a Cyber Wolf and have enough left over for a Lone wolf and some other planned characters. However, I still need to learn how to stop my Rune Priest from dying before turn 3 tho, he's almost always the first to go :/


Here's couple photos of our recent games.



My friend's Autarch, deep striking and about to finish off a Grey Hunters squad.



The conclusion of an Orks Vs Eldar battle. This also give you a glimpse of the snow themed terrain I built previous to the above buildings.


Win or lose I always have the total support of my faithful Fenrisian Wolf (German Shepherd) companion!


  • 3 weeks later...

Only one piece of terrain left to paint for this set, then its back to army building. Im not making this into a terrain blog, I promise.






Put the finishing touches on the first house. And took some better photos as well,








Tea house/Tavern










While painting the signs I decided to stay away from Imperial iconary, as well as Kenji and runes. Instead I modified and used fonts from the game Bastion and a couple of other sources. Hopefully Ive pulled off a unique typeface that I can carry across into the army. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


The wall sections kinda morphed into more of a market setting, which Im very happy with. Its the made the pieces much more versatile.













Critique and comments welcome as always :)

  • 2 weeks later...

These have been sitting at the back for awhile, had a break thru the other night and now they are coming together nicely.




Still lots of work to go, but I'm making progress. I know the official thunderwolf models are available now, but when I first started these guys they weren't. Plus I wanted something bulkier. These mounts are ment to represent beasts the warband encountered while in exile and began utilizing for transport and as pack animals to compensate for their lack of vehicles. Ill be adding things like saddle bags, packs and equipment to represent this, continuing the idea of an army on the move.








One of these break thrus also has to do with continuing to flesh out a character I've modelled in the past. Hedi started out as a powerfist sergeant with a bloodied eye. He then became a battle lord with an eye plate. Now he has become a mounted Wolf Lord, and bearing the new title, Hedi the Lost.




Hedi is not the oldest, or most veteran of the remaining few, but he may carry the heaviest burden. During their exile is was he who finally slew the Traitor. Tho what little honour there was left was restored, Hedi remains sullen. No one knows what keeps his spirits wrapped in melancholy, but he continues to fight with little regard for his own life. He rarely sleeps, instead sitting in silent council with the dreadnought Ulfor.




I wanted his equipment to be as versatile as possible while I experiment with tactics for the unit. Above he's wearing a unique Wolf Claw. I also built these up to represent a Frost Blade, tho im undecided on which I prefer.









Comments and suggestions welcome as always.

This is my favourite log on the B&C. Every time I visit this log I'm blown away. Not ashamed to say that this provided considerable inspiration for my own Sons of Tyr, but I'm hoping to take them down a more native American route in terms of mythology and background. I absolutely love the terrain - it has none of the sometimes cheesy overgrimdarkness you see with the official GW terrain, and yet still feels totally 'real' and believable and fits the Marines perfectly.


I particularly like the Wolfhounds and the counts-as Thunderwolves...and the devastators...and the whole army! Really a big fan of this plog.

That marketplace terrain piece reminds of when Private Joker is reunited with Private Cowboy in Full Metal Jacket. I love the subtle Asian themes everywhere. You don't overboard like some do with these types of themes. Its entirely believable!

Thanks guys :D


The Fenrisian Wolves are built on Chaos Warhounds. I followed a tutorial from a blog I read. Not sure if forum rules allow me to link to it but its fairly easy to find in a google search. They might not be as big and detailed as the new wolves, but you get ten in a box, instead of 5, for the same price. Can't beat that.

Oi, these guys again. Just when confidence in my own skills was finally starting to return. :)


I'm terrified of the rigors of truescaling, but you make it very, very tempting....


Your epic skills are beyond doubt. I'm off to smash my models in jealous spite now. ;)

As already mentioned by others, this is great work brother. Love the colouring on the buildings and beautifully understated theme. The thunder wolf guys also really work for me, the heads on the beasts really work with the Asian theme.


On to Hedi, awesome! For me the bottom most "Frostblade" works best on a TWC mount, the unique wolf claw, whilst very cool, lacks the "reach" with him sitting all the way up there but hell, both look great!


Out of interest are you going to put any barding on the mounts?


Other than that can't wait for the next instalment!

Thanks guys,


Everyone seems to like the balcony shot. I enjoyed taking the cheesey magazine style photos. Ill endeavour to post some more :P


Firepower: truescaling isn't as challenging as it seems. The first couple of tries are the hardest, but once you have a system its easy. Most of the work is in the legs, which for me is mostly about getting away from the regular GW poses. I basically turn them into action figure style legs with wire and move them around until I'm happy with a new pose. Now that I've been doing it for awhile I can wipe out a set of truescale legs in no time, hardest part is waiting for the green stuff to dry...


As for the comments on the theme, I'm really pleased with the fact its coming across the way I intended. Thanks for all the positive feedback, it keeps me motivated :) But saying that I also appreciate the comments and criticism. New ideas are always welcome too!

Put some more work into the Thunder Wolves.




I'm really pleased with the Thunder Hammer pose. I've tried the over the shoulder thing before and never been able to pull it off. I wanted the hammer to be longer to fit in with the chainsword polearms and it just worked out this time.






Hedi isn't the only character in this cavalry unit. This guy is also unique and has a story that takes part during the groups time in exile. His name is Njal (no relation to the stormcaller). Njal the Older to be specific, and there's a reason for that. For game purposes he's a regular marine, but in the Sons' fluff he has his own saga.






Nighthunters: I don't intend on adding any barding or armour to the mounts. I plan to keep them fairly simple looking, nothing to make them fancy. These Thunderwolves are ment to look like they double as pack animals, in the same way the vehicles have equipment strapped all over them. I've been using a photo of some German horse cavalry in the field as reference.




They have the look I'm interested in, not at all like the clean and polished parade photos.


This is the sorta thing I'm going for. Excuse the bluetac, its temporary while I mess with the idea to see what I can come up with.






I agree with you on the Frost Blade. The second one is definitely more fitting. The first just looks too much like a GK blade, ugh GKs :)










What do you all think?

Firepower: truescaling isn't as challenging as it seems. The first couple of tries are the hardest, but once you have a system its easy. Most of the work is in the legs, which for me is mostly about getting away from the regular GW poses. I basically turn them into action figure style legs with wire and move them around until I'm happy with a new pose. Now that I've been doing it for awhile I can wipe out a set of truescale legs in no time, hardest part is waiting for the green stuff to dry...


Aside from the sculpting (my personal nemesis) the thing that I've a hard time working around is cutting up those legs. People like yourself and the tutorials I've found here on BnC cut them down to their most basic segments, but my exacto knife doesn't seem so nimble.


But yeah, even then...greenstuff. We don't get along too well.


Better just to leave it to guys like you. :)


Also, PUPPY! German Sheps are the awesome ;) May he feast on a thousand xeno psycher kittens in glorious victory.

Firepower: Luckily there are sources for ready made truescale marine now. Gotta love the sites that will give us what GW won't.


Xenos Kittens are hard to find. She seems happy enough with milk bones for now :P


Dorns_fist: Thanks :P I've been working on the beasts for awhile now, mostly experimenting and trying ideas out. The actual build time for one probably isn't that long. Most of the work is in shaving down the existing ogre saddles which were just too tall and adding fur where the bald patches are to make the animals look better kept. The thing that takes the most time is the fur, cus you cant really get away with doing it all at once. I had to do it in sections and let it harden otherwise I'd ruin my work with clumsy fingers. While doing this I also tried a new technique of sculpting fur, which turned out to be a huge success and improvement! But, it ment I wasn't happy with what Id already done and stripped all the old fur off to redo it....

Worked on Hedi's cloak some.




And a new Hedi means he needs new wolf companions!




Also started working on some details for the saddle. I plan on adding reins, and there needs to be a place for them to be tied to while the mounted marine is fighting with both hand.


I started out with this, but it looked too much like a modern western saddle horn, so it got scrapped.




So then I scratched my head alittle and thought about other options. This is what Ive got atm.




I figured if a space marine was going to design a saddle it would be simple and rugged. It would also probably made from scrap or spare parts from a tank or vehicle, as the chapter only started using these beasts while in the warp. They wouldn't have had the resources to build something elaborate.


What do you guys think? Any suggestions?


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