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No Rest

King Willy

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Chapter 1


We watched in secret from a small refinery tower on a ridge as our brothers marched to battle the opening shots were traded as sporadic bursts leapt from there guns, across the rusty red wasteland the enemy moved to meet them, a small cult of chaos worshipping traitors. Veteran Hunter Rahid spat on the ground as his monocular implant zoomed in on the traitors.

"Foolish filth" he growled in his strong Aladozzrian accent, "Didn't know you were such a poet sir" said Veteran Luscian, a small smile spreading on our faces as he stepped forward and looked down over the edge. "Is intel sure they will arrive here" he questioned to the Hunter. "Yes boy, see that pile of rocks there" he said pointing to a strange formation of rocks with dark moss growing upon the sides, "The moss forms words and shapes, dark and twisted, they will use it to guide there troops through the warp" he said calmly.


I looked back over the battle as it progressed, my brothers in the Assault squads had made there move, descending like furious angels into the heart of the enemy vanguard purging the make-shift barricades with flamer and chainsword, I got just make out the form of our Hunter-Captain, Torgandus Rex, his winged jump pack darting from enemy to enemy as his blade bit through viscera. Oh how I, Veteran Ranger Gordalius, could be next to them, I was never comfortable with this skulking around the Rangers did, waiting to strike a single blow against an unprepared enemy.


I watched as the Assault squads leapt out of the battle, the enemy survivors bewildered at the sudden change of tactics, I quickly looked up to see the burning contrails of Drop Pods falling from orbit towards the flanks of the traitors, landing one after the other with heavy impacts, the staccato of bolters barked out into the suddenly silent day as the combined fire of 40 space marines tore into the confused forces, slowly the ring tightened around the traitors small base, men tried to break through the rear only to be caught by the quick moving Assault squads, others tried to man gun emplacements only to be cut down by missile or heavy bolter fire, I felt a pride as I watched the sight of my brothers.


"They'll be on there way now" Rahid said, pulling his helmet down on to his head and locking it in place, others did the same or checked there bolters were loaded, I watched the rocks that was meant to be the gate way for the enemy, static building slowly over the vox, a sickly hissing noise that sounded like mud bubbling mixed with a thousand locusts, the babble of warp spawned magics. "Move into firing positions, we'll pick them off when they are all the way through the gate" Rahid said as we all moved into positions around the ridge, each of us putting our eyes to our scopes in synchronized precision.


It was a slow build up, a odd haze of green mixed with the red sands and rocks spreading tendrils out around the rocks, immediately we smelt a vile odour of rotting meat and disease, the haze seemed to coalesce into a ball that hung thick and low as green lighting jumped from rock to rock lifting the sand and pebbles into the air, a dull thud spread out from the rock scattering the sands as light flashed within the ball, giants stepped out from shadows phasing into reality. They were Astartes but not like I or my brothers, there armour hung from their pale bodies, boils and pus burst from ancient and corroded plates, blood seeped from every orifice but with a dark clotted appearance, they looked out slowly across the wastes with bloodshot and crusted eyes, some carried chainswords with rusted teeth and corroded metal housings, others held bolters that had bonded with the pus that seeped from their hands.


I could feel the stench wash back over me and recede as the warp gate closed, the plague marines began there slow advance forward but we stopped them.


As one our bolters barked hellfire.


The Plague marines turned as the first shell hit there armour, they roared in return firing off there own bursts, but they were futile, we had the higher ground, and our bolts burst in a mutagenic acid that burnt even there rotten and corrupted flesh, pus flowed from wounds as they fell one by one, each writhing and roaring in pain as their decaying insides turned to mush and burst through their armour. As I fired I could scarcely tell the wounded from those who still stood.

One remained now, our target, one of the Champions leading the traitors, I could here him taunting us. "Come fight me in all my splendour cowards", such petty threats would not deter us as we continued to fire on his bloated form, even the Hellfire acid seemed to barely make him flinch, I watched as a chunk of arm dropped off, the muscle now a ropey syrup, he smiled as he ripped his bolter from the fallen hand and fired back, He took a bolt to eye as he fired up at us one handed, his smiling disappearing in a spray of congealed blood and mutagenic acid, he fell to one knee as another bolt ripped through his shoulder armour and he toppled back over himself.


We stopped the barrage as he hit the ground, Rihad motion us to stand with hand signals, "Can someone confirm" he said over the vox, a small servo skull shot out towards the body, darted around it before returning to the hands of Brother Mizarik, "He's with his gods now" he said as he read the scan results.


Chapter 2 coming soon

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 2


We approached the battle from the west on foot, a long hard trudge through a wasteland of rust and rock. I had teamed with Veteran Brother Gorsavic to haul the stinking corpse of the fallen Chaos Lord. "How can anyone allow such corruption to the flesh" he said looking at the yellow hand with covered in pustules and boils. "They are not true astartes" I said, I would have spat on the corpse if not for my helmet.

"They are afraid" said Rahid from the front his jet black hair rustled by his helmet as he pulled it off, "They were never astartes to feel such things, unable to accept there failings they turn to Chaos" he said almost stating a fact.

"Do you pity them?" Brother Luscian said, I could sense his smile behind his Corvus helmet.

"Of course I do, to feel fear is to be less then Astartes, that is the domain of mortals to weak to affect there world" Rahid snarled.


"Why do you talk to the Hunter like that?" I asked over the secure vox to brother Luscian.

"To see how he reacts, the old man loves his rhetoric, I just like to get him passionate about it" he replied back, though I knew the true answer, Brother Luscian was young and boistrous, born of the High Born Hives of Luthas, he had been raised to disdain the lowly working class and scorn the uneducated masses, even now raised up beyond such mortal things as status he continued these beliefs, I had garnared a little respect being of a smiliar background as he though not on a level of his families, Hunter Rahid on the other hand, and most Aladozzrian Marines, was an uneducated orphan who stalked the wastes to deliver messages he could not read.


Luscian looked back at me quickly a smirk hidden by the nose cone of his helmet, I ignored it.


"Whats the plan now, Hunter" Gorsavic said, "We meet up with the rest of the force, Hunter-Captain Rex will wish to examine the body and we shall move our plan along from there" he replied curtly.


The march continued for a few hundred meters as we approached what remained of the Chaos Stronghold, great holes blown in the flimsy metal fencing and furrows dug out of the Ferrocrete bunkers by melta fire. Piles of bodies were being burnt by flamers while chaos weapons were piled high in the middle of the base. "Keep all ammo seperate and make sure the chambers clear" a seargeant yelled to his initiates as they jogged in and out of the bunker complex.


"Ash-Brothers, wonder why there here" Gorsavic said in regards to the young scouts helping with the clean up, Scout squads were rarely seen by the brothers out of battle, they spent the entirety of a campaign hidden within the harshest terrain on the planet, for them to be aiding a clean up meant an important operation was begining that would require the scouts to be fighting on the front line.


We left he intiates to there work and made our way towards the center of the compound, a large landing pad covered in razor wire and spikes with skewered corpse hanging like macarbe fruit ready to be plucked, Captain rex stood in contemplation with his Hunters as we approached, he looked up quickly the augmetics of his right eye glowing a pale white pulsed brightly for a second as a smile crossed his fine partician features.


"Rahid, it's good to see you successful on the hunt" Company Champion Wolf said, his face unreadable but his tone aloof, "Aye wolf, a pleasure to see you again brother" Captain Rex added walking towards the Hunter, his large plasteel wings seeming to suck the light from around him made his snow white skin shine in the scalding sunlight, the two marines gave the sign of the aquilla before Rex pulled Rahid into a bear hug, "Can't you feel the Emperor with us today, we slaughtered almost one hundred heretics with not a loss of life" he said walking the Hunter under his arm towards a table covered in maps. The Wolf simply nodded making the sign of the aquilla as they approached, "Your men may go and leave the traitors body with apothocary Disius" the wolf said before turning towards the maps on the table.


"He's like the pus oozing from this corpse" Luscian said through the private vox, "Quite, he is our brother and the companies champion, he has earned our respect" Brother Mizarik snapped, he loathed Luscian more then any other in the chapter, they had fought more then a few honour duels, I agreed with both so kept my words to myself. His pride will be his downfall I thought to myself as we turned away from the commanders meeting and carried the corpse to a Rhino APC were a Astartes Apothacary administered to the few wounded.

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 3


An almost imperceivable smile crept across my face at the sight of apothecary Disius, he returned it with a slight nod and the sign of the aquilla, "Hail Rangers" he said with a smile, his eye darting to the corpse, his smile broadening ever slightly, "A gift from the hunting veterans" he said walking a little to eagerly towards us, instruments ticking quickly.

"Aye old friend" I said quickly helping Luscian to lay out the corpse in front of the apothecary, "Our target, he was tough, we must have unloaded a couple hundred hellfire rounds into him" Luscian added while wiping coagulated blood and pus from his shoulder armour. "He seems to still be relatively intact, Progenoids defiled but still functioning" Disius said stabbing around the corpse with his tools.


"Why would chapter command want this corpse?" Gorsavic asked moving towards the corpse and kneeling next to the apothecary, "That is not something I can discuss" Disius replied staunchly, a clearly rehearsed line, "No matter I shall have the Ash-Brothers clear the body away" he said standing and walking towards the supply crates stacked next to the command squads razorback transport.


"How was the battle, brother?" I said walking over to help Disius pull a small plastic shroud to cover the body, "The captain would have you think we purged the heretic without damage, but as the emperor dictates we must make sacrifices, Hunter Garmos needs to replace his cranial augments after a bolt round struck it and Brother Morgas has lost one of his legs to a lucky grenade, that's ignoring the number of us who left the compound with shotgun pellets all over us" he said half-heartedly.

"That is the way of war, apothecary" Luscian said gruffly, "We fight, we pray not to die" he said pulling his helmet of one handed and pushing his hair up into a high top-knot.


"If you say so" Disius said pulling the cover over the corpse and whispering a quiet prayer.


"No time to rest Luscian" Gorsavic said pointing us towards Hunter Rahid stomping towards us, fists clenched and barely contained fury etched upon his face.

"Were to Hunter?" I said calmly, "We have a thunderhawk to catch get to the landing pad now" he seemed to growl, "The Captain would like to see you apothecary"


I looked over at Gorsavic who returned the look alarm hidden under our helmets, it was disrespectful to exclude the Hunter-Captains title and use the imperial designation, especially if coming from an Aladozzrian born. What did they talk about? I though as I walked towards the landing pad in the centre of the base, it's struts burnt and defiled by the heretics rituals, "Such a dark place, how many were sacrificed here" Brother Mizarik said catching up to me, "Who knows brother, hundreds maybe" I replied looking at the skull lined base of the struts, clearly no one had ordered it cleared or no one wanted to clear it.


"Thunderhawk is 5 minutes away" Mizarik said checking a read out on his servo skull, "How do you get away with carrying such a relic around brother" Gorsavic said walking up on Mizariks left, "I'm allowered to, it was a gift from the Molten Father" Mizarik said with a smile, I chuckled a little, "So proud little Brother" I said.

"If I recall my dear older Brother, this skull helped you avoid more then a few grenades in your time" he said with a smile patting the little skull before letting it hover down to his belt were it clipped a small metallic hand to a ring and deactivated.


"Enough chat" Rihad said stalking past, "We have to meet the rest of the Ranger Veterans on the landing pad" he said with fists clenched as he stomped up the stairway to the pad. "Could he be annoyed at the joint mission?" Mizarik said, "No brother, he enjoys the sport of competing with other squads, he's normally ecstatic" Gorsavic said following the Hunter up the stairs.


I followed the other Luscian catching up with a jog, "ready for a little sport Brother" he said with a smile, "Ready to win" I replied with a smile.

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Chapter 4


The thunderhawk flew low and fast along the canyon, down below the augeries of the anti-air turrets, banking hard and disturbing the rocks with jet wash. "Twenty seconds from target" the pilot said over the vox as we all sat in our harnesses, "Get ready Brothers we dropping in on a warzone" Rihad said pushing the release switch on his harness and moving towards the front ramp, we followered suit each pulling the special-issue combi-plasma boltguns from the rack and forming up behind the Hunter.


We each did our little warm up rituals, Rihad bounced on the spot, his heavy armour like cloth under his skilled control, powerfist flexing and sparking as he stretched out the fingers, I said a prayer to the emperor, "Emperors light, guide my bolts, so I may bring retribution in your name, allow me to cast down the blasphemous and heretical so that your wisdom can shine the across the galaxy" I mumbled under my breath, Gorsavic stood next to me his helmet darting quickly across each of us, a quiet internal scanner probably blinding him with data on our suits and weapons, I knew Luscian was behind me a quite sneer and bloodlust building on his face, with little Mizarik letting his servo skull darth around his armour making tiny adjustments.


"Target reached, doors down!" the pilot yelled, the front ramp hissing as it opened like the mouth of some metal beast, we sprinted out behind Rihad, already the battle was ferocious, bolts and las beams flew across the desert sands as Guardsmen and Astartes clashed with a massive horde of Chaos Space Marines.


"Move, Move, Move!" Rihad said as we made our way into what remained of an old moisture condensation factory with huge pipes that dipped over the edge of the cliff, "Get into cover and hold fire till I order" he roared as we each slid into cover among the pipes and water tanks, I could just make out the form of Traitor guardsmen moving atop the gantries that snaked around the factory, "Keep quiet wait till the signal that unleash hell, Dragonfire only" he said, anger still seething in his voice, though I could sense it ebbing away with each second, his training kicking in.


I moved slowly under the shadows of the pipes my bolter held ready to fire on a group of guardsmen setting up a large barreled autocannon covered in skulls and crude drawings. "Keep still the signal should come in five... four... three..." we all looked up as we heard the heavy thuds of distant artillary, then came the whine on the count of one, then the smashing and explosive overpressure of heavy shells bursting nearby, I looked left as the explosions landed within a small prefabricated hab complex. We moved forward, low and fast, vaulting over the pipes till we were in range, I squezzed the trigger in a quick burst and watched as the air around the guardsmen and there auto-cannon erupted in bright purple flame that set there armour and clothes on fire, one managed a shot before a bolt preirced his chest and ignited his body.


The whole factory seemed to light up with the flash of lasgun fire even as small puffs of fire reach out to lick the sunlight, another barrage of artillery smashed the hab complex again and the sound of chasing metal signalled the collapse of one of the buildings as a small rhino transport detonated within the avenues between the buildings, I risked a glance over as I ducked in behind a small water tank, sparks and flashes vaporized the dirt and rock around me, the glance left me scared as I looked over, five massive forms approached out of the dust cloud, huge and menacing they ripped through the metal of the building with energized claws and fists with chainblades attached.


Chaos Terminators, each in dark green armour, slick with fresh blood and marching under a banner made from the bones and armour of defeated Terminators from the emperors chapters, anger seethed as I recognized the shape of Crux Terminatus badges hanging from the banners tops. "Targets approaching on the east side" Mizarik yelled over the vox.


I turned and unloaded a clip of bolter rounds on one of the gantries above a line of fire bursting out behind my tracers, as my anger fueled my aim, flaming guardsmen toppled over the guard rails as I spun and opened fire on the approaching terminators, who simply roared in response before one lifted a heavy twin-barreled cannon and swept a wave of explosive shells towards my position.


I srambled foward as and spun to watch my cover torn apart by the torrent of high explosives, glancing over I could see the rest of my squad forming up around me and firing across the desert at the juggernauts striding towards us, I looked over at Rihad who aimed his Bolter up and shot a flare bolt high into the sky, detenating in a dark blue smoke.


"hold them for five seconds we on our way" a voice said over the vox, I complied and unloaded round after round on the Terminators even as they drew nearer with an implacable inevitablity, I could make them out clearly in all there debasement, each had huge tusks either welded or grown onot the helmets of there armour, with huge gnashing teeth in place of there voxgrille, each erupting with gutterul hatred and dark prayer as they threw there heads back in forboding laughter and taunts.


I watched as one smashed it's powered fist into a small water pipe running a long the ground before it opened fire with an ancient and defiled boltgun, one of them stopped and pointed an energised bladed finger towards the south as a thunderhawk screamed towards us, the terminators turned and opened fire on the approaching craft as it opened it's rear hatch and skimmed low across the sand, heavy bolter erupting into life to smash the ground around the terminators, one of them falling to one knee as a round struck some weakend joint of plate i could not see though the wearer still fired on the transport.


Out of the rear dropped a squad of Rangers wearing jump packs and armed with blades that bore the unmistakable sheen of black Basanite, a dark and relective volcanic mineral that made blades sharp enough to cut through terminator armour with ease. The Rangers landed with a burst of jump pack fire blades ready and pistols barking.

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Chapter 4


I watched as my brother Rangers launched across the desert, skimming low along the ground, cutting tracks into the ground as there jump packs dragged them forward in zig zagging lines, each pause long enough to send a bolt twisting into the plate of the Terminators, one corkscrewed high as the heavy cannon shredded the ground a head of him, landing with a slight he sent a salvo of bolts into the terminators chest, who buckled back and fell to one knee only to topple over as brother Mizarik followered suit and unloaded his own clip into the beast.


The other terminators gave quick glances to each other as they fired on the quickly approaching Assault Rangers, whose quick movements and jinking made targeting them almost impossible, I watched the Hunter of the assault Rangers close the gap with a sudden forward blast launching high into the air before he came crashing down on the Terminators, bolt pistol firing the whole time.


"Cease fire, move the main objective" Rihad said, a small tactical arrow blinking on my visor and drawing my view to the top of the factory. I automatically move, stopping only long enough to see the blade of the Assault Rangers chainsword bite up under the arm of the Chaos terminator, the teeth a flash of black crystal and blood, I turn and vault across the pipes, the weight of my armour bending pipes as I jump over the machinery, my brothers follow suit, vaulting and ducking through the maze of pipes and tanks, Rihad hits the stairwell first hurling himself up two steps at a time, his eyes moving across the upper levels for any enemy movement that survived our assault.


I make my way up a different staircase, Luscian and Gorsavic following behind, Bolter up, I moved slowly up the stairs watching for any movement, Gorsavic scans further up while Luscian keeps a watch over the sides. A guardsmen pops out from the cover, "Death to the false emperor!" he roared from a fang filled mouth as his auto gun fires, I step to the side before firing a trio of bolts into the man, Gorsavic fires towards the left were a small group of guardsmen had gathered and opened fire on our approach, across the facility I could here bolter fire mixed with the rattle of auto guns.


"Gordallius" the vox screams, It's Rihad, "Lead your brothers to the top, meet us there" Rihad orders as I race across the gantry towards the gathered traitors, the rythmic thud of bullets on my armour in time with my steps, Luscian pops shoots off behind me as I smash into the first traitor, I could feel his body grow suddenly slack as his head smashes open on my shoulder pad, a bloody pulp were is face once was, my combat knife flashes out across the neck of another standing behind his comrade, blood spurting from the wound as his head flings across to the side and he stumbles over the edge of the guard rail, another guardsmen stabs with a bayonet, I push it away with the flat edge of my knife as he commits to the blow, Luscian then backhands the poor man so hard he is sent flying of the gantry.


Gorsavic catches up and puts two guardsmen down with his bolter, "enough fighting, go!" the old veteran yells as his bolter snaps up and fires through the upper gantry into a group of guardsmen moving towards the stairs, I move forward, pushing the corpse I smashed over the edge of the guard rail as I go, Luscian trains his bolter up along the stairs watching for any movement, I lead up the stairs, bolter pit and holding my knife up against the hand guard.


Slowly I peering down the gantry at the popped forms of the corrupted guardsmen splayed out were they fell, Luscian darted past me watching the ceiling as we made our way to the final stair case, "Last flight" I say over the vox to Hunter Rihad, Gorsavic moves past me as I wait at the foot of the stairs, below I can hear the sound of the Vanquard Rangers battle with the Terminators, I chance a glance down to see one of the Rangers try to leap out of reach of a Terminator with his jump pack only to have his leg caught by the terminators power fist and slammed down hard into the ground, to quickly caught to deactivate his pack he slid along the ground smashing hard through a water tank, white water rushing out were he fell, the terminator stalking forward, clawed fingers flexing as he raised them high above his head and brought the energized fist down on the hidden form of the Ranger with a heavy thud that sent arcs of energy coruscating through the rushing water.


I turned and moved up the stairs behind my Battle-Brothers, I step up to see them all looking over the battle beneath them, "Terra" I said in awe as I looked at how close the battle had become

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 5


I looked out across the field, once miles of vapor catchers and solar panels, now reduced to bullet chocked trench lines, guardsmen snaking through the pipes, mere meters from the enemy, whose own troops navigated the labyrinth of pipes and bunkers. Meanwhile tracers blanketed over head, heavy bolters and autocannons exchanged fire in snaking waves that crashed explosively through anything more then a few centimeters above the ad-hoc trench network. "What is the point of this battle?" Gorsavik said, his bolter hanging limply to the side.

"They are trying to draw out the Lords" Hunter Rihad said, I now understood his anger, this was not how we fought, we did not sacrifice soldiers, no men and women.


"Why, have the Ash Brothers not found them yet" Luscian said looking over his shoulder at the Terminators below.

"They would not say, I was told we are to hunt them out when they arrive" Rihad said calmly, turning to also look down at the Terminators behind them.


"To the sky!" Mizarik said quickly pointing to the black specks cruising towards the enemy lines, "Drop pods?" he gasps turning to me, "No!, Bombs!, Orbital Strikes" I say quickly as they streak into the enemy lines, chocked into the few entrances of the piping they were clustered together and died in a mangled heap as super high explosive yields combined with relativistic velocities shattered there ranks.

The blast waves rippled out, launching those still standing nearby across the sands for a hundred or more meters, even those in the trenches felt the force as they were slammed into the walls and the entire maze shook with the impact.

Even were we stood we felt the factory lurch, pushed back with the forces sent out from the explosion. "What more would they commit to this battle?" I said as I turned to face Rihad, who held a small targeting laser out, "You guided there shots?" Mizarik said calmly.

"Yes, now to business" he said turning to look over the edge of the tower, his sights trained on one of the terminators, "Turn and fire on my target" he said as he opened fire.


We all followed his command without thought, bolts rained down on the lone terminator, who buckled as the first bolts impacted, turning slightly on his knee he managed a quick burst with his twin-linked bolter before a round struck under his helmet and between his chest plate, the armor pushed out slightly as the bolt detonated within and blood spurted up through the hole, his armor had locked into place and so he stayed kneeling, bolter outstretched in some sought of macabre statue.


"Target the leader" Rihad said pointing his bolter at a terminator with a large banner made from flesh, who was busy fighting a Ranger with a jump pack.

"Fire, Rihad" the vox said as the Ranger blasted backwards, "Plasmas fire!" Rihad shouted as we each flicked the switch to fire the underslung plasma gun, each trigger pull unleashed a small bolt of plasma, super heating the air with a roar as they left the confines of the containment fields and sped down towards the Chaos Champion.


The Lord recoiled as the first bolts hit the massive bulk of his armor, a massive armour clad fist rising to hide his smiling bare head, dark runes glowing red and gold as the dark green metal warped and shifted to form a vast slab. The plasma smashing into it burning slowly before daemonic mouths stretched wide to quench the destructive flames.


"All things a privy to change, Astartes!" he roared as his bolter warped in suit, a snake like daemon mouth coming to life were his twin-linked bolters barrel should be, it seemed to smile as fire built behind it's bared snarling fangs before a bolt wreathed in balefire leapt from it's mouth.


"Down!" Rihad cried as I looked on in disgust at the corruption wrought on the revered suit of Terminator armour, I leapt quickly to the floor as the first bolt streaked by my head, a cry like the damned following in it's wake, I felt the gantry shake as a bolt exploded against the walkway and looked up to see a bolt screech through the solid metal, a multicoloured scar glowing were it peirced through.


I heard a grimace of pain before a bolt exploded behind me, looking back I could see Mizarik clasping at the remains of his arm, a small stub of flesh slowly growing out were his forearm once was, "Hunter, Mizariks arm" Luscian shouted as he dashed down the gantry, the flaming bolts following him as he sprinted low across the gantry.


I turned to see Rihad tear Mizariks shoulder pad off with his crackling powerfist, he gripped around mizariks shoulder tenderly, looking into the eye lense of the young veteren, "I am no Ash-Brother" he said, returning the gaze, I could sense them both smile a little beneath there helmets as Rihad squeezed down upon Mizariks arm slicing clean through armour and flesh to remove the slowly mutating flesh, which now moved of it's own accord as it flopped on the floor like some disgusting parody of a fish.


Rihad gabbed the tentacle and cushed it within his fist, "With me Rangers!" he shouted as he vaulted the rail of the gantry.

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