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Land Raider Prometheus Angelis Imperator


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I am really liking those tracks, looks like a monumental pain in the posterior but looks like the results speak for thmselves, really nice, rugged, utilitarian look.


The interior is also really well done, good job!



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HURRAY YIPPEE tracks are finally complete. that, I think, is the end of the build. its taken a while and I've learnt some stuff along the way, like dont try and change the tracks and wheels lol, but now..... finally... I get to paint


ok so one of the tracks is wonky, I'll amend that tomorrow but for now goodnight all

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I've started working on my colour scheme. I want to keep the number of colours down to a minimum so it doesn't look too busy. these are just the base colors and the green will be a lot darker. the robes will be a mid tone of snakebite and bleached bone with the skeletons being bleached bone. the swords will be two tones of grey for rock with a few splashes of red.


What do you think, am I on the right track or can you sugest other colors.

here are a few size comparisons


and a few with some of my army so you can see the colour palette I use


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update, been very busy this last week or two at work so I've had a very limited time to paint.

My son for his 7th birthday brought the Tau Empire mega force so I've been busy putting that together for him to paint. Love it lol

So all I've managed is to finish the interior. the Tech marines shoulders are free hand on top of a skull transfer.

The Termie is a green stuff tabard and cloak with Forgeworld Deathwing shoulder pads and a converted power fist to have him directing the controllers attention.



As usual I welcome all comments and sugestions

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I like how all the marines at the display look... angry. Or one marine is pissed, because the other is looking at naughty pictures of his mother. And their commanding officer either recognizes her from his days as a novice- or she's just infamous. : P


The detail level here is jaw dropping.


And just @#$*&^ING SWEET.

To spare a few inadequate words.

Keep it up!

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This deserves more recognition wacca! You've done tons of work and it shows! It is indeed awe-inspiring. I'm already thinking about the interior of my LR Crusader...


I really like the Termie in what seems like repremanding the techmarines :wacko:


Terminator Sergeant: No idiots! THAT screen!

Novice Techmarine: Where, where?




Suggestion: Post it in the DAs sub-forum. People would love to see it and you'll get many more comments for sure!

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wow thank you guys, it's been a labour of love so far and your comments are greatly appreciated. I like your interpretation of the termie /tech conversation, I was doing it so the Deathwing master was telling the tech where to call down an air strike but I like your ideas lol

how do I post it in the sub forum?

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Been a busy few nights painting. should have it finished in time for my pledge at the local GW, all base colours are done and I've added rain streaks (hard to see in the pics), next is the final highlights to a few bits, lights and lenses and then last the final addition of dry mud then some wet mud.

Heres it so far.







and just a quick view of my wine and spirits area. probably not the best mix in the world. even through my mask I can feel the effects lol


I am struggling with adding damage and wear to this colour of green any tips and hints would be great :0)

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