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Officially consider my mind blown. Insane, man. If I had even a quarter of the skills you have, I would be a happy camper. I can't wait to see this fella finished.


Quick question, are you using guitar wire for the pipes on the sides and chest, or is that something else? I can never get my wire to bend so nicely.

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Nearing a standstill on this project until I pick up some more bits. Love to get some input as to a color scheme and weapon selection on the left arm.


I'm basing him off this picture:



Here is the current progress as well as a scale comparison. He's bigger then I expected him to be, but a year or two in the warp will do strange things :P





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He definitely looks like he is living up to the artwork! He is one massive bugger too. I dont think you can ever go wrong with a huge chainaxe or daemonsword.


Colorscheme: Are you trying to make him fit in with Khârn? or new scheme? If new scheme I would say to try the Sons of Horus seagreen color scheme. That would look awesome.

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Now that's what a terminator should look like. With concerns to color scheme, might I suggest painting him in the colours of the Black Legion to suggest he was one of the Justaerin? Then you could portray Khârn as the blood thirsty killer and the Terminator as the more calm, cool headed guy. I reckon that would cool.
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As I before that Khârn is amazing the terminator is fantastic too, what bothers me though is size of the marines head compared to the arms, legs and chest. I know this terminator armour but he looks more like a primarch. But that's all I have to say, it may be the angle of the picture with the arms/legs looking longer than his joints could actually function.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all. I'm still waiting on some parts for the Terminator and trying to decide what to do for the left arm so I haven't done any work on him.


Instead I've been updating and trying to finish the squad I started 3 years ago to accompany Khârn.


These 3 are nearly finished, 2 more I need to update the red and I need parts to finish the last 3.


Pic of the almost done Berserkers. The red looks a little pinkish but all i have is my camera phone, its actually more of an orange.



Comparison to my new red and former red. The old red was a little too WorldBearers for me.




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One more guy done. I'm still waiting for parts to finish the Terminator, starting to get impatient!






- 2-3 thin layers of Red Gore (Doesn't have to be perfect will be fixed in step 3)

- Heavy wash of dark blue wash. (Asurmen Blue)

- 2 coats of Red Gore to clean everything up

- Hi-light of Red Gore / Golden Yellow

- Hi-light of Red Gore / More Golden Yellow

- Two washes of Baal Red



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