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Hell fire

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I haven't done this but this is how i would approach it:

I would paint the whole fire with Skull White then, rather than using green paint, use washes of Green Thraka. Make sure you keep the core of the flame white and, with successive washes, build up the green colour as you move to the extremities.

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I started with the darker colors, and I worked toward the lightest point (Fiery Orange, Golden Yellow, Sunburst Yellow, white). We’re keeping the transitions smooth. The reflections can be made with glazes, which will create the natural effect of light falling on the surfaces.


Just a snippet from this tutorial.


It's not incredibly in-depth, but it should serve as a good starting point. :woot:

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The washes are a good idea but remember that fires (especially bale flames) would be brighter at the source/depths


White with progressively darker green would make more sense, but would be harder to achieve sometimes




Check out the picture of the Flame Test on Copper Sulfate. I think that's close to what you'd be looking for.


Yep, almost a perfect Skull White down to a Scaly Green at the exterior.


EDIT: Removed half the junk I said. This is probably the color scheme you want.

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