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Matte Varnish


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My last Matte Varnish I used (Armory Spray) was complete junk....it left a chalky white dust across my mini's, which I ended up having to strip down. So, the question is, what do you guys and gals generally use and approve of to protect your mini's?


EDIT: Ug. Just noticed the very same topic not even a few below mine. Never mind....

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I use Armory matte clear all the time. The only time I get clouding or chalky finish is when I forget to take the temp and humidity into account and have had it happen with Krylon, and automotive grade clear coats as well. You have to adjust for this by adjusting the spray distance and how heavy the coat is and/or waiting for more forgivable conditions.


There is a cure for chalky and clouding though. IT's not 100% effective all the time but will ussually bring things back and is easier than stripping. Wait for the cloudy/chalky finish to dry thoughly then spray with a lite wet coat of Dull cote. THis has saved me all sorts of frustration on the rare occasions I've had this issue

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I use Army Painter. When I sprayed for the first time I had the same result with chalky white dust on the minis, so was figuring out :). Guys here on forum explained that most often this happens because You have not shaken the can enough or spraying in wrong temperature. Since then I am usually warming the can up a bit and then giving it a vigorous shake (3-4 minutes) - and never had this problem again.
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