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Some of you may remember me and my foray into True-scale Khorne Berserkers found here.


I lost interest in gaming and modelling for awhile, but after staring at the beginnings of my Khârn model for the better part of 3 years I finally got around to working on him. I'm getting near the painting stage but here's a little backlog on the project.


What was sitting on my shelf for almost 3 years:










Current State:



Looking for some suggestions on color scheme. I'd like to do something different then the typical red. I've got a nice dirty white scheme I like, but I've never liked broze/gold trim on white.



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Dude!!!! Totally epic!!!! I want one!!! If you've got a nice dirty white, why not add in a nice dirty blue and go Pre-heresy?







Pre-heresy Khârn would be different enough to stand out while sticking to the world eaters scheme.


its looking great so far, i am looking forward to the next update.

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Thanks for the kind words.


I have considered painting it pre-heresy style, but I think the feel of the model is a little too post heresy(spiky bits, skulls etc). I'm starting to think maybe white with red trim instead.


Some progress:





The bare arm is off the ork sprue. The proportion isn't bad, but the hand is a bit big. I figure its the warp, a little mutation is to be expected.

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You are off to a promising start. I'm interested to see how you pull off the other shoulder pad.


Khârn only has one shoulder pad, so the one I've done will be it. Pretty close to the original, just doesn't have the trim which fits with the rest of the model.


Here's a comparison of my Gorechild to the original. I agree the original was too small, I'm pretty happy size wise with what I ended up with.




Also a tacked on view of the pistol arm, give you an idea of the final pose.



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It's good work but I think Gorechild's head is slightly misaligned - the head of the chainaxe (I think) really should be parralel to the wrist. At the moment it's tipped toward the sky which throws the pose slightly. Don't get me wrong this is great besides but I feel I would be being dishonest not to point something out that I felt was off. :)
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Some truly mad GS skills there, mate! Khârn is looking really good so far, I like especially the belt-like looking part of his armour.


One thing though, while the ork-arm is looking suitable in size, I think the muscles itself could have been better. For example, the muscles themselves are a bit small compared to its length. Maybe using GS to build them up a bit would help, especially his biceps and forearms.


Otherwise, he is looking really good so far! :tu:




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Youre work is great! I really love the other true scale bezerkers you have Done as well. The one thing I think needs a little work is kharns axe arm....it just seems at a strange angle, even if you were going for the back part of a full swing pose...overall though awesome work!
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Some paint:




Biohazard: I'm using the original Khârn head. Its one of my favorite helm models.


Kenaz: The angle of the axe head is off a bit, but I've decided to leave it as is, it was too much work for such a minor adjustment.



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